
Chapter Two: The Lunchroom Encounter

The cafeteria buzzed with energy as students filled the room, their voices rising above the clatter of trays and cutlery. I weaved through the crowded tables, scanning the room for a familiar face. My thoughts drifted back to Tunde, the new guy who had captured my attention earlier that morning. I wondered if I would see him again today.Just as I was about to resign myself to another solitary lunch period, I spotted him sitting at a table near the window, surrounded by a group of classmates. His laughter echoed through the room, drawing curious glances from those nearby. Emboldened by a sudden surge of courage, I made my way over to where he sat."Mind if I join you?" I asked, trying to sound casual despite the nervous fluttering in my stomach.Tunde looked up, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Of course not," he replied, gesturing to the empty seat beside him. "Pull up a chair."As I settled into my seat, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement mingled with apprehension. What would Tunde think of me? Would we hit it off, or would I embarrass myself in front of him and his friends?Thankfully, any doubts I had were quickly dispelled as Tunde turned his attention towards me, engaging me in conversation as if we were old friends catching up after a long absence. His easygoing manner put me at ease, and soon I found myself laughing along with the rest of the group, swept up in the warmth of their camaraderie.As the lunch period drew to a close, I realized with a start that I had barely touched my food. But somehow, I didn't mind. For the first time in a long while, I felt like I belonged.