

Trapped, fearful, scared, frightened, panicky, nervous. These are all human emotions felt when in a life threatening situation. In a strange world creatures of different races of different planets and off different timelines are summoned to fight for survival to amuse the gods. Why must I amuse some sickos? Why am I involved in these games? Why am I not the one on top? I should get to the top, This is not where I belong, I should be the one in charge, I will rise and have the gods beneath me regardless of what it takes.

fortunator_1 · Action
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Huh where is this?, Who am I? Who are all these people? These are the questions asked by everyone in the chamber that day, a not too small but not too huge chamber with a border preventing people from running. After all the panic people started to get themselves together then suddenly this figure appeared in this sky

"I guess you are all wondering where you are, who you are and who are the people next to you". said the mysterious figure, A person in the crowd said 'why are we here then"? You did not answer any of our questions.

The figure then proceeds to say

"Allow me to explain you are all unfortunate souls who've met their unfortunate end elsewhere in a different dimension than this. You are all here because I whom you should refer to as God wills it, I am willing to give you all POWER only those who make it to the top of my little game will win, don't any of you want to stand at the top? This is your chance"

"Don't give me that crap"

someone in the crowd says

"I do not even care about what this is, I don't want to be here, why do I have to work for power? I should be in your position, Why am I at your feet? why are you the only one who knows what is going o-"

Quickly before finishing his sentence he suddenly combusted normally this would get people screaming but the only feeling felt was irritation, the word "power" triggered something in the rest of us.

The "God" resumed his speech

"Now that the pest has been squashed, this game of mine has one general rule, One don't interrupt God". His tone when saying that sent shivers down all our bones

"Anymore questions" said the God

No one answered

"Ah good you all seem fun" said the God

"Follow me" said the God

we all followed him and he asked us to enter the door we all entered while we were working all we felt was excitement for the gain of power.