

After traveling through the Wudong universe, Wu Yun became the main disciple of the Kuang Dao martial arts gym and touched Lin Dong's thigh. Log in to the Lin Clan Club and get the Xuantian Treasure Record reward! Sign up for the hunting conference and get the blood of the white tiger! Log in to the Talisman Tower to get a glimpse of the Chaos God and Demon View! ------------------- IMPORTANT--------------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime & Comics
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349 Chs

The Ultimate Yang Gang Qi, Sun Profound Hand Qi

Wu Yun and Lin Dong brought the two tigers and entered the mine with the disciple.

  After half a year of excavation, the mine is now very deep, and there are countless ear holes.

  "The mining worker accidentally dug a passage here. He got in out of curiosity, but he was severely burned. It seems to be filled with an extremely hot gas."

  In the depths of the mine, the disciple pointed to a deep passage.

  "You guys are here, don't go in, Lin Dong and I will go in and have a look!"

  Wu Yun asked his disciples to stay outside.

  Then he took the lead and went there. As his palm was inserted into the crack, Wu Yun suddenly felt that his entire arm was scorching hot in an instant. An extraordinarily hot and fiery gas was flowing along the pores of his skin. , drilled into the body, and finally poured into the dantian.

  Fortunately, the evil spirit in his dantian was strong enough to block this scorching energy.

  Wu Yun: "Although these gases are violent, they contain a special Yang Gang Qi!"

  Two people and two tigers entered it.

  Going forward, passing through the narrow cracks, there is a crimson broken rock area inside. From a distance, it looks like magma is flowing. A scorching temperature rises from the ground, making even the air It's a little distorted.

  The eyes of the two and the two tigers were quickly attracted by the towering giant in the central area.

  All I saw was that there was a huge white animal bone about tens of feet in size!

  Although they were bones, they could still exude a strong coercion, which made Wu Yun and the two feel palpitated.


  Xiaoyan suddenly let out a low whistle, ran up to the animal bone, and scratched wildly at the giant beast's skull.

  It has a mutated bloodline, and the demon crystal left in the monster's body has a very fanatical attraction to it.

  Soon Xiaoyan pulled out a fiery red thing.

  It was actually a fiery red bead the size of a fist, extremely round and completely different from the usual demon crystals. This fiery red bead looked a little bit like a tiny baby.

  Wu Yun had already felt the terrifying energy contained in that bead.

  However, Xiao Yan swallowed it in one gulp.

  "Xiao Yan, don't eat indiscriminately!" Lin Dong quickly reminded, but it was too late.

  "It's okay, since Xiaoyan dares to eat it, it proves that it can absorb the energy in it."

  Wu Yun comforted him.

  However, it is one thing to be able to absorb, but another thing to be painful.

  I saw Xiaoyan's body swelled rapidly after swallowing the demon pill, and then instantly changed back to its original shape, rolling on the ground in pain.

  Baiyun whimpered anxiously beside him!

  Although she also thinks Xiaoyan is too naughty, but he is her younger brother after all, and she can't bear to see him suffer.

  "Don't worry, if you want to transform, you have to go through these pains. You haven't experienced pain before."

  Wu Yun touched Baiyun's big head and comforted him.

  Soon Xiaoyan stopped rolling.

  At this time, Xiaoyan's fiery red fur became more and more fiery red at this moment, looking like a burning flame, and the tiger claws were also permeated with sharp luster, and the sharp claw blades were deeply embedded in the ground, making people feel at ease. Do not doubt its lethality.

  The breath is comparable to that of the middle stage of the Earth Yuan Realm!

  "The mutated bloodline is really powerful. As long as there are enough resources for this kind of inclusive evolution, the speed of improvement is not even slower than that of the white tiger bloodline." Wu Yun thought to himself.

  "Ho Ho Ho ~"

  Bai Yun let out a low growl, pawed the ground with his paws, and looked at the back of the giant beast's skeleton just now with his big head, blowing his fur, extremely nervous.

  Wu Yun followed and looked over, and at the top of those rocks, there was a crimson, almost coquettish flower blooming, and a faint mist lingered around the flower.

  Giving people a kind of danger that they dare not approach.

  "This should be the Fire Ancestor Demon Flower!"

  Wu Yun thought to himself.

  The Fire Ancestor Demon Flower is a rare medicine, but to him now, it is comparable to poison.

  At this time, Huozu Yaohua also found them, and saw the faint smoke from the flower floating towards them.

  Sensing danger, Bai Yun and Xiao Yan quickly bit their pants, making them retreat.

  It seems that whoever touches this smoke will die!

  But the smoke from the demon flower drifted very quickly, and the cave was not big, so there was no time to escape.

  At the critical moment, Wu Yun pushed Lin Dong out.


  "Brother sold me!" Lin Dong was still confused.

  At this moment, the mist wrapped around his body, and his spirit immediately became trance, a feeling of extreme fatigue and weakness emerged from his body, that feeling, as if the vitality in his body was being forcibly Suck away in general.

  At this time Wu Yun shouted.

  "Use a stone talisman!"

  Only then did Lin Dong come to his senses, raised his palm, and aimed the stone talisman in his palm at the smoke.

  In the next second, the light of the stone talisman spread out, and the surrounding mist was sucked into it.

  After a while, it absorbed all the diffuse mist, but the stone talisman was still not satisfied, and it aimed directly at the Fire Ancestor Demon Flower, sucking the whole flower in.

  "Brother, I'm going to explode!" Lin Dong yelled in pain.

  "Don't panic, run the magic chapter!" Wu Yun reminded.

  He felt a little sour in his heart.

  The Fire Ancestor Demon Flower, Lin Dong's fortune is not small.

  Even if he knows what belongs to the son of the plane, he can't take it away if he wants to.

  The energy of the Fire Ancestor Demon Flower is too terrifying, and they cannot bear it at all with their current strength. Lin Dong can enjoy part of the energy of the Fire Ancestor Demon Flower through the stone talisman because the stone talisman and the Sky Demon Sable in the stone talisman hold the Fire Ancestor Demon Flower's large Part of the energy is absorbed.

  [Ding, it is detected that the host is already at the check-in location, do you want to check-in? ]

  Oh, mine is here too... Wu Yun is overjoyed, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com is no longer missing.

  You have your cheats, and I have mine.

  "Sign in!"

  [Ding, sign in successfully, get rewards, the best Yanggang Qi, Sun Xuangang Qi! ]

  Taiyin Xuansha Qi, Sun Xuangang Qi!

  These two just go together!

  It seems that the system still understands him, and the things it gives are the most beneficial to him at the moment!

  "Brother, I'm fine!" Lin Dong stood up from his cross-legged posture in surprise.

  "Just now I have finished the first three layers of the Divine Movement chapter, and my spiritual power has greatly increased!"

  The Fire Ancestor Demon Flower is a spiritual miracle medicine.

  Lin Dong had only cultivated to the first level before absorbing the Fire Ancestor Demon Flower, and now he broke through two levels in the blink of an eye.

  This speed made Wu Yun sour!

  They caught up with him in no time.

  "Brother, it seems to be easier to cultivate mental strength than Yuanli." Lin Dong said excitedly, still immersed in the joy of upgrading.

  "If you tell my teacher this, I'll see if he doesn't beat you to death." Wu Yun rolled his eyes.

  When Wu Yun completed the first three layers of the Divine Movement in two months, Yanxuan and Ziyue were already deeply hit.

  It took Ziyue two years.

  And Yanxuan spent four years.

  "I hate two kinds of people,

  One is the person who hacked, and the other is the person who stopped me from cheating. "

  Wu Yun finally understood what this meant.

  "Hey, I'll just tell Big Brother." Lin Dong laughed.

  This kind of Versailles, if you talk about it, you will be beaten to death by others, even I want to kill you.

  Wu Yun said angrily, "You and Xiaoyan have gained a lot here today, let's see if the yang qi here can be refined, and give me and Baiyun some soup!"