
in Douluo Dalu.

Wanna read a story full of epic fights, trolling and beauties chasing MC as well as of heartfelt comradeship, then my friend this story is just for you. Also this is a translation of a Chinese fan fiction, I am not the author. But rest assured that the translation will be very good not like MTL poison. I do not own this fan fiction as well as Douluo Dalu novel as it belong to it's respective author.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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293 Chs

Chapter 103

All of them slowly but steadily advanced toward the academy's entrance, their pace unrelenting, seemingly oblivious to any interruptions. The speed remained undeterred until Wang Feng expelled the weeds from his mouth, bellowing,


His command acted like a jolt of electricity, instantly rousing everyone from their meditative states.

In the blink of an eye, Ning Rongrong, the least physically resilient, collapsed onto the ground, head spinning, devoid of any trace of energy. Shortly after, the others followed suit, each laying down on then ground, gasping for breath.

Dai Mubai and Tang San, possessing superior endurance, fared marginally better, yet the unrelenting exhaustion swept over them almost instantaneously, akin to someone who had indulged in an all-night gaming session before collapsing in sleep.

"What's happening?" Flender couldn't help but inquire seeing this out of norm situation. One moment thy were still slowly running, the next as if dominos, they crumbled.

The seven of them remained silent, too out of breath to answer.

"They seem oblivious to the fact that they were running?" Grandmaster observed the situation, his brows furrowing.

"However, their bodies are indeed pushed to the limit... Odd, very odd! Flender, take them quickly to the prepared medicinal baths."

Flender hastily nodded, Zhao Wuji supported the children with one hand as they headed back to the academy. Several women from the village also approached, lifting up the three girls and helping them walk back to the academy.

The seven's vision gradually cleared, though still blurry. They had run to the end, alongside Wang Feng, who had yet to break a sweat from all that running.

"Xiao Feng, did you have a hand in this?" Grandmaster inquired.

Wang Feng evaded a direct response, teasing, "Let them explain. It'll make a more sense."

Grandmaster sighed, "Fine, keep us in suspense till then!"

Later that night, as Tang San emerged from the medicinal barrel, he silently reflected.

"Brother Feng's method is truly effective. My soul power has seen significant improvement just from this one run... It might not be an overstatement to say this approach can help shorten my cultivation of years! Through this, even with modest increments, I'll surpass others in the long run!"

"After a few months, I might see an improvement of one or two levels, at least!"

Contemplating this, Tang San couldn't help but take a deep breath. The idea of cultivating while running hadn't occurred to him, yet here they were, putting it into practice.

"I don't know how and why brother Feng comes up with these ingenious but out of norm ideas." Tang San mused, unaware that Wang Feng had been compelled by impatience with the sluggish progress of his soul power because of condensing and purifying it several times.

"Soaking in these medicinal baths seem to rapidly alleviate exhaustion...?"

Tang San pondered, dressed and headed towards the cafeteria. Everyone was present and the rich aroma of food tantalized his taste buds.

"Tang San, join us! The food tastes exceptionally delicious after the workout!" Oscar beckoned.

Grandmaster, Flender and Zao Wou-ki were also seated in the center.

"Meditation practice while running?" Flender exclaimed incredulously.

"Did Wang Feng teach you? I never thought we can do that..."

He found himself at a loss for words. Despite being a man who had challenged many conventional norms, founding Shrek Monster Academy, this peculiar cultivation method left him in awe.

The master, too, regarded everyone with a shocked expression.

"Yes, brother Feng suggested that when running, our concentration intensifies, making physical fatigue more apparent! By diverting our attention to something else, we won't be able to sense the fatigue..."

Xiao Wu, munching on a steamed bun, explained, "He then helped us modify our running technique to make it easier. By establishing a kind of subconscious pace, we concentrated on spiritual practice through simple meditation."

"At first, it felt incredibly challenging!"

"Over the next few laps, we gradually learned and eventually got accustomed..."

Others chimed in.

"I believe Wang Feng's method is very practical..."

Dai Mubai reflected, "During the running and cultivation, I didn't feel very fatigued. Only upon waking up, I discovered a tangible improvement in my soul power. It might be a modest enhancement through simple meditation but it's genuinely effective!"

"After waking up from the trance... I was so exhausted," complained Ma Hongjun.

"It's almost more tiring than when I went to unleash the Evil Fire for three days straight, battling three or four beauty at once..."

Everyone: "..."

Hearing this, the Grandmaster and Flender couldn't help but sigh.

"A brilliant idea indeed." the Grandmaster remarked.

"It's essentially a method of diverting attention. Remarkable... but I must say, it suits you all exceptionally well! For someone else, it might be challenging to grasp. But you all, being a genius, a monster, this method is tailor-made for you all..."

The master's gaze glinted, "If you can apply this method to various exercises, it's akin to practicing all the time! Perhaps a day or two, a month or two, might show no effect... but in a year, two years and even several years, the change could be monumental!"

"The increase in soul power alone could reach one to two levels... or more. It depends on how you implement it!"

Everyone was taken aback. The impact of this revelation was beyond their expectations.

"This method requires years of persistence to yield tangible results. Moreover, it enhances the efficiency of your workouts!" Grandmaster sighed.

"This approach is somewhat beyond conventional imagination. You'll be incorporating this into your training regimen moving forward from today."

All eyes turned to Wang Feng simultaneously, a mix of complex emotions shimmering within them.

"Don't regard me that way, just get accustomed to my genius already!" Wang Feng dismissed with a wave of his hand.

"Grandmaster's special training has just begun."

At that moment, Ning Rongrong quietly took a seat beside Wang Feng and asked in a hushed tone, "Wang Feng, there's something I've been wanting to ask you today."

"What is it? Didn't you have problems understanding the techniue? What's the issue?" Wang Feng asked.

"It's not about the technique." Ning Rongrong sighed, "It's about the daytime battle."

"The daytime battle? Are you asking how to defend against my stones?"

Wang Feng mused, "You're quite astute. If you find yourself in another fight, use whatever means to shield your throat as much as possible..."

"That's also not what I wanted to ask!"

"What, then?" Wang Feng frowned.

Ning Rongrong lowered her head, speaking softly, "If... if, during the daytime battle, it wasn't Zhu Zhuqing caught by you but me. Would you use me as a shield too?"

She had held onto this question since witnessing Wang Feng use Zhu Zhuqing as a shield during the daytime battle.

Even though, during that time, they were adversaries, with only victory or defeat at stake and Wang Feng made the correct and clever decision.

However, Ning Rongrong couldn't resist the urge to ask this question.

"Of course not." Wang Feng shook his head. He considered such hypotheticals, especially those rooted in vanity, unnecessary.

Upon hearing this, Ning Rongrong looked at Wang Feng in surprise before getting happy.

But her surprise and jubilation quickly turned to mild indignation as Wang Feng continued:

"Rongrong, you are weak and too young, you know what I mean, not like Zhuqing. An auxiliary soul master isn't qualified to be caught by me. It's not suitable for blocking or being used as a shield."

Ning Rongrong, now irritated, glared at Wang Feng.

"You... YOU!! Sooner or later, I will also grow up and become better! Just you wait!"

With that, Ning Rongrong marched off angrily, treating the food in her bowl as if it were Wang Feng.

Wang Feng remained silent for a moment, shaking his head again. To be honest, it wasn't about being too powerful or strong, it was about her being too young.

After everyone finished their meal, they went to rest. Subsequently, the seven commenced the Grandmaster's genuine hellish training.

Termed as hellish, Wang Feng observed, but it all looked rather ordinary for him.

Every day, a set time was dedicated to battles, involving various combinations of the seven players against Wang Feng once a week. Wang Feng consistently employed his first tier strength level, yet he emerged victorious in almost every match, leaving the seven thoroughly battered.

As time progressed, the beating became less one-sided and the seven managed to hold their ground to some extent. Despite their efforts, they still ended up on the losing side, though. They became adept at anticipating Wang Feng's moves, preparing themselves and various tactics.

It wasn't that Wang Feng's strength hadn't improved, quite the contrary. His strength had witnessed considerable growth. However, as an auxiliary system soul master, he faced numerous limitations. His soul power was firmly at level 34, inching close to level 35.

The most significant enhancement came from the utilization of the external soul bone, the Black Thorns Armor—an exceptionally rare treasure. Upon discovering the potential of the bone spurs, Wang Feng intensified his control training of them.

In three months, Wang Feng mastered to control over a hundred bone spurs, transforming them into a formidable ranged attack akin to hidden weapons, impossible to predict. Though it lacked the all-encompassing assault of the Ice Flame Lotus, the Black Armored Thorns, as Wang Feng named it, possessed significant power. It complemented the Black Thorns Armor seamlessly.

In essence, these Black Armored Thorns collectively formed the protective Black Thorns Armor.

The Black Armored Thorn didn't just serve as a defensive tool, it proved to be a potent method of attack. Even a defensive soul master below level 50, when struck by this Black Armored Thorn, would sustain severe injuries with just a few hits.

Adding to its potency, the Black Armored Thorn also possessed high corrosiveness. Its corrosive effect was remarkably potent, capable of perforating a tree and causing significant damage in a short span.

This insidious method of attack, however, had a temporary effective range of about fifty meters. Beyond this distance, Wang Feng struggled to control his soul power, effectively. Though he can use his hand and throw countless kilometres/miles away with supersonic speed.

Wang Feng envisioned the potential if he could control all the bone spurs of the Black Thorns Armor—it would be akin to unleashing ten thousand arrows all at once, a spectacular sight to be seen indeed.

Over the three months, significant changes occurred for the seven individuals, with the most notable being the improvement in their soul power. Nearly everyone experienced varying degrees of enhancement.

Simple meditation practice during exercises yielded remarkably evident results in just three months.

Throughout these three months, their focus has been on enhancing physical fitness rather than cultivating soul power. Simultaneously, their physical strength has significantly improved, breaking through the limits of their bodies repeatedly, aided by special medicated baths that significantly benefited their bodies.

Even the typically delicate Ning Rongrong displayed a newfound heroism, a change in temperament making her appear more vibrant and beutiful. Zhu Zhuqing, too, underwent discernible transformations, though not without consequences.

Ning Rongrong occasionally envied Zhu Zhuqing's remarkable changes. Though her own figure gradually evolved, the difference between them remained the same as the difference between heaven and earth. Not to mention that she knew that Wang Feng preferred Zhu Zhuqing's body and temperament more.

Xiao Wu also experienced minimal change, a fact Wang Feng understood well.

Tang San also grew slightly taller, more capable, with an increase of over one level in his soul power. Similarly, Ma Hongjun witnessed an elevation in his soul power.

Each member of the group underwent significant transformations. Ma Hongjun, in particular, shed considerable amount of his weight, his original round figure noticeably slimmed down.

Over the past three months, Wang Feng discreetly sought information about Silk Rong and Ling Ren, who had left for Suotuo City five years ago. However, he obtained no relevant details. Notably, Qian Renxue, the mysterious individual from the Great Soul Arena, also remained a mystery, as Wang Feng also refrained from visiting the arena during this period of time.

As the three months concluded, the initial phase of the Grandmaster's training concluded. Wang Feng rarely participated in training, joining only during the weekly battles due to its limited impact on him. Most of the time, he left the academy, donning disguises to explore the Soul Beast Hunting Forest, the Star Dou Great Forest or engage in combat with soul beasts for cultivation.

Within Shrek Academy, Wang Feng held a distinct position. Both Flender and the master accorded him significant privileges. Wang Feng actively contributed to the training plan and served as a teacher, friend and alternative instructor to the seven students.

Simultaneously, Wang Feng is also a student of Shrek Academy.

"Fatty, did someone else besides brother Feng gave you a beating?"

Following the special training, the three friends enjoyed a seven-day break. On the night when Tang San, Mubai and Oscar were preparing to leave the college, they were caught by Xiao Wu.

Standing at the door, Xiao Wu questioned silently, "Since you're from Shrek Academy, who dared to lay hands on you?"

Wang Feng, having just returned from training in the Star Dou Great Forest, was also present. He looked at Ma Hongjun with a hint of amusement, verifying Dean Flender's famous saying.

"If a soul master is not looking for trouble, then he/she is not a good soul master."

Clearly, these seven weren't the ones to take a beating quietly, they intended to return and seek revenge for the injustice done to their homie fatty.

"Ahem... fifth sister, this is all between us men. Don't follow us."

Ma Hongjun, Dai Mubai and Tang San exchanged glances. All three were evidently keen on seeking retribution for their fatty.

"Brother Feng is also back today!"

Xiao Wu pointed towards Wang Feng behind her and said with a smile, "Hurry up, state your intentions! Spit it out quickly!"

Upon spotting Wang Feng, the expressions of the three friends underwent a noticeable change. Over the past three months at Shrek Academy, the figure that instilled the most fear in them wasn't Dean Flender, the formidable Fudo Ming (Motionless Bright King) Zhao Wuji, or the Grandmaster with a reputation for relentless training. It was Wang Feng—their captain, also regarded as 'Monster King' among them!


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