
Chapter 12 ~ Follow Your Heart instead of Your Mind


Once I am back at college, I decide to catch up on my schoolwork. I take my books I need for my paper from the library. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I swipe the screen to answer.

''Hey, are you still at your grandparents?'' Maira's voice seems happy and sad at the same time.

''No, I am back.'' I inform her.

''Oh great, where are you?'' She asks.

''I am at the library doing some schoolwork, are you coming?''

''No, I am going to study with Allison for her next test.'' She explains.

''Okay, I will see you later then.'' I say before hanging up.

Meanwhile, I am looking for a book about the brain for my biology assignment, but it's on the top shelf and I am too short. I stand on my tiptoes, but then I notice someone grabbing the book from the top shelf.

I know it's Draven by his intoxicating cologne and turn around to meet his silver eyes. He is wearing jeans and a green hoodie. His hair is tousled and he has dark circles around his eyes.

''Hey,'' he speaks first. ''You have been avoiding me. I have missed my tutor.''

I don't miss the amusement in his tone and perceive how much I have missed him in the past few days.

"Yeah, I am sorry. I needed some time to clear my mind.'' I explain, lowering my eyes to avoid his gaze.

''You don't have to be sorry, Shaina. I completely understand.'' He corners me against the bookshelves. ''I just want to know...have I pushed you too far?''

I shake my head. ''No, it's not your fault. I was just a little overwhelmed.''

''With what?'' He presses.

''Confusion and other things.'' I am too shy to tell him that I am so happy he is my first kiss. ''Again I am sorry, I shouldn't have run off like that and I am also sorry for not being able to tutor you. Did you fall behind because of me?''

''I am not, don't worry about it.''

I am still a little scared and nervous. ''So are we good?'' I ask, biting on my lip.

His thumb traces my bottom lip and he looks at me with a smile. ''We are good, more than good.''

I smile at the confirmation.

''Now that we are good, can I kiss you then?'' His eyes brighten and I nod with a blush on my face.

''Good, because I have been dying to.'' He says before sealing his lips to mine with our bodies pressed together. I have been waiting to kiss him too. A moan escapes my throat, but our tongues don't tangle like last time.

Then we hear somebody clearing their throat and we pull away.

''Sorry for interrupting your make out session, but it's not allowed here.'' The librarian warns us with a hard stare. When she walks away we both chuckle, preventing to make more noise.

''Do you want to help me with the history test?'' He asks with a mischievous smile.

''Of course.'' I answer.



I am so happy that she is with me right now. She doesn't ask for a label or what our relationship is. She is simple and that's what I like about her so much.

Damn, I am so fucking attracted to her. The moment I touched her lips, I felt alive and relieved to have her by my side. That stupid librarian had to just interrupt our intimate moment.

At the moment, we are in my room, studying for the history test we have next week. I didn't want her to worry about my schoolwork, so I lied to her. We have plenty of time to make up for the test.

I blink my eyes sometimes to make sure that it isn't a dream and she is still her. I finally have her for myself.

She is wearing a black-and white long sleeved shirt with ripped jeans. The outline of her shirt is low, exposing her smooth curves. She doesn't realize it because she is too innocent. If I tell her, she will be uncomfortable and I don't want to lose her.

''Draven,'' She interrupts my perverted thoughts. ''Are you listening? It feels like you're spacing out.''

I lean back against the chair with my textbook in my hand and a pen in my mouth. ''I sort of am.''

She looks a little nervous. ''Do you want me to explain it again?''

I barely pay attention, but nod. ''Okay.''

While she is explaining things, waving around with her hands and her lips are moving, she looks so adorable. I go back to my dirty thoughts.

I want to rip the fabric off of her torso, bury my cock inside of her and make her moan until she is filled with passion. We have got time to do all of that stuff and take things slow. I promised myself that I will let her decide how far she sexually wants to go with me. I don't want to scare her like that again.

''You're not listening to me.'' She sighs, dropping her hands on her lap.

''Sorry, I am just a little distracted.''

''Do you want to talk about it?'' There is a frown on her cute little face and I don't want to be reason for that.

Instead of answering her, I place my knee on the bed and bring my mouth to hers. She sucks in a breath, but kisses me back and drops her book on the floor.

I can feel her smiling against my lips and reduce the gap between us as much as I can. I savor the taste of her tongue, mixing it with mine. The scent of warm vanilla invades my senses and I try to control my hunger for her.

Take it slow.

I pull away to catch my breath and gaze at her. Her cheeks are bright red and she ducks her head, but with a shy smile dancing on her lips. I can't help grinning as well and kiss every part of her red cheeks, while she is giggling.

''I like your smile.'' I tell her, because I have barely seen her smile and when she does in front of the group, I know it's fake. I admire her collarbone with the scar with my lips and tongue. I wonder what happened, but I haven't opened up to her either, so it's not my place to ask.

''Wait,'' she says and I immediately stop my movements, looking into her blue eyes. ''I don't want to go too fast.''

''That's okay, you can stop me whenever you want.'' I kiss her forehead as an assurance.

''Do you want to continue?'' She asks and I nod at her, sitting back on the chair.

For the rest of the time, we go through our notes and the PowerPoints of the teacher. With her explanation combined, I understand the material better and I decide to walk her back to her room.

''What are you doing tomorrow?'' I ask her, hoping she is not busy on Saturday. I want to be around her as much as I can.

''I have no plans for now, why?''

''We are hanging out tomorrow.'' I tell her, instead of asking so she won't make any plans. We walk upstairs to the second floor.

Her eyes lit up in curiosity. ''Where are we going?''

''It's a surprise.'' I have been thinking about taking her for a swim.

''Okay, I am excited.'' She smiles, holding my hand and we arrive at her room.

''I will pick you up at two.''

''Sounds good.'' She confirms.

Shaina is about to unlock the door with her key, but I place my hand on top of hers.

''No goodnight kiss for me?'' A smile appears on my lips and she turns around with a tint of pink on her cheeks.

I lightly but gently press my lips to hers, letting them linger there for a few seconds before pulling away.

''Goodnight, Draven.'' She whispers and gives me a last light kiss on the cheek before heading inside her room.