
Chapter 31

Silas slowly let go of her, his face in a soft expression as he looked at her.

Ada quickly pushed Silas aside and clung her arms around hers.

"Why did you do that for?" Silas face was crumpled again as he glares at his sister.

"Hina should be bounding with me first! I knew her first! And its supposed to be ladies first!" Adamina was acting childish which was first time for them, Ada had never behaved like that even when they were close.

"Chill Sis," Aiden butt in.

"Please return to your seats, we still have a lot of catching up to do," Aunt Akane said as the three started to argue as to whom she shall bound in first. Sera's heart swelled in happiness and love as her siblings fight for her attention.

And as they return to their seat, Ada wrapped her arms on hers, Silas did the same on her other arm. While Aiden stood behind her chair his arms hugging her from behind.

The situation she was in was worst than at Naja, but nonetheless she didn't shrugged them off.

Everyone continued to converse as their aunts asked them of how their life was. Naja, Sera and Harold definitely felt left out as their topic went to their future plans and businesses.

Kane was an Aeronautical (Air force defence), Anne was an Architec, Regine was an Physical Therapist, and Luminaria was an Engineer. Well Harold was still a grade 12 student like them so they really don't know what would he want to be in the future.

On Naja's side, her brother Griffin was a General, Kenji Pharmacist and Conall was a Zoologist. That was the shocking part, Conall didn't really look like a Zoologist, i mean you can mistook him as a bad ass inventor.

While Pryll's mind was in havoc as she heard Conall said his profession was a Zoologist.

'Just let me turn myself into a fox or a cat again~'

And then Her siblings Aiden, is a Lawyer, Adamina is a Veterinarian and Silas was a Businessman.

'Ghad, i could feel the pressure.' 

"So, would you mind telling us how you meet Sera? Ada?" Ada happily clapped her hands as she started to narrate how they meet each other.

"Sera applied as an assistant to your clinic yet you didn't notice that she was your sibling?" Luminaria asked as she scrolled on her phone.

"Well mom's name was Natalia Rori Vescara on the resume and i didn't assume that it was her, coz you know? I might be wrong. But i did feel a connection to Sera, i really felt comfortable and light whenever i talked to her." Ada continues to speak as everyone listens to her narrative. Soon enough they were talking about Magique, a certain topic that she sure was gonna be talked about.

"Our mom here has a Wind Generation which made her able to create a blast of air," Kane spoke as he motioned his hand towards Aunt Akane who was just silently sipping her tea.

"While i have an Aerokinesis which gives me the ability to control the air, wind and gas for example." Kane opened his palm and created a tiny tornado, he then closed his palm as Naja was about to touch the tornado.

"I wouldn't do that if i were you, you might loose a finger." He said and flashed a warm smile to Naja which retracted her hand fast and quietly sat on her chair.

"Any how, Anne here has the ability to transform into gas, or what we called air mimicry." Kane nodded at Anne and the next thing they knew, Anne could not be seen anywhere, not even her dress was left. It was like she was invisible but in a very different way.


Sera heard Naja screamed at the top of her lungs as Anne showed up on her back and surprised her. While Griffin who was next to her looked at Anne with threatening aura. No one really knows that Naja is a scarediecat, she was always known for being so cheerful and bubbly. Well Anne did apologize and that was what matters.

"Regine has two abilities first is sound manipulation and the second one is empath

.It is said that having two powers is rare, but Regine is different you see, her ability to feel everyones feeling helps her to know if someone is going to harm her then she could use her sound manipulation, for example." Everyone was preparing for themselves as Regine opened her mouth. The next thing they heard was an angelic voice singing to them softly, Sera's tensed muscles relaxed and her nerves calmed down. She looked at everyone and same happens to them, like they were in purebliss in heaven.

As Regine's voice died down, everyone clapped their hands. Well it was a really nice ability.

"Excuse me," Sera raised her hand.

"Yes?" Regine's soft voice was very, very soothing.

"So what happens if someone wants to harm you?" Regine smiled at her question.

"Well, i also sing a song for them. But a different one, a song which will make their heads ache and bleed." Sera definetly  knew what she meant and her downy hairs just rose in chills.

"Luminaria has the ability to Deoxygenate or to suck up oxygen. For example-"

"Please no more examples! Someone might die today." Naja screamed as she waved her hand in disagreement.

She was definitely scared of Aria.

"And since Harold still hadn't come to his age, we still don't know what his possible ability could be." Well next to that were Naja's.

Aunt Kenna stood up and opened her palm, a little figure of a human girl and boy were dancing their, well a water specifically.

"I can manipulate Water, and this is the example of it. I can change their shapes, create a shield or a weapon anything but change their temperature. Griffin is an illusionist," as Kenna spoke those words they were in a different place, Sera's brows knitted as the scene was very familiar.

"Welcome to Ouran high school host club!"


"Eehhh???!" You know well who that is.

"Shit! Wrong illusion!" The place they were in quickly shifted as Griffin snapped his fingers. This time they were at the southern France, the fresh relaxing smell of lavender were invading her nostrils like they were really at the place.

"This is amazing," Regine said as she savored the scene on her mind.

"Put down your illusion now baby~ thank you." Griffin just smiled at aunt kenna and snapped his fingers again, this time they were back to the VIP room at the hotel.

"Next is Kenji," Kenji was just seating their un-bothered. They were all waiting for what could his ability be, when they all suddenly started to feel thirsty.

Aunt Akane rang the bell near her and a lot of men and woman served them foods and water. Everyone grabbed a glass but one wasn't enough to solve the draughting of their throats.

"That's enough Kenji," the only ones that weren't affected was Kenna, Kenji, Conall, Sera and Naja. While Griffin was gripping his throat that was so dry.

"Eeh? What was happening?" Naja asked worried as she rubbed Griffin's back to sooth him.

"Kenji's power is Dehydration, he can dehydrate you with water and he could also do it to your blood, since the human body is composed of 60% water. So technically this is a very dangerous ability, just like Luminaria who has the ability to Deoxygenate." Water and Wind had always been a good combination for me.

"Conall here, has the ability to Generate Water. Example is that he can produce his own water, that is why he was not affected by Kenji's ability."

"Aunt Kenna, why wasn't i affected by Kenji's ability? Was it perhaps that you were protecting me from his ability?" Sera asked directly, well it was certainly weird. Even Griffin was affected by it, so why she wasn't affected? She could understand if Naja won't be affected, it might be her still unawakend ability that is protecting her.

"Ha? Hahahaha if i were to honestly answer your question Sera, No. That's weird. But anyways, let us continue to your mothers ability to slow and fasten the flow of time." Sera wanted to ask more questions but her interest was shifted to her mothers ability. She noticed that her Aunts all have elemental magiques but their mom's different. Akane the wind, Kenna the water and their mom the time. The gap towards their magique is quiet far from she had expected.

"Aunt Kenna, i have another question." She called her attention.

"Ask away Sera,"

"May i ask of grandfather and grandmothers abilities?" Kenna smiled at her question.

"Did you know that your grandmother Kagura is what humans called 'merman or mermaid'? As you all know they only live unto the ocean and cannot live long on land, but the rumors of them having fish tail is totally not true. Merman's and mermaid's have legs like humans do, but with gills. They don't swim underwater but walk. And your grandfather Verdect had the ability of levitation." So it was confirmed that both their grandparents magique were related to Wind and Water, except for her mom.

If you think about it, wind and water magique might have produced light or ice but no, none of those shows.

"Aiden here has Clairvoyance or the ability to see the unknown, Adamina has Retrocognition or Read memories, clearly it is an ability to read your past or your memories, Silas has the Precognition ability in which he could see the future. Sera on the other hand, i am still not quiet sure but she can manipulate fire."

"Fire you say?" Akane raised her left eye brow.


"So it is certain that she is indeed a descendant of an Aranian, what could have possible be the answer on to why she could wield fire! There is no such thing as fire Magique in the humans bloodline! Fire was only given to those monstrous Ardors!"

"Sera watch out!" Aiden screamed.

"Run!" Silas also shouted, both their eyes were bulging with worry, but their warnings were too late.

Akane waved her hand towards her, the next thing she knew she was sent flying across the room her body hit the hard wall.


"Akane! What the hell are you doing?!"


"Mistress Sera!"

"Ma maîtresse!"

"Mi amante!"

Caious was the first to get near her. He quickly picked her up and secured her in his arms. While Sylvester and Cloud bared their claws and fangs, their ears and tails had been revealed and their magique were being emitted.

"Hina!" Ada wanted to run towards her sister but she was being stopped by Aiden.

"We have to save her Aiden! She's our sister!"

"I know Ada! But we can't do anything! I only saw what will happen to Sera but i can't see what's to happen next! Something is blocking my Clairvoyance!"

"Same here! I can't see Sera's future!" Meanwhile, Naja and Harold also run towards Sera but was stopped by their siblings.

"She is not human, i can sense her overflowing aura." Kane said as he blocked his arms to their way.

"Look at that, she even brought along with her four Aranian's." Pryll showed off her bright red nine tails as she readied her flames to protect Sera. 'Ahh and here i thought i would be given the chance to have a good lovelife,'

"And here i thought that i was just imagining myself sensing five ardors inside this building, it turns out that i was right, you dare bring along your friends here! No! You are not Rori's daughter!" She again threw another blast of air towards Sera, but this time Pryll's flames meet it halfway. A loud explosion was created as their magique fight each other.

Kenna used her water to make a shield to protect Sera as she tried to stop her sister.

"Are you crazy?! Sera is Rori's child! I was there when she was still little! I was there when Rori died!"

"No! Rori's child is not an Aranian! That woman is a monster!"

Luminaria used her magique and sucked up all the air on to Sera's and the other Ardor's body.

"No! No! Stop!"

"Hina!" Both Naja and Ada were crying as they were held by their brothers. Not wanting for them to join the feud.

Sera was brought back to her consciousness as her lungs begged for air, she was being held tight on Caious arms as he was also breathing heavily.

Regine and Anne prepared themselves to follow up Luminarias attack, but before they could even do so. Caious used his ability to stop time.

"I-i- forgive m-me," He said as he took on his last breath.