
Sign In And Draw A Lottery, Start From The Ninja World To Become The S

Totsuka, who was about to play a game, suddenly crossed over! Opening the door, looking at the Hokage Rock with only two statues, Lin Tuo was even more dazed. Is this Hokage Rock? Is this Konoha Village? I have traveled to the world of Hokage? Or the era of Second Hokage? 【Ding! The sign-in lottery system is bound... the binding is successful] 【Host, please keep in mind that our goal is to become the strongest! 】 When Lin Tuo checked the entire system, he was in a bad mood! "Dog system, can't I choose by myself?" "Why do you have to rely on lottery to get everything?" There is no mall! There are no tasks! Only draw! 【Please host to explore by yourself】 Facing the coldness of the system, Lin Tuo expressed his helplessness! It's better to hug your thighs! Whose thigh are you hugging? The thigh of the future Fifth Hokage Tsunade Hime, of course! However, he slowly discovered that smoking and smoking... actually became the strongest existence!

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96 Chs

Chapter 81

Hearing Katsuyu's gentle voice, Totsuka felt extremely uncomfortable.Disgusting slugs have such a gentle voice!If Katsuyu is human, he must be a gentle and beautiful existence?"Shhhhhhhh!"Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Totsuka controlled himself not to think about the fact that Katsuyu was a slug.Really don't say it!Once the slugs are out of the way, Shitbones' Katsuyu is actually pretty cute."Hello, we are ninjas. The reason why we are here is to find a kind of Summoning beast to sign a blood contract."As he spoke, Totsuka patted Tsunade lightly, signaling her not to be afraid.Tsunade also slowly calmed down.When she found herself held in Totsuka's arms, she couldn't help enjoying herself while being shy.Because Totsuka has not hugged her for a long time!The last time I hugged her was when I was running for my life in the Land of Thunder!Hearing the intention of Totsuka and Tsunade, Katsuyu was obviously a little surprised."Really? If you want to find Summoning beasts, we living slugs are willing to be your Summoning beasts."Is it that simple?Totsuka was speechless, and suddenly found a problem:"Aren't your names Katsuyu?""Katsuyu is a disgusting slug, okay? We, the living slugs, are not disgusting slugs!" said the arrogant Kaidō.Okay! Misunderstood!Totsuka smiled awkwardly.He really didn't notice this problem when he was watching anime before time travel.Putting Tsunade down, Totsuka asked her:"Tsunade, do you want to sign a contract with the living slugs?""this.....…"Looking at the live slug in front of him, Tsunade hesitated.After pondering for a moment, she asked:"Hello, Ms. Huolu, may I know what abilities your family has?""sure!"The live slug explained softly:"Our living slugs have a unique physique and can ignore physical attacks.In addition, our living slug family also has powerful healing and splitting abilities, and each split live slug can share vision and transmit information.In terms of attack, we can spit out tongue and tooth mucous acid, which can dissolve everything. "Hearing the slug's explanation, Tsunade's eyes became brighter and brighter.What she cares about is not the other abilities of the living slug, but the powerful healing ability of the living slug.As a ninja who pioneered medical ninjutsu, why wouldn't Tsunade like Summoning beasts with healing abilities like live slugs?"Okay! I am willing to sign a blood contract with you living slugs, and let you become my Summoning beasts."Me too!"Totsuka has long wanted to make a contract with the living slugs, so naturally he would not refuse."Alright then, my lords, please follow me!"Live slug nodded, his gentle voice was filled with joy.Under its leadership, Totsuka and Tsunade walked for a long time, and finally walked down where they were just now.This time Tsunade and Totsuka finally discovered a terrible fact!That was the place they stepped on just now, and it was actually located on an unimaginably huge living slug.The whole forest of wet bones rests on the back of this horrible living slug.grunt~Tsunade and Totsuka looked at each other, and they both saw the word 'shock' in each other's eyes.The live slug who brought them here said:"This is the ancestor of our living clan, Shi Xianren.All the living slugs of our living slug family are split from the living slug fairy.We come from living sages, and we can also return to living sage bodies, but we have independent thinking.This is also the peculiarity of our living slug family. "There was no need for the live slug to explain, the live slug fairy knew the purpose of Totsuka and Tsunade's visit."I am very happy to sign the blood contract with you, Tsunade, Totsuka."Saying that, the living slug fairy opened its mouth, and spit out a huge scroll from its huge unimaginable mouth.The scroll fell in front of Totsuka and Tsunade and opened slowly.The scroll is blank, without a single official.In other words, Totsuka and Tsunade are the first and second contracted living slug clan ninjas.Under the guidance of the living slug, Totsuka and Tsunade successfully signed the blood contract and established contact with the living slug clan.Seeing this, the live slug happily opened his mouth and said:"Master Totsuka, Master Tsunade, the contract has been successfully signed, and you can call our living slugs to assist you in fighting at any time in the future."Thanks!"Totsuka smiled gratefully and stated his purpose.But he couldn't directly say that he wanted to learn Sage Mode, so he asked insincerely:"Live slug, do you live slugs have any unique ninjutsu?I heard that the powerful Summoning beast race will have ninjutsu that ninjas can learn, right?""Unique ninjutsu?"The living slug glanced at the living slug fairy, and knew what the living slug fairy was thinking without talking."...Master Totsuka, we do have a unique technique that we can learn for you and Master Tsunade.But it is very difficult to learn this technique, and it requires great perseverance and confidence."Do not worry!"Totsuka waved his hand and said:"I have absolute confidence and perseverance with Tsunade.""Alright then, my lords, please follow me!"The live slug nodded, and once again walked ahead to lead the way.This time it took Totsuka and Tsunade, and climbed on the back of the living slug fairy again.Entering the Wetbone Forest, Totsuka and Tsunade were surrounded by countless live slugs.However, both Totsuka and Tsunade have adapted to live slugs, and greeted live slugs with smiles.Finally, the live slug brought Totsuka and Tsunade to a pool and explained:"The water in this pool is made up of the mucus from the living slugs. If you want to learn that technique, you need the help of these mucus." (De Zhao's)"What the hell is that technique?" Nacho asked. "Can you explain it to us first?""Of course, Master Tsunade."Huozhu nodded and explained Daoyun:"The name of that technique is: Sage Mode.The so-called Sage Mode is to create fairy chakra by absorbing the natural energy that exists in nature.The ninjutsu released by Xianju Chakra is also called: Xianjutsu.Sage Mode is very powerful. The Sage Mode cultivated through the slime of the living slugs can have super vitality and recovery.Xianjutsu is also several times more powerful than ordinary ninjutsu. "Hearing the live slug's explanation, Tsunade's face was filled with emotion."Sage Mode is indeed an extremely powerful occult technique according to what you say!"