
in Douluo Dalu.

Wanna read a story full of epic fights, trolling and beauties chasing MC as well as of heartfelt comradeship, then my friend this story is just for you. Also this is a translation of a Chinese fan fiction, I am not the author. But rest assured that the translation will be very good not like MTL poison. I do not own this fan fiction as well as Douluo Dalu novel as it belong to it's respective author.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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297 Chs

Chapter 32.

E/N : Wassup people. Hope you all been good.

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And the JJK fanfic is still a work in progress so, it may take some time before I post it.

Your Allfather Author - PrimorDious. Peace Out✌.



Life, Wang Feng realized, was akin to a grand theatrical performance and success often hinged on one's ability to act convincingly. There were moments when acting was the only recourse and Wang Feng had sighed deeply within his heart.

Joining the Soul Hall would undoubtedly entail constraints and unwelcome oversight in the future and most crucially, he would have to heed their directives. This was not what Wang Feng desired.

Hence, he had to put on an act, leading Bishop Jie Ke of the Soul Hall to mistakenly believe that he held no potential worth nurturing, prompting their abandonment of him.

Wang Feng had initially contemplated revealing his true abilities. However, he reconsidered, recognizing that this was Nuoding City and even if Master Nuo reported to higher authorities, it would not reach the Pope's Palace. It would only ascend to the mid-to-high ranks of the Soul Hall, rendering it unnecessary for Wang Feng to reveal his full potential.

In both his martial soul and soul power tests, Wang Feng made no effort to conceal his true abilities. His spirit power genuinely stood at the fifteenth level. When recounting his experience in the Soul Hunting Forest, Wang Feng blended elements of truth and falsehood.

Bishop Jie Ke's deductions, Wang Feng reasoned, would lead to such conclusions when he absorbed the thousand-year old soul ring. This was why he cooperated with their conjectures. By compressing and purifying his soul power, he maintained it at the fifteenth rank, which did not appear consistent with the absorption of a genuine six-thousand-year old soul ring. It was a calculated move to provoke suspicions and elicit their theories.

In truth, Bishop Jie Ke's speculations weren't entirely off base. For a genuine Soul Master with innate spirit power, there would indeed be a slim chance of absorbing a thousand-year soul ring, particularly one from a creature like the Starlight Fox, which possessed the ability to heal.

However, the Resplendent Golden Thunder Leopard was a different story. It was utterly implausible to absorb its soul ring.

Had Wang Feng truly not possessed MeteoricTears, the best-case scenario would have entailed merely surviving while barely absorbing the six-thousand-year saoul ring. The enormous soul power bestowed by the Resplendent Golden Thunder Leopard's soul ring would slowly erode his life force.

Wang Feng's response to Bishop Jie Ke, which mirrored their expectations, was nothing short of a masterful performance in the art of deception. It was an act of unparalleled cunning.

In essence, he had predicted their predictions, rendering his performance seamless and undetectable.

However, it was the mysterious boy who had left Wang Feng somewhat astonished. Relying on his familiarity with the Douluo Continent, Wang Feng had hazarded a guess at the boy's true identity but he remained uncertain.

"The most significant gain, perhaps, is this token," Wang Feng mused as he regarded the special token in his possession. Similar to the third-class special token held by his master, it had no tangible privileges but enabled entry into the Soul Hunting Forest and facilitated a form of identity camouflage.

With this token, Wang Feng would find it far more convenient to undergo soul power identification in other cities' Soul Halls. Surprisingly, the token was also of use when it came to receiving Golden Soul Coin subsidies issued by Soul Hall.

Su Yuntao escorted Wang Feng downstairs. Master Nuo observed Wang Feng's departure and sighed inwardly. Perhaps Wang Feng was a wanderer of good fortune but his path had led him into a rare encounter with formidable soul beasts. Yet, due to a single misjudgment, one wrong step, his fate had taken an unexpected turn.

When they descended the stairs, night had fallen and Su Yuntao suddenly heard, "Su Yuntao! Why have you kept me waiting for so long!"

The woman was still inside the temple when she saw Su Yuntao leading Wang Feng down. Her impatience had grown to resentment as she waited for so long. She cast a sneer at Wang Feng, standing beside Su Yuntao and couldn't resist a sarcastic remark, "So, kid, do you even know what level your spirit power is? Did you get it from the soul beast you hunted?"

She intended to mock him further but Su Yuntao's face darkened and he cut her off with a sharp rebuke, "Enough, Sisi. Shut up!"

Sisi was taken aback. How could Su Yuntao dare to speak to her like this? She had always been obedient and loyal to him.

Ignoring Sisi, Su Yuntao led Wang Feng outside the Soul Hall, leaving Sisi in a daze.

"Boy, keep your chin up," Su Yuntao said as he patted Wang Feng's shoulder heavily.

Wang Feng remained silent, sensing that his acting had been so convincing that even Brother Tao was unconsciously touched. He didn't want Su Yuntao to be a lickspittle.

"Master Su, don't be so downcast. I won't die," Wang Feng whispered, adding, "Besides, I haven't finished writing the story of my soul's ascension for you."

Hearing this, tears welled up in Su Yuntao's eyes, surprising even himself. This careless kid had still managed to think about him at such a moment.

Wang Feng thought to himself, 'Even though Brother Tao belongs to the Soul Hall, he's only a lower-level staff member. Compared to the higher-ups, he's got a lot of humanity in him.' The same applied to Grandpa Master Nuo.

"I'm leaving," Wang Feng said, waving at Su Yuntao and walked away, leaving behind a solitary figure. 

Seeing this, Su Yuntao wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and let out a heavy sigh.

"Su Yuntao, what's gotten into you? How dare you shout at me like that?" It was Si Si, who had now joined him. She wore a cold expression and continued, "What's with the kid? I only made fun of him. So what? Is he your relative?"

She couldn't believe how audacious Su Yuntao had become. Would he dare to approach her if she just turned cold and aloof?

However, Su Yuntao looked at her coldly and sternly declared, "One more thing you say about him, believe it or not, I'll fuck you up!"

His cold gaze sent shivers down Sisi's spine. When had she ever seen Su Yuntao look at her like this? As though he genuinely wanted to fuck her up...

Sisi was shaken, somewhat afraid and aroused, whispering hurriedly, "Su, Yuntao... I... I'm sorry. Please don't be angry..."


Su Yuntao huffed and turned to walk into the Soul Hall without another word.

Sisi, flustered and a lil bit aroused, trailed behind him, her apology filled with panic.

Wang Feng walked back to Nuoding Academy, surprised to encounter Tang San and the master at the door of the academy.

"Master, Tang San, why are you here?" Wang Feng asked, clearly taken aback.

Tang San approached with a grave expression, asking, "Brother Feng, did you go to the soul hall just now?"

Hearing this, Wang Feng nodded and explained, "Yes, I went for an assessment. Afterward, a bishop came and said that I won't live long, my soul power will slowly dissipate and he wouldn't allow me to join the Soul Hall. But I don't believe him, I'll live for a hundred years and maybe become a God, eating and sleeping every day!"

Tang San's face grew heavy, though he couldn't help but smile bitterly. This was just like him, carefree and fearless.

Tang San looked to the master for confirmation.

The master sighed and explained, "This is the Soul Hall's style. If Xiao Feng had absorbed the soul ring of the Starlight Fox, there might not have been a problem, and they might have valued and cultivated him. But due to absorbing Resplendent Golden Thunder Leopard's soul ring and knowing your situation, they won't save you."

Wang Feng looked at the master with confusion.

"Brother Feng, I must apologize. I told the master about your thousand-year soul ring in advance," Tang San said with regret.

Wang Feng smiled and shook his head, saying, "It's alright, I didn't ask you to keep it a secret."

"But I asked the master to help you. The master says he has a way," Tang San continued.

"A way?" Wang Feng was intrigued.

The master nodded and looked at Wang Feng earnestly. "Little San implored me to help you. You're remarkably talented but you mistakenly absorbed the Resplendent Golden Thunder Leopard's soul ring. Although you've managed to absorb it, your body can't withstand the pressure from a six-thousand-year soul ring. I presume the Soul Hall bishop said that using soul power now would shorten your lifespan, correct?"

Wang Feng nodded. "That's what he said but it doesn't matter. Even without using martial soul, I'm still quite powerful."

"But you still won't live for long and that's a fact," the master continued with a heavy heart. "There is a possible solution but the Soul Hall won't help you. Fortunately, I have a friend who is also a Soul Saint."

"If I ask him, he should be willing to use his soul power to help you control the Resplendent Golden Thunder Leopard's soul ring, clearing out the soul power within you. But even then, while you might recover, your soul power won't improve. At best, your life can be extended."

As the master spoke, he watched Wang Feng closely.

Wang Feng couldn't help but think that Tang San was indeed formidable, to have moved the master like this. He surmised that the master's friend must be Flender.

"The condition is that you have to become his disciple. He will only act then," the master added.

Upon hearing this, Wang Feng sighed inwardly. In this world, there were those who held onto their principles and those who didn't. Soul Hall refused to help but the master, through Tang San's plea, was willing to assist. Although the actual help would come from Flender, it still demonstrated the difference in character.

"Thank you, Master, but I really don't need it," Wang Feng said with a smile. "Actually, my condition might not be as dire as you think. There are some reasons I can't explain to you but I appreciate your offer."

With that, Wang Feng waved goodbye and returned to his dormitory, leaving behind Tang San and the master, deep in thought.


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