
Chapter 16 ~ Never have I ever


''What kind of game?'' Allison asks.

''Never have I ever.'' Oliver wiggles with his eyebrows. Always the same stupid games.

''The game is simple, we confess something we have never done and the people who never have done it, take a shot of vodka.''

''I like the idea, is everyone joining?'' Asshole Bryson asks, but he doesn't really care about anyone's opinion.

''Sure.'' Shaina agrees and I turn my head to look at her.

''You sure? Have you ever drunk before?'' I ask in a whisper, not wanting her to feel offended.

''No, but it's okay. I'll take shots.'' She shrugs, but I am still not convinced. I will handle it while playing the game. Everyone is going to force her to drink more, because they did the same to me many times.

''So, who wants to start?'' Oliver asks after everyone has agreed.

''Me.'' Maira raises her hand and she takes the bottle.

''Never have I ever walked barefoot after a hangover at a frat party, because I couldn't find my shoes.'' She laughs and takes a gulp from the strong liquor.

''You're so evil.'' Lilly says and everyone takes a sip, including Shaina.

Her eyes narrow in disgust and she purses her lips together, clearing her throat.

''Okay, now Shaina's turn.'' Maira says.

Shaina tips on her chin with her index finger. ''Never have I ever run naked around the school building.'' She takes another swig.

''I had to do it, because I lost a bet.'' Bryson laughs and Oliver joins him. Both drink from the bottle and give it to Maira.

''Never have I ever told anyone that I am the son of a rich businessman.'' Maira shoots a devilish grin at me.

''I am going to kill you.'' I reach over the table to grab the bottle from her hands. Shaina starts giggling with her dimples appearing on her face and it's adorable.

''Never have I ever jumped in the swimming pool of my neighbor.'' I take a swig.

''Moron.'' Maira mutters and I smirk at her. These are the moments we used to shared when she didn't care so much what the group thinks about group.

''Never have I ever took a girl on my hookup spot.'' Oliver beats Bryson's ass. He always brings to an orchard place where he makes out or has sex with the girls.

''Hey, it's a great hookup spot.'' He argues.

''Never have I ever stripped on my sister's birthday party.'' Allison flashes a malicious grin at Lilly.

''Guilty,'' Lilly giggles.

''Never have I ever fallen asleep on the front lawn of the party host because I was drunk.'' Maira spills another secret.

''Never have I ever been on a date at a cemetery.'' I fire back.

We play the game like this until everyone passes out on the couch and I am glad that Shaina is happy after everything she has told me. I can sense that she feels lighter. Shaina and I lie on the long chair couch with our legs hooked around each other and Shaina's head is on my chest, while I am combing my fingers through her hair.

She presses her lips together, restraining a smile. ''So you have really told a girl that you're the son of a rich businessman?''

''Yeah, it was in junior year of high school. Maira and I went to a concert, and I met an older girl. To make an impression on her, I told her that I am the son of a rich businessman. I named a fake businessman.''

''Did she believe you?'' She doesn't look jealous, but she has a blank expression on her face. I wish she could tell me what she is thinking.

''Nah.'' I glance down at her and she licks her lips. ''Are you drunk?''

''No, I am not. I had three tiny swallows.'' She answers.

I squeeze her cheeks, making her smile. ''Yeah, but you're little and delicate.''

''Hey, I am not that little,'' she protests. ''And I don't mind enjoying myself.''

I am glad that she is enjoying herself and lean in to whisper in her ear. ''If you're enjoying yourself, then you don't mind if I kiss you?''

''No, I won't mind, but I might take advantage of you in your drunken state.'' She scrunches her nose, pretending to be disgusted but I can see the amusement in her eyes.

''You can take advantage of me anytime, even when I am not drunk.'' My lips find hers and I feel my heart beating loudly in my chest when she gasps.

We enjoy the silence with our foreheads touching and our breathes uniting. The intensity of this moment feels peaceful and I want to stay like this forever.

''Another question; what was the thing with Maira in the swimming pool of the neighbor?'' Her voice is soft and I don't want her to stop talking.

''She was making out with a guy on his couch in the living room and suddenly his parents showed up. His parents were very strict and didn't allow these things, so the only way to escape was to jump in the swimming pool.''

She quietly laughs and rolls onto me, burying her face in my neck and places her leg on my stomach. ''That's crazy.''

I can't focus now that her breath on my neck is sending my shivers and I can smell vanilla from her hair. Fuck, I want to kiss her so bad. ''Shaina, can I kiss you right now?''

She freezes under my chest and peers up at me, batting her eyelashes. ''Yes.''

My mouth meet hers and I nibble her bottom lip. She lets out a breathy moan, filling my body with hunger and desire. I open my mouth and caress her tongue with mine. She is warm and tastes like vodka and I want so much more that it's hard for me to stop.

I hover my body over hers. ''God, I can't control myself with you.''

Normally, I could with other girls. After a blow-job or a make-out session, things didn't go further than that.

Her breath hitches as my cock presses against her stomach. ''Draven.'' She breathes and tangles her fingers in my hair, guiding me closer. My lips move to her neck, sucking on the skin and then the scar on her collarbone.

''I have never felt this way about anyone before.'' I confess. I know that I am drunk, but I want her to know anyway.

''Me neither.'' Her eyes are shut, but she has a cute smile on her face. I roll on my back again, wrapping my arms around her.

''I have never met someone like you before. You're so sweet, delicate and innocent.'' I rub my thumb over her flushed cheek as she leans into my hand, gazing at me with an innocent look that makes me want to kiss her again.

''Remember the night when we danced?'' I ask.


''I really wanted to kiss you, but I was scared involving you in my chaotic life. I shouldn't have even told you all that stuff.'' I run a hand through my hand.

''I want you to tell me that stuff.'' She removes my hand and brushes my hair out of my face.

''You have already been through so much, I don't want you to involve in my mess.''

''Draven, that was my past, not yours. Besides I am in a better place now, since I am living with my grandparents. Although the kids at school never liked me.''

I tilt her chin up to look at me. ''Why not?''

''I don't know. I have never been bullied or something, but I never made friends at school.'' She gives me a sad smile, pretending that it's okay, but it's not okay to me.

''I would've been your friend.'' I kiss her forehead.

''Really?'' She asks surprised.

''Of course. Those kids are stupid for not being your friend.'' I tell her and I mean it. Why would I not want to be her friend? I am the luckiest person to be with someone like her.

''What are you doing on Christmas?'' I change the topic.

''I am going to my grandparents. Every year my grandma makes chocolate cake. What about you?''

''I am probably going to stay here. My dad doesn't like the holidays since my mom left.''

I can see her hesitating at something. ''If you want, you can come with me. You can celebrate Christmas at my house. I don't want you to celebrate the holidays in your room.''

I am surprised at her offer and my eyes widen in astonishment. ''Are you sure? I don't want to interfere or something.''

She shakes her head with a smile. ''You won't. My grandma would love to see you and I am sure my grandpa would too.''

I don't think that my dad would want me to come home, but he can always change his mind. ''Can I think about it?''

''Of course.'' She beams and puts her lips on mine before drifting off to sleep. For the first time, someone cares about me and my happiness.