
Shura Warrior God

The palm splits the heavenly palace town sun and moon, the sword cuts the netherworld to tread the nine heavens, the world's mortals trillion, Shura becomes a god I am the wildest! I am the proud son of heaven, but I was framed by a villain and abandoned by my family. He fell I, Chu Feng, vowed to kill my way back to the nine heavens and take back everything that belongs to me! All people see me as a Shura, but they don't know that I will become a martial god with my Shura!

honeybee1992 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 76 - Abolished, received

  "Tap tap tap..."

  A light footstep echoed in the passage, and Su Mei was swinging her gentle body, waving crystal beads of sweat, running excitedly, because that gate leading to the Green Dragon Garden was right in front of her.

  As long as that door was opened, it would be the same as her passing the examination and becoming a core disciple, and most of all, the seven-colored flowers that she wanted to see so badly were in the world behind that door.


  Along with a dull sound crossing, that thick door was slowly pushed open by Su Mei, and a splash of sunlight poured down, making Su Mei couldn't help but close her eyes and feel the warmth that came to her face.

  Only when its eyes opened again, after seeing the picture in front of him, originally hung with a smile on his cheeks, but instantly solidified, replaced by a dense shocked color.

  Not far from him, there was a person lying on his back, this person was full of blood and was struggling to support his body, trying to get up, and this person was actually the alliance leader of the Wings Alliance, Situ Yu.


  Only before Situ Yu could stand up, a powerful foot, then viciously stepped on his body, a powerful force, causing him to sink down fiercely, mouth a large mouth of blood spurted out.

  That person who stepped on Situ Yu, is the Sword Dao Alliance's master, Jian Feng Yi, and beside Jian Feng Yi, also stood a person, is the World Alliance's master, Luo Wu.

  "What are you guys doing?" Seeing such a scene, Su Mei was horrified and angry at the same time.

  "Yo, isn't this my inner sect's number one little beauty, senior sister Su Mei." Looking at Su Mei, Luo Wu laughed excitedly.

  "Su Mei, run, they have joined forces, is to target my wing alliance!" Seeing Su Mei, Situ Yu shouted.

  "Shut the hell up!" However, as soon as the words left his mouth, that Jian Feng Yi delivered another fierce kick, this one hit Situ Yu's abdomen so hard that he curled up into a ball in pain, unable to speak.

  "You two bastards." Faced with what was happening in front of her, how could Su Mei escape, and angrily then rushed forward.

  However, she was only at the eighth level of Spiritual Martial Arts, how could she be a match for Jian Feng Yi and Luo Wu, and was quickly subdued by the two of them, but they didn't hurt Su Mei, they just took out special ropes and tied Su Mei up.

  "What do you want?" Su Mei roared in anger, although she and Situ Yu were not as close as Chu Feng, but they were also extremely good friends, seeing Situ Yu being abused like this, she really could not bear it.

  "Hey, hey, senior sister Su Mei, don't get excited, we just want the members of your Wing Alliance, all of them to be folded here."

  "If you still don't understand when I say this, I can tell you clearly that the members of the Wing Alliance will all fail in this year's examination." Jian Feng Yi smiled and said.

  "Bastard, you guys are in violation of the rules, when the examination is over, I will tell my sister and I will make you guys pay the price."

  "Haha, Miss Su Mei, you are too high on your sister, I admit, we are afraid of her at the inner gate, but when we become core disciples, will she still be in charge of us?" Luo Wu did not think so.

  "Good, you said that, then we'll see." Su Mei said viciously.

  "You don't need to scare us with your sister, and we know that you have many friends in the core, but since we decided to do this, we are naturally not afraid of you and your sister." Jian Feng Yi said disdainfully.

  After this, one by one, the disciples who passed the barrier entered the Green Dragon Garden, but all the disciples of the Wings Alliance were violently beaten by Jian Feng Yi and Luo Wu.

  Later on, eleven of the twelve people from the Wing Alliance who participated in the examination this time, all of them were planted in the hands of the World Alliance and the Sword Dao Alliance.

  What was most surprising to Su Mei and the others was that all the members of the World Alliance and the Sword Dao Alliance passed the underground palace, even the members of the seventh level of Spiritual Martial Arts, all of them passed, and the speed of passing was amazing.

  At this moment, the members of the World Alliance and the Sword Path Alliance were taking turns to insult the members of the Wings Alliance, almost every member of the Wings Alliance was already bruised and battered, but none of them cried out, but clenched their teeth and endured the abuse of the other side.

  "Eh, strange, how come that kid still hasn't passed? It can't be that he failed, right?" Looking at the gate, which had not opened so far, Luo Wu was a little disappointed.

  "He better have failed, otherwise I will make him the worst one." Jian Feng Yi coldly snorted.

  "You had better let go of us now, then kneel and kowtow to us, begging for forgiveness and admitting your mistakes, or else when Chu Feng comes here, he will definitely not let you go."

  Su Mei said viciously, at this moment, she was truly furious to the extreme. Looking at her partners, one by one, being beaten so miserably, she really had the heart to kill.

  "Wow, so that kid is Chu Feng, Senior Sister Su Mei, you seem to have a lot of confidence in that Chu Feng, you two wouldn't have an affair, right?" Seeing this, Luo Wu smiled and walked next to Su Mei.

  "The two of them naturally have a leg up, that kid is Su Mei's beloved." Jian Feng Yi said from the side.

  "Really fake, senior sister Su Mei your vision is too bad, how can you look at such a weak kid, looking at him is better than looking at me, hey..." Luo Wu squatted down and surprisingly used his hand to hold Su Mei's chin.

  "Get away, if you dare to touch me, I will tell my sister to kill you later!"

  "Really, looking at you now, I'm afraid that if I don't do anything to you, you will also say bad things about me to your sister, right?"

  "But don't be afraid, I just want to give you a kiss, come on baby, let me taste you."

  Luo Wu first licked his lips, and then with a pout of his mouth, the big lips like a donkey, he kissed towards Su Mei's fair and sweet cheeks.

  "Seeking death!"

  But before he touched Su Mei, a furious cry exploded like thunder, only to see a swift wind swept by, Chu Feng appeared like a ghost beside Luo Wu.

  "Woo" Chu Feng's palm was like an eagle's claw, fiercely strangled Luo Wu's neck, directly pressed him to the ground.

  "Want to kiss, right, I'll let you kiss, I'll fucking let you kiss."

  After pressing Luo Wu to the ground, Chu Feng raised his left hand, clenched his palm into a fist, and punched Luo Wu's mouth "bang bang bang" several times, after several punches, Luo Wu's mouth was already full of blood, his teeth were broken, even his jaw fell off, and he opened his mouth to spit blood.

  "Swallow it back for me."

  Seeing this, Chu Feng shouted angrily, his big hand then deadly pressed Luo Wu's mouth, no matter how much Luo Wu also struggle is useless, finally had to swallow that mouthful of blood and teeth, all swallowed.

  "This .... This guy."

  And looking at Chu Feng and Luo Wu not far away, this scared the people of the World Alliance and the Sword Dao Alliance, even that Jian Feng Yi also changed his expression greatly.

  He knew very well what Luo Wu's strength was, it was the ninth level of Spiritual Martial Arts, and mastered Xuan Gong and four martial techniques, otherwise the two of them would not have been able to defeat Situ Yu so easily.

  But this is such a strong Luo Wu, in front of Chu Feng is not able to fight, what does this mean? This most likely means that Chu Feng's strength, to far above Luo Wu.

  And in the people dazed kung fu, Chu Feng but suddenly stood up, and then watch that Luo Wu, has been foaming at the mouth, eyes rolled up, fainted.

  At this moment, Chu Feng, his face is icy cold, his eyes are cold, his body emits a cold aura, so that people will shudder and tremble just by looking at him.

  "Xiao Mei, what do you want to do with this group of people."


  "Copy that."

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