
Shut up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

A young philosopher ends up in a war-torn world, where he finds himself among the poor and needy rebels who fight against the humongous army of the corrupted and merciless Alliance government. The Mystery behind his appearance in this new world, slowly unravels as he travels the magical world and faces new challenges. The story follows the philosopher's journey along with his companion, a Nymphomaniac Evil sword, through this modern and magical world, as he experiences different battles, adventures and his own personal dilemmas. Please bear with my English and Thank you all for reading Disclaimer :The cover picture doesn't belong to me, if the artist wants it to be removed it will be removed......

Half_Blind · War
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248 Chs


The entire hall was silent, even the king was pondering over the matter at hand.

At the same time an old man with a strict face, long mustache and goatee in military uniform, gave a slight nod to the prime minister who was casually looking around.

Of Course this was the commander of the earth base Luke Mando.

After some more deliberation the King thought of putting the matter to vote.

When the result was out the king was surprised to see that not just the Pro war faction, but even some from the moderate faction had also voted for Dror.

The main opposition was from his own neutral faction and the prime minister didn't cast his vote.

In the end the king made the decision to give Dror the position of the young Dragon Major with some conditions.

Firstly there would be a deputy Major appointed along with Dror to his company and there would be a strict surveillance on the barbarian for the time being.

As the matter was settled, the next issue was put forward.

This time it was the Minister of War that stood up and spoke.

The minister of War was an Old man with cropped red hair, clean shaved face and beastly red eyes.  But what stood out about his facial feature was the two big Scars on his face.

Everyone in the hall could feel the anger and agitation in his aura when he spoke.

" My king, we have received the invitation for the Empires War challenge this time. What reply should I send this time.."

As he spoke he had unknowingly clenched his fist tightly.

The whole hall fell silent and there was visible change in the aura of everyone present in the hall.

Most of them showed anger and agitation, while some hatred and helplessness. 

It was the prime minister who broke the silence " My king, I propose that we send the replay that we are not participating in the challenge like the previous times…"

The minister of War shot a dead glare at the Prime minister and spoke in rage "  Xavius…. How long, how long do you want us to hide like cowards ….  why don't you kill me right now, than make me live with this shame… How can you forget about the valiant young heroes who gave their life to protect our honor, how can you forget about your own grandson… one of the greatest prodigy of all times who was destroyed… by those bastards who ganged upon him… How.."

Prime minister Xavius who always carried a smile on his face showed a downcast expression mixed with sorrow.

" Enough…"

It was the king who interfered.

" Minister of War we had already discussed this matter many times. It was very unfortunate, what happened in the past. But we can't send our young warriors anymore knowing that this is a death trap…. if you still insist, anyone who accepts the challenge voluntarily can go. 

But I prohibit anyone under your previous Field Army from going. .."

The Minister of War was very reluctant to accept this decision, but he knew once the king had spoken there was no room for any further discussion.


While in the Earth base, Dror who had cleansed himself was entering a restaurant nearby to the military camp.

The Military camp had its own mess hall but, the food provided there was diet based and Dror was feeling really hungry today after starving for some days.

Of Course he had other methods to satiate his hunger, but he chose to enjoy himself today.

As he entered the restaurant he saw that the restaurant was bustling with people and most of the people were from the camp.

He found a corner to sit in comfortably and ordered today's special and some other delicacies.

While he was fully concentrating on his meal he heard a belly laugh from one of the nearby tables.

It was a woman's voice.

"haha… you are really hilarious…"

At first Dror didn't care as it was none of his business but as he listened to the voice more, he felt the voice to be very familiar.

He took a clear look at the table and the person.

It was a beautiful young woman and a muscular young military man sharing the table. It appeared to be that they are on a date.

Dror thought " weird why do I feel like this voice is very familiar…."

Dror noticed that the young woman had also noticed him while he looked at her and as the women noticed him Dror saw that her facial expression changed.

Dror's doubts deepened when he saw the women immediately went for the women's restroom.

As she entered the restroom she started cursing " Why did this bastard have to wake up now, he will spoil all my well laid out plans ….. I need to leave this area immediately before he figures out its me…"

Dror who was pondering looked at the young man carefully.

" A handsome and muscular young man. But I don't remember meeting him ever, this guy has clearly trained his body well… A muscular stud… wait stud.."

Dror had a bad premonition and headache all of a sudden.

Then he focused his spiritual sense and yelled out  " Nympho…"

The young woman in the restroom started to vague out and disappear like an illusion. She cursed " busted..".

  Then she completely disappeared.

After seeing the young woman disappear, Dror was troubled and thought " How the hell did I end up with such an Evil sword… It seems to be gaining more strength. 

I can't even properly detect if it was the Evil sword, even with the contract…. I need to be more careful, What if it is me who is led into a honey trap next time… fuck such a headache…"

At the same time the Evil sword who has teleported to a different location cursed out again " that bastard he tried to spill water on my last 10 days of hard work, I will have to teach him some serious lessons… I had to pay a lot of money to create all kinds of fake documents and register with that dating node. When I finally managed to get hold of a date, that bastard had to ruin it... "

The Evil Sword appeared before Dror after some time and sent a spiritual message in a serious tone.

" Why did you summon me all of a sudden…"

Dror was angered " What kind of trouble are you brewing now, can't you just do normal things… like normal spiritual weapons…"

Nympho interrupted, " I don't know what you're talking about.."

Dror gave a snort and spoke again " so you don't know anything… then I am going to talk to that young man. There are too many pretenders and swindlers,  young people should be warned every now and then. Unless they are taken advantage of…."

A killing intent enveloped Dror and an angered voice was heard " My personal matters are none of your business…. Don't interfere with them if you don't want extra holes in your body to breathe from."

Dror couldn't completely refute the Evil sword but he still argued " hrmph… your private business. It's me who always ends up in trouble due to your private business…"

Evil sword replied with a cold snort " speaking about trouble, you are the one who is a beacon for all kinds of trouble... .."

The argument between the both went on for a long time without conclusion.


By the time Dror reached the commander's office, the meeting had ended and the commander was out.

Dror greeted the commander and said " Sir why did you summon me.."

The commander had a slight smile and said " You came at the right time, I should congratulate you first for becoming one of the young Dragon Majors. The official announcement will be in 2 days and there will be a ceremony …

I had called you earlier because the discussion on appointing you as a Major has been going on for some time now, there has been opposition about your appointment because your past could not be verified.

I wanted to inquire more about it from you, but now it seems to be unnecessary."

Dror was shocked at first and then relieved as he thought " it's good that I came up with the idea to make Treag my home planet, It's a very large planet with a high population . 

The poor living on the planet numbers in trillions, The number of slums and the orphans and beggars surviving there are uncountable.

Furthermore, due to being a more or less lawless planet and the mortality rate being very high , no one cares about people appearing and disappearing in their… It would be more difficult than finding a pin in a haystack to verify my identity…. And after getting to know the dark network, I can provide them with all kinds of fake routes and locations as information "

Even while pondering all these Dror didn't show a single thing on his face and with a smile thanked the Commander.

Commander further inquired about how his deep meditation went and Dror replied that he had entered a Trance for around 4 hours and gained a lot of inspiration. 

Then to further solidify his inspiration he continued to go into a deep meditation for the last few days.

Dror could not mention the truth that he was in trance for 6 days, that would make him look like a monstrous genius and there would be all kinds of attention directed at him to scrutinize him thoroughly.


Commander was shocked to hear that Dror has entered a trance, as only genius would enter trance state.

Of course Dror also conveniently hid the fact of taking a trance inducing pill.

Dror could hear curses and berating every now and then in his mind while he was lying through his teeth.

While Dror and the commander were still talking he received a call from the vice commander Frank, Dror could easily guess what it was about.