

After traveling through the Wudong universe, Wu Yun became the main disciple of the Kuang Dao martial arts gym and touched Lin Dong's thigh. Log in to the Lin Clan Club and get the Xuantian Treasure Record reward! Sign up for the hunting conference and get the blood of the white tiger! Log in to the Talisman Tower to get a glimpse of the Chaos God and Demon View! ------------------- IMPORTANT--------------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime & Comics
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349 Chs

The Holy Light Dynasty can go away, or it will be destroyed if it doesn't go away

Above Shifeng, a huge door of space appeared out of thin air.

Lin Dong, Mo Ling and more than 60 people filed out from inside.

"Is this the ancient battlefield?"

"We're here?"

"It's so rich in the vitality of the world, and I'm right as I told the suzerain."


The young geniuses walked out of the space, and all of them looked at the surrounding environment curiously .

"Leader, what should we do next?"

After everyone came out, after a while of curiosity, they all looked at Wu Yun.

Wu Yun: "According to the map provided by Emperor Yan, we are only on the edge of the ancient battlefield. Our next route is to go to the center of the battlefield.

At the same time, we must quickly provide strength and strive to break through Nirvana as soon as possible. The

ancient battlefield , Hundred Dynasties War, the level of cruel competition here, I believe that before you come here, you have already understood that above our Great Yan Dynasty, there are intermediate dynasties, high-level dynasties, and even super dynasties.

Therefore, we must unite, for everyone They can all survive without my order.

From now on, Lin Dong and Mo Ling will be the deputy leaders, and ten people will form a team. Du Yun, Man Shan and others will be the team leader. All actions will be under command. "

"Yes, leader!" Everyone responded.

This time, they are organized and planned.

Before coming in, Wu Yun had already thought about it. The overall strength of the people in the Yan Dynasty is still a bit weak, and not many can survive if they go separately.

It is best to use this kind of militarized management.

It's impossible for Wu Yun to take care of everyone. At most, he can provide some help, and in the end they still have to rely on themselves.

Managed this way, they should be able to rise as long as there are enough resources.

"Okay, now, let's go to the first gathering point!"

Riding on Baiyun's body, Wu Yun took the lead in flying towards the distance, and everyone followed closely behind in various flying postures.

After entering the ancient battlefield, Wu Yun was not going to let them enter and leave the ancient monument space casually.

You have to experience to grow, and you can't rely too much on the ancient monument space.

On the vast and endless wild plain, dozens of figures flashed past like lightning, and the sound of breaking the wind spread from their surroundings, and finally spread far away.

On Wu Yun's chest, the ancient stele of the Great Desolation emitted a green radiance, and the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth was frantically gathering towards him.

The Great Desolation Ancient Monument is absorbing the energy of this space and replenishing it into the space.

The dark night in the ancient battlefield is extremely dangerous. They must arrive at the gathering point before dark, otherwise, once the night falls, the world will be dominated by monsters and some strange creatures, which is extremely dangerous.

Then they can only hide in the ancient monument space.

"Here we are!"

Under their full speed, after about half an hour, the outline of a city finally appeared on the endless plain in front of them.

This city is a little dilapidated, but it has a strong sense of antiquity and solidity. It can be preserved from ancient wars, and the place has stood for so many years. At least the stability of this city is worthy of recognition.

"Brother, there are already a lot of people in the city!"

Lin Dong looked at the black iron city gate, and there were groups of people gathering from all over the place.

Like them, the descending points of many dynasties are nearby, and they usually rush to this gathering point as soon as possible.

"It seems that someone has already occupied it."

Mo Ling frowned. He noticed that there were dozens of people blocking the gate of the city. Behind them, a flag was planted. Above the flag was a round of dazzling golden sun.

"Go and have a look first, sooner or later you will have to deal with other dynasties!" Wu Yun said indifferently, and then rode over on the white cloud.

Lin Dong and Mo Ling followed closely behind, and the seventy people behind formed seven teams and lined up in two rows.

Quite the momentum of fighting and charging.

At the gate of the city, there were already many people waiting to enter the city, and a mighty sound came from the tower above the city gate. The astonishing fluctuations in the energy contained in the sound made many people's complexions change a bit.

"Everyone, this gathering point has been occupied by our Holy Light Dynasty. If you want to use the road, each person must pay ten Nirvana Pills!"

"This gathering point is a land without an owner. If you do this, It's too much!" Someone objected.

The guard at the city gate was a dark-skinned burly man with a blood-red earring. He stood up from the tower, and a savage look flashed across his face.

With a wave of his palm, three bloody corpses fell from the city wall.

The big man licked his lips and said solemnly,

"These three people are from the Daxi Dynasty. They are also like you. They are not satisfied with our Shengguang Dynasty's control of this city. This is the consequence.

You have two choices, or leave here on your own ." Enter the wilderness, or try to resist like them!"

The faces of the people at the gate of the city were ugly and hesitant.

Suddenly a large group of people flew towards the city.

"Oh my god, which dynasty is this? There are so many people." "

Could it be a high-level dynasty? "

At the gate of the city, including in the city, many people have already discovered this large team.

In the past few days, they have all been oppressed by the Holy Light Dynasty. Now that this unknown dynasty that came suddenly collided with the Holy Light Dynasty, they don't know what kind of sparks will be created.

Everyone couldn't help but look forward to it.


On the tower, the dark man from the Shengguang Dynasty was shocked when he saw the people from the Dayan Dynasty, and he ordered a person next to him to say, "Quickly go and call Brother Li!"

Judging from the number of people in this group, it was already enough Threats to the rule of their Holy Light Dynasty here.

"No, I'm already here!"

A green-robed man flew to the front of the tower, and soon several figures landed behind him.

These people have powerful auras, and they are all at the peak of the Creation Realm, and the man in the green robe who is the leader has an aura that crushes everyone, and is at the peak of the Creation Realm.

"See Senior Brother Li Sheng!" The

swarthy man and the others rushed to salute.

At this time, Wu Yun finally arrived on a white cloud, and looked at Li Sheng and the others on the tower in mid-air. There were dozens of people on both sides, and there was a confrontation between them, and the atmosphere became a little tense.

There are not many people from the Shengguang Dynasty like Li Sheng, but they have attracted some people from other dynasties and formed a big alliance to control the gathering point here. The number of people is not weaker than that of the Dayan Dynasty.

"It's Li Sheng. He is a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Creation Realm. He is only one step away from gathering half a step to the Nirvana Realm. No one in the city is his opponent.

" Few, but the cultivation base is not high, there is no one who is at the peak of the Creation Realm, and there are less than ten people who have reached the Great Creation Realm, and the others are all minor successes in the Creation Realm. , can't compete with the people of the Holy Light Dynasty."

"The difference between the peak of Creation Realm and Dacheng cannot be made up by quantity!"

"It's really strange. Logically speaking, the dynasty that can teleport so many people should not be weak. Why are they all so crooked!"


The people who were still expecting something, after seeing this scene of the Great Yan Dynasty After a group of people, I was a little disappointed.

They have a large number of people, but their comprehensive strength is not outstanding.

Similarly, Li Sheng and the others in front of the tower also breathed a sigh of relief, not so nervous.

Behind Li Sheng, a man in a golden robe said with disdain on his face, "I think I am from some high-level dynasty, but they are all ordinary guys."

He volunteered and said, "Senior brother Li, let me Go hunt them down!"

Li Sheng: "Xia Huang, don't suppress them too much, although they are a bunch of trash, but there are a lot of them, they can be subdued to be Dannu of our Holy Light Dynasty, and they can condense a lot of Nirvana Pills in a day "

"Senior brother Li Sheng still has a long-term view, haha, more than 70 people can extract at least 100 Nirvana Pills a day, so we can't let them go."

People from Shengguang Kingdom laughed to each other.

"Understood, Senior Brother Li!"

Xia Huang smiled and flew into the mid-air, facing Wu Yun far away, and proudly said, "This place has been occupied by our Shengguang Dynasty. Which dynasty are you from? Do you want to enter?" City, each person pays ten Nirvana Pills?"

Wu Yun didn't look at him at all, he had heard the conversation of these people just now, and the spiritual power of his Tianfu master very clearly.

These people from the Holy Light Dynasty actually wanted to kill him!

So ignorant of current affairs, naturally there is no need to talk nonsense.

The Great War of Hundred Dynasties was not meant to be reasonable.

In this battlefield, whoever has the biggest fist can rise.

"Second brother, go and tell him that the Yan Dynasty has the final say here!"

Wu Yun turned to Lin Dong.

"Okay, big brother!"

Lin Dong grinned, this kind of pretense is what he likes to do the most.

He was riding on Xiaoyan's back, with a spirit wheel on his chest, holding an ancient sky-scale halberd that had reached the level of an earth-level spiritual treasure after Wu Yun's tattoo, rushed over, and waved the dark golden ancient halberd in his hand, A golden dragon shadow halberd aimed at the golden banner on the tower!


The flag was directly annihilated.

Wu Yun looked down at the city tower, and said with a domineering air,

"From now on, our Great Yan Dynasty has the final say, and your Shengguang Dynasty can get out !



"Hehe, if you don't get out, you'll die!"

Lin Dong smiled contemptuously, and slashed at him with a single halberd!

Both of them are great fortune-tellers, so they started fighting directly.

"What is the Great Yan Dynasty? I've never heard of it!"

"Senior Brother Xia Huang, teach him a good lesson."


On the tower, the people of the Shengguang Dynasty were furious. They came to the ancient battlefield, but they have always been bullied by them Others, where have they been so angry.

However, before the people from the Holy Light Dynasty could say a few words of ridicule, Lin Dong had already pierced through Xia Huang's body with a spear.

Just have a trick!

Lin Dong will deal with a strong man who has achieved great fortune!

"Damn it, Xia Huang!"

Li Sheng reacted the fastest, jumping up from the tower.

"The holy elephant crashes into the sky!" The

radiant light burst out from behind Li Sheng with unmatched force fluctuations. Under that strong light, an extremely huge light seemed to appear faintly. giant elephant.

"Fate level martial arts!" The people watching in front of the city gate exclaimed.

Fortune-level martial arts is not something that ordinary dynasties can develop, and the fortune-telling martial arts displayed by Li Sheng is powerful, and it is an intermediate-level fortune-telling martial arts.

The people of the Shengguang Dynasty were panicked for a second and Xia Huang was killed by one move, but now that Li Sheng made a move, they felt that it was okay again,

"Hmph, this lifeless thing, brother Li's holy elephant crashed into the sky, look Don't knock him into a pulp."

"A holy elephant crashes into the sky, but even a mountain can be destroyed!"

When the people of the Shengguang Dynasty were proud, no one from the Dayan Dynasty panicked, and even smiled coldly up.

These people can look down on the Yan Dynasty and look down on them, but they must not underestimate Wu Yun and Lin Dong.

The giant elephant in front of Li Sheng stood on the sky, as if the whole world was under its feet. A wave of power that could support the world slowly spread out, causing ripples to erupt in the space.

"The people who killed my Holy Light Dynasty, go to hell!" Li Sheng carried the giant elephant and rushed towards the void. The light surged like the sky collapsing into the ground, rumbling, making the space tremble. The terrifying ripples of power rushed towards Lin Dong brazenly!

"The Great Wilderness Prisoner Finger, five fingers move the universe!"

Wu Yun was not afraid in the face of danger, the golden energy gushed out frantically, and instantly formed five ancient golden giant fingers, which collided with the giant elephant.


The violent roar of Yuanli vibrated and exploded.

Under the five golden giant fingers, the menacing giant elephant was wiped out inch by inch, turning into nothingness.

The spirit wheel on Lin Dong's chest lit up.

"Spiritual Wheel Realm, eclipsing divine light!"

A streak of black light crazily surged on the surface of the Spiritual Wheel Realm, and finally burst out with a bang, like a black beam of light across the sky, ruthlessly plundering towards Li Sheng .

In this divine eclipse light, there is an extremely strong erosive power. This kind of erosive power not only damages the primordial power, but also has a particularly strong damage to the spiritual power.

Li Sheng quickly took out a light shield to resist, but the black beam directly pierced his head.

"Creation-level martial arts stronger than the Holy Elephant Crashing Heaven, and two Earth-level spirit treasures!"

Everyone around was envious. Lin Dong's equipment alone was enough to crush everyone in the Holy Light Dynasty.

"Take down all the members of the Holy Light Dynasty!"

Wu Yun ordered Mo Ling and the others.

He didn't make a move. An opponent of this level doesn't need him yet, so I leave it to Mo Ling and others to practice.

Seven teams of ten people, the leader is the great achievement of the good fortune, and the others are at least the small success of the good fortune.

Prior to this, Wu Yun had taught them a ten-person attack formation called the Ten Square Formation, which could better display the strength of the ten people. With the cooperation of the formation, ten great achievements matched nine small ones. Success, even in the face of the peak of the Creation Realm, you can persist for a while.

Mo Ling led the crowd to kill them in. Now that there are no strong men at the peak of the Creation Realm, the Holy Light Dynasty can only be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Not long after, the Holy Light Dynasty and dozens of people allied with them were all wiped out.

The victorious Yan Dynasty and others all looked excited. They defeated a dynasty stronger than the Dayan Dynasty today.

A sense of self-confidence arose spontaneously from their hearts.

Follow Wu Yun, these are just the beginning.

After dealing with the people of the Holy Light Dynasty, it was time to clean up the battlefield and search for all the treasures on them.

At this moment, the people in the city were trembling with trembling. All this was reversed too quickly. The Shengguang Dynasty and others who had just been invincible just now became corpses.

They were all waiting for the new leader of the Great Yan Dynasty to speak.

Whether you can stay in the city or not depends on the other party's attitude.

Now, everyone in the city remembers the Great Yan Dynasty, this name, perhaps starting from today, it will be fully launched on the ancient battlefield!.