
SIGHTSEER: A Post-apocalyptic World

Zero woke up in the middle of a desolated desert, he doesn't know when it started but he is accompanied by SAI (Systematic Artificial Intelligence) and his fragments of a memory. Zero venture the world, a world different from what he knows. He shall see the world in his eye and judge it based on that. Whenever he understands his adventure or not is up for him to say. Who knows he might discover why he woke up in the desert later on. Update every Saturday (THOUGH I WILL BE HALTING ON UPDATING RIGHT NOW [05/ 02/ 2023], I STILL NEED TO FINALIZE SOME CHAPTERS I HAVE IN STOCK. AND IM KINDA BUSY WITH PERSONAL STUFF.) Hello, I saw some collections today (July 11, 2024) thank you for those peps who find my novel interesting, to those who's wondering if this is a dead novel, no it's not I have stock up until chapter 60 but still need further revision also chapter 1-33 will also undergo changes. However I would still halt myself from publishing those chapters, I would like to focus more on my last years in college, Thesis is coming up. STILL HOPE YOU LIKE MY STORY. (when I start uploading again)

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31 Chs


|Location: Wasteland, #@%&*!&%|


Nuk came out from that tent and looked like he was on the verge of crying. Despite the situation in front of me I couldn't think of anything to say that could comfort him. I immediately avoided his gaze when Hansel rushed to his side.

Turning my attention elsewhere, I suddenly noticed something but couldn't seem to make a word from it, but I'm sure that I heard a voice. It was like soft whispers to my ears that seemed to be calling me from afar. I couldn't be sure just yet but it sounded like it's coming from that direction where a dense population of black trees seems to be concentrated in this wasteland.

Just looking at that place, It felt compelling to walk in it.

Looking at it, flashes of memory appeared inside my mind. It was the moment when I blacked out only to open it again with Fred in my hands. What exactly happened? Yes, I would like to snap that Fred guy in half, but how come I can't remember doing it?

Just the sensation of his neck remained in my hand. Now that I think about it, his body was really warm when I was gripping it tightly, but it didn't come close to what I felt from Nuk. Nuk was warm but more comfortable.

I slowly placed my hand over my own neck trying to recreate the sensation from before, but it felt lacking. Something was missing, something I crave. Despite this, unlike my previous actions I kinda develop a sense of 'control'. And something else that made me more tolerant with this kind of thing, it's just that I don't know what it is, but I know it's somewhere here.

I thought to myself as I clenched my fist over my chest.

I distract myself by looking at the lifeless terrain I'm sitting on. Why is it like this? How come the trees are black? What made these? And how come I can sense a strong radiation coming from the ground, similar to the ones in Nuk's lamp.

SAI back then couldn't give me geographical data because of the sudden interference when we entered this 'wasteland' and it might be linked to the radiation below. But for some unknown after those events I experienced the treatment I was exposed to, it felt like I 'grew'. I can't tell what exactly but I know I gain a level of 'authority'.

As for what made me say that, let's just go with it. And what was that phrase again? Ah yes, I remember. 'It's just a gut feeling'.

(SAI could you scan that area?)

[Due to the signal interference, data collecting would take longer to finish.]

[Do you wish to continue? Host.]


[Progress 2%]

[Progress 9%]

[Progress 15%]

The data gathering this time was slow unlike the ones before, and the longer I stared at the slow pace of numbers rising by percent, it made me somewhat feel disappointed and frustrated. With nothing to do just sitting on the ground, I turned my attention towards Nuk and Hansel.

Their conversation sounded serious and I knew that butting in wasn't right.

"Where's Dia?" But when Nuk asked where his sister Dia was, Hansel looked like he couldn't answer him right away and when he did he sounded unsure. I noticed Nuk shows a sign of being slightly worried and the situation seems like a chance for me to join.

And with no any hesitation I answered them. "She left, not too long ago."

Hansel slowly walked towards my direction, he was hesitant but it looked like he wanted to strike a conversation with me, which he did and said something about him being glad that I'm okay. The way he acted really confused me. Before he could barely look at me and if he did it was when he acted as if I'm about to devour him in half, but now I can tell there's a hint of gratitude towards me.

Is it because of what happened back then? The moment when I don't have any recollection. Hansel right now might have good intentions, but it felt unsettling just knowing there's a gap in my memory. And no matter how hard I think it's just blank.

SAI abruptly showed the progress panel along with some instructions that managed to elevate my mood.

[Progress 50%]

[Notifying, certain levels of world signal have been detected.]

[Recommend to approach the signal tower]

(Signal tower? What's that?)

[Upon establishing contact, knowledge stored in the signal tower shall be transferred into the host.]

[This includes, geographical data, data for affective science, and other miscellaneous researches.]

[Other effect is enhancing data gathering system and possible physical enhancement.]

When I thought my curiosity had died out, SAI suddenly gave me something to wonder, hearing it talk about this 'Signal Tower' got my body tingling. Excitement began to boil in me.

And just from the sounds of it, it seems to be important.

(SAI, where is it?)

[Area radius will be provided, potential location of the signal tower is located here.]

A new holographic screen appeared, showing me my location and the area where I need to search inorder to find the signal tower, located south from where I am and near the center of this huge wasteland is my destination. However upon inspecting the map I realized it's headed in the same direction as to where the voice came from.

A random thought which I came up with but didn't feel out of place to me. That thought alone made me ponder on the endless possibilities of what else I might find when I arrived there and the sole thought of new knowledge to me greatly caught my attention.

And just like that I'm dying to move out from where I sat. I sprung up and looked Nuk straight in the eyes. Staring at him I smiled.

That moment I came up with a conversation that will make them think of a purpose to go to the same location I'll be going to, Nuk said not to stray far from him. But with this I'll know he'll follow me.

And in my mind I knew this will not strike any suspicion and it will be so natural that they won't find what I'm doing weird at all.

Just thinking of it made me giggle.

From what I remembered Nuk questioned about his sister's whereabouts, and it looks like a good place to lead a conversation. "What? Oh right you asked about Dia. She left a while ago, she went that way."

Nuk looked at me shocked and perplexed and on the other hand I saw Hansel almost stumbling to the ground. He looked at me while narrowing the bridge of his eyebrows.

It was not far from my expectation that they would be a little shocked by what I did, but the look on their faces is so priceless right now. Especially Hansel.

"Zero?" Nuk said, looking at me like a senile old man.

"Come on, let's go, let's catch up to her." I smiled over my overly energetic body that won't seem to calm down unless I arrive now at the signal tower. But still thinking about their faces, I can't help but laugh a little "Hehe."

Either way, I know for sure they won't expect this to be weird. Since what I did was normal. Still I'm in a hurry, facing my back towards their directions I began jogging slowly away from them.

So far I could only hear the sound of my feet, and it seems to me that Nuk and Hansel are still at the front of that person's tent. But since I have already started to move I can't stop now, it's better if I speed my pace a little. I can't wait to arrive there.

I thought it would be a piece of cake to go to the location but for some reason I felt overwhelmed when I got closer at the wall of lifeless trees, unlike the entrance of the wasteland this path that i'm about to take felt heavy for me, as if there's a force pushing me out. But that's not enough to stop me from entering.

I entered the forest with excitement but also a hint of vigilance.

Entering inside it was a complete darkness, being far from the camp it lacked any kind of light source, despite my unique constitution that I can see in the dark this time something was different. The moment I entered the forest I suddenly felt a slight restriction on myself making my vision a little hazy. I could still see but not to that extent like my previous situations.

During my travel towards the location, the path I have experienced has been so far 'rough', I tried to follow the path shown in the map but without accurate geographical data and terrain details, I suffered numerous falls. The pits near me and the tiny cliffs besides my foot, it always manages to catch me off guard.

And because of that I couldn't help but to slow down. I manage to get my feet together despite my numerous 'rough situations'. So in the end I have no choice but to slow down and take my time not to fall on my face.

Due to my limited range of senses I failed to notice that something was right behind me, I rapidly turned around and immediately pushed whatever was behind me, that was when I heard a familiar voice's scream.

"Ah! Help!"

