
Side Character in Pokémon

A realistic approach of one of my favourite anime

Arcade · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Just like those fan-fiction I read, I have reincarnated. Hello dear readers I am your host and the protagonist of this fan fic Thomas.

I got my memories of my previous earth life when I was 7. And I thank God or Arceus for this world that he didn't make me go through that period of my life with adult mind. Or I swear to Arceus that I would have gone insane. I was 'The Muai Thai blood Ashura' of Thailand. Only the most brutal and deadly user of killer Muai Thai is awarded this title after he defeats every single participants as well as kills the last Muai Thai blood Ashura.

I am currently writing down everything I know of this anime world of mine that I know through the TV show, manga, fan-fiction, games, and movies.

By the way I am an orphan even in this world. I won't dwell on how I died in my last life but just say that I was dubbed the strongest blood Ashura to ever exist.

In this world I am the son of a master rank Pokémon trainer. He died during a Pokémon tide where he served as leader of defence. And my mom died while giving birth to me. I was taken care by my grandma until I was 7 and in the shock of grandma's death the previous host of this body died.

The first thing I did in this world was cooking mutton ghosht, it was skidoo meat. The taste was heavenly. The reward and money of martyr as well as the monthly compensation of my father was huge to the point I had to trick my relatives for getting my inheritance.

it took 1 month to get the Inheritance as well as Apprenticeship under Professor Oak.

My schedule after my reincarnation is a simple one.

5 am: Wake up and freshen up

5:30 am: Intense physical training

8:30 am: Muai Thai training

9 am: Strenuous swimming in the nearby lake.

11 am: Breakfast.

11:30 am: Apprenticeship under Professor Oak.

5:30 pm: Come home and freshen up

6 pm: Self research and studying

9:30 pm: Dinner

10:30 pm: Sleep

I followed this schedule until that fateful day...