
Sign in System of Second Dimension

It is story of a young man who traveled to countless fantasy world's and became the strongest with the help of the system. Let's watch his story.

Yuuki_Shindo · Fantasy
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155 Chs

Chapter 51 - Abnormal monsters

Facing the monster on the fifty-first floor, a group of five people continued to penetrate like a broken bamboo.

"I always feel that there are no monsters coming out today!" Tione killed the monster attacking her and complained.

"Isn't it better to be avoided by them? If you can complete the commission without fighting, then thank God!" Tione hit Tiona on the head and said.

"That's not what I meant! Forget it!" Tiona shook her head and didn't say much.

Since entering the 51st floor, although they encountered monsters several times, they were all solved smoothly by the five of them. After all, Miyuki's firepower is too strong and other girls aren't vegetarian.

It's just, the more he went deeper, the more Miyuki frowned!

This isn't the situation he estimated. According to his estimation, there should be many strong monsters attacking them and he should be able to exercise his ability value to the limit by killing them.

"It's so wrong!" Miyuki released his mental power to search the surrounding and said with a frown.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing Miyuki's words, although everyone was taken aback, they quickly asked seriously.

"The number of this kind of monster is too wrong! It doesn't have the strength that the fifty-first floor should have. We must not have encountered an abnormal situation!" Miyuki remembered a little bit about the plot and said after looking around.

"Abnormal situation!"

Hearing this word, everyone's hearts couldn't help but tense up.

For adventurers, the most dangerous thing is the abnormal situation. It can always unknowingly set up a net for adventurers, and then take away the life of the other party.

But then they relaxed a lot. With Miyuki here they shouldn't be in any danger, It's just they still have to be careful.

Miyuki looked at several girls who relaxed due to his presence and sighed that these girls should be more careful.

In fact, it's not that Ais and others weren't careful and cautious. It's just, Miyuki's strength is too strong and after seeing his fight with Balor, they believe in him a lot.

Even so, they still became more cautious than before.

"March quickly, don't stay here for too long, hurry to Cadmus Spring as soon as possible!" Miyuki sighed and said.

"Yes!" Although they relaxed due to Miyuki's presence but they were still a bit nervous. After all, if something abnormal happens here, even they can't bear it! Only Miyuki might be able to fight.

The footsteps of the people became faster and faster, and as the road under their feet narrowed, Miyuki knew from Tione that they were about to reach their destination.

And at this moment, Miyuli ordered the team to stop and said, "We are about to arrive at the Cadmus Spring. Before that, let's confirm the precautions!"

"Tione explain about Cadmus spring and the Dragon guarding it."

"Leave it to me." Tione patted her chest and began to talk in a deep voice.

"Because of the abnormal situation here, I won't make too many jokes, and just make a long story short."

"If we want to get the spring water of Cadmus Spring, we must defeat the guardian of the spring water, the mighty dragon. There is no other way to get the spring water."

"And you all know the strength of Cadmus. In terms of strength alone, it is still higher than most of the floor masters."

"Only Miyuki can fight against it head-on."

After Tione finished speaking, Tiona then said with a smile: "I still have the experience of being blown up by it, and my internal organs are messed up!"

'Good guy, as expected of you, you can laugh about this kind of thing, so you really don't care.' Although he wanted to complain, Miyuki finally held back.

"Miyuki...how are we going to fight?" Ais asked while looking at Miyuki with jewellike golden eyes.

Hearing Ais's question, Miyuki said seriously: "It's still the conventional plan. I will fight Cadmus head-on and attack it with magic once in a while. Ais, Tiona, and Tione will surround it and suppress it with me. As for Lefiya, you have to support from the back by launching attack magic and defense magic."

"Although this guy is much stronger than the floor boss, don't worry too much, you can leave him to me."

"Yes!" All the girls nodded with a smile.

They believed in Miyuki's strength. After all, Cadmus is only stronger than Udaeus, not that it's stronger than Balor.

Miyuki can hammer Balor to death, so, it's no problem in dealing with a monster who is just stronger than Udaeus.

Seeing that a consensus had been reached, Miyuki led the four of them to move on, and soon they came to the room at the end of the road.

The Cadmus Fountain is in this room.

The five of them crept forward and carefully peeked at the scene in the room.

But soon, Aisi noticed something unusual.

"It's so quiet!"

No longer hiding her existence, Ais walked in directly.

"Ais!" Miyuki looked at Ais helplessly and followed behind her.

Looking at the strange Ais and following Miyuki, Lefiya, and others had no choice but to follow and rush in.

But what happened inside was completely beyond their expectations.

The trees that originally grew in the room were all broken as if they were crushed to pieces by something.

The surrounding walls and ground were also turned into powder by something unknown.

But what is even more puzzling is that there are traces of melting everywhere around.

"It's the new kind of bug," Miyuki confirmed what had happened at a glance. After all, on the fifty-first floor, there were no monsters that could melt matter other than the new species of bugs in the original plot.

Even so, he didn't respond too much. After all, he can easily deal with the new types of bugs by launching some magic cannons.

While Miyuki was thinking, Tiona and others, who kept exploring, quickly found clues around the Cadmus Spring.

"This is the corpse of a Cadmus?"

After comparing the astonishing amount of ash on the ground with the size of the strong dragon in memory, Tione came to this conclusion.

After discovering something, Ais reached out and took out the golden dragon wing membrane from the ashes.

The membrane of the mighty dragon Cadmus.

This is an extremely precious drop item, and even after the death of the mighty dragon, there is only a small chance of it appearing.

"It really is the corpse of a strong dragon!" Tiona jumped up excitedly.

Standing beside Miyuki, Tione who was becoming more and more disturbed, said quickly: "Hurry up and fill the spring water, and we will leave immediately!"

Everything that happened here was just too abnormal.

"Yes!" Lefiya hurriedly took out the equipment for collecting water and started collecting. Because the Cadmus was dead and did not use the spring water, the spring water collected was far more than what they planned to collect.

"It seems that there is no need to go to two places to collect, this one is enough!"


After putting away the water bottle, a group of five people left Cadmus's room and hurried back.

"Who do you think will kill Cadmus?" Tiona looked at the wreckage around her and asked suspiciously.

"According to common sense, it should be made by other monsters!" After ambiguously fooling her sister, Tione recalled in her heart all the strange things she encountered on this floor and thought, "It's definitely an abnormal situation, but I don't know how it will unfold!"

At this time, Miyuki has already prepared to launch magic cannon.

Although those bugs aren't very strong, their defense and erosive power are too strong. In the original, even Finn and others who were Lv6 couldn't resist their erosive power.

He will not be careless with these bugs or he might be fine but Ais and others will definitely suffer.

With various concerns in mind, everyone kept moving forward.


Suddenly, a scream came from the depths of the maze!

"It's Raul!" The five people said in unison.

The five made a decisive decision and ran towards the place where the screams came from. Soon, the appearance of a monster appeared in front of their eyes.

It was a caterpillar-like creature with a yellow-green body.

And on both sides of their bodies, there are more than a dozen legs and feet growing, almost like a combination of caterpillars and centipedes.

This was a monster that Tione and the others had never encountered before. Miyuki also saw it for the first time.

New species!

Looking at the monster in front of him, Miyuki's eyes lit up, and thought, "This guy finally appeared... my experience points.

Miyuki wouldn't just wait for these monsters without any purpose.

He waited because he wanted to use these guys to exercise his ability value to the limit.

Hundreds of normal Lv5 monsters will give even Lv7 a certain headache, much less these guys who have stronger defensive power and strong erosive power.

Even Lv7 will have to face their erosive power with caution.

So, Miyuki thinks that killing these monsters should be enough to reach the limit.

While Miyuki was thinking, a certain energetic idiot had already attacked.

Facing the monster right in front of her eyes, Tiona, who didn't know what fear was, picked up the big double blades in her hand and charged forward.

"Stop it, Teona!"

Finn's voice came in time, but Tiona, who was already on top, didn't seem to pause at all and directly inserted the big double blade into the monster's body.


Then her great twin blades, worth 120 million Valis, melted into a liquid.

"Ah! My big double blade! Don't play like this!" Tiona screamed after seeing her weapon melting.

"Didn't Finn tell you not to come? You idiot!" Bete, who was being chased by the monster, looked at Tiona who was crying and complained helplessly.

Looking at this scene, even Miyuki wanted to laugh, why is this person so brave?

Reunited with the second team, Miyuki, and the elite group of the Loki familia, a total of nine people began to retreat.

Well, maybe only Finn and others retreated. Miyuki just followed behind them while searching for hordes of monsters who attacked the Loki familia in the original plot.

"Hey, what is that, Finn, my weapon!" Tiona pointed at the bug and complained in an aggrieved tone.

"I don't know, we were also attacked by surprise." Finn gave Tiona a blank look and said in a helpless tone.

At this time,

Looking back at the enemy behind him, Miyuki finally found his targets and he said calmly: "There are many monsters behind, visually estimated to be more than one hundred."

"What?" Tiona almost stared her eyes out when she thought there was only one monster. One of these monsters was enough, but there were actually hundreds of them.

"Why can't I see it!" Tiona looked around for a long time but she didn't see anything

"I have magic, do you have it!" Miyuki gave Tiona an idiotic look and said in a tone of complaint.

Fantasy materialization can now materialize anything he thinks of. So, just materialized the Clairvoyant magic eye from the moon world, so he naturally spotted the monsters from afar.

"Captain, are you okay!" While Miyuki complained to Tiona, Tione asked Finn about their situation.

"We were fine, but Raul was seriously injured, he was hit directly by the liquid."

Looking at Raul, who was held by Grace on his shoulders, everyone shuddered. even Miyuki was no exception.

After all, other than being slightly tortured when he got his true ancestor bloodline, Miyuki never suffered such heavy injuries because of his strong strength. His pain tolerance is still at an ordinary person and his will isn't steel like certain protagonists. So, Miyuki is still afraid of pain caused by serious injuries.

At this time, Raul had fallen into a state of weakness, and a foul smell emanated from his body.

At the same time, the skin on his body and even the light armor were all melted, turning his whole body into a purple color close to black.

With just one blow, a senior Lv4 entered a near-death state.

This made everyone's vigilance reach the maximum level.

Absolutely cannot be attacked.

Even Miyuki became serious. Although he can definitely survive the erosive attack but it will definitely hurt a lot, Miyuki doesn't want to try whether his pain tolerance is beyond ordinary or still at an ordinary level.

"Those new species have even attacked the black rhinos on the road. I'm afraid they are responsible for the strangeness we encountered!" Since he became serious, Miyuki will naturally tell the details he saw.

Now, Miyuki just wants to blast these guys to pieces. As for the experience, he can come here again to gain experience. If it wasn't for Ais and others being too close, he might have already released the Excalibur of Artoria or the magic cannon of Kazumi Yuka.

Hearing Miyuki's words, Tione quickly told the confused Finn about what they had seen and heard.

"Really? I didn't expect these guys to be able to defeat Cadmus!" Biting his thumb Finn said in a tone of worry.

And at this moment, Ais suddenly asked: "Finn, can you defeat those monsters?"

Hearing Aisi's inquiry, everyone turned their attention to Finn.

Although Finn is not the strongest here, he is definitely the most reliable leader, even Miyuki doesn't think that he can compare to Finn in terms of leadership.

After a second of delay, Finn turned around and said to Ais: "The attack itself is effective, but just like Tiona just now, it's not worthwhile to lose one weapon in one attack."


"It is even more difficult to fight against such a large number of opponents."

Looking at the somewhat silent crowd, Finn continued: "But we can use magic. If we can buy time to chant magic, then we can indeed annihilate them in one fell swoop!"

"Then let me do it, I don't need to chant to attack with magic cannon!" Miyuki, who was eager to blast these guys to ashes heard Finn's approach and hurriedly volunteered to shout.

"No, Miyuki's magic cannon is too powerful, it will involve all of us, and this place is too narrow!" Finn immediately denied Miyuki's idea.

Miyuki immediately woke up after hearing Finn's words.

Although the passage here is spacious, it is for close combat. If he detonates a magic cannon, no one can escape.

Just now, under excitement, he forgot that not only Ais and others are close to him but the space is also narrow and most of the strong magic attacks he materialized are large destruction types, and Ais and others will definitely be involved if he launches them.

As for weaker magics, they are also quite destructive. Whether it is lightning attacks or any other type of attack, they will also cause a lot of damage to the landscape.

What's more, he has no time to think too much about a new type of attack magic or anything else to materialize.

Although he still has some trump cards, those are for Antares, he is not going to use them here.

Besides, Lefiya is here. So, he isn't the only one who can launch magic cannon here.

"In that case, the only ones who meet the conditions are..." Finn said halfway through but everyone understood what he meant.

Immediately everyone looked at Lefiya.

Sensing everyone's gaze, Lefiya screamed, "Well!"
