
Chapter Three

Inside my tank my breathing felt a little laboured especially with the mask covering my nose and mouth only giving me just enough oxygen to sustain myself.

It made my mind drift back to another time where I was struggling to breath.

You see almost as soon as I returned to Konoha I was ambushed at the gates by my Mother.

It looks like she had worked herself up into quite the state as she was shaking and her eyes were filled with unshed tears.

The moment she saw me it was like a damn broke and comically large anime tears began to flow from her eyes.

She darted towards me with incredible speed and grasped me into an embrace so tight I fought I was going to squeak like Abridged Goku.

My fellow Shinobi who returned from the frontlines with me simply giggled at my plight and quickly left me behind.

It took a while from there to sooth my Mother and to let her know I had returned in one piece.

I barely managed to get her to release me just long enough for us to return to the Senju District.

Of course the moment we returned home she made me tell her everything that happened.

And so I explained how I was put on the frontlines almost right away.

She scowled a little at this before schooling her features. I guess she also knows most Genin are at least partially protected to begin with and just do odd jobs around the camp and not go right into battle.

I guess she too has figured out the inconsistencies that are heaped upon us Senju as of late.

If only Tsunade hadn't sodded off who knows where she might be able to protect her clan, but alas without her we lack considerable political capital.

Oh well I should focus on what I can do something about and not what I can't.

The following evening was a relatively relaxed affair.

Mother and Buma Sensei took me to Yakinuku Q for a meal to celebrate my safe return and began planning the next stage of my training while I'm between missions.

I felt relieved as they truly do care about my development and only want me to be the best I could possibly be.

I guess it wouldn't harm the clan any if I became powerful enough to protect us from the villages machinations also.

Not that I am arrogant enough to believe one man could do that unless they are possibly Hashirama Senju himself that is.

The following morning I awoke up bright and early.

After my morning routine I headed off to the Mission Distribution Centre.

There I was informed of several things.

Chief amongst them was that now the war was over that I was to be placed on a Genin Team with a Jonin Sensei.

As such I was told to head over to the Academy at mid day.

As I had some time to kill until then however I took on a few low level D-Rank missions around the village.

I did this with the idea of padding my record so as to ensure my promotion from Genin faster than my peers.

As I had the Shadow Cline Jutsu available to me too I was able to accomplish such tasks even if I was on my own.

So during the early stages of this morning my Shadow Clones and I walked the Inazuka Dog;s, Painted several buildings belonging to the Aburame Clan, and Pulled weeds from some of the Yamanaka gardens.

Sure it was tedious work but with my capabilities it was work I could accomplish with relative ease.

With the D-rank missions behind me I then went home for a quick shower and bite to eat before heading to the Academy to be placed in my Genin Team.

Fortunately the team assignments went rather quickly and for the most part were rather uneventful.

I was placed onto Team 6 along with a Branch member from the Hyuga Clan named Rugosa Hyuga.

She had long dark brown hair, lavender eyes, and milky complexion.

What's more despite the clothing she wore it was obvious she was developing one hell of a banging bod.

"Must be something they put in the Hyuga water" I thought to myself as I remembered Hinata's figure from the series.

Our final team mate was a member of the Sarutobi Clan by the name of Macaca Sarutobi.

He happened to be the cousin of none other than the Third Hokage and as such enjoyed using said relationship to try and garner more importance to himself.

I was familiar with him from the Academy and would often lay the pompous ass out when ever he tried anything with me.

He was your typical small fry cut from the same cloth as Malfoy from Harry Potter.

Except instead of "wait till my Father hears about this" it was his cousin whose reputation he hid behind like a typical low level bully would do.

He immediately started trying that shit with Rugosa as soon as out team placements were announced.

He however immediately felt a cold sweat drip down his spine as I appeared behind him.

"You wouldn't be bullying our precious team mate would you Macaca?" I asked in a jovial tone but with a smile so fake even Sai from ROOT would probably see through it.

Macaca who was used to me not putting up with his crap immediately began to back track and state he was only teasing Rugosa before finding a seat.

Rugosa looked at me with relief plastered over her adorable features.

Thankfully we didn't have to wait long after that for out Sensei to make an appearance.

What's more he was pretty much right on time unlike his Son who in the future would be iconic for his constant lateness.