
in Douluo Dalu.

Wanna read a story full of epic fights, trolling and beauties chasing MC as well as of heartfelt comradeship, then my friend this story is just for you. Also this is a translation of a Chinese fan fiction, I am not the author. But rest assured that the translation will be very good not like MTL poison. I do not own this fan fiction as well as Douluo Dalu novel as it belong to it's respective author.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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235 Chs

Chapter 75.

E/N : Wassup people! How have you all been doing? I hope well.

Here's today's chapter. Enjoy.

Also if you don't already know, I'll not be posting chapters on Sunday as I need to get a good sleep in the night once a week atleast.

Your Allfather Author - PrimorDious.



As Wang Feng and the group made their way deeper into the Star Dou Great Forest, Wang Feng's mind couldn't help but wander to the creatures he had encountered in the past. He wondered where the three companions had gone, especially the Blue Bird, the Starlight Fox and the Ice Emperor Lizard. He couldn't help but ponder if they had somehow found their way into this vast forest.

The Star Dou Great Forest was indeed immense, making it nearly impossible to locate any specific soul beasts within its depths. Even if his beast companions had ventured here, Wang Feng had little hope of finding them.

Nonetheless, he consoled himself with the thought that this forest would be a safer place for them than the perilous Soul Hunting Forest. His hope was that, if they had indeed found their way here, they were living peacefully.

As the group continued their journey, they encountered various soul beast groups along the way. Some were peacefully bypassed, while others that actively attacked were swiftly dealt with, thanks to the strength of Dai Mubai and the rest of the team. However, none of these soul beasts were of the appropriate age for Oscar's needs.

Wang Feng noticed that Xiao Wu seemed somewhat listless during the journey and he couldn't help but speculate that it was due to the relentless encounters with soul beasts. Xiao Wu might be worried about the possibility of her elder brother and second brother coming after them.

However, as they ventured deeper into the forest, Wang Feng knew that they would eventually encounter one of the true overlords of the Star Dou Great Forest—the Titan Giant Ape. This powerful soul beast would pose a significant challenge but he also had an ace up his sleeve—the third form of his Martial Soul. He believed that this form might be the key to overcoming the mighty Titan Giant Ape and achieving their objectives in the forest.

As Wang Feng, Zhao Wuji and Tang San suddenly noticed the presence of a soul beast nearby, they all turned their attention in that direction. However, it was Wang Feng who first identified the creature's unique soul beast aura. His keen sensitivity to soul beasts surpassed even that of Zhao Wuji, the experienced Soul Saint.

Wang Feng's background as a survivor of multiple encounters with soul beasts in the dangerous Soul Hunting Forest had honed his ability to detect their presence. His recognition of the Phoenix-Tailed Crest Serpent aura was immediate.

He swiftly instructed Zhu Zhuqing to approach and investigate further, a decision that surprised both Zhao Wuji and Tang San. Wang Feng explained that he possessed a heightened sensitivity to soul beast auras, regardless of age or strength. His extensive experience in battling soul beasts had contributed to this ability.

Zhu Zhuqing, following Wang Feng's guidance, provided a detailed description of the Phoenix-Tailed Crest Serpent. Tang San and Zhao Wuji quickly identified it as such based on her description. Tang San further explained that it was likely a thousand-year-old specimen due to its evolved light red wings and estimated length of seven meters.

Tang San went on to describe the snake's characteristics and attack methods, noting that it was non-venomous and preferred entangling its foes. He emphasized that the snake's soul ring would be particularly suitable for Oscar, as it would likely enhance his speed and offer unique advantages.

This detailed analysis left the group in awe of Tang San's knowledge and expertise in soul beasts. They realized that his theoretical knowledge had given him a deep understanding of these creatures and their potential benefits for their team members.

Tang San's extensive knowledge had impressed the group earlier but it was Wang Feng's practical experience and insights into hunting soul beasts that added a valuable layer of wisdom to their expedition into the Star Dou Great Forest. Wang Feng's advice about observing the condition of a soul beast, especially checking for injuries, before approaching it resonated with everyone.

Wang Feng's words also hinted at his own encounters and battles with soul beasts over the past five years. His wisdom came from firsthand experiences, further solidifying his position as a valuable member of the team. The group began to appreciate the depth of Wang Feng's knowledge about soul beasts and the dangers they might face in the forest.

Zhao Wuji couldn't help but acknowledge Wang Feng's cautious approach, realizing that the young Soul Master had indeed gained valuable insights during his time in the Soul Hunting Forest.

Tang San, Zhao Wuji and Wang Feng's combined knowledge and experience were becoming an invaluable asset to their group as they continued their ventures into the Star Dou Great Forest.

Wang Feng's suggestion was a practical and efficient approach. Given Zhao Wuji's formidable strength as a 76th-level Soul Saint, dealing with a soul beast like the Phoenix-tailed Crest Serpent, which was just over a thousand years old, was an easy task. He could simply activate his seven soul rings, wait for the snake to approach and unleash a combination of soul skills, ensuring its capture without causing unnecessary harm.

This method allowed them to maintain control over the situation, ensuring that the snake would be captured safely and efficiently without the risk of inadvertently causing harm or destroying the soul beast.

Tang San nodded in agreement. With Teacher Zhao present, crushing the snake directly was the most straightforward and foolproof method.

Wang Feng, however, maintained his smile and said, "Of course, there's another way that's even more convenient than having Teacher Zhao wait for the snake to approach and crush it."

Everyone was taken aback. There was a method more convenient than Mr. Zhao's direct approach?

Zhao Wuji was about to inquire when suddenly, Zhu Zhuqing, perched on a branch, called out in a low voice, "It's here!"

Without warning, Zhu Zhuqing leaped down from the branch, evidently attempting to engage with the snake.

The group hadn't anticipated that the snake would arrive so quickly. The Phoenix-Tailed Crest Serpent was indeed about seven meters long and appeared even more formidable than the giant python Wang Feng had encountered in his previous life.

Its fleshy crown was far from beautiful, it had a grotesque, fleshy and intimidating appearance.

Zhu Zhuqing descended from the air and executed a swift strike aimed directly at the Phoenix-Tailed Crest Serpent's fleshy crown. However, the snake reacted with remarkable agility, deflecting the attack and causing Zhu Zhuqing's strike to land with a dull thud, slightly diminishing its force.

In an instant, the Phoenix-Tailed Crest Serpent grew furious. The fleshy crown on its head lit up, as if it were boosting its own speed. With a swift turn of its tail, it sought to entwine Zhu Zhuqing, while its twisted head spewed a thick, colorful mist in her direction. Although the mist wasn't toxic, it could obstruct Zhu Zhuqing's senses and impede her response.

Almost immediately, a cry of "Be careful!" echoed through the group.

Dai Mubai, Zhao Wuji and the others, who were a bit farther away, were both shocked and shouted frantically.

In a blink of an eye, a flash of light caught everyone's attention. Among the nine people, it wasn't Zhu Zhuqing who was the fastest, but rather, it was Wang Feng.

Wang Feng didn't utter a word. Instead, he sprang into action. His speed was so blindingly fast that all anyone could see was a blur, a phantom streaking towards the Phoenix-Tailed Crest Serpent.

Wang Feng closed in on the snake and with a graceful leap, delivered a powerful punch straight into the snake's open mouth.


The punch crushed the snake's mouth and half of its head, reducing it to a pulpy mess. The massive body collapsed to the ground just before it could entangle Zhu Zhuqing.

Seizing the moment, Zhu Zhuqing altered her posture mid-air and landed safely on the ground, her gaze filled with a touch of awe as she regarded the defeated Phoenix-Tailed Crest Serpent.

Simultaneously, Wang Feng planted his foot on the snake's reverse scale position, making it difficult for the creature to escape. He then grinned at the group.

"As I was saying, another method is for me to strike at lightning speed and deliver a one-punch kill!" he remarked.

Everyone remained speechless.

Zhao Wuji was silent for a moment before conceding, "This truly is the safest method."

He had to admit that Wang Feng was the fastest among them and he himself couldn't compare to hi speed. Wang Feng's speed in this instance was undeniable proof.

Tang San chimed in with a smile, "Brother Feng's punch was perfectly timed. The snake's vulnerability is its mouth, especially when it spews out that colorful fog. That's the ideal moment to strike! Feng'ge's speed is unmatched and his timing was impeccable. Otherwise, we might have alerted the snake and it could have escaped instead of fighting them."

The group gathered around, with Dai Mubai's expression being the most complex. He had wanted to make a move earlier, but before he could react, Wang Feng had already delivered that decisive punch, choosing to incapacitate the Phoenix-Tailed Crest Serpent directly.

"Tsk tsk, what a pitiful sight." Ma Hongjun remarked, shaking his head as he observed the snake.

"Wang Feng's control of that punch was impeccable." Zhao Wuji commented as he examined the snake. 

"Oscar, don't just stand there, finish it off quickly!"


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