
Shura Warrior God

The palm splits the heavenly palace town sun and moon, the sword cuts the netherworld to tread the nine heavens, the world's mortals trillion, Shura becomes a god I am the wildest! I am the proud son of heaven, but I was framed by a villain and abandoned by my family. He fell I, Chu Feng, vowed to kill my way back to the nine heavens and take back everything that belongs to me! All people see me as a Shura, but they don't know that I will become a martial god with my Shura!

honeybee1992 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 46 - Join the Wings Alliance

  "Here, have a cup of tea, to suppress the shock!" Su Rou handed a cup of fragrant tea to Chu Feng.

  "Thank you, Elder Su Rou, I'm still a little thirsty." Chu Feng took the fragrant tea and poured it into his mouth with a mouthful, still not satisfied, and asked, "Is there any more?"


  Su Rou poured several cups for Chu Feng, and Chu Feng drank them all in one go, and only after drinking the whole pot of fragrant tea, he wiped his mouth contentedly, wiping his mouth and burping at the same time.

  Looking at such a Chu Feng, Su Rou was shocked: "Where does this kid look like he's frightened, he's obviously thirsty."

  But just think, such a young boy, can face that kind of threat without fear, this kind of courage, this kind of mind really impressed her, and the more this, the more she felt that today save the right person.

  "Elder Su Rou, thank you for your hand today, if not, my Chu Feng's little life, I'm afraid it would really come to an end." Chu Feng stood up and sincerely thanked him.

  Although he also guessed that Su Rou saved her probably because she wanted to draw him in, but after all, people saved themselves, to say that they were not grateful would be purely deceiving themselves.

  "Thanks for what, this matter is that Liu Mang wrong in the first place, as an elder of the Green Dragon Sect, I should protect you, not to mention that you are a rare and excellent disciple."

  Su Rou smiled sweetly, then reached out to Chu Feng and said, "Since you have mastered the Thunder Three Stances, hand them over, this kind of martial art can never be passed out."

  "Elder Su Rou, to be honest with you, I have only mastered two of the three thunder stances, and I have not been able to comprehend the third one." Chu Feng took out the Three Forms of Thunder in his arms, but he was a bit reluctant.

  Su Rou took the Thunder Three Forms over and smiled again and said to Chu Feng: "In fact, I'm not going to hide it from you, this Thunder Three Forms, except for the founding ancestor, no one has comprehended that third form so far, so the Thunder Two Forms are already considered a great success."

  "Wow?" Hearing Su Rou say that, Chu Feng was secretly happy, because he vaguely seemed to feel some opportunity of that third form, just that he had not yet completely comprehended it.

  But Chu Feng felt that one day he could fully comprehend it, and at that time, he would not be the only one who mastered the Three Forms of Thunder other than Qinglong Daoist?

  After that, Su Rou talked with Chu Feng some more, but it was all out of the elder's concern for his disciple, never mentioning the matter of pulling Chu Feng in.

  After leaving the elders, Chu Feng had an evaluation in his heart, although Su Rou looked much more gentle than that Su Mei, her heart could also be much deeper than Su Mei.

  "Hey, you finally came out." Chu Feng had just walked out of the door of the elders' office when he heard a sweet voice.

  Looking sideways, he only saw a butterfly-like silhouette approaching him, it was Su Rou's younger sister, Su Mei.

  "This time, thanks to you." Chu Feng laughed, he knew that Su Rou was able to make a move, thanks to this girl, or at least she was the one who went to ventilate the news.

  "Yo, I can't see, you still have some conscience, but since you want to say thank you, you can't say it with your mouth, don't you have to show something substantial?"

  "How about I give you a kiss?"

  "Fuck off!"

  "How about I give you a hug?"

  "Get lost right now!"

  "All right, then I'll take a little loss and marry you."

  "Roll immediately right away!"

  Su Mei's little face was red with anger by Chu Feng, although he knew that Chu Feng was shameless, he did not expect him to be so shameless, so he simply stopped paying attention to him and turned around and left.

  Seeing Su Mei run away in anger, Chu Feng burst into a bad smile, although Su Rou he did not dare to molest, but this girl he still dared.

  But after the bad smile, Chu Feng still chased after him and said with a smile, "How about I join the Wing Alliance?"

  "Really?" Hearing this, Su Mei immediately stopped her pace, and her big watery eyes stared at Chu Feng flickering indefinitely.

  "Of course it is true, I owe your sisters a favor that I, Chu Feng, will return sooner or later, and this is not considered a repayment, but only a small wish to satisfy your heart."

  Chu Feng said what he really meant, although Su Mei saw his potential, but after all, today he is still nothing.

  This time, if it were not for people helping him, he would have lost his life, people should know how to repay, Chu Feng is such a person.

  He first refused the dragon brother tiger brother, is worried that his talent is exposed, but now it has been exposed.

  And today, he refused because he didn't like the way Su Mei threatened him, but now it seems that with his own power, he really can't protect Chu Yue and other family members in this inner gate.

  So he felt that joining the Wings Alliance now would be beneficial to him in a hundred ways, and would even help the Chu family's development.

  Because vaguely, Chu Feng can feel that Su Mei and Su Rou's background is very uncomplicated, that the so-called Su family is very uncomplicated.

  The family that can hide Xuan Gong is definitely not an ordinary power, at least comparable to the Green Dragon Sect.

  So he felt that Su Rou and Su Mei sisters, the reason why they came to this Green Dragon Sect, was just to seek for people who have the ability to pull in from their family.

  Just like that Liu Cheng'en asked Su Rou, why she had such strength, but still wanted to stay in the inner sect, instead of becoming a core elder.

  That is because, the core disciples will not be easily drawn, but the disciples of the inner gate, mostly just newcomers, are more easily tempted and more easily drawn.

  In the end, the two sisters, were cultivating power for their clan, and Chu Feng had already decided to join their clan.

  "Count on you to have some conscience" Seeing that Chu Feng really answered, Su Mei then smiled sweetly and said to Chu Feng: "It just so happens that tomorrow, our Wings Alliance has a mission, you should also participate."

  "Mission? What mission that requires so many people to participate together?"

  Chu Feng expressed his confusion, according to the quality of the members of the Wings Alliance, everyone had the strength to complete difficult missions independently, how could he still be asked to participate together?

  "You think it's a trash mission like the mission collection office? Let me tell you, my Wing Alliance never goes for that kind of trash mission, the mission we do is no easier than the mission the core disciples do, so you better be mentally prepared."

  "In addition, the reward of this mission, is also very generous, because this reward is not someone else to open, but the mission proceeds all belong to us." Su Mei gruffly said.

  "I go, you guys are not going to group up to rob, right?" Chu Feng laughed.

  "Get lost, tomorrow at noon, come here to find me, also don't wear the Qinglong Sect's costume."

  Su Mei handed a note, and a medallion to Chu Feng, the note stated the place to meet tomorrow, and the medallion was the symbol of the Wings Alliance.

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