
Lingering Will

“So… Roy. Where would he be?” Bernicia inquired. She and Hal were in the Tetrider, driving south through the lowlands.

“They’re most likely to appear near where they died,” Hal explained, “unless it decides to haunt someone, or turns vengeful, or something weird like that. But if Blake saw him die, then he’ll be our best bet for making contact. In general, a ghost will usually recognize the last person it saw.”

“Exactly how many ghosts have you encountered before now?” Bernicia asked. “You seem like a super expert on all this.”

“I dunno. I never kept count,” Hal shrugged. “But my first spirit was a fireman from the failed generation; the ones who burned themselves out. I guess you wouldn’t know about ‘em.”

“I got a visual on the old building,” Blake said through the comm.

“Oh, I remember this strip,” Bernicia recalled. “I strongly recommend the starlight café, by the way. Fantastic crempolas.”

Once the trio was on top of the warehouse, Hal stopped and squinted.