
in Douluo Dalu.

Wanna read a story full of epic fights, trolling and beauties chasing MC as well as of heartfelt comradeship, then my friend this story is just for you. Also this is a translation of a Chinese fan fiction, I am not the author. But rest assured that the translation will be very good not like MTL poison. I do not own this fan fiction as well as Douluo Dalu novel as it belong to it's respective author.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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237 Chs

Chapter 6.

Tang San walked briskly out of the Holy Soul Village, contemplating how to defeat Feng'ge without causing him much harm.

"I used to be a disciple of the Tang Sect, skilled in hidden weapons. Even though I don't have any hidden weapons with me right now, ordinary stones also can be highly effective in my hands," Tang San thought, touching the stones in his pockets.

These stones were used by him for occasional practice of hidden weapon techniques to maintain his skill with hidden weapon but they were not genuine hidden weapons and had very limited power.

Despite this, they could still cause significant damage with sufficient skill and power to an ordinary person and Tang San knew he could control them without any issue.

"Wait, I don't even need hidden weapons. I can just rely on my fist and foot skills. Mysterious Heaven Technique can also be utilized. Judging from Feng'ge's performance when climbing the mountain the other day, his physical fitness should be slightly inferior to mine. With Mysterious Heaven Technique and the strength I gained from swinging a giant hammer while forging, I'm confident that I can defeat brother Feng with a single punch."

Tang San pondered for a moment and concluded, "Yes, with my physical fitness and basic skills alone, it should be sufficient to beat brother Feng."

These were just Tang San's normal thoughts, he didn't mean to belittle Feng'ge. Although they were only children engaging in a fight, Tang San approached it with utmost seriousness. Now that he had made his decision, he intended to follow through and ensure brother Feng didn't feel that he went easy on him.

After a short while, Tang San arrived at the empty forest—a familiar spot with few small trees. He spotted Brother Feng standing at a distance, hands behind his back, gazing at the sky.

Such a masterful pose….though his small stature made it somewhat comical.

Tang San's mouth twitched slightly at the sight. He couldn't deny that brother Feng's figure made him appear like someone strong, despite his small size.

But something was off. Tang San couldn't pinpoint when it happened but the breeze began to blew slightly, causing the branches of the trees to rustle. Unlike Tang San's usual worn-out clothes, Wang Feng attire today was brand new and clean white. Nevertheless, his posture remained aloof.

"You're here," Feng'ge's voice came faintly.

"Yes, I'm here," Tang San nodded.

"I knew you would come," Wang Feng replied lightly.

"Of course I would. We made an appointment, didn't we?" Tang San wondered.

At that moment, Wang Feng turned around abruptly, fixing his gaze on Tang San. After a long pause, he slowly said, "It's been almost a month."

"Well, twenty days," Tang San acknowledged.

Wang Feng sighed, "Twenty days..."

Tang San grew more puzzled, "Twenty days, a short period..."

However, inexplicably, Tang San detected a hint of bitterness in Feng'ge's tone—a rare occurrence. The heaviness of the situation and the scene rendered Tang San speechless for a few moments.

After all, twenty days passed in the blink of an eye for him. But little did Tang San know that those twenty days felt like years to Wang Feng. The grueling training had been incessantly wearing away at his willpower.

"Hey, Xiao San'er, even though you haven't read Gu Long's novels, this is pretty good... hahaha!" Wang Feng burst into laughter, instantly dispelling the heavy atmosphere.

The dialogue Wang Feng quoted was a short exchange between Fu Hongxue and Yan Nanfei in Gu Long's novel and to his surprise he had the chance to exchange this dialogue with Tang San. 

This laughter prompted a perplexed expression from Tang San. Feng'ge's behavior was truly unpredictable, swinging between moments of seriousness and moments of laughter.

"Come on!" Wang Feng suddenly changed his tone.

He had barely finished speaking when Tang San kicked off the ground and sprinted toward Wang Feng at an astonishing speed, aiming an uppercut at his chin.

With his speed and strength, even someone of the same age would be overwhelmed by a single blow and would be unable to react in time. It wasn't an easy challenge even for a normal adult man.

Yet, just as the punch was about to connect with Wang Feng's chin, he subtly leaned back, and as if time had slowed down, he narrowly avoided the blow.

In that split second, Tang San didn't hesitate and used his elbow as a weapon, targeting Wang Feng's shoulder.

However, Wang Feng seeing this simply smiled and shifted a few inches to the side, skillfully evading the elbow strike.

Witnessing this, Tang San was surprised. He hadn't expected Brother Feng to consecutively dodge his attacks at the last possible moment.

"Is it mere coincidence?"

Tang San frowned and immediately mixed various offensive moves in an orderly manner, unleashing them like waves crashing against Wang Feng.

If you looked from a distance, you would see two little boys facing each other. One had a stern expression, while the other had a smile on his face.

But the smiling little boy remained unscathed. He skillfully dodged every attack, not letting any offensive attack touch even the edge of his clothes!

Ten minutes later, Tang San missed another punch, and then suddenly stepped back and looked at brother Feng.

He was extremely surprised to say the least!

If the first two attacks could be attributed to coincidence, what followed was nothing short of eerie!

Tang San's relentless offensive attack would have brought down two adult men but it seemed ineffective against brother Feng.

"He somehow seems to be able to see through all of my attacks! There's only one possibility—his speed is much faster than mine!" Tang San felt shocked.

"I know my physical fitness! But... this is the truth."

In Wang Feng's eyes, all of Tang San's attacks appeared to be moving in slow motion, at least three or four times slower!

Even if he closed his eyes and chewed on the blue silver grass he could easily avoid them.

To him, Tang San's offenses seemed to be happening in bullet time and he could dodge them effortlessly.

At this point, Wang Feng's true strength became clear.

"It seems that I have to use Mysterious Heaven Technique to increase my speed and strength and end this battle within three seconds!" Tang San's fighting spirit was ignited by Wang Feng's speed.

Tang San took a deep breath and activated Mysterious Heaven Technique, instantly doubling his speed.

Wang Feng watching Tang San suddenly speed up, pondered, "Could this be because of Mysterious Heaven Technique? I also have energy in my body but I wonder how it compares to the energy generated by the San'er when cultivating Mysterious Heaven Technique?"

Wang Feng had energy in his body that overflowed from Meteoric Tears whenever he exceeded his limits. However, he rarely used this special energy.

Even though he knew Tang San had increased his speed, Wang Feng chose not to dodge this time.

He wanted to test his strength against Tang San and him using Mysterious Heaven Technique provided the perfect opportunity.

With determination in his eyes, Wang Feng turned his body sideways and punched with his right fist toward Tang San's incoming punch.

Seeing this, Tang San was again surprised. He didn't expect Wang Feng to not evade this time and instead choose to collide with him.


The two punches collided with a dull thud!

Tang San's complexion changed immediately. Wang Feng's fist packed a tremendous force that made his own fist go numb!

Unable to stop, Tang San stepped back ten paces before steadying himself.

He was terrified this time. His punch was already much stronger than that of an adult, with a force of about one hundred twenty kgs and the Mysterious Heaven Technique further amplified his strength.

This punch alone could deliver a force of at least two hundred fifty kgs... 

Although Tang San had expected Feng'ge's speed to be fast but he didn't think his own strength would also be so weak in comparison to him. It became apparent that brother Feng's punch was definitely more powerful than his own.

"Could it be that I was wrong? That day when Feng Ge climbed the mountain... Although he didn't display strong power, his physical fitness couldn't possibly be this strong!" 

Tang San was horrified by this realization as he thought in his mind, "He conceals his true strength so well!"

Unbeknownst to Tang San, Wang Feng was only using 30% of his power. His physical fitness far surpassed Tang San's but the key to innate full soul power wasn't just physical fitness, it was the energy within his body.

Wang Feng recalled the novel "Douluo Dalu", where he learned that Tang San's innate full soul power came from cultivating the first level of Mysterious Heaven Technique, generating internal energy that later transformed into soul power after awakening of his martial soul. 

Wang Feng knew that this energy within his own body was the key to innate soul power. When he surpassed his limits for the fourth time, the Meteoric Tear overflowed more energy but this time instead of increased quantity of energy the quality improved.

He understood that, according to the rules of the Douluo Continent acquiring soul rings was crucial to obtaining more energy and surpassing bottlenecks. Just like Tang San couldn't break through the first layer of Mysterious Heaven Technique, Wang Feng also can't accumulate more energy.

In the midst of their battle, Tang San suddenly said solemnly, "Brother Feng, I didn't expect you to be this strong but I won't give up easily. I'll be serious now!"

These words surprised Wang Feng. He wondered if Tang San was going to use hidden weapons since Tang San was known for his expertise in hidden weapons from the Tang Sect.

Tang San touched his chest and cuffs with his palms, causing Wang Feng to jest, "Little San'er, what are you doing touching your chest? Are you planning to throw stones at me now?"

Tang San paused for a moment, not responding and realized that Brother Feng was truly perceptive. Wang Feng knew that Tang San didn't have any hidden weapons and might use a stone instead.

With a calm smile, Wang Feng said, "Hehe, I bet you don't have any stones in your arms! Give up, Tang San!"

Tang San shook his head and said seriously, "Sorry, Brother Feng, you made the wrong bet! I have plenty of stones in my arms!"

Wang Feng felt exasperated but remained composed. 

As Tang San finished speaking, he swiftly moved around Wang Feng, not launching an attack but quickly filling the air with pebbles. The pebbles, precise as marbles, struck towards Wang Feng from all directions, forming a giant net that left him in an extremely critical situation...


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