

After traveling through the Wudong universe, Wu Yun became the main disciple of the Kuang Dao martial arts gym and touched Lin Dong's thigh. Log in to the Lin Clan Club and get the Xuantian Treasure Record reward! Sign up for the hunting conference and get the blood of the white tiger! Log in to the Talisman Tower to get a glimpse of the Chaos God and Demon View! ------------------- IMPORTANT--------------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime & Comics
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349 Chs

Sign in, God of Chaos Grinds His Thoughts

in the room!

Lin Dong looked at the two suspiciously!

Intuition told him that there was a problem!

But where there is a problem, he can't tell.

"Oh, it turns out that the girl's bed is so warm. This sleep made me sleep soundly. I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time!"

Wu Yun stretched his waist and said.

"Second brother, let's go, I have some new discoveries that can enhance our strength!"

He pulled Lin Dong up and walked out of Qingtan's room.

Lin Dong followed him numbly, thinking to himself, "Brother is so bright and upright, with a natural expression, and acting as usual, I should be thinking too much!"

"Ah, Bai Yun, you just slept outside all night."

Wu Seeing Baiyun lying on the stone table at the door, Yun suddenly said.

In the past, Bai Yun would sleep in his room, and Wu Yun would prepare a clean carpet for him.



Last night, Wu Yun made it smell like alcohol. After it brought Wu Yun back, it went to the pool to wash it. Because it was covered in water, it fell asleep in the yard!

"Hey, I'll give you some breakfast!"

Wu Yun took out a handful of Yang Yuan Dan and fed it to Bai Yun.

When he came to Lin Dong's room, Wu Yun took out a pen and paper to draw. He was going to study the original devouring rune!

In addition, the runes on the Ice Profound Sword were erased again, and new ice runes were engraved on them.


Three days later, the Tower of Fushi!

Talisman masters from both Yancheng and Tianhuocheng gathered here.

As soon as they met, Cao Zhu came over with a young man in a silver robe, pointed at Lin Dong and said,

"Second Senior Brother, he is Lin Dong, and he is the one who took away my Bingxuan Sword!"

Liu Long said domineeringly, " This is brother Lin Dong, I wonder if I can return my junior brother's Bingxuan Sword to him."

"Bingxuan Sword, what is it?"

Hearing these words,

Lin Dong was taken aback for a moment, then he shook his head, and said, "What is that?" A

ruthless look flashed in Liu Long's eyes, but he soon laughed again: "Brother Lin Dong, there is one more way to go if you don't know each other without fighting. It's not worthwhile to have one more friend, just for the three Ice Profound Swords, but leave a bad impression in the minds of many talisman masters in Skyfire City.

" pressure.

Lin Dong and Wu Yun looked at each other and laughed.

Wu Yun said indifferently, "We have never seen any Ice Profound Sword before. You must have found the wrong person. We only have the Ice Sword here!"

As he spoke, he took out three azure blue swords from the Qiankun bag. With the ice crystal dagger, the surrounding air instantly became cold.

Compared with Cao Zhu's Ice Profound Sword before, the brand-new Frost Sword at this time is even more chilling!

It looks so familiar, why don't you know it... Cao Zhu stared at the three ice swords!

"How could it have changed!" He touched his head.

Liu Long hated iron and said through voice transmission: "Are you stupid, this is your sword, come back soon."

He looked at the three brand new ice swords, his eyes were full of greed.

These three swords are stronger than his Lihuo sword!

"Yes, these three are my Bingxuan Sword!" Cao Zhu also reacted. "Haha, you

really dare to admit it!"

Wu Yun couldn't help laughing, and suddenly his expression froze . looked over. Yanxuan, as well as Han Yun, the president of the Talisman Master Association in Tianhuo City, and the high-level officials of both sides have also noticed. Han Yun looked at his two disciples blushing from being teased, and his face was ugly. He came over and asked,

"What's going on?" Cao Zhu: "I also ask the teacher to make the decision for me. This Lin Dong of the Yancheng Talisman

Master Association took away the Bingxuan Sword that the teacher gave me, and now he still refuses to accept it!"

They all gathered around,

Wu Yun's eyes swept over Han Yun, and then paused on a man behind him. This man had an ordinary appearance and thick eyebrows, but for some reason, those talisman masters around him were very interested in him. His attitude was quite respectful, even Liu Long consciously stood behind him.

Ziyue also came over and sent a voice transmission to Wu Yun, "That is the biggest opponent of our Yancheng talisman masters this time, the strongest person among the young talisman masters in Tianhuo City, Zhou Tong, it is said that he was as early as two years ago. , that is to step into the level of the second seal talisman teacher."

At this time, Han Yun, Zhou Tong and others were looking at the ice sword in his hand, and were surprised by the cold air on the sword.

Yanxuan also came over, and after understanding the situation, he took the Frost Sword from Wu Yun's hand to check.

Seeing the powerful ice rune on it, he couldn't help but secretly stunned... He didn't understand!

Yanxuan transmitted the sound to Wu Yun: "Did you burn this rune?"

"Yes, teacher, so now it is the Frost Sword!" Wu Yun smiled and secretly transmitted the sound.

Yanxuan took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then slowly said:

"The Bingxuan Sword belongs to your disciple, and the Frost Sword belongs to my disciple, so if this is the case, it is enough to prove whether this sword is the Bingxuan Sword. "

Master Han, since the disciple said that you made his Bingxuan Sword, you should still remember the runes on it, why don't you draw it out, and compare it with this sword, you can tell at a glance whether it is the same!"

Han Yun's words With an extremely ugly face, he said, "No need, the sword I forged myself, remember, this is not the Bingxuan sword."

Cao Zhu: "Teacher, that is really the Bingxuan sword."

"Shut up!" Han Yun scolded.

He could feel the power on the sword now, which was completely different from his previous rune power.

He believed that it was the Ice Profound Sword, but it wasn't exactly the Ice Profound Sword.

What surprised Han Yun was that the other party was able to erase his runes, and even re-engraved more powerful runes.

They were played by others!

"When did Yanxuan have this ability?" Han Yun looked at Yanxuan with doubtful eyes.

He didn't believe that Yanxuan could do it!

Yanxuan frowned: "Old man Han, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Hehe!" Han Yun smiled disdainfully.

Have been insulted!

Yan Xuan remained silent.

"Here, here you are!"

Wu Yun gave Ziyue and Lin Dong each of the three ice swords in front of everyone.

The angry Cao Zhu, Liu Long and other Talisman masters in Tianhuo City gritted their teeth.

Han Yun took a deep look at Wu Yun.

He couldn't see through the young man.

"Wait a minute, enter the Talisman Master Tower, find a chance to try that kid!" Han Yun said to Zhou Dao beside him.

"That's exactly what I mean!"

Zhou Tong's stagnant face showed a rare interest.

"Okay, let's open the Talisman Tower!" Han Yun urged.

Yanxuan brought three talisman masters from Yancheng forward, and crazily released his spiritual power, rushing towards the closed stone gate of the talisman tower, and finally condensed into a light seal, which was printed on the stone gate in a groove.

With the fit of the grooves, the entire Talisman Master Tower trembled at this moment, and the tightly closed stone gate also slowly cracked open. Suddenly, an extremely powerful mental wave spread out from behind the stone gate, sending Those talisman masters who got close were shocked and retreated in embarrassment.

"What a strong mental coercion!"

Wu Yun sighed.

Han Yun and other Talisman Masters in Skyfire City looked at the Talisman Master Tower with greedy eyes.

"The tower gate has been opened, and the tower fight begins!" Yanxuan announced.

He turned his head to look at Wu Yun and Lin Dong, "Whoever can charge the highest and last the longest will be the final winner. It's up to you. Go!"

Wu Yun nodded and walked into the Talisman Master tower!

[Successfully arrived at the Tower of Fushi, do you sign in? ]

"Sign in!"

[Sign in successfully, get a reward, "Chaos God Grinding Thoughts"! ]