

After traveling through the Wudong universe, Wu Yun became the main disciple of the Kuang Dao martial arts gym and touched Lin Dong's thigh. Log in to the Lin Clan Club and get the Xuantian Treasure Record reward! Sign up for the hunting conference and get the blood of the white tiger! Log in to the Talisman Tower to get a glimpse of the Chaos God and Demon View! ------------------- IMPORTANT--------------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime & Comics
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Wu Yun fights Wang Yan, the black magic lesson

Although Lin Dong is also in the eighth level of Nirvana, his strength is more than enough to deal with Ying Xiaoxiao, and he doesn't even need to open the spirit seal.

Holding the thick ancient halberd inlaid with dragons, Lin Dong's aura rose steadily. He first put on a basalt spirit armor like a turtle shell, and released the xuanshui.

After learning Xuanwu's martial arts, Lin Dong also applied this set of martial arts to his own halberd technique, taking the meaning of Xuanshui and making it powerful and sinking.

Lin Dong's body was flooded like a flood. A black Xuanshui River swam along with his ancient halberd, making the surrounding sky dim and the air heavy.

Lin Dong's basalt tortoise armor and xuanshui halberd technique are not weaker than Ying Xiaoxiao's Emperor's Sutra in the slightest.

There is even an extremely strong sense of oppression.

"This junior, it's not easy!" Ying Xiaoxiao couldn't laugh at the moment, the thick ancient halberd with the mysterious water put her under a lot of pressure, it seemed that it would be submerged by the mysterious water in the next second.

However, she should smile and will not admit defeat easily.

"The Emperor's Sutra, the Great Sky Moyun Sword!"

Under the gathering of countless gazes, Ying Xiaoxiao stretched out his jade hand, and then grabbed the giant lightsaber from a distance. The next moment, a cold shout came from his mouth It was said that at the same time, her figure appeared directly on the giant sword, and then she swung her palm suddenly.


Accompanied by Ying Xiaoxiao's jade hand falling, the giant lightsaber floating above the sky also turned the tip of the sword at this moment, and then slashed straight at Lin Dong from the sky.

As the lightsaber swiped down, a dazzling trace was also left in that empty space. It looked as if even the space had been split open by this sword.

The ground below was completely cracked at this moment. Before the terrifying giant sword fell, the fierce sword wind had already penetrated down, splitting the huge stage in half.

The expressions of the disciples changed one after another. The attack of the elder sister is too strong. I am afraid that even in the Nine Elements Nirvana Realm, few of them can stop it.

During this period of retreat, Ying Huanhuan also cultivated to the peak of the Nine Yuan Nirvana Realm, and was already close to the existence of the Profound Realm.

However, facing such a powerful offensive, Lin Dong not only didn't get nervous, but laughed instead.

The stronger Ying Xiaoxiao is, the happier he is. Only such a woman can arouse his interest.

Lin Dong swung the dragon halberd, and the huge Xuanshui River formed a circle under the trajectory of the dragon halberd, flowing around Lin Dong.

The huge lightsaber slashed down, and the fierce sword edge kept hitting the black black water, trying to cut it off.

However, Lin Dong's defense not only has no dead ends, but is also extremely tenacious.

Facing the flowing mysterious water, Ying Xiaoxiao couldn't cut it off at all, but the lightsaber was swallowed by the mysterious water and merged into it.

Lin Dong's dragon halberd danced wildly, and the river of Xuanshui rushed in the air, submerging Ying Xiaoxiao's lightsaber.

Ying Xiaoxiao's face was pale, and there was a hint of panic on his cold face. However, Lin Dong was a rough warrior, and he would not be sympathetic when fighting. Going, it actually directly involved Ying Xiaoxiao into the river of Xuanshui.

The black mysterious water circulates, and people outside can't see what's going on inside.

Inside Xuanshui, the dragon halberd in Lin's hand was already pointed at Ying Xiaoxiao, and the sharp point of the halberd pointed at Ying Xiaoxiao's fair neck.

"Senior Sister Xiaoxiao, you lost!"

"Junior Brother Lin Dong, I didn't expect your halberd technique to be so powerful, and I didn't even force you out of the Great Desolation Sutra." Ying Xiaoxiao sighed, a little depressed, she worked so hard His practice is still not strong enough.

Even though she knew that this junior was also ridiculously strong, but she didn't even force out his strongest Great Desolation Sutra, which only showed that she was too weak.

This hit her a little bit.

Originally, she wanted to see the comparison between the Great Desolation Sutra and the Emperor's Sutra, and see how big the gap was between their Emperor's Sutra.

"Senior Sister... If you want, I can show you..." Lin Dong hesitated.

"What?" Ying Xiaoxiao hadn't realized what it meant, seeing Lin Dong's shy and flickering eyes, felt strange.

However, in the next second, a stream of mysterious water was about to sweep away, and at the same time, Lin Dong's spiritual sound transmission had already reached her mind.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, I'm ready. I'm going to use the Great Desolation Sutra. Don't worry, I'll pay attention!"

Lin Dong also realized that it was not good for him to defeat Senior Sister too quickly, and he didn't even return the Great Desolation Sutra. Defeating the senior sister without using it will make the senior sister very embarrassing.

Senior Sister Ying Xiaoxiao's image among many disciples has always been very strong. Before Wu Yun and him joined, Senior Sister was the number one disciple of Daozong.

After enjoying the battle, Lin Dong felt that it was really inappropriate to do this to the elder sister's face.

So he was going to let the fight that should have ended, continue.

Anyway, no one can clearly see the situation inside under the cover of the Xuanshui River.

Then, the Xuanshui surged up against the sky, only to see Ying Xiaoxiao standing on the Xuanshui, being pushed into the sky.

It looked like the raging Xuanshui was chasing her!

The cold Ying Xiaoxiao has not yet reacted, this cute junior seems to have an exhibition match with him.

It was too late to think.

Lin Dong's side is starting to amplify their moves.

"Elder Sister is really powerful, so let me show you the Great Desolation Sutra and your Emperor's Sutra, which one is stronger and weaker." The

play spirit Lin Dong shouted, and launched the Great Desolation Sutra, just like Wu Yun before, terrifying The wild energy erupted, drawing out the power of the entire underground.

Like a volcanic eruption, majestic energy quickly gathered around Lin Dong.

His aura instantly soared, and the energy plundered by the Great Desolation was used by him in a short time.

"The Great Desolation Sutra, can Elder Sister be able to release this power accurately?" Many disciples were worried, feeling that Lin Dong's aura was too strong at the moment.

Although it was only in the eight-element Nirvana state, which was one level weaker than Ying Xiaoxiao's, the Great Desolation Sutra instantly doubled its strength after such an explosion.

At this moment, Ying Xiaoxiao finally got serious under the strong oppression of the Great Desolation Sutra, and she used the Emperor Sutra again.

"The Emperor's Sutra, the Emperor's Bell!"

She yelled, the energy between the heaven and the earth gathered around her body with a sign of madness at this moment, and then merged with the majestic energy in her body, and then, in that countless Under the gaze of Dao, it turned into a giant ancient clock.

And at the moment when the ancient clock took shape, Lin Dong's big dragon halberd once again carried the terrifying power of mysterious water, and under the boost of the Great Desolation Scripture, it stirred up terrifying fluctuations.

The dragon halberd whizzed down, and then slammed into the ancient giant clock one after the other with the Xuanshui River.


Immediately, the resounding chime of the bell resounded between the heaven and the earth.

The top of the mountain, which was already a mess, lifeless and desolate, was devastated again. The boulder that had been cracked and opened was almost pulverized by the spreading shock wave. The power is really amazing.

"Second brother's gun head, it's a bit of an outsider."

Wu Yun muttered slightly, frowning. He felt that Lin Dong was playing a fake match. Such a powerful attack failed to break through Ying Xiaoxiao's defense, but instead made the surrounding area on the mountaintop these environments suffer.

Looking at the gorgeous blow, the attack power was scattered by more than half.

This gave the surrounding people the feeling that this blow directly frightened their hearts and souls.

But Ying Xiaoxiao, who was in the center of the storm, was treated tenderly.

With only half the power of the attack, her Emperor's Bell barely blocked it.

It wasn't until the strength gathered by Lin Dong receded that the ancient clock that was shrouded in a smile didn't dissipate.

"Hey, Elder Sister is still strong. She can withstand such a powerful attack from Lin Dong."

"Lin Dong is also powerful. Like this, I don't think there are many in the Nine Yuan Nirvana Realm who can be his opponents. " , I don't know whether he is stronger or weaker than senior brother Wang Yan."

"The Great Desolation Sutra is still too powerful, and the Emperor's Sutra cannot be compared with it."

Hearing the discussions of the disciples below, Ying smiled It's very complicated, but it doesn't have the decadent sense of failure that Lin Dong crushed before.

She looked at Lin Dong, this junior brother who was almost the same as her in normal times, he was also serious and caring.

So powerful, yet so understated.

She couldn't help but look sideways slightly.

"I lost. I don't have the energy left to fight Junior Brother Lin Dong anymore."

Ying Xiaoxiao took the initiative, she was thin-skinned, and she was really embarrassed to continue acting with Lin Dong.

"Acceptance, acquiescence, Senior Sister's swordsmanship is no longer inferior to Lin Dong, and I hope to be able to compete with Senior Sister again in the future."

Lin Dong folded his halberd and cupped his hands.

"Junior Brother Lin Dong is humble." Ying Xiaoxiao regained his calm expression, put away his sword, and flew down the platform.

"My sister can't beat Lin Dong?"

Ying Huanhuan whispered, in her heart, her sister has always been very strong.

"It's not that your sister is weak, it's that Lin Dong is too strong. He exploded with all his strength, and Lin Dong's strength is not much weaker than mine."

Wu Yun comforted.

Lin Dong learned about the same as him. After he put the stone talisman and ancestral talisman in the world tree to warm up, Wu Yun also taught him the Qingtian Hualong Jue, Chaos Calming Jue and Divine Elephant Suppressing Prison Power.

And use the tyrant's blood to condense a group of brand new air of the sky to help him practice the blue sky and dragon art.

Qinglong, Xuanwu, two kinds of martial arts, one attack and one defense.

The God Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength has been fully improved, and the Chaos Calming Art is the most powerful attack method.

Lin Dong's methods seemed to be similar to his, and Lin Dong also had the Xuanwu Spirit Seal. With the outbreak of the Great Desolation Scripture, the increase in strength was terrifying.

Ying Xiaoxiao naturally couldn't be his opponent.

I'm afraid that the elders in the Profound Realm of Hongya Cave couldn't win against Lin Dong.

"Next round, Wu Yun will face Wang Yan!"

Finally, it's the third round!

Wu Yun and Wang Yan were directly arranged.

call out!

Hearing his name, the indifferent Wang Yan swept up the platform directly with the epee on his back.

Wu Yun followed closely behind and appeared on the platform.

Looking at the two people on the platform on the top of the mountain, all the disciples watched with bated breath, and the most crucial battle was coming.

The atmosphere seemed to freeze.

However, this solidification only lasted for a few breaths of time, and then, an astonishing evil spirit suddenly burst out from the field, and Wang Yan's figure instantly turned into an afterimage, and the heavy sword fell into his hand, The blade of the sword flew straight out, stabbing at Wu Yun's throat as quickly as a frightened bird.

And the moment Wang Yan made his move, Wu Yun stomped his feet on the ground, and a majestic blue light swept away from his body, and a series of blue dragon scales appeared on his body, instantly attaching a layer of blue dragon armor.

At the same time, the Thunder Spirit Heaven Knife appeared in his hand, the sharp light of the knife flashed past, and the huge thunder knife shadow slashed across Wang Yan's epee, and slashed straight at his face.

Wang Yan had no choice but to withdraw his sword and back away.

"The Emperor's Sutra, the Great Sky Moyun Sword."

Wang Yan gave a low drink, and the huge lightsaber gathered in front of him. He was obviously not going to delay, and he shot very decisively, regarding Wu Yun as a very important opponent.

As an old disciple of Tiandian, his cultivation of the Emperor's Sutra is not weaker than Ying Xiaoxiao's at all, and he is even a bit more ruthless than Ying Xiaoxiao.

"Great Desolation Breaking Sword!"


Wu Yun volleyed the sword in his hand, and thunder raged in the sky.

The huge blade pierced through the light and shadow sword directly.


The Thunder Spirit Sky Knife trembled, and the Thunder Rune lit up, splitting light into shadows, attracting the sky thunder, and crashing down.

"Boom!" The

silver-white thunder beam fell and coincided with the huge lightsaber, and it was directly annihilated with a bang.

Tianwei was shocked, and the huge thunder wave sent Wang Yan flying to the ground.

The latter sat cross-legged on the spot, with the black epee stuck on the ground in his hand, and then, he made an extremely strange seal with his hands.

A mouthful of blood spurted out from Wang Yan's mouth, and finally turned into a blood mass, which landed on Wang Yan's strange seal. Suddenly, an extremely strange breath began to slowly permeate from his body come out.

A strange aura diffused from Wang Yan's body, and when the aura diffused, suddenly there was a black mist that swept out from his body overwhelmingly, like a storm.

The black mist soon filled half of the sky, and there was an extremely astonishing and fierce aura faintly emanating from it.

The beam of light passed by like lightning, but when it was ten feet away from Wang Yanshang, it dissipated out of thin air with a pop, as if Wang Yan's whole body was protected by an invisible barrier. in general.

Zizizi... The thunder light hit the barrier, but was bounced back, unable to hurt Wang Yan.

Wu Yun frowned slightly, and also waved the Thunder Spirit Saber in his hand, and immediately cut out a huge blade light.


The sword light struck the barrier horizontally, triggering a terrifying shock wave of Yuan power, which swayed all around. Wang Yan's protective barrier hadn't dissipated yet, but the ground he was on had already cracked countless gaps.

A trace of blood dripped from the corner of Wang Yan's mouth.

He was still sitting cross-legged on the spot, his handprints were constantly changing, as if he was really displaying an extremely powerful martial art.

The black light that filled the sky suddenly gathered quickly and turned into an extremely huge fuzzy black shadow. In that black shadow, a monstrous evil spirit swept across the sky, making the temperature in this piece of heaven and earth tremble. It's plummeting down.

Seeing the huge black shadow condensed in the sky above Wang Yan's head, Chen Zhen and the other four hall masters on the seats on the high platform all stared at each other.

Qi Lei, the lord of the Heavenly Palace, exclaimed, "It's such a strong fluctuation of energy, this martial art is not weaker than the Emperor's Sutra."

Ying Xuanzi: "Look at the spirit of this martial art, it seems to be a black demon!"