

A phropecied white werewolf will be born in a distant land, possessing a power equivalent to the first demon werewolf Discovering his origin, he seeks to unveil the mystery death of his father The growing force of the enemy and battle intellectual capacity remained a big threat to the Lhyrans A forbidden love between archenemies of his kind, together they shall face hardship and pass through the hardest of obstacles. Is strong will and firm resolve enough to achieve their dreams? Will the truth of the mystery and forbidden love prevail? or are they bound to be destroyed and be left in vain?

Axcel_Gabatbat · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Decaying bodies and burnt trees is what welcome them on the border of Meribah Plains. They observe that the reason why a lot of attacks happen here is that the capital doesn't pay much attention to this country since the last elder representative of this country died 15 years ago.

So if they don't have a representative why don't they try to apply? Mabel asks.

"I think it's not that they are not applying, I think it has something to do with politics, this country is being isolated for some reason… "

"Something fishy is going on here." [Lyonel in mind]

As they further explore they reach the Town of Cuba a bunch of folks live in a hut and no clan seems to be managing this town.

It is dangerous not to have a Clan that manages the town because they are prone to attacks.

One of the people throws a rock at them, cursing them for killing their elders.

A few moments later someone approached the group.

"Zoren? Is that you"

"Zoren???????" Lyonel response

"Zoren my son is it you?"

Lauran blocked the lady saying come on now lady stay calm there is no individual in our group named Zoren.

"Zoren!! It's me, your mother? You're a white werewolf! Your father's name is Zorak! My name is Nera!!"


A teardrop falls on Lyonel's eye without him knowing…

Suddenly they heard the howl from Kebrel who was guarding the perimeter meaning he spotted an enemy. Sultan immediately ordered the pack to respond to the howl, meanwhile, Lyonel was still stuck on his feet because of the women,

The woman said: Go… while smiling sweetly at him.

Lyonel nodded to her like she knew her and teardrops kept falling from his eye.

[@Perimeter area]

"How many?"

"20 shapeshifters and about 3 mutated metamorph, a total of 23 Lyrak! ~Kebrel

"Tch! That many? ~Sultan

"How is it possible for a large group of lyrak to attack all at the same time?" ~Lyonel

"Mabel, gather all the men in Cuba who can fight and order an evacuation asap!"


"Lauran and Kebrel we will advance and will position as the vanguard, Lyonel you will position as the rear guard, stand by position to switch who will wear out first on the three of us." ~Sultan

"Yeah Lyonel go switch on Lauran"

"In your face Kebrel! Let's see who will tire out first."

You're on!

The three alpha chiefs played a defensive position against the Lyraks while fighting they observed that only the Lycans are the ones who are attacking and the mutated metamorphs are on standby.

Sultan senses that something is wrong, but he thinks that this is too easy for a big attack.

A few moments after taking half of the Lyrak, suddenly the remaining ones began to eat the ones who died, Sultan ordered the Kerbel and Lauren to attack the Lyrak and not to give them a chance to eat.

7 of 10 died while eating, while 3 of the Lyrak managed to finish consuming and mutated in front of them.

Sultan ordered them to regroup, while the Lyraks are transforming, about 10 shapeshifters and 2 metamorph Lhyran arrived together with Mabel!

"Chief, these are the men who can still fight!"

Good thing that the other three in the back are not making a move yet, Mabel together with the reinforcement, take on the one on the left Lauran and Kebrel you take on the right, and Lyonel in the middle with me.

The fight goes on, the battle is getting harder because the mutated Lyraks are stronger. Mabel's group lost 3 shapeshifters

while Kebrel is injured.

The three mutated Lyrak in the back started moving and walked towards the 3, dead bodies of mutated metamorphs and ate the dead bodies.

"Are you serious?!" Lyonel

"At this point, we're not gonna leave here unscathed." ~Sultan

[Meanwhile at the capital]

A pack of lyrak escaped the dungeon under the tower of the high council, these Lyraks are kept as prisoners and used for experimental purposes. Since the Miruma clan has limited forces because of the multiple mission the clan had a hard time fighting the Lyraks, chieftain Raggor leads the fight inside the capitol.

Low-ranked lycans and a few Alpha chiefs are battling together with the chieftain.

"Why are the high council keeping such a dangerous beast under the tower?"

"Something is wrong in this whole thing"

[Back at the expedition team]

Bittersweet friendship, an unbreakable bond touched by bad fate, once you've run out of luck even the strong will shall collapse.

8 Lycans including Kebrel died while fighting against the Mutated Lyraks.

"You idiot! Why do you have to go so early!" ~Lauran crying.

The way these Lyraks fight is organized, it's nothing like I experienced before, it's like I'm fighting a strong Lhyran.

The group buried the remains of those who passed.

"An honorable funeral shall be held for you once we're back."

They took Kebrel's eye off to be sent to his son. It is a traditional way for Lhyrans of passing the legacy of the deceased, Lyraks gain powers by consuming flesh and blood of the same kin while Lhyrans consume the eyeball only.

Since there is no supply they can take in Meribah Plains, the group discuss whether to continue traveling to Zoar forest.

The group decided to continue and have a quick investigation on the Zoar forest and head back at once.

Upon reaching the Zoar forest, they search for signs of attack and Lurking Lyraks. Nothing is to be found anywhere and the forest seems to be clear, but one thing is questioning their minds, why haven't they seen any Lhyran too?…

Lyonel started to have a bad feeling.

Smooth and aromatic blow of wind the sound of silence is too good to be true.

"Chief don't think the attack in Meribah plains is a normal attack."

"What do you mean Lyonel?"

"The enemy is too intelligent to make a large-scale attack for that, if they knew that the town of Cuba doesn't have enough force to protect themselves they would not hunt with that numbers, but 23 Lyraks?

[Lyonel sensed bloodlust]

"Chief, we should head back. This expedition is a setup! Run now!"

They shapeshifted into a lycan form and as soon as they started running, multiple numbers of lyraks started appearing and started to chase them.

A fateful night that happened 15 years ago, is it bound to happen again?

to be continued…..