
in Douluo Dalu.

Wanna read a story full of epic fights, trolling and beauties chasing MC as well as of heartfelt comradeship, then my friend this story is just for you. Also this is a translation of a Chinese fan fiction, I am not the author. But rest assured that the translation will be very good not like MTL poison. I do not own this fan fiction as well as Douluo Dalu novel as it belong to it's respective author.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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293 Chs

Chapter 190.

Wang Feng couldn't help but think to himself, 'Sorry, this time the Grandmaster did deceive you, but still there's truth in your suspicions.'

"There's another reason," Tang San continued, "At the start of the Silves Arena event, teacher instructed us to stay behind. I couldn't help but feel curious about why he wanted us to witness the fight of Jiu Yiaki. It seemed like he wanted us to be aware of the strength and identity of the individual who would test us someday. Otherwise, why would he insist we stay and observe someone entirely unrelatable to us?"

"So, I'm convinced that this individual associated is Jiu Yiaki or one of the member of Avengers team and is a close friend of teacher!" Tang San whispered. 

"Over the years, I've come to know nearly all of teacher's acquaintances, and I even inquired with the Dean and teacher Erlong long ago. There are no other friends of the master besides them except maybe this Jiu Yikai, who holds a particularly special place."

Wang Feng remained silent, impressed by Xiao San's logical deductions.

"Moreover," Tang San continued, "The unique weapon attacks used by this Jiu Yikai, I recall seeing you, Feng'ge, wield something similar over a year ago when facing Tian Ya and Bu Le in Suotuo City."

Tang San regarded Wang Feng with suspicion. "However, the quantity of weapons employed by Jiu Yikai is even more astonishing. Brother Feng, do you have any connection to Jiu Yikai?"

Wang Feng smiled and replied, "I've met him a few times. However, I also don't know his true identity... He did gift me some of the weapons you mentioned."

Tang San's expression suddenly changed as realization dawned.

"Though I can't be completely certain, I believe my deductions are on the right track!"

Tang San was visibly excited. "Brother Feng, let's keep this between us. Don't mention it to the master or anyone else."

After delivering his message, Tang San departed, leaving Wang Feng with a stiff expression.

Wang Feng pondered for a while. It seemed that Xiao San's deductions were quite accurate, not dependent on luck and mischief as done by both the girls.

The following day, Grandmaster convened a meeting with few individuals. With the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Tournament just a few days away, it was crucial to provide final training and clarify the competition's rules. Additionally, reserve members were also to be added to the group.

Apart from the previous member, Tai Long, and few are also formidable.

Two males and one female, roughly eighteen or nineteen years old.

Yuan Huang, a Level 35 Power Attack System Soul Master, with the martial soul "Lone Wolf" with two yellow and one purple soul rings.

Jing Ling, a Level 35 Agility Attack System Soul Master, with the martial soul "Skeleton" and two yellow and one purple soul rings.

Jiang Zhu, a Level 35 Auxiliary system healing type Soul Master, with the martial soul "Healing Scepter" and two yellow and one purple soul rings.

All three were the previous elite students from the original Blue Bull Academy.

"Due to the competition's format, rotations among students will make things much easier for you," Grandmaster explained.

Despite the availability of Oscar's grilled sausages, which could replenish soul power, continuous fighting would still drain one's mind and body. Even the strongest individuals would eventually succumb to fatigue.

Upon seeing Huang Yuan's martial soul, Wang Feng couldn't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia. It had been a while since he had last encountered tool man Yuntao and his 'Lone Wolf'.

Xiao Wu inquired with a smile. "Brother Feng just returned. Will he be providing us with personal training in the coming days? Also, who's the new member?"

Though the three new members were merely substitutes, they still needed to familiarize themselves with the team dynamics.

"Xiao Feng..." Grandmaster pondered for a moment. "He will also serve as your substitute. However, unless under special circumstances, he won't participate in battles. He has his own commitments and won't be joining in the training sessions."

Observing this, the three substitute members cast curious glances at Wang Feng. Compared to the Shrek Seven Devils, Wang Feng seemed more enigmatic and mysterious to them. His appearances was also rare, such as once when representatives from the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy visited, or when he faced off against the Titan Tai Tan and astonishingly defeated two soul masters over level forty, also surviving the pressure from the Tai Tan. 

This performance had left many students at the academy astounded and left in awe of him, akin to a legend.

However, over the following six months, Wang Feng had largely faded from the limelight, while the Shrek Seven Devils continued to garner fame within the academy.

Upon hearing Grandmaster's explanation, the Shrek Seven Devils felt reassured.

"Now, let's discuss the rules of the upcoming competition." Grandmaster announced.

Grandmaster paused for a moment before proceeding to explain the competition system to everyone, including Wang Feng, who listened attentively. This competition held significant importance.

The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Tournament garnered its name from the participation of the two empires, along with the Soul Hall, and encompassing the entire known soul master world. Basic requirements included being under 25 years old, maintaining a team of up to seven participants for each match and strictly prohibiting fatalities.

Compared to battles in the Great Fighting Soul Arena, this competition was considered the most formal. The prohibition on fatalities stemmed from the rarity of soul masters among ordinary humans and the elite status of the participants, causing substantial losses upon death. Furthermore, numerous rules existed, such as the ban on external weapons such as Tang San's hidden weapons, highlighting the official nature of the game.

Wang Feng found amusement in these official game rules, where certain attack methods, including hidden weapons, were deemed unusable and ineffective.

"In the two empires, there are hundreds of Advanced soul master academies, combined," Grandmaster continued. 

"Each academy holds a quota for participation. The official academies of the two empires receive two quotas. One team is directly recommended for the finals, representing the Imperial family's prestige, while the other must earn its place through competition."

These hundreds of Advanced Soul Master Academies competes, with each empire consisting of various principalities, each with its own competition area. Heaven Dou City encompassed nearby cities and held its own competition area. Due to the abundance of Advanced Soul Master academies in Heaven Dou City, the competition is going to be particularly fierce here.

Despite the numerous academies, only 33 spots were available in the finals. Each empire reserved one spot, and the Soul Hall has claim over another. The remaining 30 spots were up for grabs among the hundreds of competing academies. The Heaven Dou City Division directly granted five final spots.

"After the 30 finalists are determined through the qualifiers, a ranking competition will be conducted to determine the order of appearance in the finals," the master explained. "The qualifiers are team competitions, and promotion rankings are based on individual performances, with students being eliminated one by one until all fail."

Wang Feng absorbed these rules carefully. Following the qualifiers, the 30 teams from the two empires entered the finals based on their rankings.

In the finals, there was a 'bye' rule, allowing some teams to advance directly without competing. In the first round of 'byes', the two empires and the three seeded teams from the Soul Palace were fixed, while the remaining 30 teams competed against each other, with winners advancing and losers being eliminated.

In subsequent rounds, the number of seeded teams increased, with some teams receiving byes. Ultimately, the top ten teams were determined, followed by a lottery to decide matchups. After further battles, only three teams remained.

For these three teams, both team battles and individual elimination battles were conducted separately. First, individual elimination battles took place, with each academy challenging the other until all students from two academies were eliminated. Then, the victorious academy would proceed to the final championship battle.

Wang Feng found the competition system intriguing because, despite the regulations requiring seven players for team battles, it was possible for one person to carry the team.

"Now, I have a task for you," the master announced. "In the qualifiers of the Heaven Dou City Division, only three of you Shrek Seven Devils can compete! Rongrong cannot be among those selected."

Grandmaster fixed his gaze on the group, noticing some of them already drifting off.

"Huh? But don't the qualifiers require seven people?" Fatty interjected, suddenly awakened.

"The teacher meant that we should conserve our strength?" Tang San glanced at Jiang Zhu, Tai Long, Huang Yuan and Jing Ling. "Should the four of them play?"

Grandmaster nodded in agreement. "There are too many teams in the qualifiers."

Wang Feng chimed in, "If all seven of you play, it will draw too much attention. Every game will be recorded and the more you showcase your skills, the more you'll stand out. It's likely other teams won't reveal too many of their top players in the qualifiers."

The qualifiers were akin to a sieve, intense despite the large number of participants. Over 100 teams vied for just 30 spots. However, for Tang San and their group of seven, it seemed relatively straightforward due to their exceptional abilities.

"And in the finals..." Wang Feng glanced at the group, "You need to defeat the enemy with the cleanest means possible, even in the qualifiers and preliminary rounds. Ideally, stick to using just one to two soul ability or if possible none at all."

The Shrek Seven remained silent as Grandmaster and Wang Feng exchanged words.

"Xiao Feng is correct. It's best to use only one soul ability to pass the qualifiers round, otherwise, it may jeopardize the Shrek Seven Devils' chances," Grandmaster commended Wang Feng. "The more you conserve now, the further you'll progress."

"In the upcoming days, you'll train on your own. Xiaofeng and I have other arrangements and won't be assisting with your team's training," Grandmaster added before calling Wang Feng aside.

The remaining few glanced at each other, curious about the master and Wang Feng's discussions.

"Before you ventured to the Star Dou Great Forest to obtain your fourth soul ring, I arranged for you to assume the identity of a student in one of Heaven Dou City's Advanced Soul Master academies," Grandmaster explained, glancing at Wang Feng. 

"I informed the academy of your achievements, and they agreed to have you join their team for the tournament, along with six other students."

Wang Feng nodded, recalling his prior discussion with Grandmaster.

"And your task is to visit this academy in person and demonstrate to them that you have the capability to compete independently in the competition. The other six students will accompany you but won't participate in the battles, they'll simply observe," Grandmaster explained.

"Which academy?" Wang Feng inquired.

"Purple Star Academy." the master replied.

Wang Feng pondered for a moment. He had never heard of it before... It was likely not a prestigious institution in the original story.


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