
in Douluo Dalu.

Wanna read a story full of epic fights, trolling and beauties chasing MC as well as of heartfelt comradeship, then my friend this story is just for you. Also this is a translation of a Chinese fan fiction, I am not the author. But rest assured that the translation will be very good not like MTL poison. I do not own this fan fiction as well as Douluo Dalu novel as it belong to it's respective author.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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237 Chs

Chapter 232

Chapter 232.

A series of sharp calls resonated from the colossal phantom enveloping the Ice- Phoenix.

As if instinctively reacting to the whistle, the Ice Phoenix phantom vanished, along with Shui Bing'er's martial soul possession state. She plummeted from the sky, her face drained of color, her expression still of bewilderment and shock.

Wang Feng swiftly flicked his sleeves, unleashing countless black Armored Black Thorns that swiftly wrapped around Shui Bing'er, forming –a large parachute-like structure, slowing her descent, ensuring she landed safely on the ground.

Witnessing this scene, the audience was stunned into silence. Shui Bing'er had unleashed her ten-thousand-year soul ability, a move of immense power, only to have it neutralized by Jiu Yikai's single whistle. The baffling conclusion left everyone bewildered.

Was it really as simple as Jiu Yikai blowing a whistle?

No one could comprehend the events unfolding before them, not even the esteemed Titled Douluo Gu Rong seated at the VIP table.

"I don't understand at all! How did it break? Is this whistle some kind of sound attributed attack? Did it directly disrupt the spiritual energy fluctuations in Shui Binger's body, rendering this technique invisible to counter? But even if it was a sound attributed attack, there should still be soul energy fluctuations when it was released. But it was just an ordinary whistle... "

Shocked and bewildered, the audience fell silent at this highly dramatic scene! Inside the battle stage, the referee was dumbfounded, and still hasn't regained his composure–. 

This event is likely to go down in the history of the Heaven Dou Empire for its bizarre and dramatic nature! No one could have predicted that this would be the outcome of the last match of the qualifiers!

 Shui Bing'er coughed a few times, rose from the ring, paused for a moment, then made her way towards Jiu Yikai, whispering:

"Thank you. I shouldn't have used my fourth soul ability just now. It's just that you..." Jiu Yikai remained silent, snorted coldly, then turned and departed.

Shui Bing'er frowned slightly, her heart was filled with as much curiosity as many others at that moment, but... she faintly understood why her fourth soul ability was shattered by the opponent, and she had some suspicions. 

Despite the many questions swirling in her mind, she wished to ask Jiu Yikai, but he had already turned away and left.

However, it seems that this moment is also not appropriate. 

Shui Binger shook her head, approached the referee, and whispered, "Our Skywater Academy has lost." 

The referee suddenly snapped back to reality and announced with a trembling voice, "Purple Star Academy, won!"

The crowd erupted into cheers at the announcement! 

While they may not understand how Jiu Yikai clinched the final victory, it was undoubtedly the most thrilling, dramatic, and visually stunning match of the qualifiers!

Under Shui Bing'er's leadership, Skywater Academy displayed formidable prowess in dominating the arena, only to be ultimately thwarted by Jiu Yikai!

In the end, even Shui Binger's ten-thousand-year soul ability was neutralized by Jiu Yikai's incredibly strange whistle! This event is likely to be counted among the top ten unsolved mysteries of extraordinary soul skills.

After nearly a month-long competition, the jesting slogan from the opening ceremony had turned into reality, Jiu Yikai stood alone, triumphing throughout the entire contest! A legendary figure indeed!

In the future, not only in the Heaven Dou Empire but also in the neighboring cities influenced by Heaven Dou City, Jiu Yikai's name will likely become synonymous with invincibility.

In previous years' competitions, being the first to qualify for the finals might have garnered fame, but reaching the level achieved by Jiu Yikai would have been deemed impossible!

Yet, Jiu Yikai made an exception! Armed solely with a mysterious soul bone, without employing martial soul or any soul abilities, he battled until the very end.

Every match is equally exhilarating, delivering a sense of awe at the possibility of winning in such unexpected ways! And Skywater Academy has gained renown for being the only one to break the ten-second curse. It's the sole academy that can withstand ten seconds against Jiu Yikai and that's quite a feat. While the ten-second curse may have started as mere hype from the audience, it has undeniably added to Skywater Academy's prestige.

"It's truly a mind-boggling game..." Tang San and his companions gazed at the arena, still reverberating with the echoes of the match.

"Teacher, do you know how Shui Bing'er's soul ability was nullified by Jiu Yikai?" Tang San, perplexed, approached his master to inquire.

However, the Grandmaster and several other teachers remained silent, evidently still reeling from the intensity of the recent game.

"I'm not sure either," Grandmaster finally responded after a prolonged silence, shaking his head. Despite his expertise in martial soul and knowledge of soul beasts, he found himself at a loss to comprehend what had transpired.

How could a mere whistle shatter Shui Binger's formidable ten-thousand-year soul ability? It seems –utterly absurd!

"You can inquire with Xiao Feng later," Grandmaster suggested after a moment of contemplation. "Xiao Feng's comprehension and application of various spirit beasts and abilities surpass mine. Perhaps, he may have some unique insights."

Tang San was taken aback by this suggestion.

Just then, a lazy voice chimed in, "Little San, what's on your mind?" 

Tang San turned to see Brother Feng, who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere on the audience stage.

Others soon joined them, crowding around.

"Brother Feng, did you witness the match? What exactly happened at the end?" Xiao Wu inquired urgently, her curiosity reignited.

Wang Feng sighed, "It's quite simple, really."

His words left everyone dumbfounded. 

Simple? How could something as extraordinary as breaking Shui Binger's powerful soul ability with a mere whistle be considered simple?

"Consider this," Wang Feng continued nonchalantly, "How potent was Shui Binger's soul ability just now? Is that something a typical forty-seventh-level soul master could possess? Master, consider how many good of soul energy mastery would be necessary to exhibit such profound soul energy fluctuations."

The master spoke without hesitation, "Releasing such potent soul energy fluctuations would require at least the sixth soul ring ability. It's evident that the soul ring absorbed by Shui Binger is exceptionally powerful. Even if it's only from a 10,000-year soul beast, that soul beast must be immensely formidable! Comparable to the Titan Giant Ape, which, despite being just hundred years old, can rival beasts of thousands or even tens of thousands of years old. While Shui Binger's soul beast may not be as mighty as the Titan Giant Ape, it's still formidable!"

"So," Wang Feng smiled, "It would require a soul emperor of at least the 61st level to wield such a soul ability. Do you think Shui Bing'er, at the forty-seventh level, could control it?"

Everyone was taken aback.

The master nodded, affirming, "Indeed, she couldn't properly control it. Because it's not a soul ability focused on control, but rather an attack-oriented one. The soul energy fluctuations are too intense."

Wang Feng added, "She couldn't manage her soul ability, indicating that after Shui Bing'er used it, her entire being was thrown into disarray. Her consciousness was affected by the soul energy fluctuations caused by the ability, and the soul energy within her body became chaotic... On the surface it seemed –very powerful."

"In reality," Wang Feng continued, "That whistle instantaneously snapped Shui Binger's consciousness back and disrupted the flow of soul energy in her body. It ingeniously neutralized the opponent's soul ability!"

Wang Feng smiled and explained, "In simpler terms, when we break through bottlenecks, we often emit intense soul energy fluctuations. If someone accidentally nudges us or we're abruptly awakened... we might not fully break through the bottleneck. Similarly, we might struggle to utilize our soul abilities to their full extent, or they might even dissipate automatically."

As Wang Feng spoke, everyone paused for a moment, sensing a vague understanding dawning within them.

The more they contemplated, the more it resonated and seemed feasible.

"Ah, I see!" Tang San exclaimed, the first to grasp the concept.

Others quickly followed suit, realizing that Shui Bing'er couldn't control her fourth soul ability, and her soul power wasn't fully manifested before being subtly disrupted.

However, Wang Feng remained silent, a hint of coldness flickering in his eyes.

In truth... not all of his words were genuine. While it was accurate that Shui Bing'er couldn't control the soul ability, her ability was fully unleashed; they just couldn't perceive it. And the reason for its interruption with a whistle... was because this soul ability was governed by the instinctual consciousness of the Ice Emperor Lizard.

Though Yaya might be deceased, its soul likely resided on the soul ring.

During Shui Bing'er's display of her fourth soul ability, Wang Feng sensed a familiar consciousness, though others may have perceived it as merely the power bestowed by the ten-thousand-year soul ring's soul beast.

That whistle... it served as their signal when he was with the trio. Whenever he returned to the Holy Soul Village and blew the whistle, the trio would promptly appear if present nearby. Thus, they were intimately familiar with the whistle's noise.

During the recent events, the whistle was blown to verify whether the consciousness within the ten-thousand-year soul ring belonged to Yaya or not. Wang Feng's suspicion proved correct.


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