
Sign In in One Punch Man, My Wife Is Tornado

[Disclaimer.] this is not my story just an MTL and i upload it When he woke up, Mu Bai discovered that he had actually crossed into the world of One Punch Man. Moreover, the wife is a tornado! The second S-class hero with an angel face and a loli figure! One-handed superpower, second-day, second-second-second air, in the entire One-Punch Man world, it belongs to the existence of the ceiling of combat power, it is not too strong… However, it seemed that the two of them didn’t meet much, and the arrogant dragon scroll didn’t seem to recognize Mubai’s identity. Although the marriage of two people is arranged by will! But Mu Bai only owns a comic shop, and Tornado with countless worths, so he can’t do it. Mu Bai smiled wryly, he must… be looked down upon. at this time…… “The god-level sign-in system is binding!” “Ding! Found the Tornado Villa! Check in!”

1st_KING · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

It was demolished! Desperate Genos!

"how come..."

Genos suddenly looked up into the air.

The Mosquito Girl at the beginning has changed into a new form at this time.

The long pink hair fluttered in the wind, red fluff appeared on the body, and the pink wings kept flapping behind him.

Sharp bee stings grew all over the body!

The tail has evolved into a new look.

Genos could feel the coercion of the mosquito girl in front of him, and it increased again.

"Because I don't need them!"

Mosquito Girl explained: "Because…"

At this point, the voice paused slightly.

The next moment, she suddenly waved her right hand, waving sharp bee stings at the tall building next to her.


The tall concrete building burst open with a bang.

clap clap-

Countless huge stones fell to the ground.


The terrifying speed made Genos' pupils shrink.

This speed can't catch him at all! !

Slicing an object is only for a moment, and using huge brute force to forcibly smash the building.

The monster in front of you! !

The combat power is simply terrifying.

next second.

Mosquito Girl said again: "I'm already so powerful!! Hahaha…"

The Mosquito Girl burst out laughing!

Genos was slightly startled.

It was the first time he had encountered such a powerful monster.

And that's the one-second pause.

A bright red color suddenly appeared behind him.

It's a mosquito girl!


The position of the hands was immediately made, and the iron and steel claws were expected to be hard and invincible.


In the blink of an eye, a cold light flickered.


With the loud sound of electricity, half of Genos' body was suddenly cut open, revealing the complex mechanical circuits inside.


Genos gritted his teeth slightly.

Immediately clenched his right fist and called towards Mosquito Girl.

However, Mosquito Girl suddenly disappeared…

The figure suddenly appeared in the air, and her speed had broken through to a certain extent.

Genos' eyes couldn't keep up.


One kick kicked Genos high into the air.

"If that's the case, then die…"


The Mosquito Girl suddenly laughed loudly.

The figure suddenly turned into a purple whirlwind, hovering in the air, invisible to the naked eye.

Opposite roof.

"Dragon-level medium!"

Mu Bai murmured softly.

He squinted slightly…

The current evolution of Mosquito Girl is strong enough to crush the vaccine man, or completely hang the giant giant.

The House of Evolution really lives up to its reputation.

However, Mu Bai did not take it to heart.

high in the air.

bang bang bang-

Genos has been in a passive state, passively beaten.

The evolved Mosquito Girl knows sharply on her claws, constantly cutting through Genos' body, leaving traces on Genos' body one after another.

At this time, Genos didn't even have the strength to resist…

Like a tragic marionette being beaten frantically.

The figure is constantly falling, and his body surface has exposed the mechanical synthesis part inside…

Genos clenched his teeth tightly:

"So… has it come to this point?"

His eyes were instantly filled with despair. It turned out that what he felt just now was right. He was full of blood to a certain extent, and the mosquito girl in front of him already possessed such a terrifying strength.

And he, being beaten to pieces by the mechanical body, can only use the last move.

Close your eyes slightly and let the wreckage fall to the ground!

And its core part, at this time, suddenly burst out with a dazzling blue light.

"Oh, blow yourself up!"

Mu Bai felt the power of a missile explosion from the blue light.

In the sky, Mosquito Girl also noticed something wrong.


A long bayonet erupted from the claws again, and the figure flying in the air suddenly doubled in speed.

Almost instantly, he came to Genos.

"Kill you!!"

The mosquito girl snorted coldly.


This surprised Genos.

Self-exposure takes 2 to 3 seconds to unlock all security programs.

However, once interrupted, he will also become a useless electromechanical body.


Saitama is still bewildered.

He touched his head, what is he doing?

"not good..."

Mu Bai was suddenly alert.

Extend your right hand and clench it slightly.

Seeing that the legend was about to be hacked to death at this very moment, Mu Bai waved his hand immediately.


In the air that was indifferent just now, a scarlet color suddenly appeared. Different from the dark red on Mosquito Girl, this scarlet color was extremely rich.

In just the blink of an eye, Mosquito Girl was already tightened.

This sudden change, even Mosquito Girl, could not detect it.

But the next second…

"What's this..."

She was shocked to find that her body could not move.

Even the huge power that was just obtained seems to be firmly locked in the body by some power at this time.

Mu Bai waved his hand.

Like throwing garbage, it pushed Mosquito Girl in Saitama's direction.

Suddenly, an even stronger force pushed her towards the bald head in the distance.

Genos was still in a daze just now, why did this powerful weirdo suddenly stop moving!

And now, just saw this scene.

"No, be careful!!"

Even if he had been dismembered into stumps, he did not forget to remind him.

Seeing that special bald head is about to be cut under the knife…

next second.

"It's so annoying!!"

Saitama suddenly slapped.

The terrifying giant force and the speed that can't be seen clearly, slapped the mosquito girl's face with a slap.

at this time.

"Combat scene detected! Check in!"

The system prompt appears suddenly.

Mu Bai showed a familiar smile.

All the foreshadowing and waiting is for this moment!

"Sign in!"

"Location: Battle scene!"

"Signing in!"

"Sign in is complete!"

"Congratulations to the host! Sign-in reward: Machine Spirit Talent!"


A crackling sound came from the next wall.


Genos, who was left with only a broken limb, fell to the ground, and his eyes just came to the wall next to him.


His eyes widened.

Because, just now, even the powerful Mosquito Girl was photographed into a pool of blood at this moment.


Genos was stunned.

Forgot to even turn off his self-destruct routine.

Seeing that the blue beam in the chest is about to explode!

"It's over…"

The despair in Genos' eyes reappeared.


A trace of free scarlet color envelops it…

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