
Sign in, people are on an isolated island, just built a luxury villa

A burst of bright light, the mainland shattered! Everyone is allocated on an island two meters square! Starting with a broken fishing net, how to survive depends on your ability! “Dip, the sign-in system is activated!” “Successfully signed in on the first day and got a fully automatic fishing net!” “Others rely on ability, and I have a system!” Xiao Yi took a bite of the grilled fish and muttered. While others were still struggling on the four-square-meter island, a villa was built on Xiao Yi’s island and he was able to achieve fruit freedom!

Jimmy_Kibble · Action
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200 Chs

Chapter 103: Punishment, infighting, go down

"Why, do you still care about the life and death of the two of them?" Xiao Yi asked with a smile.

An Ran shook his head and replied: "I only care about the supplies on their ship, and I can't waste it!"

"Eat first! The rest will be discussed later." Xiao Yi said with a thumbs up.

He was really worried that An Ran would soften his heart and would save the two of them. In this world, the Virgin is alive soon!

Soon, a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, a plate of pickled cucumbers, and a bowl of fish soup were brought to the table!

Although the yacht is still moving, it is very stable here, there is no bumps at all, and the sharks following have never caught up with the yacht.

An Ran, who was drying her hair, looked at the food on the table, and she felt that everything was like a dream.

"Is this all true?" An Ran murmured.

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "You can try to see if it's true? I didn't bring much, so let's make do with some food first!"

"Is this still called improvising?" An Ran said in shock.

There are eggs, fish, and vegetables. How long has she not eaten vegetables?

Although it was just over half a month, she felt as if she hadn't seen vegetables for several years.

"Don't be stunned, let's eat, we have to find them to settle accounts after eating!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

An Ran nodded, ignoring the image of a lady, and ate all the food on the table.

After coming to this world, the food An Ran ate had no oil or salt.

Suddenly eating food with oil and salt, An Ran felt like she almost swallowed her tongue!

After eating, An Ran even hiccuped louder, she looked at Xiao Yi embarrassedly.

"Haha, it's fine if we are full, we should go out and find them afterwards!" Xiao Yi said, and then took An Ran and walked out.

Following Xiao Yi's instructions, the yacht made a circle and drove towards Hong Xiaoyang again.

The shark behind is still chasing after!

And Hong Xiaoyang and Wei Suo were still fighting on the boat.

Seeing the shark that followed all the time, Xiao Yi frowned and asked, "Xiaoyou, was there any damage to the hull during the two collisions just now?"

"No, with the hardness of the universe alloy, they can't be destroyed!" Xiaoyou replied immediately.

Hearing Xiaoyou's answer, Xiao Yi was a little surprised: "Is this cosmic alloy so hard?"

"Yes, please rest assured!" Xiaoyou replied.

Now Xiao Yi had a bottom in his heart. He glanced at the shark that followed, and bowed his head in thought.

"Wait, the yacht is back, let's not fight in the nest, if he didn't see how An Ran fell into the water, maybe he could take us on the yacht together!" Hong Xiaoyang whispered.

Hearing this, Wei Suo immediately let go of his hand, snorted, and walked aside.

"Hi, help us!" Hong Xiaoyang immediately waved to Xiao Yi, "As long as you save me, I can do anything you want!"

While talking, he was still scratching his head.

"Shameless!" An Ran muttered beside Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi patted An Ran's hand, then looked at Hong Xiaoyang jokingly, and said: "Just now I saw someone pushing An Ran into the sea. Who is it, stand up for yourself!"

Hong Xiaoyang's face changed slightly, and then immediately pointed to Wei Suo and said: "It's him! I'm just a weak woman, how could it be so cruel."

An Ran couldn't help it anymore, and stepped forward and said, "You pushed me into the water!"

Xiao Yi looked at Hong Xiaoyang and said coldly, "Did you jump down by yourself, or should I push you down?"

"No, it's not me!" Hong Xiaoyang cried, "It's really not me, you must be mistaken!"

"When you push An Ran, you should know that there will be this ending!" Xiao Yi snorted coldly.

"No, it's really not me! The situation was..." Hong Xiaoyang still wanted to quibble.

The Wei Suo standing aside suddenly jumped up and pushed Hong Xiaoyang to the side of the boat.

Hong Xiaoyang subconsciously grabbed the opponent's clothes and directly pulled Wei Suo to the side of the boat and lay on his stomach.


Hong Xiaoyang fell into the water, but her hand firmly grasped Wei Suo's clothes.

"Hurry up and pull me up, or everyone will die together!" Hong Xiaoyang exclaimed in panic.

"Mad, who is going to die with you!" Wei Suo broke her hand firmly and pushed her into the sea.

"No!" Hong Xiaoyang shouted, but her hand strength was not as great as Wei Suo's.

But the desire to survive occupied her whole mind, she swam frantically to the boat, wanting to climb it again!

Wei Suo directly drew out the iron spear on the side and pierced Hong Xiaoyang in the water.

Hong Xiaoyang had to step back and get out of the way, so that she couldn't get close to the wooden boat at all!

It was really a reincarnation of cause and effect. Hong Xiaoyang was still treating An Ran like this before, but now she is being treated the same way by Wei Suo.

"Weissot, you scumbag! I won't let you go if I die!" Hong Xiaoyang was desperate and cursed frantically.

Xiao Yi watched the two of them fighting each other indifferently, but did not stop him, letting them bite the dog.

Seeing that Hong Xiaoyang could not get close to the small wooden boat, Wei Suo immediately nodded and said to Xiao Yi: "Brother, I have already helped you deal with the person who pushed An Ran into the water just now. Can I follow you? I am willing. Be the most loyal dog around you!"

An Ran pulled his clothes behind Xiao Yi, she was really worried that Xiao Yi would accept such a wretched little brother.

Xiao Yi smiled at her, signaled her to be relieved, and then replied loudly: "No need! It is enough for our family to have prosperity! Together with Hong Xiaoyang to bully An Ran, do you think I will spare you? Jump down by yourself Bar!"

"No, my lord, I don't want anything, I hope you can let me go!" Wei Suo called out immediately.

"Ten seconds for you!" Xiao Yisi said lightly, ignoring the other party's begging for mercy.

Wei Suo was heartbroken and immediately rowed the boat to escape.

"It seems that you still have to do it yourself!" Before Xiao Yi had time to count down, he had to start the yacht and catch up with the small wooden boat.

Coming to the side of the wooden boat, Xiao Yi jumped directly off the yacht.

"Ah!" An Ran exclaimed!

After all, this is at sea, and this yacht is still somewhat taller than the small wooden boat!

Both are still driving, if you look at the wrong position, it is dangerous to jump directly into the sea!


Xiao Yi steadily landed on the small wooden boat, and the whole boat bumped down violently!

"Great!" Wei Suo saw Xiao Yi jump down, not worried but happy.

As long as the person in front of him can be resolved, the yacht and Enron will belong to him.

And Hong Xiaoyang, the female cousin, is also dead, and will no longer stand between herself and An Ran!

If Xiao Yi doesn't jump down, he really has nothing to do with Xiao Yi, because it is not easy to climb from a small wooden boat to a yacht.

"It's really God's help!" Wei Suo seemed to have seen his extravagant life on the yacht, "Go to hell!"