

Sign-in to get T-Virus, sign-in to get Haki, sign-in to get magic, sign-in to get ninjutsu. This is a story of a Hao Yun who uses the sign-in system to sign in to the heavens, step by step from ordinary people to superheroes! “Thanos get ready I’ll sign-in to defeat you!!” This is translated novel. Please give it 5 stars review!! Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/RF_MWZ

nyawdao · Anime & Comics
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223 Chs

Poor Tony

"Injecting the serum into the Host"


Hao Yun did not even have time to react. A strong pain from his soul instantly assaulted him! The bones and muscles all over his body seemed to be being forged by a hammer. It felt like they were burning from within! The pain that made him want to die but could not die made him want to bite his tongue to commit suicide. It instantly made Hao Yun faint.

When he woke up, the night had already passed... His sweat seemingly filtered out any impurities and those impurities ended up staining his bed sheet.

He looked down at his body. His belly fat had disappeared, and his skin had become smoother. He was more handsome than before...

"Hao Yun, you should go to school to get the admission notice!"

Hao Yun was still surprised with his change. Downstairs, his mother Angel Potts's voice came. Hao Yun quickly replied her. He did not have time to check his physical condition, so he ran to the bathroom to get ready.

After he took a shower and washed the bed sheet, he sat down at the dining table downstairs and listened to his mother's nagging while eating American breakfast.

It had to be said that the serum effect of the simple fusion system magic was excellent, and the change to the body was subtle. He did not have a situation where he could not control his strength at all.

"Hao Yun, which university do you want to go to after graduating from high school?"

Angel was close to forty years old. She was still a super fair beauty with a protruding front and back. They had lived together for eighteen years. As a lawyer, she was busy with her career and did not want to get married or have children. She had already treated Hao Yun as her own son. As soon as she sat down, she could not help but ask.

"You have finished your SAT and ACT. Harvard, MIT, and other university have sent you a notice. Hao Yun, we should have a good chat about your future."

"Potts, I..." Hao Yun hesitated for a moment. His grades had always been excellent and he had been constantly getting scholarships. If he said he did not want to study anymore, would Angel agree?

"What's wrong? Baby?"

Angel put down the sandwich and looked at her son in confusion. Her son had always been very assertive. Even his name was changed by him after he was six years old. It was not easy for her to convince him to add her surname to his.

This time, she was very curious about what her precious son was going to do again.

"I... I don't want to go to college."

Hao Yun hesitated for a long time before he said his demand.

The living room was silent for a moment. Hao Yun could feel that his mother's anger was rising crazily! It was just that her outstanding performance in the past few years made her maintain her calm on the surface!

"Mr. Potts, I need a reason!" Angel straightened her back. Hao Yun knew that the other party had already entered serious mode. "Don't tell me that you want to form a band to pursue your dreams! You should know that your talent has never been music!"


Hao Yun looked at his mother speechlessly. Wasn't it just the first year of middle school when his illness flared up and created a rock band? Did you have to remember it for six years?

Hao Yun, who had an adult soul since he was a child, had always performed very well. Not to mention his grades, he had always been a scholarship, and he had played sports and any other activity to the highest level. No one could compare to him... Except for the fact that he never had a girlfriend that made Angel worry about his future, he had always been her pride.

Because of this, Angel, who wanted Hao Yun to take over her and become the head of the law firm, became even more angry at Hao Yun's remarks that he wanted to give up going to college!

"Mommy, can you believe me?"

Hao Yun, who has always been extremely mature, is rarely cute. He really doesn't know how to convince his mother.

Hmm? Tell me about it.


Angel stood up on her toes, her beautiful legs swaying up and down. Her appearance was simply baffling.

"The world is about to change" Hao Yun thought for a moment. The future would definitely become extremely dangerous.

Rather than think of a way to make up excuses in the future, it was better to confess from the beginning.

"Mommy, you heard me screaming last night, right? I had a dream, a very real dream."

Hao Yun then slowly told Angel about the 19 movies that would happen in the future... Tony Stark's transformation, the appearance of the Captain America, the war between aliens, and the snap of Thanos' fingers... All the real events seemed to have happened in front of her eyes, making Angel immersed in listening to them.

When Hao Yun said that Tony Stark had made that snap of his fingers to save the entire universe, and also showed his superhuman physical fitness... Two streams of tears fell from her face.

"OMG, why did Tony die... Oh no.. Poor Pepper Potts... Baby, is what you said true?"

With red eyes, Angel raised her head and looked at Hao Yun in a daze.

Hao Yun's mouth twitched helplessly. Woman, shouldn't your attention be on the alien invasion? Why did you pity Pepper Potts?

According to the timeline, she will not appear for at least 15 years.

"My poor little niece..."

Wait, he seemed to have heard something very amazing? Little niece? Pepper Potts?

"Mommy, did you just say little niece?" Hao Yun said in disbelief, "Is she your family?"

"To be precise, she is my sister."

Angel Potts wiped his tears and said seriously, "When I went to the college, she studied at the business college. Later, she joined the Stark Group. I sued her group because of some things. Because of this, she was angry and had not contacted me for a long time."


Hao Yun was speechless. In this way, his opening seemed not as bad as he had imagined. He could become the nephew of Tony Stark!

Well, he did not doubt that Pepper could become Tony's wife at all... Just like, the Captain America would never give up his friend, Bucky.

"Back then, I didn't agree to let her join the Stark Group. She took a fancy to Tony, that playboy. Baby, you can't learn from him..."

For the next entire hour, Hao Yun was being taught by his own mother using Tony as a role model for the villain... Among them, Pepper was nagged fifty times, and the poor little Morgan was nagged a hundred times...

Just like that, Hao Yun successfully lowered Tony's image in his mother's heart by another ten points.

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