
Chapter 21

Naja hurriedly went home with her whole face full of excitement.

She was even happily singing a song as she walks, and when she opened their door the little cinnamon roll was leisurely sitting on the living rooms sofa, as if it owned their house.

Naja came running towards the cat with a wide smile on her face and tackled the cat.

"Cinnamon~ tickle! Tickle! Tickle!" But instead of the cat being happy, it hissed at her furiously, bit her hand and scratched her.

"Aaaw~" Naja glared at the cat still laying comfortably on their sofa.

"Hmmp!" She grumply went to her room and changed clothes, her grumpy attitude quickly vanished and was replaced with excitement again.

Naja excitedly went down her room and came looking for her mom.

"Mom, can i go shopping?" Kenna answered her question immediately.

"No," Naja stomped her foot.

"But mom! It's important! It's foe Sera. You see she-" she narrated everything to her mom.

After speaking for a while, Naja felt her throat dry but she didn't leave beside her mother. Kenna just simply took her phone from her pocket and dialed a number.

Naja's face lit up as she heard her mom speak to the other person at the other line, and when Kenna ended the call naja hugged her tight with a wide grin on her face.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you mom, you're the best!"

Meanwhile at Sera's house, three men could be seen circling around the table, Sylvester who was standing with a dark expression on his face, Cloud who was siting in between Caious  and Sylvester had a serious face, and Caious was just siting on his chair relaxed.

"As i've heard, there will be an event where anyone could enter their school, and it will be 2 weeks from now." Caious said as he elevate his feet on the table.

"We still haven't explain everything to my lady, perhaps we should talk about this matter after dinner." Sylvester said as he slowly calmed himself.

"How about our agreement with the Divinity?" Cloud asked as he measures the lightening of the mood surrounding them.

Sylvester's face immediately became dark again.

"It is what it is, but if another man enters i'm not gonna be silent."

"It is called a harem after all Sylvester," Cloud was saying things and acting cool but he was gritting his teeth inside his mind.

While Sera who was supposed to be answering her assignment, messed her hair in frustration. The scene where Caious was kissing her on her bed kept on playing inside her mind like a broken CD.

"Okay, i need something to distract me!" She frustratingly slapped her hands on her study table and went scrolling on her phone.

'Right, i need to discover my talent before we could even start practicing, or else i'll die in embarrassment.'

Was just scrolling on her phone, when she had finally stopped on a random video where, a woman was dancing sexily at the song 'My all'. Sera blushed but she wanted to give it a try.

Sera stared at her phones screen intently as she tries to memorize the moves, her body slightly moving at the song.

And when she finally thought that she had grasp the movements, she fixed her hair into a bun, went to her life size mirror and started dancing the steps.

She was doing good, she knows the movement well, but the problem was. She had a very, very stiff body. The supposed to be sexy dance became like a joke. A walking stick that was trying so hard to seduce it's mate.

"This isn't right,"

Sera continued to scroll on her phone, but she didn't see any talent that she could do, but something snapped on Sera's mind.

She was not as good as any singer, but she could sing. So she spent her time looking for a good song that would surely fit her voice.

"Let me see we've got, Slow dance, Enchanted, Heres your perfect, Perfect and million dreams." Sera listed the top 5 duet songs that she picked and went back to her assignment as the songs kept playing on her mind, totally forgotten about what Caious had done to her.

The following day, she told them that she liked singing, and when she sang a sample song. Harold and Naja was gaping at her.

"So? How was it?" Naja grinned at her with a thumbs up and Harold clapped his hands in awe.

"That's great! Now that we don't have any problem regarding about our talents, let's talk about what to sing? I would prefer the song Perfect, but the final decision still falls into your hand Sera. Please honestly choose a song for us." That didn't sound right to Sera, but she picked a song that will surely fit the both of them.

"I chose Enchanted then," Sera threw a teasing look at Harold, and he was blushing.

Sera laughed on her mind, as they continued to converse each other.

Naja taught her how to properly walk, the correct posture, and how to pose.

Sera was smart, so she easily picked up everything that Naja would teach her. She even nailed the Q&A without even stuttering or pausing, which made Naja more confident that her friend Sera was out for blood at the olympiad's.

Sera and Harold just silently shock their head with a slight smile on their faces.

While the three men observing them had murderous glare thrown at them.