
Demons in the Night

“Travis! Don’t make me tackle you,” I shouted.

“You guys can’t stop me!” He turned to face me. “Wait, where are the others?”

“They split off to find the other thing! It’s gonna be two and two, blockhead.”

“Oh. Guess I got a little excited there, heh,” he sheepishly shrugged.

“Where were you even going to start? I bet you don’t have anything resembling a plan,” I replied, surveying the horizon.

“Like you’re any better, miss Kick-First-Questions-Later,” Travis shot back. “And for your information, I was going to check out Chandonis first. I doubt A-Tech would let one of their own people go too far.”

“Hmm, really? I doubt it’ll be that easy.”

“Got any better ideas? We have to start somewhere.”

“I wasn’t saying it was bad…”

Soon, Travis and I touched down on the city’s gray outskirts.

“I remember seeing a directory kiosk over by the trade station last time we were here,” Travis said. “I bet we can look her up from there.”