

After traveling through the Wudong universe, Wu Yun became the main disciple of the Kuang Dao martial arts gym and touched Lin Dong's thigh. Log in to the Lin Clan Club and get the Xuantian Treasure Record reward! Sign up for the hunting conference and get the blood of the white tiger! Log in to the Talisman Tower to get a glimpse of the Chaos God and Demon View! ------------------- IMPORTANT--------------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime & Comics
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349 Chs

2 vs 2, the bet

Yes, we are brothers!

  There is no need to distinguish so clearly!

  Lin Dong was shocked again.

  The concept of brother deepened again in his mind.

  "It's because I'm out of character!" Lin Dong thought with shame in his heart. In comparison, Wu Yun was right.

  "Let's go out!"

  "It is estimated that Lei and the Xie family will not let it go."

  Unlike Mu Lingsha, the Lin family and Kuangdao Martial Arts School don't have to be so afraid, so they don't need to hide.

  The two returned to the giant platform.

  As soon as they arrived, Lei Li and Xie Yingying also came back.

  The faces of the couple were livid, and their angry lips trembled. Whenever they saw Wu Yun and Lin Dong, especially the bulging things in their arms, the flames of anger in their eyes almost burst out.

  It's not that easy to take away the fire python tiger cub... Lei Li gritted his teeth, ran to the audience of Lei Xie's family, and shouted to Lei Bao and Xie Qian,

  "Grandpa, Uncle Xie, Yingying and I came across a seriously injured fire python tiger and three newborn cubs in the jungle. The two of us fought with them for a long time before dragging them to death. Unexpectedly, at the last moment, Lin Dong and Wu Yun Sudden attack and snatched three cubs, please make the decision for us!"

  Lei Li burst into tears as he said that, feeling extremely wronged!

  But people only noticed the information of "fire python tiger cub".

  Fire python tiger, that is a monster beast at the level of Tianyuan realm, not weaker than the existence of the three masters.

  The audience was shocked and there was an uproar.

  Lei Bao and Xie Qian stood up abruptly.

  Lin Zhentian and Luo Cheng also got up abruptly, and looked at Lin Dong and Wu Yun one after another!

  "The fire python tiger is seriously injured. Does it belong to whoever sees it first? If this is the case, then I will go for a walk in the deep mountains tomorrow. All monsters I see will be mine. If you are caught, you have to compensate me!"

  Wu Yun sneered loudly, he was already prepared.

  "The fire python tiger cub was not born in your family. It is an ownerless thing. Whoever has the ability to get it will belong to him. If he can't snatch it, he will sue his grandpa. It was done by his grandson!"

  Rough words are not rough!

  The audience nodded after listening.

  "Smart teeth, stop sophistry!"

  Lei Bao rolled his eyes and shouted at Wu Yun.

  At this time, Luo Cheng naturally couldn't sit still, he got up and cursed Lei Bao.

  Naturally, Lin Zhentian also stood on Luocheng's side, supporting the Crazy Saber Martial Arts.

  Confront Lei Bao and Xie Qian!

  Four giants, two by one camp.

  The two sides were at a standstill, deadlocked.

  In the end, Xie Qian suggested that, anyway, if there is a competition, let's use the competition to discuss the ownership of the fire python tiger cubs.

  Let Lin Dong, Wu Yun, Lei Li, and Xie Yingying play two against two!

  However, since Wu Yun and Lin Dong already got the Fire Python Tiger for this matter, it is naturally impossible to gamble it so easily.

  The Lei family and the Xie family also have to pay a corresponding price.

  The Lei family took out Tiemu Zhuang as a bet!

  The Xie family took out the silk workshop!

  These two industries are thunder, thanks to the two important industries, which are of great value.

  "Well, do you agree?"

  Xie Qian asked the Lin family and the Mad Saber Martial Arts.

  They still don't know the true strength of Wu Yun and Lin Dong.

  Especially Lin Dong, he was very clumsy, and because of Wu Yun's limelight, people thought he could break through the ninth level of Body Tempering at most.

  "That Lei Li is already a strong person in the Earth Element Realm, and Xie Yingying has also stepped into the Earth Element Realm half a step. Dong'er and Wu Yun have little chance of winning."

  "Father, we cannot promise!"

  People in the Lin family are not optimistic.

  On the side of Crazy Saber Martial Arts, Luo Cheng knew that Wu Yun broke through the Earth Yuan Realm a month ago, but he didn't know that Wu Yun broke through again last night, and he didn't know Lin Dong's strength, so he was a little hesitant.

  He directly asked Wu Yun what he thought,

  "Yun'er, what do you think?"

  Wu Yun: "Master promised,

This free Tiemu Village and silk workshop, don't want it for nothing. "

  Wu Yun deliberately concealed his strength, just for this moment, to prostitute the property of the Lei family and the Xie family.

  Otherwise, if the strength was exposed early, how could the Lei family and the Xie family dare to bet.

  "it is good!"

  Hearing Wu Yun's confident answer, Luo Cheng felt relieved.

  Lin Dong also said to the Lin family, "Grandpa believes in me!"

  Under the witness of many forces, the four major forces signed the betting agreement.

  "Now that you've agreed, let's get started!"

  The person presiding over the assembly announced.

  Lin Dong and Wu Yun come on stage to fight against Lei Li, Xie Yingying!

  "I'll see how you hide this time."

  Lei Li snorted coldly.

  Wu Yun didn't care about him at all, and said to Lin Dong,

  "I'll leave that girl Xie Yingying to you, beat her hard!"

  Lin Dong: "Brother, don't worry, it's not the first time I hit a woman, I won't be soft!"

  Lin Dong had already beaten Xie Yingying's younger sister Xie Ting in the trading workshop before!

  That time, Wu Yun also slapped Lei Li!

  "The slap last time, this time I want you to pay back ten times!"

  "The slap last time, this time I want you to pay back ten times!"

  At this time, Lei Li and Xie Yingying said in unison,

  Wu Yun: "Hehe, as expected of a man and a woman, they have a good understanding."

  "I'm going to smash your mouth!"

  Lei Li went crazy, so he directly attacked.

  He can't fight Wu Yun in bickering.

  "Thunderstorm strike!"

  Lei family's third-rank martial arts.

  He slashed over with a palm, with the momentum of a thunderbolt.

  The Yuan force is surging, and the first shot is the cultivation base of the Earth Yuan realm.

  A purple light flashed in Wu Yun's eyes, he immediately pulled out the treasured saber from his waist, and slashed at it with the Kuang Lei Dao.

  This time he didn't suppress Yuanli too much!

  "Earth Element Realm!"

  "Wu Yun has also entered the Earth Yuan Realm!"

  The audience was shocked. Lei Li had already entered the Earth Yuan Realm, but only Luo Cheng knew about Wu Yun.

  The surprises are not over yet!

  On the other side, Lin Dong, who was fighting against Xie Yingying, also showed his cultivation in the Earth Element Realm.

  "My God, Lin Dong is also in the Earth Element Realm!"

  "It seems that this time, the Lei family and the Xie family have been killed!"


  "Lin Dong, you can hide your clumsiness, even we don't know about it." Everyone in the Lin family sighed with emotion.

  For them, this is a surprise.

  Especially Lin Zhentian, weeping from excitement, the Lin family finally produced another genius.

  "Don't panic, Li'er has already learned the fourth-grade martial arts, we still have a chance!" Lei Bao comforted Xie Qian next to him.

  But in fact, he was already panicking in his heart.

  It turns out that Li'er is not the only one who is a genius.

  The battle on stage is getting fiercer.

  Xie Yingying was completely suppressed by Lin Dong, and it was only a matter of time before she was defeated.

  The key to the Leixie family lies in Leili!

  "Running to the Lightning Light!"

  Lei Li finally used the bottom-of-the-box unique skill, the fourth-grade martial art of the Lei family.

  On his right palm, there was a strong fluctuation of Yuanli, condensing all Yuanli into the palm. And with the crazily gushing out of Lei Li Yuanli, the luster became more and more intense, and finally turned into a shrinking ball of light, tumbling crazily in his palm.

  The power of the fourth-grade martial arts was overwhelming, and everyone in the audience was shocked and worried for Wu Yun.

  Seeing Lei Li's powerful palm strike, Wu Yun didn't panic in the slightest, and with a faint smile, he concentrated all his energy on the sword.

  "It's not just you who have fourth-grade martial arts!"

  "Thunder Slash!"

  Crazy Saber swung it, following the steps of Ghost Shadow Fan, and slashed out with lightning speed.


  The powerful Yuanli Qi machine shattered the stone platform, and a burst of dust erupted, covering the two of them.

  "How's it going? How's it going?"

  "Who wins?"


  On the audience stage, everyone raised their heads to see clearly.

  After a while, the dust cleared.

  There was only one boy standing in the arena, a boy with a knife!

  And Lei Li was kneeling in front of him.