
The Man With A Vengeful Mission

"You're leaving?" Kazuichi yawned as he slowly dragged his entire body to his living room couch. The sun was yet to rise, that's why he felt a little bit sluggish.

Well, Kazuichi had always felt sluggish. It's just that these last few days he had reverted into an evident version of his shut-in self. Of course, why wouldn't he when he was in the comfort of his own home?

"Yeah, I need to return to my stronghold. My vacation's running due. Besides, it would be bad if something happened while I was gone."


From the second floor, a click was heard, followed by a soft pitter-patter of footsteps scaling the flight of stairs.

Another yawn was heard, then Amaya appeared on the scene, sleepwalking towards Ayaka before collapsing on her stomach.

With a sigh, Amaya returned to sleep, hugging Ayaka as she did so.

"I guess you won't be leaving soon." Kazuichi joked, picking up Amaya and setting her on the other couch. "Do you want me to see you off?"

"If you could do that all the way to Scarlet Blood, then I'll oblige."

Leaving Amaya peacefully sleeping on the couch, Ayaka and Kazuichi headed out. Instantly, they were greeted by the dewy morning air, causing Kazuichi to feel the need to hibernate.

Although it was still early in the morning, some of the residents were already up and about. Some of them waved in Kazuichi's direction. In response, Kazuichi waved back, smiling at the residents who were already working before first light.

"You've got a formidable stronghold already. I guess this is going to be far more formidable than my Scarlet Blood." Ayaka commented. "What are your plans? Are you going to conquer the entire Tokyo?"

Kazuichi vehemently shook his head. That was not even in the list, and there was no way he'd go through the long and arduous process of taking over an entire city.

While the two of them were conversing about the possible future of the Kazuichi Stronghold, a Hybrid stationed at the front entrance slowly made his way to Kazuichi, giving him a salute before he addressed him.

"Sir! We've detected a Hybrid by the front entrance. He's alone, and terribly wounded." The guard briefly relayed.

Since this wasn't a rare occurrence in the stronghold, Kazuichi didn't panic at all. Instead, he walked forward, gesturing for the guard to lead the wat so they could see what was going on.

Although this happens often, an injured person most likely meant something bad had happened nearby. That's why Kazuichi maintained his composure... just in case he had to deal with a dispute in nearby shelters.

Who knows, there might be a horde nearby, and the presence of the injured was the obvious sign to prepare and defend the stronghold.

"I guess I better get going now, Kazuichi," Ayaka mentioned, flashing a smile at Kazuichi before she turned around and flirtatiously waved her hand. "If I stay any longer, another problem might pop out and then I'd have another reason to stay."

"Yeah, you better get going. Take care, Ayaka." Kazuichi was still troubled by the news of the injured. Then again, he didn't let that get to him when he said his farewell to Ayaka.

At the very least, he didn't want to impose on her too much. She has a stronghold to take care of as well, so giving her another reason that would delay her return would be deleterious to the Scarlet Blood Stronghold.

"Alright, don't hesitate to give me a heads up if you need anything, right? We can exchange scouts from time to time to see what we can do." With a wink, Ayaka finally went her way, not daring to turn back since that would just give her more reason to stay.

Even right now, while she was leaving, her mind kept urging her to go back and stay in the stronghold. After all, it wasn't like Ayaka wanted to be the stronghold leader for the Scarlet Blood Stronghold. Somehow, she just found herself leading the stronghold and before she realized it, it was already too late.

Now her life revolved around the stronghold. It wasn't enjoyable, to say the least, but Ayala was doing everything she could just so it wouldn't fall into ruins. The residents of her stronghold all depended on her, and losing the stronghold would mean the destruction of their lives— something that she always had to keep in mind as the stronghold leader.

Just when she started picking the pace, she heard a thump from behind her. Nevertheless, she didn't stoop on her way back.

Whatever Kazuichi was about to deal with, she knew he was more than capable enough. With her trust in Kazuichi and with the proof of his capabilities, she was confident that they'd be able to process everything with minimal to no help at all.

"See you soon, Kazuichi." Ayaka's lips parted into a smile as she started sprinting. Of course, it's not like this was going to be their last goodbye. They could always see each other if the opportunities sought them to do so.

Meanwhile, Kazuichi was flabbergasted at the sorry state of the guy who was in front of him. Calling him wounded was making light of the matter.

It's as if he was a pile of meat dressed in bloody rags. Some of his flesh was protruding, and blood leaked everywhere his body. Even his guts were on the verge of pouring over, which was not a very appetizing sight at all.

At first, Kazuichi just wanted everyone else to deal with him since he didn't want to do it, especially this early in the morning. However, it seemed like an emergency so he couldn't just turn a blind eye to it.

If any, he had to deal with this himself.

"Oi, what happened to you, are you all right?" Kazuichi asked even though clearly, the guy wasn't all right.

Looking up, the guy saw Kazuichi and he forced a smile of greeting on his face. "I... "


Just when he was about to say something, his injuries got the better of him and he fell into unconsciousness.

thank you for reading>///< really appreciate it

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