
Sign in from Douluo

From the story of Douluo mainland, it crosses the sign-in flow. Sign in successfully in the Qibao Liulizong: get the martial soul Thunder hammer! Sign in at the Holy Soul Village: Obtain the Exquisite Heart of Seven Orifices, with innate soul power. Sign in to Wuhun Hall: Obtain the Wuhun of Caulis spatholobi! And awakened: Twelve Wing Saint Angel Martial Soul, Twelve Wing Dark Angel Martial Soul. As the protagonist, start to become stronger in life! Leading the Wuhun Temple, out of a different result

DaoistnieFJZ · Fantasy
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164 Chs


Bloodvine's one, two, three, four spirit abilities are used in succession, and they are extremely powerful.

Especially the fourth spirit ability, the reverse scale spiral cut.

The lethality exploded, immediately cut off the climbing Mountain Tiger vines wrapped around him, and fell to the ground.

Wang Xiao gets away, and the horse uses the Surging Waves Subtle Steps accelerated version of Lightweight Art to leave the place.

Pass the spirit power to your feet, speed faster, dodge left and right close to the main heart root of Mountain Tiger, in order to defeat its core, in order to get twice the result.

Generally speaking, Spirit Beast is often inferior to combat spirit masters in terms of fighting.

Otherwise, there would be no Spirit Beast that many soul masters skipping grades to kill and die several times longer than their cultivation time.

Although this mountain tiger is a 100,000-year-old Spirit Beast, it is obviously not very strong in terms of battle strength.

"First Spirit Ability: Kill!"


"Spine penetration!"

"reverse Scale Spiral Slash!"

"Reverse scale Spiral Slash!"

Wang Xiao rushed to the main root of the Mountain Tiger while using his spirit skills to kill the vines that were blocking the way. like a hot knife through butter.

Immediately, I went to the main root of climbing Mountain Tiger.

"reverse scale spiral cut!"

"reverse scale spiral cut!"

Wang Xiao used two fourth spirit skills in a row to cut its roots straight.

Although the main root of climbing Mountain Tiger cannot be hurt, but climbing Mountain Tiger has no time to deal with him.

Take advantage of this free time, Wang Xiao will use the second Spirit, Thunder Hammer.

I saw his right hand grip the Thunder Hammer tightly, and the spirit power was injected, it immediately became huge: "The first spirit ability: a final hammer!"

Heavy hammer, smashed in Climb the main heart root of Mountain Tiger.

"The second spirit ability: Shaking the mountain!"

Thunder Hammer, the second spirit ability, shaking the mountain! Although and the first spirit ability: the final word! The same, it is also the power of a hammer, but the power is a hundred times that of the first spirit ability.

So with the hammer down, The earth shook and the mountain quivered up immediately.

I hit Mountain Tiger and a golden light flashed.

"Third Spirit Ability: Thousand Catties Falling!"

Wang Xiao hit another hammer down, sluggish as he climbed the Mountain Tiger Mental.

Thousand catties falling spirit ability, like the first and second spirit ability, is also the power of a hammer.

But the difference is that it is a thousand times the power of the first spirit ability.

The hammer went down, obviously stunned to climb Mountain Tiger.

After that, climbing the Mountain Tiger and attacking with all his strength, vines shot out from the ground and surrounded him.

Wang Xiao twitched his mouth, and another move was a reverse scale spiral cut. The two Spirits were used in turn, immediately resisting the vine attack of climbing Mountain Tiger.

"Fourth spirit ability: thousand hammers, hundred refinements!"

Wang Xiao finally released Thunder Hammer's fourth spirit ability, thousands hammers, hundred refinements.

This spirit ability is different from the first three spirit skills in that he can hit a thousand hammers in succession without losing power, and the power of one hammer is more than one.

This is the power of this Thunder Hammer Spirit, the fourth spirit ability.

Using this spirit ability, the spirit power consumption is also superimposed with each hammer hit. This is also the pros and cons of this move.

Once it is sent out, it can only be received by hitting a thousand hammers. This is where its terrifying is located.

If it weren't for this 100,000-year-old Mountain Tiger to fight against a normal spirit master, Spirit Beast, this move would never be used.

"reverse scale spiral cut!"

"thousand hammers, hundred refinements!"

"thousand hammers, hundred refinements!"

"thousand hammers, hundred refinements!"

Wang Xiao immediately used Bloodvine Spirit's fourth spirit ability once again to cut off the vines from its attack, and then launched Thunder Hammer three times in succession. Spirit's fourth spirit ability, wanted to hit the iron while it was hot, and defeat it at once.

After all, there was such a big disturbance in this battle. Once other spirit masters are disturbed, there is no one to protect the law. Even if they climb the Mountain Tiger Spirit Beast and defeat them, absorbing the spirit ring will be a troublesome problem.

It must be quick sword cuts through tangled hemp, the sooner the better.

Wang Xiao continued to attack, and the spirit power was not consumed much.

Fortunately, this continuous attack and killer move, and Thunder Hammer's built-in lightning effect, shrank the Mountain Tiger climbing, temporarily lost the ability to attack, and fell to the ground temporarily numb.

"Well, the opportunity is here!"

Wang Xiao pulled his mouth, the dagger he had prepared earlier, dashed to the heart of the Mountain Tiger climber, pierced it sharply, bright red The blood spurted out.

A step back, flashed past.

The blood that climbs the Mountain Tiger is corrosive. Once it gets on it, it will eat flesh and blood, and it is inevitable.

Wang Xiao has seen it on the Spirit Beast encyclopedia in the Notting Academy Library, so beware.

Climbing Mountain Tiger trembled for a few times, and then completely hung up.

Then, a red halo rose from the root of the main heart of the Mountain Tiger and floated in the air.

Wang Xiao is overjoyed: "hahaha, this red soul of light is so wonderful! Isn't it a one hundred thousand year spirit ring, red spirit ring?"

"Yes! Me! Finally succeeded!"

Wang Xiao was overjoyed, then glanced at all directions, no one approached, and then sat down in front of the climbing Mountain Tiger, sitting upright, and began to meditate, absorbing this red ten. Wannian spirit ring.

Being happy, Wang Xiao still feels a little worried. Can his body around level 15 really absorb a one-hundred-thousand-year spirit ring?

Even with Seven Apertures Exquisite Heart as the backing, it may not be able to suppress the spirit power of stormy sea brought by this one hundred thousand years of spirit ring!


Wang Xiao sighed, and said to his heart, now that the knife is already on his neck, there is no other way.

After all, it is a task assigned by the sign-in system, which must be completed, even if it cannot be supported, it must be supported.

"Won instant success to yourself, and cultivate a positive fruit!"

Wang Xiao gritted his teeth and immediately released the Bloodvine Spirit to absorb the mountain Tiger spirit ring for 100,000 years.

After a while, the 100,000-year spirit ring moved.

Wang Xiao's heart is shocked. It seems that these hundred thousand years of spirit ring are not so easy to absorb!

I meditated on a big one hour, but it moved a bit, and I don't know if it can succeed.

Climbing Mountain Tiger and Bloodvine are both plant-based, and they are also perennial vines.

From this point of view, the two are very consistent to absorb the target.

So the success rate should be above 90%.

But there are exceptions.

The level difference is also a key factor.

The risk is even greater.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ~

The one hundred thousand years spirit ring moved a few more times, the red light fluctuating sound, the power is very powerful.

Wang Xiao was so far away from the waves of power that his head "weng weng" shook, and he was heartbroken.

This is still not close. Once you get close, or inhale your body, what will happen is hard to say.

Anyway, bode ill rather than well.

Fortunately, Wang Xiao has already prepared some mentally, otherwise, based on this alone, it is estimated that he would be too scared to absorb this one-hundred-thousand-year spirit ring.

hong long long ~

One hundred thousand year spirit ring, it comes with a powerful aura, every time it moves, the spirit power fluctuates more strongly.

The hong long long spirit power fluctuated, and came on his face, making Wang Xiao deaf and painful in both ears.

Suddenly, the one hundred thousand year spirit ring fluttered forward, then circled him, and then directly rose to the top of his head, pressing on it.

Wang Xiao's heart trembled, and the spirit power of assaults the senses from his head was like an overwhelming force, and he was immediately overwhelmed with breath.

Immediately afterwards, the bones of the whole body "gā gā gā" rang, unconsciously vibrated, rubbed, and made sounds.

The teeth are also clenched together. Wang Xiao wants to open his mouth, but can't open it. The teeth are about to be crushed.

"Really, this red spirit ring is under too much pressure."

Wang Xiao said in his heart, this one hundred thousand year spirit ring is a one hundred thousand year spirit ring, it is really overbearing. , Very overbearing!

I hope that with Seven Apertures Exquisite Heart as the backing, I can successfully pass this level, and I will be the protagonist of Douluo Continent in the future.