
in Douluo Dalu.

Wanna read a story full of epic fights, trolling and beauties chasing MC as well as of heartfelt comradeship, then my friend this story is just for you. Also this is a translation of a Chinese fan fiction, I am not the author. But rest assured that the translation will be very good not like MTL poison. I do not own this fan fiction as well as Douluo Dalu novel as it belong to it's respective author.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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235 Chs

Chapter 8.

After helping Tang San back to the village, Wang Feng did not go to Tang San's house but returned to his own home. As he walked through Holy Soul Village, he observed the changes that had taken place over the past few years.

The ground was no longer the simple dirt roads of the past instead, it was now paved with stones, creating a flat and smooth pathway for people to walk on. These stones were brought from Nuoding City and were naturally expensive.

The once ordinary Holy Soul Village had transformed significantly in the past two years with many new and vibrant buildings now standing tall. Colorful flowers were planted on both sides of the road, adding to the village's beauty.

In the village center, a stone pillar with a handprint caught Wang Feng's attention. He had suggested this redecoration to Village Chief Jack in the past. Around the stone pillar were dragon head stone sculptures, each with a unique shape resembling dragon-shaped soul beasts. Water springs sprouted from the dragon's mouth, creating a mini-garden-like setting.

A sign was placed in front of the stone pillar, providing an explanation of its origin. The sign had lines of small characters, recounting a touching story:

"Many years ago in Holy Soul Village there was a girl named Xiao Xun who was very innocent, lively and lovely. There was also a young boy named Xiao Yan. The two grew up as childhood sweethearts... Until one day, they both reached the age of soul awakening."

"Xiao Yan was the village's hope, considered to be very talented. Everyone believed he would awaken his martial soul and become a powerful soul master. However, on the day of the awakening, Xiao Yan failed to awaken his martial soul. He did not have the qualifications to become a soul master, even though many other children had successfully awakened their martial soul."

"He became a waste in the eyes of the villagers and even Soul Hall could not help him. He was looked down upon by everyone."

The sign conveyed a poignant tale of disappointment and struggle, capturing the essence of Xiao Yan's journey. Wang Feng noticed that many outsiders passing through the village read the sign and it seemed to leave an impression on them. The story of Xiao Yan touched the hearts of those who learned about it and it became an integral part of Holy Soul Village's history.

"However, at this time, Little Xiao Xun has awakened a powerful martial soul, she has a rare soul power that only appears once in a century."

The story is introduced to just here and there's no more written on it.

Many pedestrians who read it had their curiosity piqued but they only saw the following line:

"...but, you may not expect that the revered Soul Saint handprint on this stone pillar is not from little Xiao Xun but of ….. Xiao Yan!"

"Want to know the rest of the story and the reasons behind it? Please visit the Holy Soul Village..."

Upon reading the last line, many pedestrians were left shocked.

"Wow! How can you not finish the introduction?" an outside tourist said angrily.

"Hey, look, there is a small line in the handprint of the stone pillar 'Thirty years east, thirty years west, don't dare bully me because I'm poor now!' Wow, it's so passionate, could it be that Xiao Yan said it? He must have become a Soul Saint later but how did he do it?"

"I have decided, I will stay in the Holy Soul Village for a few more days and read the story of the Soul Saint Handprint!"


Wang Feng smiled and observed many tourists and pedestrians walking from outside the village, stopping in front of the stone pillars and eventually staying there obediently.

"In such a remote place like Holy Soul Village, there is only agriculture. Even if the output of it increases, it will not make much money."

Wang Feng chuckled a few times in his heart.

Now that Holy Soul Village can thrive, it is naturally not solely because of the increase in the output of various crops but also due to the influx of foreign tourists to this place.

In his past lives, it was the development of tourism that contributed to the success of many countries.

And this Soul Saint handprint is an idea that Wang Feng came up with that in mind...

Then, he also wrote an article "Douluo Dalu's Soul Breaking the Sky" by taking 'inspiration' and it became a huge hit in the village.

....This was perfect!

Anyway, in the original Douluo Continent novel even towards the end, there was no specific description of who the Soul Saint of this Holy Soul village was. 

Wang Feng felt that making up a character casually would not be a problem, right?

With tourists around, Wang Feng asked Grandpa Jack to build small houses consisting only of wooden furnitures surrounded by artificial mountains and waters around one corner of the village. 

He then left a some of the follow-up stories to pique the interest of these tourists, encouraging them to make simple purchases and stay in Village more.

Slowly, life in the Holy Soul Village became much better. However, Wang Feng, a modern inhabitant of the 21st century still found it challenging to get used to living in this Holy Soul village, which resembled rural life in the 80s and 90s.

"What? Who made up this messy story?" Wang Feng suddenly heard a slightly dissatisfied voice.

Turning around and fixing his gaze, he saw a handsome young man with sword-like brows (E/N: obviously), standing with both his hands held on his back and expressing dissatisfaction with the sign next to the stone pillar.

The young man wore a white outfit with a black cloak hanging from his back and there was a fist-sized 'Soul' character badge at the center of his chest. He exuded an air of arrogance and superiorty.

In the village, many people looked at this young man curiously, as he appeared to be different from the ordinary villagers.

'Isn't that tool man Su Yuntao?'

"Why did brother Tao come here? Didn't Grandpa Jack say that it would be a few days before the spirit awakening ceremony will happen?" Wang Feng asked, surprised.

Although they had never met before, Wang Feng could sense a unique aura from the young man's aura and clothes, leading him to conclude that this was Su Yuntao, a well-known tool master in the Douluo Continent.

Upon realizing this, Wang Feng walked over and said lazily, "My lord, what's wrong with this story?"

Su Yuntao turned to look at the nonchalant child, seemingly unafraid of anything, not considering the awe and fear most villagers showed toward him. He furrowed his brows slightly.

"This story is obviously made up and it's just a slight curiosity on my part, overall it's really boring amd disappointing!" Su Yuntao pointed at the stone pillar's sign and shook his head.

"Disappointed? Why are you disappointed?" Wang Feng inquired.

"In this story, Xiao Yan doesn't have a martial soul but later it's implied that Xiao Yan will become a Soul Saint. That's obviously impossible!" Su Yuntao smiled faintly. "A person without a martial soul, let alone becoming a soul saint wouldn't even become a simple soul master! Isn't this story clearly fabricated?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Feng couldn't help but smile.

"Brother Tao is still brother Tao, with the same familiar taste and views regarding martial soul."

When Wang Feng first watched the Douluo Continent, Tang San awakened the Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul and Brother Tao said that it was a useless waste Martial Soul. Although he didn't appear much later, it must have been a slap in the face for him to know the one who he told had a waste martial soul became a prominent figure.


Wang Feng said slowly, "Since you think it's made up, sir, you can leave it at that and also the Holy Soul Village."

"You kid. You're quite interesting..." Su Yuntao said with a wry smile, "I'm here for something important. If you try to drive me away, be prepared for your village chief to spank you!"

Su Yuntao looked at the child calmly and said, "Do you really think I came all the way here just out of curiosity about this fabricated Soul Saint story?"

Wang Feng shrugged and sighed, "So, you're not curious. Unfortunately, I have a complete set of stories here that records how this Xiao Yan became a Soul Saint. Since you're not interested, I won't show it to you."

After speaking, Wang Feng turned around and started walking into the village.

"Huh? You have a complete set of stories?" Su Yuntao was taken aback and he took a few steps forward as if to stop the child but then hesitated, retracting his hand. He seemed torn on whether to stop him or not.

At that moment, Wang Feng suddenly turned around.

Su Yuntao quickly acted as if he hadn't done anything and maintained a calm expression. "What? You kid, what else do you want to say?"

Wang Feng gave him a weird look, shook his head and said to himself, "In a few days, I will awaken a martial soul. I wonder what kind of martial soul it will be..."

After saying this, Wang Feng turned and left without looking back.

"Hehe... this kid..." Su Yuntao chuckled, looking at the child's departing back. After pondering for a few seconds, he said, "It just so happens that I will stay for a few days too. I'll come ahead of time to see if this holy soul village can nurture a potential soul master or not..."

A few days later, Grandpa Jack took Wang Feng, Tang San, and the other seven children in the village to the Soul Hall of Holy Soul Village.


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