
Chapter 9 ~ Lost in The Rain


Our team didn't win, not that I give a fuck, because the only thing that was on my mind was Shaina's pale skin and shaking body. I could sense that there was something wrong, but like the usual asshole I was, I let it go when she said that she was okay. I knew that she was lying, but I didn't push it. The least I could have done, was holding her hand to calm her down.

I don't even know why Bryson picked the haunted house for the escape room without asking for everyone's opinion, including Shaina. Ever since I kept her away from him, he is trying to push her away or shut her out.

The same thing he tried to do with me in the beginning. I am tough and I can handle his challenges, but I know Shaina can't. She is way too innocent and sweet, and she doesn't even know it.

We find the rest of the group outside. ''Suckers, we won,'' Oliver sticks his tongue out and gives Lilly a high-five. I don't notice Shaina. She was with them when we started the game.

''You guys are so fucking slow.'' Maira comments and I roll my eyes.

''Congratulations, let's eat something. I am starving.'' Bryson says.

''Well, we want a treat from the losers.'' Lilly demands.

''Done.'' Bryson confirms.

''Where is Shaina?'' I ask them. When they look behind and everywhere else, we all realize that Shaina is gone.

''Maybe she went to explore.'' Bryson shrugs.

''Alone? She doesn't even know anyone here.'' I snap.

''Relax, I will call her,'' Maira dials Shaina's number on her phone. ''It goes to voicemail.''

''Let's chill, she will show up eventually.'' Lilly comments.

''Not if she is lost.'' Oliver answers back.

''Jeez, what is wrong with all of you? Since she is in this group everything is about her.'' Bryson scoffs.

I really have the urge to punch him in the face right now.

''You are angry, because you couldn't get in her pants.'' I glower and he takes a step towards me, ready for a fight and I am ready as well to take him down. I am taller than him

''Guys chill,'' Allison places a barrier between us with her hands. ''I will send her a message to meet us at the restaurant near the escape room.''

Bryson and I glare each other a little longer before he storms off.

Where the hell is Shaina?

I decide to call her this time. Maybe she will pick up my phone, but it goes to voicemail again.

Everyone orders food for themselves, except for me. I can't even think about food right now, because I feel so fucking restless. I shouldn't even care about where she is, but I still do. How is that possible?

After ten minutes waiting for her, while the food has arrived, I don't have the patience anymore. ''I am going to look for her.''

''Dude, you're acting a little weird.'' Oliver frowns.

''How can you guys even fucking think about food when she must be there lost in a fucking amusement park? It's like you guys don't even care a bit.'' I can't help the rage flowing over my mind.

''We do care about her, but she is not a little girl who needs the help of her mommy and daddy.'' Lilly scowls.

''Fuck you guys, I am going to look for her,'' I snatch Oliver's car keys from the table. ''Enjoy your food.''

I stalk off, pushing the door hard, so that it slams shut with a loud noise. I can't believe that I am friends with them. They don't even care about her at all.

I didn't expect this from Maira. She is desperate to stick with the group that she doesn't even care about her roommate. They can take a cab home, because I don't think everyone will fit in Bryson's car.

I look for her everywhere, even in the playroom but she is nowhere to be found. How far can she go? It's an amusement park. Then I hear the thunder and rain pours down from the sky, making me soaking wet.

Does this seriously have to happen right now?

Shit, it's raining hard.

I pull my hoodie up to cover my head, but it's too late because I am already drenched and so is the rest of my clothes.

Where should I look for Shaina? I can't leave without thinking that she is not safe. I want to make sure she is safe, no matter if she is taking a cab or already in her room.

I pass by the booths and then I spot her sitting on the bench. I recognize her hair, which is hiding her face, and the black jeans and denim jacket she was wearing when I saw her hours ago. She is completely drenched and crying as well.

I jog towards her and try to catch her attention by placing a hand on her shoulder, but she flinches.

''Hey, hey, hey, it's me.'' I coo and pull her up. I have to pull my hood more to see her better. Her lips are a little blue and her body is shaking more than when she was in the car.

''I think I am-'' Before she can finish her sentence, she faints and I catch her in my arms. I take my jacket off and put it around her to make sure she is protected from the rain. I carry her in my arms to the car, not caring how thick the raindrops are that I can barely see anything. Her head is pressed against my chest and I can feel her breath on my neck.

She is so cold and wet from the rain. All I want to do, is make her warm and secure her in my arms when we are in bed.

How can I be such a jerk to her when she doesn't even deserve to be treated like that?

I try to find the keys to her room, but I can't find it, so I take her to my room. I gently put her on the bed and change her into my warmest sweater and shorts, because my sweatpants are too long. I avoid looking at her half naked body by looking somewhere else. She is cold, but her skin is soft on my rough cold hands.

After I have changed out of my wet clothes, I pull the blanket over her body, but she is still trembling and murmuring something. I crawl in bed with her and tightly embrace her. Her fists curl into my shirt and I sense her desperation for warmth and care, so I give all of it to her. As much as I have, everything I have.

With my hug, I promise her that I will never be an ass to her ever again. I will cherish her like the way she should be treated. I am relieved that she is in arms, the way I hoped she would be. She hooks her legs around mine and I kiss the top of her head. At this moment, I don't care about anyone else but her. I want her and need her so much that it hurts. Her body tangled around mine makes me feel like I am finally in a safe place.

I have tried and tried to push away my feelings for her, but it's out of control. The way she always smiles at me and her body looking for comfort right now are the things I don't want to let go of. After a long time someone has hugged me this way. I don't feel the pain of my wounds anymore, because somehow she silences them.