
Sign In And Draw A Lottery, Start From The Ninja World To Become The S

Totsuka, who was about to play a game, suddenly crossed over! Opening the door, looking at the Hokage Rock with only two statues, Lin Tuo was even more dazed. Is this Hokage Rock? Is this Konoha Village? I have traveled to the world of Hokage? Or the era of Second Hokage? 【Ding! The sign-in lottery system is bound... the binding is successful] 【Host, please keep in mind that our goal is to become the strongest! 】 When Lin Tuo checked the entire system, he was in a bad mood! "Dog system, can't I choose by myself?" "Why do you have to rely on lottery to get everything?" There is no mall! There are no tasks! Only draw! 【Please host to explore by yourself】 Facing the coldness of the system, Lin Tuo expressed his helplessness! It's better to hug your thighs! Whose thigh are you hugging? The thigh of the future Fifth Hokage Tsunade Hime, of course! However, he slowly discovered that smoking and smoking... actually became the strongest existence!

DXRACER · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 89

f**k!Nine Tails screamed inwardly, looking at the huge talisman paper kitchen knife with a look of fear, and swallowed hard."Mito, how about we discuss it? Can you stop cutting me in half?""Sorry, no! Kurama.Uzumaki Mito said with a smile:"This is something I have thought about a long time ago, because you are too strong!"i'm too strongIs this human speaking?If I was really strong, I would have been hammered by your husband back then?If I'm really strong, I'll be tied up here by you for decades?Nine Tails turned into a madman who complained, and complained wildly in his heart.Of the Tailed Beasts it is truly the most powerful!But whether it is in front of Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara or Uzumaki Mito, it is a cute little bully, right?It's fine to be called strong by others, but it is not willing to listen to Uzumaki Mito said strong."Okay, let's get started!"Uzumaki Mito squinted his eyes and smiled, and the paper leaf knife above his head fell down."ah--!"The miserable cry echoed in the inner world, and Nine Tails was split in half by the talisman paper kitchen knife.The Nine Tails that were split in half wanted to merge with each other 573.But at this moment, countless chains shot out from behind Uzumaki Mito, binding the two halves of Nine Tails tightly.Don't let it blend at all!Gradually, the two half-length Nine Tails guests slowly turned into Nine Tails again.Just like that, one Nine Tails turned into two Nine Tails under Uzumaki Mito's operation."Uzumaki Mito, I hate you!"The two Nine Tails opened their mouths at the same time and glared at Uzumaki Mito."It's no use hating me. I'm dying anyway."Uzumaki Mito shrugged easily."about to die?"The two Nine Tails frowned, and their big eyes were full of confusion."How did you die? Didn't that kid have a way to save you?"The kid in Nine Tails' mouth is naturally Totsuka!Facing this question from Nine Tails, Uzumaki Mito kindly told him his thoughts:"I've lived long enough! It's time to find Hashirama.Hearing this, Nine Tails' heart trembled, and he immediately understood what Uzumaki Mito was thinking.Complicated eyes fell on Uzumaki Mito, even Nine Tails couldn't help but sigh."Is this really (cbea) going to do this? Can you really let go of your two grandchildren?"Nine Tails said that the grandchildren are Totsuka and Tsunade, Nawaki is not counted by him at all!Because Nine Tails knows very well that for Nawaki, Uzumaki Mito has a little affection, but not much.Only with Totsuka and Tsunade, Uzumaki Mito truly treats them as family."It's really a little bit reluctant!"Uzumaki Mito sighed with emotion and turned his head to look in one direction.That's where Totsuka and Tsunade stand!No more words, after Nine Tails completely turned into two independent individuals, Uzumaki Mito suddenly disappeared in front of Nine Tails.Looking at the place where Uzumaki Mito disappeared, the two Nine Tails sighed in unison."Mito, let's go!"Outside, Uzumaki Mito suddenly opened his eyes.She pulled up her clothes, revealing Ruyu's belly.On the smooth belly, there is clearly a complicated sealer, which is exactly the same as Uzumaki Kushina, the sealer under Uzumaki Miko.Eight Sign Seal: Solution!"With a pat on his stomach, Uzumaki Mito directly untied the seal on his stomach.Without the shackles of the seal, logically speaking, the power of Nine Tails should leak out involuntarily!But no!Uzumaki Mito was able to easily completely suppress Nine Tails without a seal at all.This is her strength!"here we go!"With a murmur, two chains flew out from Uzumaki Mito's back and went straight into her stomach.Under the nervous gaze of Totsuka and others, the two Nine Tails were pulled out of the stomach by Uzumaki Mito."Roar---!""Roar---!"The screams of pain echoed in Anbu Square, and the two Nine Tails were directly pulled out of the body by Uzumaki Mito.Next, as long as Uzumaki Mito can quickly seal the two Nine Tails into Uzumaki Kushina and Uzumaki Miko, then Totsuka can immediately use the ability of time regression to help Uzumaki Kushina recover his vitality.Totsuka even opened the Mangekyō Sharingan directly, ready to make a move at any time.but!Controlling Nine Tails between himself and the two little lolitas, Uzumaki Mito didn't immediately move.She looked at Totsuka and Tsunade with a relieved smile on her beautiful face."Xiao Tuo, Tsunade, you have to take good care of yourselves in the future."Hearing this, Tsunade's heart trembled suddenly.Totsuka stared at Uzumaki Mito with his eyes wide open."Grandma, what are you going to do? Quickly seal Nine Tails!"Sensing the incomparable eagerness in Totsuka's voice, Uzumaki Mito shook his head lightly."I've lived long enough, Little Tuo, it's time for me to accompany your grandpa.Although your grandpa has never seen you, I believe that if he sees you, he will like you.When I go to the Pure Land, I will definitely tell your grandfather about you. "Pure land! It is the place where the souls of the dead in this world are located, just like hell in the underworld.Staring blankly at Uzumaki Kushina, crystal tears slipped from the corners of Totsuka's eyes.Totsuka understood what Uzumaki Mito meant!He understood Uzumaki Mito's choice!But... what can he do?Staring at Uzumaki Mito for a long time, Totsuka forced an ugly smile."I understand grandma, you have a good journey!""Thank you for your understanding, Xiao Tuo."Uzumaki Mito looked at the tearful Tsunade again and said:"Tsunade, I entrusted you to Xiao Tuo, you have to take care of Xiao Tuo too!""Grandma...I don't want you to go!"Tsunade kept touching his tears, unable to accept the fact that Uzumaki Mito was going to die like this.Seeing Tsunade's sad look, Uzumaki Mito couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart."Tsunade, you don't want your grandpa to stay there alone, do you? I've been with you for twenty years, so it's time to go with him.""Grandma! Whoooo———!"Tsunade broke down in tears and sat down on the ground weakly.Not only him, Uzumaki Kushina and Uzumaki Miko who were sitting on the sealing ceremony were also in tears."Grandma! We miss you!""Kushina, Miko, you guys have to be good in the future!"After finishing the last sentence, almost ten minutes had passed, Uzumaki Mito finally made a move and sealed the two Nine Tails into the bodies of Uzumaki Kushina and Uzumaki Miko respectively.So far, two Nine Tails calendars have been born!