
Siblings of Creation and Destruction

3 Chapters/ Week minimum Rasp and Kiris siblings they decided to go out on an adventure and their mother and father being adventurers made them accept the offer pretty easy. They supported their children and gave them a sword and an armor but the guild rejected them. They went to Dorin Academy to learn about adventure basics. Everything went normal until something happened between gods of their world.

DDirection · Fantasy
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13 Chs


With our parents agreed that we can become adventurers. I thought we were going straight to the guild of our town and start doing quests. Of course that was not the case.

Even though adventurers risking their lives everyday, that doesn't mean they should just face the danger without no combat or magic education aaaaand I didn't know that. The guild of our town decided that we should get proper education about combat, sword using or If we want to be wizard or healer we should get proper magic education.

"So, we can't just start our adventures just because we don't have any combat education or experience." She said this while giving me a side eye stare. Like I understand why they are doing this. Even though I am a bit angry I get it. They just don't want their adventurers die easily.

"Why are you giving me that look? It was our own stupidness. We should have seen this coming. We didn't even decided what our classes are going to be. We can't just go and die you know." She nodded and gave me a look that accepts that we are not ready for this.

"But where should we get the training from. That is the trick question. Like should we find a master of these adventuring thingies." She was right. We don't even have the slightest idea where to get these things education or training.

So like we always do, we went back home. We were looking pathetic. Our parents came to door as soon as they hear the door. They were looking at us, worried.

"What happened to you kids, it is a little early to call it quits don't you guys think." Mom was trying to learn what was wrong. I guess when they were young these things were not necessary.

"Mom they didn't let us join the guild because we don't have any education or training in combat or magic matters and we don't know where to get these. So we thought you guys would know it. You guys are OG adventurers after all." My mother looked like approved this statement.

"It is true that you guys may not be ready but there is a solution to that. Ta-daaaa" She was showing a photo. The photo contained a school named Dorin Academy. Oh no, not the school.

"Mother are you really gonna make us go to school for adventuring." I do not want to go to school. I think that is obvious.

"This school teaches you the basics of adventuring and helps you decide if you want to go physical combat or using magic to defend yourself." I looked at my mom with sad dog eyes but of course I couldn't do it.

I was not comfortable with this decision but Kiris seem to accept this and not just that she is happy to do this. She said:

"I am okay with this. My brother should be okay too." Wait what? NO. Why is she doing the talking for me.

"No I am not okay with this! Why would I be okay with this!" I was shouting I gotta down my voice. My mother looked me with a warm smile and said.

"Your sister is okay with it. You are the older brother and this can be the only way you can accepted to the guild. If you really don't want to go, I heard there is plenty of teammates you can add to your party. Doing every quest two person can be quite difficult so it would be a great opportunity to find some teammates."

Kiris looked as cocky as possible and said.

"Wow what an older brother. I should be the sissy one, not you princess Rasp." Oh you have done it. This annoying blue haired demon is going to perish but mother is around so I gotta stay quiet.

"Oh shut up will you. It isn't my problem that you love school and I don't."

"That is why I am calling you sissy, Miss Rasp." I am starting to get angry.

"Settle down kids! The real thing is this can be your only chance Rasp. I will talk to the principle of the Dorin Academy. Last time Rasp. Are you okay with this?" I guess I have no choice.

"Yeah, okay okay, I am okay with this." Kiris looked happy after my answer.

"At least you did the right decision brother." She sounded like she is proud of me

"Yeah, I think so too. Let's hope that this works and we can get in the guild after this."

"Yeah, let's hope." She approved and nodded.

And our father was looking at us clueless as ever.

I guess I am a student again.