
Chapter 2: The Unlikely Partner

Siesta arrived at the designated meeting point, a small café on the outskirts of town. She spotted a peculiar man, dressed in a flamboyant outfit, sipping a cup of coffee. His eyes locked onto hers, and he flashed a charming smile.

"Loid Forger, at your service," he said, with a theatrical bow.

Siesta raised an eyebrow, taken aback by his eccentricity. "Siesta, WISE agent. Let's get down to business, Twilight."

As they sat down, Siesta briefed him on the mission details. Loid listened intently, his expression turning serious. "I see. And what's the plan, my dear Siesta?"

Siesta hesitated, unsure about sharing her strategy with this unconventional partner. But something in his eyes put her at ease. "We'll pose as a married couple, with a child, to blend in with the academy's families."

Loid's grin returned. "Ah, an excellent plan! I'll play the role of a devoted husband and father with flair!"

Siesta facepalmed, wondering what she had gotten herself into.