
Sign In in One Punch Man, My Wife Is Tornado

[Disclaimer.] this is not my story just an MTL and i upload it When he woke up, Mu Bai discovered that he had actually crossed into the world of One Punch Man. Moreover, the wife is a tornado! The second S-class hero with an angel face and a loli figure! One-handed superpower, second-day, second-second-second air, in the entire One-Punch Man world, it belongs to the existence of the ceiling of combat power, it is not too strong… However, it seemed that the two of them didn’t meet much, and the arrogant dragon scroll didn’t seem to recognize Mubai’s identity. Although the marriage of two people is arranged by will! But Mu Bai only owns a comic shop, and Tornado with countless worths, so he can’t do it. Mu Bai smiled wryly, he must… be looked down upon. at this time…… “The god-level sign-in system is binding!” “Ding! Found the Tornado Villa! Check in!”

1st_KING · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Disaster! The final disaster! Extinct! Last hope!


at the same time.

"Over Z City, the meteorite is about to fall! All personnel please evacuate immediately!"

"The Hero Association has arranged shelters in various places and is responsible for evacuating people!"

"Please follow the order and do not cause casualties!"

"Protecting yourself is the premise!"

In the news, the hostess was filled with righteous indignation:

"This time the judgment level is a Weilong-level disaster!"

"But natural disasters are ruthless, but human beings are affectionate! Please don't give up hope for life!"

Even so, the hostess still sighed in her heart.

I don't know how many people's homes will be destroyed by this disaster, and this may be earned by how many people have worked hard for it all their lives.

But in the face of the terrifying meteorite, there is no resistance at all.

Reality does.

City Z!

On the street, the old, the weak, the sick and the sick, who could no longer escape, gathered into large and small crowds.


"There is only one dead end to stay here!"

"See? The meteorite is about to fall."

Countless people on both sides of the road, carrying luggage and money, panicked and ran to the shelter.

When they saw large and small crowds gathered on the road, they persuaded them one after another.

But seeing these old, weak, sick and disabled people, they couldn't escape at all. They could only sigh and finally escaped here on their own. The speed was extremely fast, just to fight for a chance.

The old man in tattered clothes sighed:

"I can't run anymore. Disasters have struck countless times. If I say I'm lucky to survive, I'm afraid I've lived many more years!"

However, reluctant to part, he touched the head of his grandson next to him.

Such a young child is about to face a life-and-death crisis, and the old man pursed his lips, really unbearable.

However, due to the low economic conditions, it can only linger in the peripheral cities.

The child's parents work in other places just to support the family's income!

And now I'm afraid the child's parents will never see the child again.

Looking at the eyes of the old man, the weak and weak people around them also bowed their heads and said nothing.


Trembling in the sky.

The huge meteorite, the burning form visible to the naked eye, almost ignited the sky. At this time, it fell to the ground, and the speed did not slow down at all.

just now...

Maybe I heard everyone's helpless voices.

Finally a hero appeared, and a powerful missile was launched at the meteorite.

Just when everyone cheered.

The smoke is gone!

The trail of the meteorite appeared again, and the speed did not slow down at all.

At this moment, everyone's hopes are dashed.

Perhaps in the eyes of all those who cannot escape, the appearance of a hero is the final redemption.

Hope in despair came so suddenly.

But in the end, the helplessness cut off all hope in life.

The most desperate thing is not being in despair.

Instead, seeing hope, he was pushed into the abyss, unable to climb out.

At this moment, everyone present felt this way.

Everyone looked at each other.

But more is to see the helplessness in each other's eyes.

at this time...


Another huge cracked blue beam of light came out in time from the roof in the distance.

Suddenly hit the falling meteorite.


In the countless smoke and dust, there was a violent reaction between the blue energy beam and the meteorite. Under the fiery red burst, it seemed like a mushroom cloud bloomed.

at this moment.

The hope that had been about to give up in everyone's heart reappeared.

Although so weak.

However, the blue energy is exhausted.

Just blocked the meteorite for a moment.

at this time.

Meteorite distance from the ground: 100 meters!

There is no hope anymore.

The huge meteorite shadow covered everyone's heads, shrouding the entire city in darkness, completely blocking the hope of all life.

In this time of countdown to life.

The old man held the young child tightly in his arms.

The child's wide eyes are full of doubts…

He may have no idea what the huge meteorite in the sky is.


The woman with the cast on her leg hugged the man beside her and cried.

In this apocalyptic scene, all he could get was the warm embrace of a man.

But the sound of crying completely infected the atmosphere.

Everyone around started sobbing softly…


Under this terrifying pressure, the earth trembled, and everyone could not stand up.

Looking up, you can see the rubbed and smooth marks on the huge meteorite. The strong flame shone on everyone, and the cheeks hurt.

Time frame.

at this moment.

Above the tall buildings!

"The old gentleman over there takes care of Genos! Leave the rest to me…"

Saitama stepped out.

Right hand clenched slightly…

Knees slightly bent.

Lightly press your feet!

in a blink.

boom –

The thick roof was cracked and the cracks spread. Under this terrifying force, it was as if the calm mirror was smashed into slag.


Bang Gu's pupils shrank slightly, only feeling his breath startled.

This is the power of human beings.

So far, among the S-class heroes of the Hero Association, I have never seen such a horror.

If you really want to say, I am afraid there is only a tornado!

The second terrifying tornado of S-Class Heroes!


Genos was shocked.

That's the power of a teacher…

When I think of the time when I fought against him, I am afraid that the teacher did not contribute at all at that time.

In the sky.

wow wow wow…

The wind whistled in his ears.

The cloak fluttered in the wind behind him, and the figure of Saitama in the yellow hero suit was already flying high in the sky.

He clenched his right fist and hit the meteorite in the air.

"I will protect this city!"

Saitama's face was icy cold.

next second.

The fist collided with the meteorite.

And on the street.

in a desperate crowd.

"Look, what is that?!"

"Like a hero!"

"Another hero to save us!"

"No, I don't want to die!"

"Maybe someone has always come to maintain the hope of our life!"

At this moment, they all encouraged each other and looked up at the sky one by one.


A strong explosion resounded throughout the city.

Many people squinted slightly, and the violent collision exploded on the surface of the meteorite.


The meteorite that neither of the two heroes could destroy, actually cracked in the hands of the third hero, and then…

boom! !

Saitama's yellow figure flew into the sky and instantly penetrated the entire meteorite.


"Wow, it finally succeeded!"

"We don't have to die…"

Countless people cried with joy at this moment.

Embracing their respective shoulders, they jumped up and down excitedly.

But the next second.

The old man exclaimed: "No, it's not over yet…"

Everyone heard the sound and looked up.

clap clap-

The exploding meteorite suddenly shattered into countless pieces, and it was easily sent a huge shell, dragging a long tail flame, and attacked the ground.

And right now!

A scarlet color, the wrapped figure is like a god descending to earth.

Suddenly, it flew into the sky.


Please have a look at my original story from my brother System User

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