

After traveling through the Wudong universe, Wu Yun became the main disciple of the Kuang Dao martial arts gym and touched Lin Dong's thigh. Log in to the Lin Clan Club and get the Xuantian Treasure Record reward! Sign up for the hunting conference and get the blood of the white tiger! Log in to the Talisman Tower to get a glimpse of the Chaos God and Demon View! ------------------- IMPORTANT--------------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime & Comics
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Signing in to the Seed of the World Tree

Outside the imperial city, above the sky, Qingtan stood in the air with her slender and slender white legs in a short green skirt.

Her delicate little face was full of tangles, her fingers were crossed, and her ten fingers were twisted together, making her look very embarrassed.

Qingtan's agile eyes stared at the large and clear knife marks and fingerprints on the ground. After a long time, he separated his hands, touched his cherry-like mouth with his index finger, took a deep breath and sighed. Said ,

"So Wu Yun and Lin Dong are already so powerful!"

"The two of them are indeed rare geniuses, with good talent, perseverance, and excellent temperament. They hide a lot of secrets, even the old man didn't see it.

Not to mention the Great Yan Dynasty, even if you look at the entire Eastern Profound Domain, they can still be among the best, and this time the Eastern Profound Territory's battle of hundreds of dynasties, the two of them will definitely stand out!" A

voice sounded from behind Qingtan, speaking to Wu Yun and Both Lin Dong and Lin Dong spoke highly of it.

A slender black shadow floated to the side of Qingtan, looming, very strange, this shadow, the whole body was wrapped under the black robe, vaguely, there was an indescribable coldness spreading from the body, surrounding The air has become much more condensed.

"Then master, can I catch up with brother Wu Yun and brother Lin Dong?" Qing Tan asked with a small face a little depressed.

"Silly girl, of course you can. Your talent is no worse than them, and even higher than them. It's just that you haven't got the corresponding experience, you haven't done the best training, and you haven't found the opportunity that suits you. Don't worry, as long as you want to Follow me, I can't guarantee that you will surpass them, but at least you will have no problem catching up with them."

"The Hundred Dynasties War, their end point is the eight super sects, but the sect where the teacher belongs One point stronger than those eight super sects."

Qing Tan was a little moved, but she hesitated, "Master, but I really can't bear to leave Brother Wu Yun and Brother Lin Dong!"

Bo Xuan: "Silly girl, if you stay by their side, you can only be a younger sister for the rest of your life. They will only treat you as a younger sister and take care of you. You will not grow too much.

Then with your strength, you will treat them like a sister." There is no help at all, and the road they are going to take next is extremely dangerous and full of cruel competition, but you can do nothing to drag them back!

Then what is the difference between you and the ordinary vase girl!

I know you as a teacher I like you Wu Yunge, but to love someone is not to be attached to him all the time, or even let him carry you forward, but to be able to do something for him, to help him, at least to be able to fight side by side with him .If

you follow as a teacher and become as strong as them in the future, and when we meet again, your strength is not weaker than them. Think about it, what kind of expression they will have." The

black-robed old man enlightened earnestly Qingtan, he has enough patience for this lovely disciple.

What I want is not just to be a younger sister... Qing Tan thought to himself, and clenched his little fists.

Master's words reminded Qingtan of those women in the space of the ancient stele who surrounded Wu Yun's brother. They could only cling to Wu Yun's brother. To Wu Yunge.

If I stay in the ancient stele space like them, what is the difference from them, and I am in the ancient stele space, whether I have served as the hall master, I have done nothing, I can't do anything, compared to They are even worse.

Not even competitive!

"Okay, Master, I'm willing to go with you, but you have to guarantee that I can catch up with Brother Wu Yun!"

"Don't worry, I'm still confident as a teacher!" the

black-robed old man Bo Xuan said affirmatively.

"Then you want to go down and say goodbye to them?"

"No, I left a letter in the room before I left the ancient monument!"

There were tears in Qingtan's eyes, but his eyes were still very firm.

Bo Xuan smiled slightly, this dead girl, she had planned for a long time!


"Brother, Qingtan is gone!"

At night in the imperial city, in the space of the ancient stele, Lin Dong brought his anxious father and mother to find Wu Yun and handed him a letter.

Before coming to the imperial city, Qingtan had left the ancient stele space, now a few days passed, and no one came back, Lin Dong's mother found the letter she left in Qingtan's room.

Wu Yun opened the letter, which roughly meant that he was going to worship a mysterious and powerful master, and now he was going to practice with him. Please don't worry, she will come back when she is successful in cultivation! Lin Dong: "Brother, this girl Qingtan

is so wild, she dared to leave alone, and I don't know where she is going back. We don't even know what kind of mysterious master she is!"

I often went out to practice alone, and during that time her cultivation was improving by leaps and bounds, and I felt something was wrong, and she hesitated when I asked this girl, and didn't say anything, she must be the so-called master I met at that time." Lin Xiao recalled.

Lin Dong also said with emotion, "No wonder Qingtan cultivates so fast!"

"You don't have to worry about that mysterious master of Qingtan. Something will happen, and this is Qingtan's choice, we should trust her.

Participate in the Hundred Dynasties War, and when we enter the super sect, we will be able to inquire about Qingtan's whereabouts. Believe me, we should be able to Met Qingtan again."

Wu Yun comforted them, he was actually a little bit reluctant to part with Qingtan.

But this is Qingtan's choice!

In fact, if Qingtan was in the ancient stele space, Wu Yun could protect her forever, but Qingtan should not be willing to do this.

In her bones, she is not an obedient sister, she is a lolita, with a royal heart!

He has an unruly heart to conquer his elder brother.


At this moment, in the imperial palace and in front of the gate of space, all major forces are bidding farewell to their own geniuses.

Tomorrow, they will follow Wu Yun to the ancient battlefield to participate in the Hundred Dynasties War.

So, tonight, we will enter the ancient monument space!

Before parting!

These suzerains have given their resources to these disciples, and almost all the Nirvana pills stored by their own sects have been taken out, pinning their hopes on the disciples.

Mo Jingtian quietly found Wu Yun, and brazenly gave Wu Yun six more outstanding royal relatives and relatives, all of whom had the strength of Xiaocheng in the Creation Realm.

The background of the royal family is really strong, and there are so many young people who are not weak.

Of course Wu Yun accepted!

The next day, when a ray of morning light broke through the sky and shone on the imperial city.

This bustling city once again ushered in a grand noise.

Yesterday, news about the selection of seeds and the killing of the heads of the Wang and Qin families spread throughout the city. These are big events, and they have become the talk of the people of Dayan. The names of Wu Yun and Lin Dong, It will also resound completely, and even shock the entire dynasty.

And now, Wu Yun, Lin Dong and other five people selected from the seeds, under the leadership of Mo Jingtian, came to the deepest part of the palace.

Before teleporting into the ancient battlefield, the five of them can soak in the Holy Spirit Pool once, which is the benefit of their victory.

Soon, they came to an extremely vast primeval forest, and there was an altar in the center of the forest. The altar was covered with strange runes, and there were faintly powerful energy fluctuations emanating from it.

Lin Fan: "The Holy Spirit Pool is hidden in the altar. This altar was built by the royal family, the four major clans, and the three major sects. It is hidden deep in the palace and is opened every twenty years."

"It was originally necessary for Wang Lei and Qin Chuan to open the altar of the Holy Spirit Pool, but now that they are both dead, I can only ask you two to help!"

Mo Jingtian looked at Wu Yun and Lin Dong and said.

Without two people, they cannot open this altar.

Wu Yun walked up to the altar, looked at it for a while with the Purple Demon Eye, and then said, "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, I think I should be able to break through this altar by myself.

" The runes hit the altar.

The formation of this altar is not complicated for him, after just a few glances, Wu Yun found a way to break it without violence.


Mo Jingtian and the others looked at Wu Yun in surprise again, this young man is amazing!

This formation was almost forged by the eight most powerful forces of the entire Great Yan Dynasty. Mo Jingtian, who was in the one-element Nirvana state, couldn't break it, but Wu Yun was able to do it.

As Wu Yun broke into the altar one after another with spiritual power runes, the altar made a strange buzzing sound, and then.

A circle of light, under the gaze of everyone, slowly rose from the top of the altar, and then spread, turning into a huge energy vortex.

An extremely powerful and strange energy seeped out from the vortex.

The Holy Spirit Pool was opened just like that!

"Brother Wu Yun, please go first!"

Mo Ling and the others looked at Wu Yun and Lin Dong.

"Let's go!" Wu Yun nodded, and jumped into the circle of light first.

Rushing into the aperture, Wu Yun's vision was temporarily dark, but immediately, the soft light filled his eyeballs, and a faint fragrance and a damp smell rushed towards his face.

A huge pool of water appeared in front of him. The water in the pool was emerald green, and it was full of vitality. A stream of rich and pure energy continuously emanated from the pool.


Wu Yun took a deep breath, his whole body seemed to be moaning in comfort, and every particle in his body became active.

At this time, the four of Lin Dong also came down. Mo Ling knew the place better, pointed to the water pool, and said, "Boss, the Holy Spirit Pool is divided into five areas. The five of us occupy one side in the southeast, northwest, and middle. The best place in the middle is none other than you!"


Wu Yun didn't refuse, and jumped in.

The emerald water of the pool is not cold, but very warm. Unlike most violent energies, the energy of this Holy Spirit pool is very gentle and easy to absorb.

Even Wu Yun, who has absorbed a lot of powerful liquid, can get a lot of benefits from it. The pores of his body are dilated, and the hundreds of millions of particles in his body are active, devouring these energies.

"Huh, it's so cool!"

This feeling of being surrounded by energy made Wu Yun want to wander in it.

Lin Dong and the other four also came down, each occupying a position.

Xiao Diao's demon spirit appeared, and he said excitedly, "Big Brother, Second Brother, the pond water here indeed smells like the blood of ancient beasts."

"I can feel that under the pond water, there is a dark and The powerful coercion is not complete.

If I guess correctly, there should be a skeleton of an ancient beast underneath. Judging from this kind of coercion, this beast probably surpassed the existence of Nirvana before it was alive. After being lost for so many years, it can still exude such an astonishing coercion."

"Beyond Nirvana!"

Lin Dong and Wu Yun became interested in an instant.

"Quickly absorbed the energy in our area, go down and have a look!" Wu Yun said, he was a little interested in this skeleton.

The two maximized the effect of devouring the ancestor talisman, and the energy poured into their bodies like a pillar.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, they completely absorbed the energy in their area.

Feeling the rapid disappearance of the energy in the two people's area, the three of Mo Ling's mouths twitched, and they called the two perverted in their hearts, and they only absorbed one-tenth of it!

Then Wu Yun and Lin Dong dived under the pool.

"Be careful, the more you go down, the stronger the pressure of the divine beast, and the general powerhouse in the nirvana state may not be able to withstand it. The royal family's Mo Jingtian probably never came down." Xiao Diao reminded.

Wu Yun and Lin Dong had activated their physical strength to resist this coercion.

The two practiced body script, Lin Dong cultivated towards the Immortal King Kong Physique, and Wu Yun trained towards the Prison-Suppressing God Physique. These two physiques are the two immortal bodies with the strongest defenses among the twelve immortal bodies of the body script.

Naturally, there is no problem with resisting the coercion of this remaining divine beast.

Dive for half a quarter of an hour!

"It's here!"

Under the pool, a huge skeleton appeared in front of them.

"What a big monster!" Wu Yun's eyes were a little shocked. This should be the biggest monster he has ever seen.

Lin Dong opened his small mouth, it was difficult to speak underwater, but his surprised expression said it all.

"It's an ancient crocodile!"

"Such a strong vitality, big brother, the strength of this ancient crocodile should have been above the Shengxuan realm!"

Xiao Diao was also a little surprised. Such a powerful monster skeleton.

"This skeleton is very good. Not only does it have the remnants of coercion, but there is also a lot of blood in the skeleton. If it can be put in the middle of the ancient monument, it will be the best material for refining bone puppets!"

Lin Dong: "Refining bone puppets?"

Little Mink said: "Yes, bone puppets are also a kind of talisman puppets, similar to blood spirit puppets, but they are made from the bones of strong people. The stronger the bones, the more refined bone puppets are. The stronger it is!"

Wu Yun examined it carefully. The skeleton was really too big, thousands of meters long and 100 meters high. It was not so easy to completely fit it into the space of the ancient monument.

He put down the ancient stele of the Great Desolation, and then communicated with the soul of the stele. After a while, a huge space gate was formed under the water, and Wu Yun outlined four space runes beside the space gate, which were used to enhance the growth rate. Great door to this space.

"Chi Xin, come out and move things!"

Then she called Chi Xin.

This ancient crocodile possessed a strong coercion. After all, it was a divine beast above the Shengxuan Realm in life. Wu Yun was a bit reluctant to resist the coercion, let alone move it.

When Chi Xin came out, he was also a skeleton, but compared to this ancient crocodile, he was really the difference between an ant and an elephant.

Seeing the skeleton of the crocodile, Chi Xin was also a little surprised. He walked under the skeleton and lifted it alive. When the skeleton moved, the Holy Spirit Pool shook.

However, soon, Chi Xin strode into the door of space.

The Holy Spirit Lake returned to calm!

[Ding, arrived at the Holy Spirit Lake, do you sign in! ]

At this time, the system notification tone finally came.

"Sign in!"

[Sign in successfully, get a reward, the seed of the world tree! ]