

After traveling through the Wudong universe, Wu Yun became the main disciple of the Kuang Dao martial arts gym and touched Lin Dong's thigh. Log in to the Lin Clan Club and get the Xuantian Treasure Record reward! Sign up for the hunting conference and get the blood of the white tiger! Log in to the Talisman Tower to get a glimpse of the Chaos God and Demon View! ------------------- IMPORTANT--------------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime & Comics
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When Wu Yun and the others were planning on the opponent's Silver Pagoda, Pang Hao and Liu Xiangxuan were also discussing the Silver Pagoda in Wu Yun's hands.

  Liu Xiangxuan blinked her eyes lightly, and said: "Then Wu Yun is no better than us, with the background of Xuantian Palace and Jiuyoumen behind him, as far as I know, he should be just a lone traveler, and now there are powerful people from all walks of life gathered on this island. Or, although they dare not covet the silver pagoda in our hands, if Wu Yun is exposed, he may be in trouble."

"I'm worried, he may not come out."

  Liu Xiangxuan obviously asked about Wu Yun's situation, but she knew Even Wu Yun snatched the Silver Pagoda from Xiefeng Dongtian, but he only knew one result, not the process.

  As for Wu Yun's suppression of Demon Scorpion and Wuxuan, no one knows.

  Therefore, in the eyes of the outside world, Wu Yun is just a lone ranger with some means.

  "Hehe, since we're here, we must invite them out. After all, the power of three silver pagodas is needed to open the cave." The corner of Pang Hao's mouth twitched, his smile was quite meaningful.

  "If you don't have the strength, keeping the silver tower on you is a disaster. It's better to hand it over to protect yourself."

  Pang Hao got up directly, overlooking the entire ancient city from the pavilion, and then said loudly,

  "I have good news for you, the key to the third silver tower The owner has also arrived in the Tianlei sea area, and he is among you."

  A playful smile appeared on his face, his eyes locked on Wu Yun, and at the same time, the silver tower in his hand was shining, sensing Wu Yun's Qiankun bag Silver Tower in .

  Hearing Pang Hao's words, the people in this ancient city suddenly became excited. They looked at the people around them one by one, and searched for Wu Yunlai.

  Both Pang Hao and Liu Xiangxuan are super powerful forces from Chaos Demon Sea, they dare not compete with them at all.

  However, a little-known Wu Yun is worth a try.

  Many of the forces that came here are comparable to the evil wind cave.

  "Brother Pang Hao, since that person has also come here, can I trouble you to invite him out? After all, it is everyone's common wish to open the cave, and it is not a good thing to hide alone."

"Yes, please also invite Brother Pang Hao Find the other party."

  "Everyone is waiting."

  "That's right, don't let him sneak away with the silver pagoda, it's not like letting everyone come here for nothing."

  Everyone became angry, and they all wanted to find Wu Yun immediately .

  They all want to compete for the third silver tower.

  "This Pang Hao doesn't deserve a beating. He thought the elder brother was alone and easy to bully. Hehe, this time he kicked the iron plate. Let's see how Master Diao will teach him." Xiao Diao said coldly.

  "It's indeed a bit hateful, it's too insidious!" Lin Dong also had a murderous intent.

  Along the way, people like Pang Hao, they have seen a lot, and they like to bully others. At this moment, in Pang Hao's eyes, they are like mice, being teased.

  At this moment, a ray of silver light descended from the sky and landed on Wu Yun and the others.

  It was Pang Hao who made the move, using the silver pagoda in his hand to directly expose the positions of Wu Yun and others to everyone's view.

  "This friend, since he is also the owner of the Silver Pagoda, let's come up and have a cup of tea together." He smiled heartily, as if he was warmly inviting Wu Yun and the others.

  However, as the light fell on them, the surrounding people rushed over, and the place where Wu Yun and the others were located suddenly became crowded, and then scorching gazes shot at them.

  A few powerful auras locked on to Wu Yun in an instant. Obviously, he couldn't bear it anymore and was about to seize the tower.

  The four figures jumped out directly, forcing the surrounding people back with a powerful aura, blocking him, Wu Yun and the others. The four of them stood with knives in their hands. They were all dressed in blood-red robes with blood-knife patterns on their clothes. There was a faint smell of blood. The smell emanated from the bodies of the four of them.

  Their bodies were filled with evil spirits, standing proudly, and waves of majestic energy fluctuations slowly spread out.

  The auras are all very tyrannical, all of them have reached the Shengxuan Realm, and the most powerful one has reached the peak of the Shengxuan Realm. Among the crowd, it is already a very strong combination.

  "It's the Blood Knife Four Generals of the Blood Knife Sect. The leader is Lu Zong, right?" "

  These four guys are also impatient.

  " It is difficult for anyone to take care of them."

  When the surrounding people saw the four generals of the blood knife, they retreated one after another.

  "Wu Yun, right? Obediently hand over the Silver Pagoda, and I will spare your life." The leader of the red-robed man said.

  "The knives are good!"

  Wu Yun didn't look at them, but commented on their knives.

  He is proficient in sword skills, and there is also a knife hall based on the Heavenly Sword Gate in the world of ancient monuments, but he has not yet cultivated any strong ones, mainly because the time is too short.

  Wu Yun seems to be doing pretty well for the four blood sword generals.

  Although the other party wanted to rob him, it was acceptable, after all, he also robbed it.

  It's normal for those who practice swords to be a little crazy.

  "What do you mean, you want to exchange the knife in our hand with you?" the leader of the red-robed man said coldly.

  "No, I just admire your knives." Wu Yun said with a smile, as if he didn't care about the threat of the four of them at all.

  "Brother, he's playing tricks on us!" Another red-robed man said.

  "Kill him!"

  "Boy, remember my name, Lu Zong of the Blood Knife Sect, for the sake of bringing the key to the Silver Pagoda, I will let you be a fool." Cut to Wu Yun.

  Behind him, the three people also suddenly had a majestic vitality burst out, and the blood-colored long knife held tightly in their hands reflected a cold luster under the sunlight.

  "Brother, let me do it!"

  Lin Dong took the lead and shot directly.

  "I'm also going to exercise my muscles and bones." Xiao Yan rubbed his fists, ready to follow.

  "Wait a minute, Xiaoyan, this is for you, take them in, don't kill them." Wu Yun stopped Xiaoyan, and gave Xiaoyan the top-level pure Yuan treasure, the Fentian Ding, owned by Old Ghost Fentian.

  Xiaoyan has Suzaku real fire, and the Fentian Ding will be even more powerful in his hands.

  The formation in the Fentian Cauldron, the Eight-door Fentian Formation, has exhausted its energy due to the suppression of the strange demon king, and its power has been weakened. However, a large amount of materials have been obtained from the treasure house of the Tianshang Pavilion before, including the volcano flame Essence stone, barely making up for the eight-door burning sky formation, combined with Xiaoyan's Suzaku real fire, has no opponent in the Shengxuan territory.

  Lin Dong was only at the top of the Shengxuan Realm, and Xiao Yan was only at the peak of Xiaoyan.

  It seemed that the two of them were no match for the four strong men who had reached the Vitality Profound Realm.

  In fact, this is not the case. After practicing some exercises with Wu Yun, the strength of Lin Dong and Xiao Yan, like Wu Yun, cannot be measured simply by realm.

  After practicing body script, their physical bodies are more than ten times stronger than those of the same realm. The consequence of such a strong physique is that they need to consume more than ten times more resources than others to break through a realm.

  And Wu Yun is even more terrifying, because he still has a domineering body, he may be more than a hundred times more powerful than others.

  Of course, the resources consumed will not be wasted in vain. Similarly, the strength displayed will be ten times or a hundred times that of the same realm, or even stronger.

  Quantitative change leads to quality.

  When resources are stacked to a certain extent, it is not a simple multiple relationship.

  Therefore, the four generals of the Blood Knife were quite confident at first, but after they got started, they were surprised.

  Lin Dong actually received the saber with his bare hands, and his fist, which was shining with golden light, made the bloody saber in their hands numb.

  The powerful Vajra Emperor Physique has a defense comparable to those at the Chakra Realm, and it is easy to face these attacks at the level of the Profound Realm.

  Lin Dong was like an Iron Man, easily defeating the attack of the four.

  At this time, Xiaoyan made a move, sacrificed the burning sky tripod, activated the eight-door burning sky formation, cooperated with Lin Dong, and the huge tripod body received the four generals of the blood knife.

  The entire process took less than three minutes, and the four strong men who had reached the Vitality Profound Realm were suppressed and imprisoned in the cauldron.

  This is also the reason why Wu Yun didn't kill him, otherwise Lin Dong would have solved it with one punch and four punches.

  "Hoo." Wu Yun recalled the Fen Tian Ding and put it into the world of ancient monuments.

  "Huangyun, suppress it first, I'll find a time to adjust it."

  He ordered Huangyun.

  It's a pity that these masters are killed, and they can't maximize their benefits.

  Wu Yun is going to do ideological work for them all, so that they can all be transformed into their own shapes, and they will work hard for themselves in the future.

  If you really don't know the current affairs, you can hand it over to World Tree as fertilizer, and kill them directly, which is too wasteful.

  "Does anyone still want the silver pagoda?"

  Wu Yun held the silver pagoda, and the silver light shone brightly on the faces of the people around him, making them dare not look directly at them.

  At this time, looking at the Silver Pagoda, these people became much calmer. Not only did they not move forward, but they retreated step by step.

  The quick attack just now and the suppression of the Blood Knife Fourth Patriarch with iron and blood methods have already brought these people back to their senses.

  Of the five people on Wu Yun's side, only two were shot, and there were three more.

  Everyone also understood that it was difficult to deal with, unless there was a strong person in the Profound Death Realm to make a move.

  Also, it doesn't necessarily work.

  Pang Hao swallowed secretly, then laughed, "Brother Wu Yun is really good, no wonder he was able to grab this silver tower."

"Really, I can still grab the second one." Wu Yun smiled back.

  As he said that, the little Diao beside him understood and turned into a purple shadow and flew towards Pang Hao.

  "Hehe, if you want to strengthen the Silver Pagoda in the hands of our Jiuyoumen, I'm afraid you are thinking too much." Pang Hao sneered, and at this moment several powerful auras gathered towards him, obviously all of them were strong from the Jiuyoumen.


  Wu Yun sipped lightly, and immediately the chaotic talisman embryo in the Niwan Palace shone brightly, and the static talisman shot out rays of light.

  Today's immobility rune has been strengthened by Wu Yun, not only the time of immobility has become longer, but also multiple objects can be immobilized at one time.

  Casting stillness on those who have not entered the Death Profound Realm, the effect should not be too good.

  When Xiao Diao appeared next to Pang Hao, Pang Hao and the few strong men who came to him and had completed half a step of the Life Profound Realm suddenly remained motionless.

  And the little mink had quick eyes and quick hands, and he took all the Qiankun bags of several people into his hands.

  Then a purple horse shot out, and the violent purple Yuanli blasted Pang Hao and others down the tower.

  Wu Yun and Bai Yun flew away and landed on the pavilion.


  This sudden change caused people to be in an uproar. Just now, Pang Hao was standing on the top of the tower with pride, commenting on Wu Yun and the others, full of arrogance, and now he was lying under the tall building in embarrassment.

  "No way, the four demon generals of the Nine Nether Gate are all strong men who have completed half-steps of the Shengxuan Realm, so why were they immediately killed?

  " Don't resist."

  "This purple-clothed man is too terrifying." "

  That Wu Yun hasn't made a move yet, and those people are all headed by him, and he may be even more powerful." "

  Hiss, the woman beside him is also stunning, look She looks as good as Liu Xiangxuan, the holy maiden of the Xuantian Palace."


  Among the passers-by below, Wu Yun's five-member group was paid more attention than ever before, and they all looked at them curiously.

  Xiao Diao gave Wu Yun the universe bag that he had just snatched.

  Wu Yun directly used his mental power to forcibly break out the spiritual imprint inside, and took out the silver tower that belonged to Pang Hao.

  "Well, now we have two seats."

  Wu Yun smiled with satisfaction.

  In the stone building, Liu Xiangxuan's slender and slender jade hands played with the jade wrench between her fingers, and then her beautiful eyes lifted slightly, looking at Wu Yun and others who were close in front of her, a slight surprise flashed across those eyes, and she even couldn't bear to He couldn't stop taking half a step back.

  "I have no hostility towards you." She said softly.


  Worried that Liu Xiangxuan's Silver Pagoda would be robbed.

  Wu Yun and the others are really weird, they are all just in the Profound Realm; how to beat up a strong man who is also in the Profound Realm is like beating a child, it couldn't be easier.

  "We have no hostility towards you." Xiao Diao looked at Liu Xiangxuan with a smirk, and said with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, "Don't worry, my elder brother doesn't beat women, you just need to cooperate obediently." "However, your attitude Better, my second brother beats women a lot." Xiao Diao reminded again.

  "What are you talking about, I only beat up women."

  Lin Dong kicked Xiao Diao.

  "The cave has not yet been opened, and there are still many strong people watching in the dark. Brother Wu Yun, fighting now is not good for us." Liu Xiangxuan looked at it fearfully, and persuaded.

  She hoped that Wu Yun would think clearly, and not fight between the snipe and the clam, and the fisherman would benefit.

  "I don't want to fight. I will snatch whoever robs me." Wu Yun said with a faint smile.

  Immediately, he sat down at the tea table, took out the World Tree tea leaves from the Qiankun bag, and asked Bai Yun to make tea for him.

  "Miss Liu, sit down and have a drink." Wu Yun invited.

  "Wu Yun, give me back my silver pagoda!" Pang Hao, who was knocked down by Xiao Diao, got up again, flew into the air, and said viciously.

  "It's really noisy!" Xiao Diao directly practiced hitting it again, flying it to the sky, out of the range of the island.

  "You guys, do you want to make enemies of Jiuyoumen?"

  Another shout came out.

  Once again, Xiao Diao beat him to the sky.

  Such a violent method caused the island to fall into silence, and no one dared to speak loudly.

  These ruthless people are too fierce.

  At first I thought it was a soft persimmon, and everyone wanted to squeeze it.

  However, first came the four generals of the blood knife, and then the four generals of the Nine Nether Gate. These five were so fierce that they didn't even see Wu Yun make a move.

  It's so powerful, why haven't I heard of it before.

  Everyone was puzzled.

  Knowing this, who would dare to provoke them.