
Chapter 7 ~ Irresistible


I didn't want her to ask any questions about the reason why I needed her help, which is one of the reasons I asked her to hang out with me. The other reason is because I want to show her how grateful I am. I have been a dick to her the past few days by ignoring her.

She didn't hesitate to help me and I felt relieved when she smiled. It was like all of the warmth and comfort was only meant for me. I can't push her away, even if I want to. Not because she is my tutor, but also because she is making me feel new things. My heart beats when she smiles, and her blush makes me want to kiss her and taste her tongue.

It becomes difficult to resist her every time I see her. She is so pure, innocent and delicate, while I am a fucked up drunkard with a messed up life. The way my name rolls off her tongue, makes me want to hear my name from her mouth over and over again. Another thing I noticed, is that she never asks for anything or ever demanded anything.

Although, her eyes have something hidden. She is trying to hide her sadness behind her cute smile. I want to figure her out and I have no idea why.

I am leaning against my car, waiting for her to show up. It's pretty cold, so I hope she is wearing something warm. After ten minutes, she shows up in a red sweater, wearing the same jeans. Her hair is down, hiding half of her face like a curtain. She is fidgeting with her fingers and biting on her lip. She seems nervous.

''Let's go.'' I open the door for her and she nods before climbing in.

I had to buy my own car with the money I saved when I did a part time job at a record store in town. My dad contributed ten percent, because he knew I needed a car. I bought this car in my junior year and it still drives well.

I start the engine after Shaina has buckled her seatbelt. ''Where are we going?'' She asks.

''Fairmount Park.'' I inform her.

I did some research last night, because I want to explore the city. For the last couple of weeks, I didn't get the chance to explore. Fairmount Park seems a nice start and it's great to take a stroll. She is quiet for the rest of the drive and looks through the window.

I bet she is thinking what kind of conversation she should make with me. We barely know each other and the only thing I talk about is drinking, partying or girls. I definitely can't talk to her about those things, because she doesn't seem to be interested in those topics. In six minutes, we arrive at the Fairmount Park.

After we both climb out of the car, her eyes are squinting and her head is tilted to the side in confusion.

''We are going for a walk, if you want to.'' It's her day today and I don't want to ruin it.

''Sure.'' She shortly answers and we walk on the grass. I wish I was a normal guy, who knew how to talk to a girl, instead of being a jerk.

''Tell me something about yourself.'' I decide to speak first.

''There is not much to know about me, I am boring.'' She snitters.

''I don't think that's true. Your grandma is nice, tell me something about her.''

''She is very sweet, kind and caring. She always encouraged me to make friends and follow my dreams. Sometimes she scolds me for being an overachiever, because I barely go out.''

''Why don't you go out?''

''Because I don't have any friends back home. I always keep it to myself, bury myself in a book or study.'' She shrugs with her shoulders.

It seems a little sad that she doesn't have any friends in her hometown. I want to hug her so badly and whisper that she isn't alone anymore, but she has made new friends, which is an improvement.

''I don't really like the law course.'' I blurt out. I have wanted to tell this someone, but I didn't know who, but I feel that I can trust her.

''Why not?'' Her head snaps up in surprise.

''Some classes are boring.'' I dig my hands in my pocket.

''Like history?'' Her lips quirk in a smile.

''Like history.'' I repeat with a smirk.

''Why do you want to become a lawyer?''

''Because I want to fight for the truth, fight for what is right.''

''Not everyone does that, I am glad that you want to.'' Her comment takes me by surprise. Nobody has ever said that to me. Most of the people say that I will earn good money with it or that they will hire me as their lawyer and it's annoying.

''What happened to your face?'' Shaina narrows her eyes.

Again with the question I was trying to avoid. ''I got into a fight.''

''With Bryson?'' She gasps.

''No, with someone else.''

''Oh.'' She closes the topic and we sit down on the edge of the fountain.

''Tell me something about you.'' It sounds more like a request and she tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. What should I tell her? How my father beats me up? How I pretend to like my friends, but I don't because they are a distraction to me.

''I have done shoplifting.'' I decide to go with the easiest option. I can't tell her about my deepest darkest secret.

''Really? When?'' She isn't surprised, but curious. I guess I seem like the type of guy, who has done shoplifting a multiple times.

''It was for a bet. I had to steal makeup powder for Lilly.''

''Lilly doesn't like you very much.'' She has been asking around about me. Maybe Maira told her about me. Obviously, because they are roommates.

''Yeah, I don't even know why.'' I admit. There is no point in denying and truthfully I have no idea why Lilly doesn't like me.

''Me neither,'' She responds. ''Did you get caught while shoplifting?''

''No, once I took the powder, I ran as fast as I could.'' I recall.

We were playing truth or dare in Oliver's room and Allison brought tequila. I was new in the group and they wanted to test my guts, especially Lilly.

That's why she asked to steal makeup powder from the store nearby. I was pissed and told them that I wouldn't do it, but somehow Lilly provoked me by saying something about me being a pussy.

Terrified as hell, but pretending like a cool guy, I drove to the store with Lilly and Allison. They watched me from afar at the store and I stole the makeup powder. They sent the video in our group chat, which convinced them that I was not a pussy after all. I demanded them to delete the video, because I was afraid that my dad or the police would find out about this.

I still regret it sometimes, that I stole something to just prove that I am a cool guy. My dad would have killed me if he found out, but never did.

Apart from our friend group, Shaina is the only who knows about this. I am afraid that she will make me reveal the secrets of my scars that are throbbing.

''Let's go, I still have to finish some homework.'' I offer her my hand and she takes it. It's so soft, but trembling a little at the same time. She seems a little scared, but gives me a weak smile. Comfort and warmth washes over my body and my heart. I don't know what I am feeling, but I want it to stop.