
Sign in from soul land

Crossing the Douluo Dalu, Wang Feng, who wanted to be a salty fish for life, accidentally turned on the clock-in assistance system! “Ding, the story of Douluo Dalu has officially opened, and the host has successfully clocked in. Congratulations on getting: Meteor Tears!” … At the same time, with the help of the system, Wang Feng began to acquire a variety of powerful martial souls. There are martial spirits of the power attack system, open the sky pangu axes! A powerful and mysterious weapon spirit beyond the Clear Sky Hammer! There are auxiliary martial souls, mysterious chaos Qinglian! A variety of forms, set the whole system to assist in one, can attack, defend and assist! There is also the third martial soul of the peerless body, the seven deadly sins of the fallen angel martial soul! Control the seven emotions and six desires of living beings, dominate everything

Aditya_Anand_4706 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 6


   Just as Tang San was absorbing the mandala snake's spirit ring.

   Wang Feng is absorbing, this six thousand-year-old soul beast, the soul ring of the Golden Light Leopard!

   Sitting cross-legged, Wang Feng took a deep breath, focusing entirely on the Qinglian Martial Spirit in the sea of consciousness.

  At the same time, the fingers drive the soul power, slowly guiding the shining purple soul ring onto the top of his head.

  With the approach of the spirit ring, a pressure like Mount Tai's top pressure enveloped Wang Feng's body!

   The pressure brought by the six thousand years of spirit ring almost instantly seemed to set off a monstrous tsunami, before it was absorbed, it impacted Wang Feng's spirit and body. You know, this golden light leopard was not killed by Wang Feng, and even he used more cunning means to kill the leopard with a knife! Give yourself one last blow!

   This golden light thunder leopard is a six thousand-year-old soul beast.

   in the spirit ring, but with a deep sense of resentment!

   Wang Feng snorted, his face flushed, and a little blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

too strong.

   Six thousand years of spirit ring, too strong!

  A normal spirit master can absorb five thousand years of spirit ring even if it is the fourth spirit ring!

   "It's really scary."

   Wang Feng muttered in his heart.

   This hasn't been absorbed yet, just because of the pressure brought by the six thousand years of spirit ring and the resentment of the Golden Light Leibao, it almost made myself unable to hold it.

   If I absorb it, I am afraid that I will explode and die?

   This is the fact.

   Wang Feng dared to guarantee that with his current physical fitness, absorbing six thousand years of spirit ring, under normal circumstances, there is only a dead end.

   Even if the physical fitness is twice as strong, it is impossible to absorb these six thousand years of spirit ring.

   Ordinary soul master, I am afraid that if he died more than ten times, he might not be able to absorb it!


   "I have meteors and tears!"

   A smile appeared at the corner of Wang Feng's mouth.

   This thing, but when the stars are changing, the tears of the king of life become one with his own heart.

   has an extremely powerful self-healing ability, and later, it can also increase the speed of absorbing the energy of the world and many other functions. To put it simply, it is difficult for Wang Feng to die. Unless his soul consciousness is wiped out.

   Otherwise, it's just a physical injury and it's extremely difficult to die.

"come on!"

   Wang Feng forcibly restrained the boiling blood in his heart, unfolded the green lotus martial soul in his hand, pulling the soul power, and let the six thousand-year-old soul ring slowly drop from the top of his head, wrapping his body!

   Only for a moment, like a flood of energy, like endless ignorance, pouring into your body!


   Wang Feng's brain exploded in an instant!

  His body at this moment seems to be like a small county by the sea, and the energy pouring into the body is like a monstrous flood, falling from the sky, like wind rolling clouds, washing this tiny small county.

  All the vehicles, streets, pedestrians, shops, etc. in the city were swept and flooded at this moment!

   First, Wang Feng's skin, with countless bloodshots, slightly cracked, and numerous gaps, and then the internal muscle fibers, cell tissues, etc., were quickly destroyed by this violent energy! Even the bones could not fully bear the winner, and there was a clear cracking sound, which had been eroded and broken!

   Wang Feng's whole body, limbs and skeletons, facial features and five internal organs, small cells and nerves, quickly ruptured!

   If you look from a distance, Wang Feng will look like a blood man!

  The pain caused by this extreme destruction instantly drowned out most of Wang Feng's consciousness. There was only one soul obsession, surrounded by the green lotus martial soul in the sea of consciousness.

   Xingyue Fox, who squatted down, looked at Wang Feng, with an extremely humane expression in his eyes.

   This human being, although he saved him, is incredible.

   But, he is too weak, it is completely impossible to absorb the six thousand years spirit ring of the Golden Light Leopard! If it is about ten times stronger, maybe it is possible?

   this moment.

   In the sea of Wang Feng's consciousness, a green lotus, exuding a faint dim light, fluttered and rotated gently.

  In an instant, like a monstrous flood, he found a pouring hole. After washing through Wang Feng's body, all of it poured into the green lotus.

   On the lotus platform, the smallest lotus seed bloomed slowly and gave birth to a golden lotus.

   The violent energy directly formed a whirlpool like a purple ocean, pouring into the golden lotus!

  In an instant, the golden lotus gleams brilliantly. The flower buds that were only slightly open, bloom quietly, seeming to grow a lot again, and the golden lotus leaves become full and thicker!


   Strips of golden lightning surrounded the golden lotus, sending out thunderbolts, looking extremely cool!

   is finally printed on the lotus leaf of the golden lotus, adding a bit of power to the golden lotus!


   Jin Lian moved quietly, extremely fast, almost like a phantom, rushing in Wang Feng's sea of consciousness, seeming to wander briskly...

at the same time.

   Wang Feng himself almost completely shattered and collapsed.

  Only the position of the heart is full of light.

   Meteor tears in the shape of tears, gushing out a burst of mellow energy, from the heart position in the center of the human body, like a return from the sea, poured into Wang Feng's body!

   This energy drove the energy stored in Wang Feng's body to walk around Wang Feng's body.

   Every time you pass a place that has been completely destroyed, it is like covering the time cloth in Doraemon's pocket, and in an instant, it will be restored as new!

   But the difference is that all parts of the restored body have become stronger!

   The violent energy contained in the six thousand years of spirit ring completely destroyed Wang Feng's body, but it also gave him a chance to be reborn!

   In the energy recovery from the falling stars and tears, slowly, Wang Feng's body quickly recovered and became stronger!

   An inch of muscles are dense and seamless, full of explosive power, broken bones are like steel that has been tempered and recast, and the skin becomes whiter and smoother!

  Even the whole body ~ is being recast, and it has grown a few centimeters higher.

   looked six years old, but he was almost as tall as a ten-year-old child.

   The Xingyue Fox outside stared a pair of fox eyes.

   It hovered over Wang Feng's body.

   Looking forward at this moment, Wang Feng's whole body seemed to be wrapped in a layer of transparent energy, as if he was about to regenerate from a cocoon.

   It also felt that a wave of life-filled force seemed to be repairing this human child.

   That energy full of life, there is an illusion that Xingyue Fox worships.


   Wang Feng's consciousness gradually recovered, but the resentment of the golden light thunder beast, in the sea of consciousness, seemed to turn into a black golden light thunder leopard, roaring frantically towards Wang Feng's consciousness.

   seemed to swallow up the last trace of his soul consciousness.

   However, Wang Feng's consciousness was stunned!

at this time! Seven mysterious energies of different colors are pouring out of this consciousness! The consciousness surrounding Wang Feng turned into six pairs of illusory black energy wings.

   Wang Feng's last consciousness, in the package of seven different energies gushing out, gradually turned into a villain exactly like Wang Feng.

   But the whole body is surrounded by endless black mist, evil and ghostly energy, so that this villain exudes a cold and evil temperament like an evil god!

  In an instant!

   The golden thunder leopard with a resentful soul consciousness, as if a mouse saw a cat, suddenly fell silent!


   The villain who was surrounded by black mist bent his palm to the golden light leopard.

  In an instant, the Golden Light Leibao's consciousness was directly taken into his hand, and with a light grip, it was crushed...


at the same time!

  In the hunting forest!

   Wang Feng suddenly opened his eyes, and the pupils in his eyes instantly turned to jet black!

   A horrible breath suddenly bloomed from him!

   Six pairs of evil black energy wings rose from him!

   Because of the reorganization of the body, the original body of the strong red fruit is stained with seven different lines, derived from the limbs to the heart, forming a circular pattern like a black sun.

   Wang Feng let out an unconscious growl, as if cathartic...

next moment!

   The terrifying aura, as if condensed into a substance, scattered around!

   That star-moon fox, trembling on the ground for an instant, didn't understand how the child who was clearly exuding a breath of life just now suddenly seemed to be incredibly evil, full of an aura that made it terrifying...

   Even this entire hunting forest, in this instant.

   All the soul beasts, whether they are awake or asleep, suddenly woke up, squatted down one after another, all shivering!

   But there are only soul beasts.

   The many soul masters in the hunting forest felt a chill in their hearts, as if a wave of ice entered the heart, shaking unconsciously, but they didn't know what happened.

   Tang San, who had just collected the spirit ring and broke through, felt his hair all over his body inexplicably, and looked at somewhere unconsciously.

   "Teacher, do you feel it?"

   Tang San looked at the master and asked in a low voice.

   "It's strange, there is a cold and powerful aura...Is it a soul beast?"

  Master nodded, but frowned. He didn't know what was going on.

   The two are not clear about the specific situation.

But at the same time.

  In the distant Tiandou Empire royal family!

   A boy who is only about fifteen years old and dressed in a gorgeous robe seems to be meditating.

   Her eyebrows are marked by a seraph!

   Although the boy is very young, he is extremely handsome. He has a face that makes countless women crazy. His skin is snowy, and the face that is enough to overwhelm a lifetime has already taken shape, and I don't know what it will look like...


   She opened her eyes abruptly, and a holy golden light flashed in her eyes!


   A seraph suddenly appeared behind her!

  The incomparable sacred light floods the entire hall!

   "It's the breath of an angel... But why is it so evil and terrifying?"

   She immediately put away the Seraphim Martial Soul, an incredible gaze appeared in her eyes.

  Seraph, symbolizing the sacred light, is the spokesperson of God in the world, and only she has awakened such super martial souls.

   But now, she actually sensed the breath of the same family.

   But, she gave her a trembling breath of incomparable evil!

   The breath of the same race, maybe only she can sense it so clearly...

   "This breath...it's not right...probably, it is a super martial arts spirit that is stronger than my Seraphim...how can it be?"

   She murmured, the shock in her eyes became more intense.

   "Who would it be..."

   In the palace, a whisper that sounded like a natural sound.


   in the hunting forest.

   after Wang Feng's roar.

   The pitch black in his eyes quickly retreated, and the seven veins on his body exuding the extremely evil and evil origin aura quickly retreated, and finally sank into the original strong body.

The six pairs of twelve-wing energy wings behind    also disappeared instantly.

   Wang Feng fell on the ground, fainted into sleep.

  'S awakened consciousness, as the tired drowsiness hit, at last there was only one doubt left:

   "Just now, could it be my mysterious humanoid spirit? But what kind of spirit is it..."

   The next day.

the next day.

   in the hunting forest.

   Wang Feng was awakened by a moist feeling.

   suddenly opened his eyes, and Wang Feng saw a snow-white fox. At this time, he was sticking out the tip of his white tongue and licking his own face.

   "..." Wang Feng.

   suddenly awakened, Wang Feng suddenly sat up from the ground.

   Then I looked around!

In   's line of sight, there was only this star-moon fox, and the dead golden light leopard, there was only one skeleton left.

   Seeing Wang Feng wake up, Xingyue Fox blinked at him.

   "Are you here all night?"

   Wang Feng looked at it.

   Xingyue Fox nodded.

   "Thanks a lot." Wang Feng took a deep breath.

   Last night, when the last one of my own was about to be swallowed by the resentment consciousness of the Golden Light Thunder Beast. It seems that the mysterious humanoid martial soul given by the system has been awakened?

   is the humanoid martial soul who is in the martial arts hall of the holy soul village, punches in with innate full soul power, and comes with rewards.

"what exactly is it?"

   Wang Feng was surprised.

   He touched his chest.

   He didn't know how to urge this martial soul, it seemed to be hidden in his body. Could it only appear at the critical moment? Or is it necessary to use special methods?

   However, Wang Wangfeng felt the extremely evil aura very clearly.

  It seems that after being possessed by that martial soul, the whole person will become extremely cold and ruthless, just like a **** who controls all things in time.

   Wang Feng got goose bumps.

   No, that's not me!

   "By the way, my strength..."

   Wang Feng took a deep breath and checked himself.

  Wang Feng was startled by this inspection.

   "? Where is my soul power?"

   Wang Feng only felt that his body was empty.

   There are countless people in my head? ?

   There is no trace of energy.

   Where does the soul power come from?

   Your body has exceeded the limit, relying on meteor tears, but has accumulated a lot of soul power, at least has an innate soul power of 20th level, right?

   Why is there nothing in my body now?

   Moreover, I have completely absorbed the six thousand years of spirit ring, and my spirit power should increase even more!

   "Is it possible... after the body burst yesterday, was recast by meteor tears and was completely consumed?"

   Wang Feng was startled.

   Last night, the feeling of being shattered by the power of six thousand years of spirit ring was really sour and refreshing. Wang Feng would never forget the pain in his life.

   Then, as he expected, the tears of the meteor burst out with life force, causing his body to reorganize!


   But, this is Nima pit!

   "No, my body..."

   Wang Feng frowned, feeling his body.


   Unparalleled power!

   Take a leap!


   Wang Feng jumped directly up several meters!

   "His hiss..."

   Because he couldn't adapt to the strength at all, Wang Feng directly ran into a big tree!

   "Am I becoming a superman?"

   Wang Feng looked at the towering tree aside.


   Split with one leg!


   This is a big tree that is enough for two people to hug, and in an instant, he kicked it into two!

   "I just use this kick, I'm afraid it is at least six thousand catties up strength, right?"

   Wang Feng murmured.

   On the previous earth, it was rumored that Master Bruce Lee could have nearly half a ton, or a thousand catties, with one foot.

   And Bruce Lee's physical fitness was considered one of the best among human beings at the time.

   I just kick it casually now, it's at least 6,000 catties?

   What is this concept? Six thousand catties are equivalent to three tons.

   A car from a previous life, he can kick it out!

   "If Brother Tao is here, will I kick him up with a kick?"

   Wang Feng hesitated to think.

  Should, will it.


   "Although the soul power is gone, but the physical fitness is an earth-shaking change!"

   Wang Feng closed his eyes and listened to the world.

   He could feel the ants walking thousands of meters away.

   Even the juniors who are currently practicing Xuantianbaolu can't do this one-fifth level.

   This should be all the changes brought about by the recasting of the body due to the influence of the six thousand years of spirit ring!

  His body is truly reborn from the ashes!

   After the baptism of life energy in the tears of meteors, and the terrifying pressure brought by six thousand years of spirit ring! Plus! The countless exercises I have done before, beyond the limits of the body as a basis, and the energy stored in the body.

   has changed now!

   "Hahaha...I am now able to crush most spirit masters at level 40 only by my physical fitness?"

   A smile appeared on Wang Feng's face.

   At this time, his body is much taller, about six or seven centimeters taller, and he looks like he is about eleven or twelve years old.

   "As for the soul power?"

   A faint smile appeared on Wang Feng's face, "I don't know, how many levels can I improve in this morning of meditation?"

   He has not practiced before.

   Because the meteor tears have poured out energy several times, plus some energy attached to the Qinglian Martial Spirit, the body should be beyond the innate twentieth level of spirit power.

   Therefore, there is no need to practice at all.

   "Little fox, help me watch. I want to meditate for a while."

   The corner of Wang Feng's mouth was curved.

   He touched the meteor tears of his heart.

   This time, he will practice himself!

   Meteor Tears not only has a powerful healing effect, as one's body gradually becomes stronger, but also has the powerful effect of accelerating training and absorbing energy!

   In addition to this, I can be called a perfect body...

   I don't know, how fast can I practice meditation?

grade ten? Twenty level?

   Even if I don't have soul power, how difficult is it for me?

   Wang Feng sat cross-legged and directly meditated, using only the most common meditation method in the academy.


  In a short time, it seems that most of the energy of the soul hunting forest suddenly surged!

   Also, they are only rushing in one direction!

   That is, Wang Feng's body!

   He seems to be in the center of a storm of energy!

   Xingyue Fox looked at him, turning around in a hurry!

  What's the matter with this kid?

   Just cultivate like this?

  First level, second level...

  Level 6, Level 7...

grade ten!

   Less than two hours!

   A deep purple spirit ring suddenly emerged from Wang Feng's body!

   exudes a dazzling deep purple!

   The first spirit ring!


eleven twelve!

   Fourteen, fifteen!

   Seventeen, eighteen!

   Until another two hours have passed!

  Wang Feng's spirit power fluctuated, only then slowly stopped!

   Four hours, level 18 straight!

   Wang Feng probably guessed that he had reached the spirit power level of around eighteenth level.

   "No, Jinlian's own power consumes a lot, and the eighteenth level is not enough! I will compress my soul power!"

   Wang Feng secretly said in his heart, "With my current physical fitness, I can compress my soul power twice, and my body can stand it!"

   You need to know that even the spirit power of the twentieth level can't use the Golden Lotus power of the first form several times.

   Therefore, Wang Feng is thinking about compressing his soul power!

   Compressed soul power is related to the physical quality of the soul master.

   Ordinary soul master, it is impossible to compress soul power, because the load is too large! Can't think of this!

   Wang Feng thought, this is also one of the reasons why a spirit ring is needed to continue to increase spirit power every tenth level.

   But at this time, Wang Feng's body can bear it!

   "If I can compress my soul power twice, it will be enough."

   Wang Feng's eyes lit up, as if to find a new way.

   After the soul power is compressed, the total amount does not change, but the quality changes drastically!

   To put it simply, a soul ability can be used more times!

   But because of the increase in soul power, it is not equal, but incremental, and the first level is stronger than the first level.

   Going to the back, the first level difference is huge!

   The same type of Power Attack Type Title Douluo, one level is enough to determine the outcome, it is conceivable.

   So it's harder to compress it.

   The body is simply unbearable!

   "I compressed my twentieth level spirit power twice. I wonder if it's worth a 30th level spirit master? I don't know if anyone has done this in Douluo Continent."

   Wang Feng took a deep breath, not absorbing soul power.

   As a traveler, when he came to Douluo Continent, he naturally couldn't do it step by step, so he could come up with his own ideas and try it out.

   After all, modern vision and knowledge reserves, as well as all aspects of acceptance, imagination, are very strong!

   If the conditions don't work, forget it, but Wang Feng thinks he has the conditions now!

   His current physical fitness, he has meteors and tears, etc., all of which can be done!

   looked at the sky!

   Wang Feng closed his eyes, controlled the soul power in his body, wandered through his body, and finally merged into his heart into the falling stars and tears.

   Soul power flows into the tears of the meteor, and after a while, it re-emerges and becomes even more refined!

   But every time you compress it, you will have varying degrees of pressure on your mind and body!

   "Feasible! It seems that Meteor Tears also has this ability to temper and compress soul power!"

   Wang Feng was slightly happy.

   At this point, Wang Feng is absorbing soul power while condensing and condensing soul power!

   Until noon!

   Zhengyang is in the air!

   Wang Feng suddenly opened his eyes, a glimmer of blue light flashed in his eyes!

   He spread out his palm, and a green lotus bloomed quietly!

   The first form changes, the lotus seeds turn into golden lotus, like a fully mature golden lotus!

   is extremely beautiful! Every lotus leaf is abnormally plump!

   "Twice the soul power compression is complete!"

Feeling the much smaller but more refined spirit power in the body, a confident smile appeared on his face, "Although the amount is roughly equal to about sixteenth level, when used, it is better than the twenty-sixth level. Also durable!"

   This can be regarded as a BUG that Wang Feng used his physical fitness and meteors to achieve!

   For normal spirit masters, there is no such thing as compressing spirit power!

  Because of the twentieth level of cultivation, the amount of soul power can no longer be increased!

  Wang Feng forcibly used meteor tears to compress his soul power, coupled with his explosive physical strength, to reach this point!

   I'm afraid, no one can copy Wang Feng's such ghostly thoughts and behaviors!

   "This kind of compression of soul power, the more difficult it goes to the back! But the improvement is also huge! Two times, three times?"

Wang Feng secretly said in his heart, "Because the more you get to the back, the more soul power you have at the first level... But, this is my training idea! When I reach the level of Title Douluo, if I can compress my soul power twice... God can be destroyed, right?"

   Of course, this is just Wang Feng's conjecture. Wang Feng didn't know what it was.

   However, it was the road of cultivation that Wang Feng thought about!

   "Now, I will try these six thousand years of spirit ring, the first form of golden lotus blessed, and spirit abilities. When I compress to the twentieth level, I should be able to activate the second form of Qinglian!"

   Wang Feng murmured.

   In fact, another purpose of compressing soul power is because this green lotus is too powerful. To stimulate the second form, I am afraid that a lot of soul power will be needed.

   An ordinary twentieth level of spirit power, Wang Feng estimated that he might not be able to activate the second form!

   is urging the fresh soul power that has just been practiced and compressed, the golden lotus in the palm of the fingertips, the whole body is still shining with a hint of golden thunder!

  The stronger Jinlian exudes a gentle force, but the thunderbolt all over his body adds some unique power to Jinlian!

   Then, the golden lotus light masterpiece!

   I saw a lotus petal, floating out gently, turning into countless spots of light, falling on Wang Feng.

  In an instant!

   Surging power gushes out from Wang Feng!

   Seeing this, a touch of ecstasy appeared on Wang Feng's face:

   "Sure enough, as I thought, the Golden Light Thunder Leopard's six-thousand-year spirit ring has added an all-round improvement in strength, speed, and endurance to Golden Lotus!"

   "The degree of increase should be ten percent, which is doubled!!!"

   Wang Feng exudes a faint golden light, as if he was plated with gold!

   "Also, I am a group increase!"

   Wang Feng looked at the re-growing lotus petals, and felt a bit abnormal.

  He vaguely remembered that Dai Mubai, one of the Seven Shrek Monsters in the Douluo Continent, had the first thousand-year spirit ring, the spirit ability White Tiger King Kong Transformation, which was similar to doubling his own strength, speed, defense and other all-round attributes!

   But, he can only use it on himself, and it can only last for half an hour.

   But this...

   It can only be said that it is indeed the spirit ability attached to the six thousand year spirit ring!

   "I feel that it can last at least an hour or so. I feel like my body is boiling and I want to do a big job..."

   Wang Feng thought, "I don't know what name the first soul ability should be? Rage? Too LOW! Strengthen it? It feels good..."

   Such a terrifying group increase, and it lasts a long time.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that it is deification!

   This is just a spirit ability, not to mention the unique ability of Jinlian itself! Can restore spirit power, heal injuries, improve spirit power, etc.! But this kind of ability needs to consume a lot of one's soul power, much more than soul ability! Moreover, the soul power that Jinlian recovered was smaller than the soul power consumed by himself, and he couldn't make himself a perpetual motion machine.

   "Wait, it seems, there are other effects?"

   Wang Feng was startled suddenly, he looked at his palm, and there were waves of lightning that looked like hair!

   "Is it?"

   Wang Feng suddenly moved to the side, watching his Xingyue Fox touch it curiously.

  In an instant!

   the moment I touched it.

   Xingyue Fox's whole body is like fried hair, and the white fluff is all upright!

  The eyes are even softer...

   "I'm going...Is this deification, not only with attribute enhancement, but also with paralysis attack? The paralysis effect seems not bad?"

   Wang Feng was shocked.

   is too much!


   The first spirit ability was a bit strong, which really surprised Wang Feng.

   But such a powerful spirit ability, the consumption brought by it is also quite large.

   With the sixteenth-level soul power that Wang Feng compressed twice, if you want to use it in a wide range, I am afraid that three or four people will have to let him collapse.

   "Furthermore, this kind of increase should only be applied to people whose level is similar to one's own, to have full effect."

   Wang Feng meditated.

   said, Wang Feng gave this star and moon fox a deification!

   I saw the Xingyue Fox enveloped in golden light, its body size slightly enlarged, its fur color became brighter, and a more powerful aura came upon his face!

   The whole body is still surrounded by layers of lightning.

   "It's like, this Xingyue Fox, I can't double his strength. Maybe only about 30%? However, this paralyzing attack effect does not seem to be weakened."

   Wang Feng felt a third of the soul power disappeared from his body.

   Xingyue Fox's strength should be less than three thousand years.

   Regardless of other factors, as far as the level is concerned, it is equivalent to the thirty-five-sixth-level soul sovereign, and the additional deification effect will be greatly reduced!

   This is also normal.

   Auxiliary spirit master, although it can give the spirit master to improve various abilities, but it also depends on the situation.

   It is impossible for an auxiliary spirit master of more than ten levels, an auxiliary skill to have an effect on a Contra of eighty or ninety!

  Wang Feng didn't know whether Douluo Continent had such a rule, and he would be sure if he had the opportunity to see it in the future.

   But he thinks it's impossible now. Just imagine that a more than ten-level auxiliary spirit master can give a Contra any increase in attributes, and the mainland is probably in chaos early! Because this means that a more than ten level spirit master can control the battle of more than 80 level Contras? Even Title Douluo?

too exaggerated!

   This is totally impossible!

   How can you have an auxiliary soul emperor of at least sixty ranks before you can effectively support the Contra!

  Wang Feng guessed that his own deification effect would have an effect on at least the forty-fifth level of the soul sect!

   has a certain improvement! But further up, his soul power is too weak, and the deification skills he used should not be able to effectively increase!

   For a spirit master who is about the same level as his, the promotion is completely doubled!

   The most important thing is that the effect of this paralysis will not diminish!

   This is abnormal enough!

   After some research and thinking, Wang Feng finally figured out the first spirit ability. I have to say that Wang Feng has benefited a lot from this hunting forest! Having obtained the spirit ring for six thousand years, the physical quality has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the first form of Golden Lotus has obtained powerful auxiliary skills, and it can be said that the ability has been fully developed!

   Wang Feng is even confident, as far as the first form of the twelfth-rank golden lotus is, it is the most perfect auxiliary martial soul!

   Deified soul skills, allowing Jinlian to complete almost all of its auxiliary abilities!

   Restore soul power, heal injuries, increase the upper limit of soul power, and increase hormones. Then deify the soul skills to enhance the various abilities of the soul master, and the additional attack special effects have the control ability!

  What else is missing?

   may only have the disadvantage that it consumes huge soul power! Fortunately, I can use meteor tears to compress and purify soul power!

   At the same level, the more his spirit power goes to the back and surpasses the spirit power of the same level!

   "Alright, little fox, let's go."

  Wang Feng took out a new set of clothes from his bag and put them on again. After his body burst last night, the clothes were long gone. Fortunately, Wang Feng has ready to change clothes. It's not like Chiguo goes out with her body!

   However, because the body has grown taller and stronger, the clothes are not fitting, and the muscles of the whole body are tightened, revealing the extremely precise muscle lines, which has a kind of strange beauty!

   makes Wang Feng feel a little embarrassed...

   "Compressing soul power will make my path of cultivation extremely difficult. But now that I have gone through a rebirth-like body and falling stars, the speed will not be slow!"

   After Wang Feng changed his clothes, he waved at the Xingyue Fox.


   Xingyue Fox called to Wang Feng twice.

   Seems like farewell again?

   "Don't worry, I will come again soon."

   Wang Feng said with a smile. Although compressing and purifying soul power slows down your cultivation speed, moreover, the further you go, the slower! Now one morning, he has been promoted to nearly sixteenth level, but for each subsequent small level, seventeenth level, he may need a day or two. At level 18, he needs at least four or five days, at level 19, he needs at least ten days, at level twentieth, even more than a month! Level 21, at least two or three months!

   Behind, twenty-two, twenty-three...it takes more time!

  Because the difficulty has increased exponentially!

   But in the same way, every time he improves one level, he is at least twice as powerful as a normal spirit master at the same level! !

  The more you get to the back, the more powerful the multiple!

   Sometimes Wang Feng is a little scary thinking about it!

   However, within one year, Wang Feng is confident that he will rise to about 25th level, and within 6 years, to about 30th level!

   By then, having a level of thirty-two strength means that Wang Feng has certain strength in this Douluo Continent.

   To put it simply, there is a little bit of capital to make waves! You can also graduate from the college and go to Shrek Academy to check in!

   and Wang Feng is looking forward to the second form, it is best to have a powerful attack effect!

   to make up for his lack of attack methods now! Otherwise, you can only rely on your physical fitness to perform melee skills!

   Wang Feng waved at Xingyue Fox.

   Next time he comes to the Soul Hunting Forest, he may be looking for the second spirit ring.

   Not demanding, the same thousand years. You still have to see what the second form is after you reach the 20th level, and then you can figure out what kind of soul beast you are looking for.

   "Go back to the academy first, and then go to the Wuhun Hall to determine the soul power. Then, I will be the real soul master!"

   After Wang Feng walked out of the Hunting Forest, he ran straight to Notting City.

   This time, he was extremely fast!

When    came, it took him a whole morning, six or seven hours.

   But this time, he returned to Notting City in less than a few hours!

   The speed is not inferior to the speeding car in the previous life!

   Before entering Notting College, the guard said with a smile at Wang Feng:

   "Master, we have something to tell you."

   "What?" Wang Feng asked.

"That's it. The classmate from the same village you came here with yesterday went to the mountains and woods behind the school. The news that we two inquired about seemed to be a senior student who had trouble with a work-student. , Ran to the back mountain woods to fight... After your friend came back, he seemed to hear the news and rushed over quickly, probably in danger."

The guard whispered, "The senior student is called Xiao Chenyu. He is very powerful at Notting Junior College. He is the son of City Lord Notting. He is also very strong. He is a true soul master! Your friend also runs. Go, I'm afraid I will suffer!"

   After listening to the guard finished ~Wang Feng suddenly.

   should be a junior, right?

   The work-study student who had trouble with his senior year should be Xiao Wu.

   "Wait, what do you mean by the name of the senior student?" Wang Feng was surprised.

  "Xiao Chenyu.


   Wang Feng's face is a little weird, isn't this boss Xiao, the kid I beaten up in Liushe yesterday?

   But, he should not be able to beat the current junior.

   Xiaosan went to the Soul Hunting Forest with the master last night, and when he came back today, he must have also got the spirit ring!

   "Understood, I'll go take a look." Wang Feng waved his hand.

   "Then Xiaoye, please go slowly." The doorman said to him.

   Wang Feng smiled.

   These two dog things are really good at learning.

   If there is anything in the college or Notting City in the future, these two guys will probably tell themselves.

   That Xiao Chenyu was still the son of City Lord Notting, which made Wang Feng a little weird. He hadn't forgotten which stubborn place he had forgotten about this dragon-clad character in Douluo Continent.

   Following the trail behind the mountain, Wang Feng quickly walked into the forest.

Before    approached, I heard a loud noise in the clearing ahead!

   "Little girl, your martial arts soul is a rabbit. If you lose, why not be our boss as a pet! We can accept Xiao boss, we can accept it!"

   "Making a fool, even if I accept pets, I, Xiao Chenyu, dare not call the boss! That would have to be the boss!"

   "Yes, yes! We are the new boss of Liushe!"


   I don't know why, when I heard this, Wang Feng, who had not yet approached in the forest, was suddenly covered with black lines...

   It turned out that I turned out to be the boss of these legendary dramas...


divided into two groups of people.

   A group of people are quite tall, and at first glance they are seniors. The leader is Xiao Chenyu.

   The other group of people are working students led by Xiao Wu.

   At this moment, Xiao Wu flushed with upright anger, looked at Xiao Chenyu, and said angrily:

   "Do you really think I'm afraid I won't succeed? If you lose, from now on, I will take care of your boss Xiao and boss, you have to recognize me as the boss!"

   Suddenly, the senior students headed by Xiao Chenyu laughed disdainfully.


Xiao Chenyu laughed, "You little girl, I really don't know where the courage is, and dare to challenge our senior students! In Notting College, you go to find out who I am? Tell you, except for Wang Boss, I, Xiao Chenyu, walk sideways in this academy, who dares to stop me?"

   "A lot of nonsense!" Xiao Wu snorted coldly with her arms crossed, "You guys in higher grades have big tongues, just start fighting!"

   said, Xiao Wu walked forward angrily.

   However, Wang Sheng on the side grabbed Xiao Wu, and whispered: "Sister Xiao Wu, you are better, wait, I'll fight first!"

   Xiao Wu glanced at Wang Sheng hesitantly, patted Wang Sheng on the shoulder, and encouraged:

   "Okay, Wang Sheng, come on!"

  Wang Sheng nodded heavily and walked out directly.

   "Wang Sheng?"

   Xiao Chenyu took out his ears, "Liu Long, go, beat him down! Give us a long face!"

   Liu Long walked out with a smile on his face.

  Wang Sheng, he has long been his defeated man, it is not enough! I don't know how many times he has been beaten up!

   "Wang Sheng, seeing your Master Liu, have you been so scared?"

Liu Long yelled loudly, "I advise you, don't struggle, we still have Boss Wang, I tell you, our Boss Wang is amazing, let's add up, including Brother Xiao, are not an opponent of Boss Wang! You! Still want to fight us?"

   Upon hearing this, Xiao Wu was suspicious.

   The boss?

  What kind of boss?

   She only inquired, this boss Xiao. The rest of the working-study students are also confused.

   Xiao Chenyu secretly said, Ma De, Liu Long, this fellow, after being beaten, directly changed me from the boss to 'brother'!

   However, he didn't dare to say anything, he was convinced by the boss.

   In the Sixth Shelter, without soul power, one or two moves can knock oneself down, it is terribly strong!

   But this kind of scene, it is estimated that there is no need for Mr. Wang to act!

  Wang Sheng kept his face solemn and did not speak.

   Xiao Wu said in a loud voice without restraint: "I care what you do. Boss Wang, Sheng Wang, let me slay this broken flower and defeat the willow first!"

   She just finished speaking.

  Wang Sheng has not moved yet.

   Liulong's face was cold, a trace of cunning flashed in his eyes, a yellow long stick suddenly appeared in his hand, and he struck Wang Sheng directly!

   Wang Sheng seemed to have experience seeing this, his body also flashed a yellow light, the tiger spirit appeared behind him, his whole body swelled slightly.

   With a low growl, Wang Sheng is not afraid to use his arms to resist in front of him.

   With a muffled noise, a long stick hit his arms, and a blood stain suddenly appeared! But Wang Sheng directly grabbed the long stick.

   "Wang Sheng, you are too stupid... Do you think you are the boss of Wang? You want to catch my martial soul? You are too slow!"

   However, Liu Long laughed sarcastically, his martial soul disappeared, and then he turned his palm and appeared in the other direction.

   A ruthless stick, like a violent wind, hit Wang Sheng.

   bang bang bang!

   Suddenly, a series of muffled sounds of being hit by a long stick rang out from Wang Sheng's body.

   There was a few more bloodstains on Wang Sheng's body without a sound! The scene is almost entirely where Liulong has the upper hand! Xiao Wu's eyebrows were upright, and she walked with anger. How could this Wang Sheng keep resisting!

   "No, Wang Sheng doesn't have enough experience to fight this Liulong head-on. The stick is a long-handled weapon. As long as you find a way to get close, you can defeat the Liulong."

   A voice sounded softly.

   Xiao Wu glanced at it, but it was Tang San who came over, and couldn't help but smile and complained:

   "Mistress, why did you come here!"

   "You are so embarrassed to say... You should wait for me and just rush to challenge, are you sure?" Tang San was speechless.

   I have been absorbing the spirit ring last night, and only came from the hunting forest this morning...

"What are you waiting for, people are bullying me! These bastards, they want me to make them a pet rabbit for the boss, so I am angry!" Xiao Wu snorted, then frowned, "Tang Three, there is another boss Wang in the college, do you know him?"

   "Boss Wang?" Tang San said in surprise, "I don't know, isn't it Boss Xiao? I heard many students talk about it on the way."

   "Don't you know?" Xiao Wu looked at him suspiciously.

   Tang San shook his head and looked at Xiao Chenyu. He could not help but secretly said in his heart that this Xiao Chenyu was not a simple character. When he first returned to college, many students were discussing, as if he heard that Xiao Chenyu was the son of City Lord Notting?

  This Notting City, who else can be his boss?

   The boss?


   Is it Feng Ge?

   Tang San's heart moved...

   Then he shook his head again. It is impossible. Feng Ge is a working-student just like me, and has nothing to do with these people. How could it be Xiao Chenyu's boss?

   "Oops, Wang Sheng is going to lose..."

   Suddenly, Xiao Wu said anxiously.

   At this time, in the central field, Liu Long leaped high, and the long stick seemed to strike Wang Sheng who was lying on the ground!

   Tang San saw this, quietly stretched out his hand, picked up a few stones, and ejected towards Liulong.

   bang bang bang!

   Liulong key stick, was about to hit Wang Sheng, how did he know that there was a sudden pain in his wrist, as if he had been hit by something.

   His hands were sore, the whole person could not keep it, and the offensive disappeared instantly!

  Wang Sheng saw this opportunity, his eyes lit up, he roared, and rushed directly at Liulong!


   Wang Sheng slapped Liu Long directly on the back with a slap, and directly slapped Liu Long on the ground. A few more kicks directly on Liu Long's body, so that Liu Long didn't even have a chance to fight back, so he was fainted.

far away.

   Wang Feng saw this scene, secretly said, Xiao San is really insidious, and directly made secret moves.

   However, Xiaosan is good at hidden weapons, and it is estimated that no one else will find out. These little boys are really arrogant, and they are not able to get rid of them after being beaten by themselves.

  After thinking for a moment, Wang Feng still walked over slowly.

at the same time.

   Seeing Liu Long's defeat, Xiao Chenyu's face sank.

"I come!"

   A boy walked out from behind, but it was Ling Feng!

the other side!

"Let me do it."

   Tang San grabbed Xiao Wu who wanted to make a move, and said solemnly, "Wang Sheng has consumed too much..."

   Xiao Wu nodded.

  Mistress is still very good!

   "Ling Feng, you can't lose anymore."

   Xiao Chenyu said solemnly.

   "Don't worry, Brother Xiao."

   Ling Feng walked out proudly.

   In the upper grades, only Brother Xiao is better than him. Oh, no, now there is one more boss.

   Ling Fengxiong walked out angrily...

   However, the next moment!


   I saw a loud noise, and it didn't take long before Ling Feng flew upside down and fell directly under Xiao Chenyu's feet.



   "Brother Xiao, this kid is a bit strong! He seems to be useless even with spirit power!"

   "Ling Feng was caught by that kid just now, and he was kicked flying before he had a few moves..."

   "How come the working-students in this class are better than each..."


  In an instant, the people behind Xiao Chenyu talked a lot.

   Xiao Chenyu walked out, looking at Tang San calmly.

   This kid seems to be a little different.

   took a deep breath, Xiao Chenyu stood and went out:

   "Xiao Chenyu, sixth-grade student, Wuhun, wolf, eleventh-level war spirit master!"

   After finishing speaking, a white spirit ring rose again on his body, and a wolf shadow appeared on his body, and then his body began to become stronger, and some changes occurred!

Tang San thought for a few seconds, and thought, this Xiao Chenyu is smart, and he immediately signed up for Wuhun. He had heard the master say that he had to make him do the same, otherwise it would be a kind of right. The disdain and disrespect of the other party will make people hateful and become a mortal enemy!

   However, I now have a four-hundred-year-old mandala spirit ring, so I am naturally not afraid!

   Even if Brother Feng is there, I should have the power to fight!

   Tang San thought, and said lightly:

   "Tang San, first grade, Wuhun, Lan Yincao, eleventh-level weapon spirit master!"

The moment   's words fell, Tang San rose up with a yellow spirit ring!

   Everyone originally listened to the three words Lan Yincao, and their eyes were very disdainful. What is the use of this recognized waste martial arts soul?

   Feed the livestock, but I can't feed them enough!

Can    still be used in battle?

   is obviously impossible!

   However, when the spirit ring on Tang San's body rose!

   Countless people were startled, and the look of astonishment covered everyone's face!

   Hundred-year spirit ring!

   Xiao Chenyu was also shocked!

  Hundred-year spirit ring! !

   As the son of the city lord, he has only ten years of spirit ring! It hasn't reached a hundred years!

   This working-student is actually a century-old spirit ring?

   Could it be that he was favored by nobles or other forces because of his outstanding aptitude? Someone help him?

   Otherwise, how could one have a hundred-year spirit ring? Or is it a first-year work-study student who is only six years old and becomes a true eleventh-level spirit master?

   Thinking of this, Xiao Chenyu looked at Tang San, his eyes more vigilant...

   "Brother Xiao, it's just blue silver grass, it's nothing...it's just a waste of Wuhun...not afraid!"

   "That's right, the boss is a powerful beast spirit with a powerful attack power!"

   "Brother Xiao, even a century-old spirit ring can't save Lan Yincao. When you hit your paw, Lan Yincao will turn into Lan Yincao!"


   Hearing the shouts of encouragement from the people behind him, Xiao Chenyu suddenly shouted in a low voice:

   "Shut up all! That's enough!"

   The senior students behind, immediately kept silent.

   Xiao Chenyu fixedly looked at Tang San.

"let's start."

   Tang San stood there and said calmly. Although the words are light, but in fact he is extremely cautious! This Xiao Chenyu possesses a spirit ring, and it is not the same concept as the two before!

   The facts are just as Tang San thought, Xiao Chenyu stepped on his footsteps, and stared two deep footprints directly on the spot. Before a person arrived, he could feel an unusually domineering force coming toward him! Xiao Chenyu's palm like a wolf's claw directly waved towards Tang San, going straight back and forth without any fancy attacks.

   Tang San was not afraid, the mysterious jade hand in his hand glowed with a faint cyan light. With the breakthrough of Xuantian Gong, this mysterious knowledge of Xuantian Baolu also increased its power!

   "Do you think you are the boss of the king, and you dare to head on with me?"

   Xiao Chenyu saw this scene, and suddenly sneered in his heart.

   Power added another three points, and a palm directly collided with Tang San's mysterious jade hand!

   However, the scene that everyone thought did not happen! Tang San was still determined to stay where he was, regretting Xiao Chenyu, but he fell into a disadvantage!

   The next moment Tang San turned his palm directly into claws, grabbing Xiao Chenyu's wrist and shoulders as a fulcrum, and he turned around and flew Xiao Chenyu handsome!

   But fortunately, Xiao Chenyu was agile, changed his posture directly in the air, and fell on the ground smoothly, backing again and again.

   Xiao Chenyu looked at Tang San with a gloomy expression, feeling a little horrified in his heart.

   This is the second one. Without soul power, it will be thrown out directly! Although not as powerful as Boss Wang, it is not easy!

   "It's time to end."

   Tang San shook his head, he didn't use spirit power, and Xiao Chenyu couldn't beat him directly. This directly made Tang San easily judge that Xiao Chenyu's strength was far inferior to direct.

   After finishing speaking, Tang San's palm shook, and a sturdy blue silver grass half a meter tall appeared in his palm.


   Tang San gently urged his soul power, and the ground suddenly trembled, and the thick blue silver grass roots came out of the ground directly, but in the blink of an eye, Xiao Chenyu was tied up!

   "What is this?"

   Xiao Chenyu broke free, only to find that he couldn't break free, and he couldn't help being shocked.

"Don't waste any effort." Tang San waved his hand, and instantly the blue silver grass that bound Xiao Chenyu shrank tighter, "My spirit ring is a mandala snake, which adds tenacity to blue silver grass. , And toxins can make people unable to move, but at the same time they are poisoned and paralyzed. Now, I have not applied toxins. Would you like to try it?"

   Tang San held a half-meter-high blue silver grass in his hands, growing crazily, stout like a mandala snake-like stout, and it looked extremely shocking.

   This time, not only Xiao Chenyu, even Xiao Wu and the group behind them were shocked.

   "Little San seems to be getting better!" A strange light flashed in Xiao Wu's eyes.

   It was only a day of hard work, Xiao Wu didn't expect Tang San to have a spirit ring, but because I said in advance, although Xiao Wu was surprised, it was much better than Xiao Chenyu.

   "No no no... I don't want to try..."

   Xiao Chenyu said quickly, "I give up, I give up!"

   "Since you admit defeat, what about the promise?" Tang San said.


   Xiao Chenyu was taken aback, looking at Xiao Wu, would he still recognize her as the boss?

   "No!" Xiao Chenyu blurted out, "I already recognize the boss Wang! I also have dignity, Xiao Chenyu, how can I change my boss casually?"

   "Are you still not convinced?" When Xiao Wu heard it, she stepped forward and looked at Xiao Chenyu with her chin up, "Then, let me introduce myself!"

   "Xiao Wu, first-year work-student, martial arts, rabbit, twelfth-level one-ring battle spirit master!"

   A crisp voice sounded ~ Not only Xiao Chenyu was stayed, but Tang San was also stayed.

   Because, as Xiao Wu finished speaking, a yellow spirit ring suddenly appeared on her body!

   Hundred-year spirit ring!

   At the same time, Xiao Wu's ears slowly grew longer, and slowly stood up from the side of her head, looking like two rabbit ears! Very cute!

   is a hundred-year spirit ring again?

   Everyone was shocked!

   Tang San looked at Xiao Wu in surprise.

   Directly, but with the help of the master, it took all the hardships to obtain the century-old spirit ring!

   How did this Xiao Wu's century-old spirit ring come from? Xiao Wu is also a working student!

   However, Tang San didn't think much about it, after all, this is Xiao Wu's secret!

   "Why look at me with a look like I can't get a hundred-year spirit ring?" Xiao Wu glared at Tang San.

   "No, it's not." Tang San smiled awkwardly. Only then did I realize that Xiao Wu was also innately full of soul power!

   I thought I was good enough, but I didn't expect Xiao Wu to hide it!

   But Xiao Chenyu still shook his head and said:

   "No, even if you are a higher-level war spirit master than me, it is useless. Unless you can defeat our boss..."

   Hearing this, Xiao Wu snorted: "Then tell your boss king to come out! I want to see, who is your boss king?"

   Tang San was also secretly curious.

   "Hey, boss Wang is here, right behind you..."

   Xiao Chenyu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he pointed to the back of the two and said.

   The two looked back, first for a moment, and then said almost in unison:

   "Brother Feng?"

   "Are you... you are their boss?"

   The boy who walks at this moment is exactly...

   Wang Feng!


   Xiao Wu and Tang San looked at the children walking by in surprise.

   is Wang Feng!

   But, he is much taller!

   From Tang San's point of view, Brother Feng was almost a head taller than himself! This is already a senior student, the height of a ten-year-old child! Moreover, because of absorbing the power of the spirit ring, he has increased by four or five centimeters! Unexpectedly, Feng Ge turned taller!

   And, the skin has become better, whiter than Xiao Wu's skin, better?

   Seeing Wang Feng coming, Tang San couldn't help being surprised. Because he thought, Feng Ge has only one possibility for this kind of change!

   That is to absorb the power of the spirit ring!

   Could it be that Brother Feng really hunted down a hundred years of spirit ring alone! Tang San was shocked.

   Besides, Tang San couldn't find a reason to explain Feng Ge's changes all night! Depending on the situation, maybe the spirit ring is not much worse than yourself?

   Three hundred years? Or the same four-hundred-year spirit ring as yourself?

   should even be higher?

  Because the higher the age of the soul ring, the greater the upgrade of the soul master after absorption! Brother Feng has changed more than himself! This shows that the spirit ring he absorbed should be higher?

   Five hundred years, six hundred years?

How can this be! Tang San was shocked by the speculation in his heart!

   Brother Feng can hunt down a soul beast that is five to six hundred years old by himself?

   The mandala snake that was more than four hundred years old, it took a great deal of effort to kill it!

   I didn't even expect that Brother Feng would be the boss of Xiao Chenyu's noble children? How did he do that?

  He has been in the Holy Soul Village, he has never been out!

   Tang San is clever, he almost thought of a lot at first sight of Wang Feng.

   In comparison, Xiao Wu only felt that Tang San's Feng Ge had changed a lot in one night, he was much taller than himself, and he looked better.

   After all, Tang San grew up with Wang Feng. It's just that Tang San didn't know that Wang Feng's change was not changed by the spirit ring, but the body was recast! It is the change brought by the meteor tears!

   "Boss Wang..."

   Xiao Chenyu looked at Wang Feng in tears.

   Xiao Chenyu admired this boss Wang who had known him for a day.

   But depending on the situation, it seems that this is Tang San, and they also know...it seems to be right, the boss is a working student!

   Xiao Chenyu was shocked, the secret path is not good...


  Wang Feng walked up to Tang San, a chestnut knocked on Xiao Chenyu's forehead, and said, "You guy, these two, but my friends! How dare you trouble them?"

   "I don't know..." Xiao Chenyu said aggressively.

   If he knew that these two, Boss Wang had such a good relationship, he would never have a conflict with Xiao Wu and Tang San.

   "Well... Xiao San'er, Xiao Wu, they are all misunderstandings... Let's forget about this."

   Wang Feng glared at Xiao Chenyu again and continued, "Xiao Chenyu, you will recognize Xiao Wu as the boss from now on, you know?"

   "Okay... OK..." Xiao Chenyu nodded.

   Although this sister Xiao Wu is also a work-student, she is better than Tang San, but she is a twelfth-level spirit master!

   But at this time, Xiao Wu said beautifully:

   "No! Feng Brother, since you are their boss, then I have to beat you to become their boss! Otherwise, it is unfair, and they will not obey me!"

   After finishing speaking, Xiao Wu winked at Tang San next to him.

   Tang San pondered for a moment, and said to his heart, although Brother Feng might also have a spirit ring, it may not be the best one for him. And my spirit ring is the most suitable for me, the strength improvement is extremely significant, it should be able to fight Feng Ge, plus Xiao Wu...

   Maybe, I can beat Brother Feng!

   "Brother Feng, Xiao Wu is right, it's better, let's have a discussion." Tang San echoed.

   "..." Wang Feng looked at the two.

   Xiao Wu has a strong ambition in her eyes, and she seems to want to fight herself very much.

   Xiao San seems to be more confident because of the spirit ring.

   "Which one of you will come first?"

   Wang Feng is not hypocritical, just to test his current strength!

   "I'll come first!"

   Tang San spoke first, but his eyes looked at Brother Feng quietly.

   It has been more than three months since the last fight with Feng Ge!

   The current self is not the same Tang San who has not yet awakened his spirit power!

  The students and work-study students around, scattered one after another, squatting on the ground one by one, like two halves, watching enthusiastically, not knowing what kind of fighting will erupt in a while!

   Wang Feng walked to the other side, holding his hands behind him.

   Tang San took a deep breath. At this moment, Brother Feng still gave him an extremely heavy pressure.

   I didn't think too much, Tang Sanming's heart was determined, and he did not use his soul skills, but directly rushed towards Wang Feng!

   His palms sank slightly into the turquoise color, and the mysterious jade hand quietly moved!

   "Be careful, Brother Feng."

   With a low cry, Tang San rushed like a floating tree leaf, swaying, unpredictable, and seemingly a strange posture!

   Everyone couldn't see Tang San's figure at all, but before they knew it, Tang San had already attacked Wang Feng!

   saw his claws with both hands, one claw attacked Wang Feng's neck like a lion and a tiger.

   "This is a special technique of the junior third...When I was with him, I didn't use soft skills, it was easy to be controlled by him."

   Xiao Wu looked at him, thinking that he had directly fought with Xiao San several times, mostly in a tie, unless he directly used soft skills to defeat him. However, once Xiaosan uses this weird footwork to fight guerrilla warfare with him, it will be difficult for him to win if he escapes.

   Xiao Wu could not name her.

   But Wang Feng knew the moves used by Tang San.

   It's no accident, it should be the capture method in the Xuantian baolu, controlling the crane and capturing the dragon, the physical method is the ghost and shadow, and it is a unique technique.

   is really extraordinary!

   Compared to three months ago, Xiao San is obviously stronger after getting the spirit ring.

  Wang Feng remembered that in the original work, Xiao San relied on this Xuantian baolu's unique knowledge, and with the strength of about 27th level, it was the first time that he had a head-to-head confrontation with the 30th-level Dai Mubai, directly forcing Dai Mubai to use his soul power!

   Although Tang San has not practiced more intensively now, it is already extraordinary!

   Everyone could not see Tang San's figure clearly, but Wang Feng could see clearly.

   His physical fitness at the moment has far exceeded Tang San's imagination!

   is not at all that Xuantian baolu's **** can make up for!

  While thinking like a flash of calcium carbide, Wang Feng's body was slightly on one side, and his shot was like lightning, directly grabbing Tang San's attacking wrist!

   Tang San was startled, his palm was closed, slightly bent, cleverly condensed, and he wanted to use Feng Ge's palm to counteract it.

   However, he found that Feng Ge's palm was like steel, and Qiao Jin couldn't use it at all!

   What a strong power!

Tang San's eyes condensed, he suddenly jumped up, using his claws as the axis, with Wang Feng's palm, he jumped directly high, jumped behind Wang Feng, a leaping leaping down, as if he wanted to take advantage of Feng Feng Just fall out!

  Wang Feng seemed to have expected it, a smile flashed in his eyes, his body quickly turned, and he shook his palm directly between Tang San's landing and threw Tang San out in advance!

   was thrown directly into the air more than ten meters high!