
in Douluo Dalu.

Wanna read a story full of epic fights, trolling and beauties chasing MC as well as of heartfelt comradeship, then my friend this story is just for you. Also this is a translation of a Chinese fan fiction, I am not the author. But rest assured that the translation will be very good not like MTL poison. I do not own this fan fiction as well as Douluo Dalu novel as it belong to it's respective author.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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233 Chs

Chapter 185.

Originally, Zhu Zhuqing's soul skills were supposed to greatly diminish the momentum of this Ghost Tiger, paving the way for Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun's second offensive, coupled with Xiao Wu's final strike, which should have rendered this Ghost Tiger incapable of fighting. But evidently not everything goes as planned, as this turn of events caught them entirely off guard.

Ning Rongrong and Oscar were also startled, immediately flying to the air.

"Why is this Ghost Tiger so ferocious?" Zhao Wuji and the others were equally surprised. 

"It seems this Ghost Tiger was injured prior to its arrival," Liu Erlong pointed to the wound on the ghost tiger's back. "That injury has driven it into a state of extreme madness and anger, overriding its natural instincts. Although Zhuqing's attack was effective, the Ghost Tiger completely disregarded it. They're in for a tough battle..."

"How should we handle this unique situation?" Liu Erlong could see it clearly so could Flender.

Grandmaster, with his limited power, and couldn't discern the situation clearly, but after hearing Liu Erlong and Flender, he spoke in silence, "It seems he might be behind this."

The three were surprised for a moment.

"You mean, it's Xiaofeng's doing?" Flender interjected abruptly. "But how could he make this Ghost Tiger so frenzied? And I just mentioning that he hadn't attacked today, which goes against his usual demeanor."

"Let's observe for now. They're in for a good battle, and if they're unable to solve it, we'll intervene."


Tang San was taken aback by the state the Ghost Tiger is in.

However, after facing numerous such battles, he had learned to quickly adapt to any situation.

"Keep wearing it down and restraining it! Even in its frenzy, there will be moments when it can't endure our all out attacks."

Tang San commanded calmly, "Zhuqing, this Ghost Tiger soul ring will suit you well. But in this condition, it might be tough to neutralize it! You must seize the right moment and kill it, we'll create opportunities for you to deliver a decisive blow!"

The seven individuals originally aimed to render the Ghost Tiger ineffective in combat, but now they had to adjust their strategy and kill it.

"No! I have a plan!" Zhu Zhuqing exclaimed.

At that moment, Zhu Zhuqing stepped forward, her voice resonating deeply, "Rongrong, empower me, I'm going all out!"

Everyone was taken aback by her words. Ning Rongrong nodded, and several beams of light directly targeted Zhu Zhuqing.

Taking a deep breath, Zhu Zhuqing fixed her gaze on the Ghost Tiger, as her purple-gold claws gleaming ominously. With lightning speed, she charged forward.

However, this 5,000-year-old Ghost Tiger wasn't to be underestimated! It too lunged towards Zhu Zhuqing as soon as it saw her coming for attack.

In the next instant, as their figures were about to collide, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly leaped onto the Ghost Tiger's back.

"Moon Hundred Claws!"

Dozens of purple-golden streaks of cold light slashed across the Ghost Tiger's back in rapid succession.

This was just Zhu Zhuqing's second soul ability, but this time, the Ghost Tiger let out an agonizing roar!

Moments later, it collapsed to the ground.

Everyone stood in disbelief. Even Tang San was baffled, until Zhu Zhuqing dismounted from the ghost tiger.

"Zhuqing, how did you manage that?" Xiao Wu exclaimed, astonished. "This Ghost Tiger should have incredible vitality... and in its enraged state, it shouldn't feel pain at all. It's practically impervious to soul abilities below its level. Isn't that right?"

The group gathered around, puzzled.

Only Tang San, fixated on the spot where Zhu Zhuqing had unleashed her soul abilities, suddenly spoke up, "Ah, I see... Zhuqing, you targeted its wound with Moon Hundred Claws, didn't you?"

Tang San gestured towards the scratch on the Ghost Tiger's back.

That wound, though small, seemed to be the source of the Ghost Tiger's aggression. Even now, as they drew near, they could sense an immensely potent aura emanating from it.

"Yes," Zhu Zhuqing affirmed. "I noticed the wound when I attacked from close range earlier. It seems this wound is what drove it into a frenzy. By targeting it with Moon Hundred Claws, I could exacerbate its injury."

"The agony inflicted by this wound seems to be more effective than our attacks. I thought if I can enlarge this injury, the Ghost Tiger would perish instantly."

Upon hearing this, everyone fell silent. 

"I wonder, who inflicted this wound?" Oscar pondered, his brow furrowed. "I have a feeling it's not as simple as it seems."

Tang San shook his head, uncertain of the wound's origin. The possibilities were numerous.

"But facing such a ferocious Ghost Tiger, Zhuqing, you shouldn't encounter any difficulty absorbing it once it's slain," Tang San remarked with a smile. "This would be the optimal outcome. Due to its wound, the Ghost Tiger is in excruciating pain, yet its madness blinds it to the harm it's endured, driving it to seek death. The aura emanating from this wound is so intense that even the Ghost Tiger's souls should be apprehensive... ending its suffering would be a mercy."

His words left the others slightly surprised.

Zhu Zhuqing opened her mouth, as if about to speak, but remained silent.

In truth, she wanted to mention that the wound resembled those inflicted on the two soul beasts that perished yesterday.

However, since Oscar and Ma Hongjun had swiftly dispatched and absorbed the soul rings of those beasts, none of them had noticed.

Moreover, when she was sent flying by the mysterious six-ringed Soul Emperor earlier, she happened to land near the fallen soul beasts. By chance, she caught sight of the similar small wound.

Evidently, the wounds on the two soul beasts were intentionally left by the perpetrator. If they had detected it earlier, they could have been prepared to confront this Ghost Tiger.

In essence, the wound on this Ghost Tiger... was also inflicted by the Soul Emperor.

'That Soul Emperor has been clandestinely aiding and warning us...' Zhu Zhuqing thought to herself.

Just as she was about to speak...

Suddenly, a rumbling noise erupted in the distance!

"You should all retreat first, there might be a plethora of soul beasts arriving here any time now," Flender and Liu Erlong approached.

"There are at least thirty or so soul beasts of varying ages," Grandmaster's voice rang out deeply. "Moreover, I fear there may be more than one ten thousand-year-old soul beasts among them..."

From the observations of Flender and Liu Erlong, he had already discerned this earlier.

"So exaggerated?" Dai Mubai inhaled sharply. "This immortal herb is quite potent."

"There's something amiss," Flender remarked, casting a glance at the group. "These soul beasts bear wounds... I just observed them, and each one has the same wounds as the Ghost Tiger from earlier... including one 30,000-year-old soul beast. They all exhibit this same peculiar wound."

"Meaning, they're all in a frenzied state."

Upon hearing this, the group fell into silence.

Such soul beasts, bearing a unique wound, though beneficial to kill for absorption, posed a significant challenge. They were exceedingly difficult to dispatch, particularly those over ten thousand years old. Once they turned violent, there was scarcely any chance at all.

"All of them have wounds?" Ma Hongjun wiped the sweat from his brow. "Who could have caused this? It's so horrifying. Even a 30,000-year-old soul beast can be harmed..."

At that moment, Zhu Zhuqing murmured, "It's him, it's the Soul Emperor..."

Tang San and the others looked at her in astonishment.

Zhu Zhuqing's words left Tang San feeling slightly surprised.

With these thirty or so soul beasts converging due to the allure of immortal herb, it seemed challenging to inflict damage on each one and then retreat. Moreover, with the presence of 30,000-year-old soul beasts among them, the task became even more daunting.

In light of this, who could the Soul Emperor be?

"Zhuqing has a point," Tang San pondered for a moment. "The speed of the Soul Emperor is incredibly fast. Even a 30,000-year-old soul beast among these may not match his speed. If a soul master specializing in sensitive attacks can't constrain his speed, then it's plausible for him to harm these soul beasts."

As Tang San voiced his thoughts, the others found his reasoning somewhat convincing.

"Zhuqing, how did you know it's the Soul Emperor?" Xiao Wu inquired.

Zhu Zhuqing recounted the wounds sustained by Giant Earth King and the Pink Queen during their battle.

Upon hearing this, Tang San fell into a brief silence.

"Excellent! Zhuqing, as an agility attack system soul master, you've made significant strides in your investigative and analytical skills," Grandmaster commended Zhu Qing with admiration. 

"To identify clues left by the adversary, analyze them, and then make decisive decisions is crucial for an agility attack system soul master."

If Zhu Zhuqing hadn't noticed the wound last night, she wouldn't have been able to think so deeply.

As an agility attack system soul master, in addition to her combat prowess, her role on the battlefield encompassed investigation, analysis and relaying information to back to the command. The more intelligence gathered, the better for the team's strategy.

"Let's set aside the matter of the Soul Emperor for now," Flender addressed the group. 

"With so many soul beasts, we need to consider our next steps. Directly engaging with such a large number of highly agitated soul beasts would pose immense danger. Their attacks would be ferocious."

There are over 30 soul beasts ranging from thousands to tens of thousands of years old. This is not a challenge a small team can overcome through mere cooperation.

"These frenzied soul beasts, once defeated, would be ideal for us to absorb."

Tang San spoke with a smile, "The senior Soul Emperor didn't directly attack us this time, but it's evidently a test for us! If we overcome it, we stand to gain numerous benefits. Now, our primary concern is how to extract the soul beasts we need from among these thirty or so."

With careful words, Tang San ensured everyone grasped the current situation.

At that moment, Tang San retrieved the Flying God Claw from his hand and explained, "This might require assistance from teachers. This is the Flying God Claw! It can help in grasping various terrains, dodge, or climb objects up to tens of meters away."

With a swift motion, Tang San aimed the Flying God Claw at a large rock in the distance.

"However, it also requires strong soul power support to grab objects," he continued.

The front end of the claw shot out a sharp, cone-shaped projectile, connected by a sturdy steel wire. The cone embedded itself into the rock, forming a substantial steel claw that securely gripped the rock.

Tang San then manipulated his soul power, retracting the claw and bringing back the rock.

Observing this, teachers' eyes lit up.

"If we utilize these flying claws to capture soul beasts, one may not suffice, but three or even four would be ample to reel in the soul beasts outside one by one," Tang San suggested.

Handing the Flying God Claws to Flender, he instructed Dai Mubai, "Mubai, Oscar, both of you temporarily relinquish your Flying God Claws and lend them to the teachers."

With nearly all his hidden weapons equipped with a set for everyone, Dai Mubai and Oscar promptly handed over their Flying God Claws to Flender and Liu Erlong. Tang San's was passed to Zhao Wuji.

The mechanism wasn't overly complex, and the three teachers, being seasoned soul masters, quickly grasped its operation.

"Then let's select a soul beast for Rongrong first," Tang San addressed Ning Rongrong.

"According to Wang Feng's advice, my fourth soul ability is best if it can be boosting defense, preferably one that can also help safeguard myself," Ning Rongrong chimed in with a smirk. "Besides, I feel that I've grown stronger physically, capable of absorbing higher-aged soul beast soul rings. I might even surpass Oscar."

Oscar remained silent, inwardly acknowledging the limitations of his physical body. Unlike Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasure Star Cloud Pagoda, which could enhance her physical prowess, Oscar's abilities couldn't similarly boost his own attributes.

"Xiao Feng is correct. Your augmentation encompasses attack, agility, and soul power regeneration. Consequently, the next logical step is to get an ability that enhances defense," Tang San concurred.

Grandmaster nodded, contemplating for a moment. "There's a turtle beast outside, boasting the strongest defensive power among these soul beasts. Even those tens of thousands of years old may not rival this turtle beast. Furthermore, it appears to have undergone some mutations too."

"Mutations?" Tang San queried, surprised.

"Indeed," Grandmaster confirmed, gesturing towards the exterior. "This ordinary-looking turtle is a Black Linjia beast. However, it's evidently more unique. Not only its age is optimal, but its back also emits a light purple hue. It appears to be some kind of mutation. My speculation is that this purple armor grants it even greater defensive capabilities, possibly accompanied by special abilities. Such beasts are exceedingly rare."

All eyes turned to the Black Linjia beast outside, noting the lavender hue of its armor, surrounded by a black halo.

"After capturing and absorbing it, we'll find out!" Liu Erlong's eyes gleamed with a fiery determination. Without hesitation, she leaped high and launched the flying claw!

Flender and Zhao Wuji hastily followed suit, attempting to rein in Liu Erlong's impetuosity.

Despite its larger size, the Black Linjia beast proved no match for three formidable Soul Saint and Soul Douluo. It was effortlessly hoisted up as if lifted by a crane and unceremoniously deposited onto the ground.

Absorbing the poisonous mist of the poison array and ensnared by Flender's Flying God Claws, the Black Linjia beast resembled a turtle flipped onto its back, its abdomen exposed to the air, yet still protected by layers of its hard armor.

Grandmaster swiftly outlined the weaknesses of the Black Linjia beast and then instructed Liu Erlong to accompany Ning Rongrong in absorbing and dispatching the soul beast.

"Little San, for your fourth soul ring, you should choose the Human Faced Demon Spider," Grandmaster directed, indicating the creature in the distance. "You're likely familiar with the Human Faced Demon Spider's traits. This six-thousand-year-old soul beast is the most suitable option."

Tang San fell silent for a moment.

"Although the Soul Emperor is testing you, judging from the wounds sustained by these soul beasts, it's evident that he intentionally led them here," Grandmaster concluded.

"Indeed, that seems to be the case," Flender acknowledged. "Whether it's the Ghost Tiger we encountered earlier, or the Black Linjia beast just now, they don't appear to be creatures one encounters by chance. Even with the allure of immortal herb's, it might not be enough to attract such perfectly-suited soul beasts."

Tang San nodded, fully comprehending the situation.

"So, this six-thousand-year-old Human Faced Demon Spider was evidently chosen for you after careful consideration. In last night's battle, the Soul Emperor gained a thorough understanding of your strength and soul abilities," Grandmaster elucidated. "Although these soul beasts are numerous, they have been specifically chosen to align with your needs."

The six-thousand-year-old Human Face Demon Spider was the oldest soul beast among them, surpassing the forty-level limit for most soul masters.

At that moment, Tang San turned his gaze towards another direction and spoke with a smile, "But teacher, there's still a ten-thousand-year-old Crypt Demon Spider over there. I believe it might be even more suitable! Perhaps that's what the Soul Emperor intended, don't you think?"


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