

This is the story of 3 intertwining destines between The Creator,Zero and his creations Leonardo and Magnus. What happens when these characters become self aware? What happens when 1 man has all that power?!

Gregorio_porter · Urban
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10 Chs

Showtime's Legacy #9


                         Issue picks up directly where the last left off with everyone in a stalemate. 

                      Author's Note: I placed a word bank at the bottom of the script for all the Hawaiian/Polynesian (slang) words. 

Page 1 

Leo: I am Leo!!! I don't know who the hell this Leon guy is. I don't even know where THIS is. 

Hope:Too late for talking...Leon. 

Leo: Let's play russian roulette then! 

Chester: I'm..sorry. Let's hear him out. I..

Legacy and Hope:*Nod and wearily pull back their attacks as Leo gets up* 

Page 2

Leo:*While getting up extends his hand to Chester to pull him up*: I'm sorry,man. 

Hope: Hurry the fuck up. 60 seconds. *Legacy stares cautiously awaiting Leo's answer* 

Leo: So that dimensional rift in your living room that I came through and broke your desk.*Words I'm sorry*

I created it on my earth. I was practicing dodgeball and I ended up here. 

Legacy: Your earth? 

Leo: My earth. Things operate differently here. I can feel it,let's just say. I need to find a way back but looks like my ride isn't here yet. *Stares off trying to use his Zero Vision*

Leo:*Sounding a bit more frustrated*: So it looks like I'm stuck here till I figure it out but also...who is Leon? I'm Leo Porter. *Looks Chester directly in his eyes* 

Chester: Leon.. He was my best friend. 

Page 3

Chester: Before I met you guys(Hope and Legacy) I was always with this guy named Leon. He stayed in the neighborhood and was always..looking out for me. He used to call me his little brother. 

Chester:For years,he's had my back. I always felt safe... kinda like how I feel with y'all but then.. he started hanging with this guy named Chris something. The bullies noticed.

Hope:*Sounding almost sarcastic in tone*: Po'babeh. 

Legacy:*To himself*: That's OT..

*Aloud* Hope! Relax. 

Chester:*Beginning to sound sad*: He eventually joined one of the gangs in the city. I don't know .. which one. One day I was getting...beat up and I could only see out of one eye and I see Leon. He...nearly killed them all before walking off. I never see him again. 

Legacy: I have….Kinda. 

Page 4 

Legacy:I was supposed to face him at Ranked.. It's why I wanted to fight him  one on one. I still don't know if he was sent to find me.

Leo: If you don't believe me. Let's go to RANKED. You still know how to get there? You'll see him and we'll also reunite Chester with his friend. Double bubble. 

Legacy:*Hesitating*: I do. I gotta make a call first. 

Hope:Are we really gonna do this? You said you wouldn't fight again,Legacy!!!! 

Legacy: I know but going there will prove this alternate earth stuff.  More importantly,Chester needs to do this. I feel it. 

Chester:*With confidence booming in his voice*: We're gonna do this together,Hope. 

Page 5 

Leo: Look whether you believe me or not. Going to RANKED is definitely the best play unless y'all got something else planned. Plus while I'm here,kicking some more ass would be fun. 

Chester: I believe you,Leo. Thanks for even coming with and not just going off trying to find your way home. You don't have to. 

Leo: A certain someone is probably requiring me to do this and I owe you a desk. *Chuckles* 

Hope:*Mockingly*: Shut the fuck...LeO! 

*Legacy dials a number and puts the phone to his ear* 

Streeter:*Answers the phone*: Legacy...we miss you,lil nigga.

Legacy: I'm coming back and I'm bringing a couple of people with me. 

Streeter: Sayless,my nigga. You know where we at. Pull up. 

Legacy: It's done. Y'all ready? 

Page 6

Hope: We should clean things up and let your aunt know we'll be "busy"

Legacy: Trying to be responsible,huh,hope? *Chuckles*

Chester: Don't worry about it. Let's just go. 

*The group begins walking with Legacy giving directions* 

Leo*: Falling back from the group to walk with Legacy*: Hey,man. I just wanna say sorry for you know…

Legacy: Kicking my ass ?! No worries. We're gonna run it back. I actually enjoyed it. Reminded me of fighting with my brother...

Leo: He's not around anymore?! 

Legacy: Nah. Shit happens. We gotta just gotta keep pushing forward,ya know?

Leo: You're a smart kid. I'm sure he knew that. 

*Chester who's in front with Hope looks back at Leo and Legacy talking. He smiles reminiscing about his friend,Leon* 

Page 7 

Leo: And what about those powers y'all got ?! Electricity, water?! Does everyone have powers.You,Chester? 

Chester: Nope. 

Legacy: Here we have what we call users. There's all kinds of users. My electricity is one of the rare ones. Then there's users who can wield the powers of a god.

Leo:That arm. Yeah,that shit looked scary but clean! 

Legacy:What about your earth ?! 

Leo: I come from a world of superheroes. 

Hope:Boy,you are not a superhero! Stoppit now. 

Leo: Whatever you say,Hope. Anyway, there's different kinds of powers. Super strength, telekinesis,elemental powers like on this earth. Seems like there's a finite amount of em. 

Legacy: And yours?! You had clones and some other shit? 


Legacy: What? 

Leo: I have the power to shape reality so it's really all up to how creative I can get. Thing is since I'm on this earth in a different reality. My powers feel weaker. My connection isn't as strong here.

Page 8

*The group eventually end up in an alley*

Legacy: Weaker? Man,I'd love to see what you can really do and so would they. We're here. 

*Legacy calls Streeter. A giant door opens. Leo in the midst of this creates a durag with eye sockets to cover his face* 

*Everyone walks in. There's an octagon with a crowd and fighters walking around* 

Legacy: We register there *Looks back at Leo who now has a durag with eye sockets covering his half his face*

Leo: I figured I'd have to cover my face. Multiverse shit. 

*Everyone is registering their names when Chester looks and sees Leon*

Chester*:Starts walking towards Leon and a group of men* 

Leo: Plot Progression! *He follows Chester with Hope and Legacy trailing behind*

Page 9 

Chester: Leon! 

Leon:*Menacingly stares at Chester with his group crowding around:What you are doing here,guy? 

Losefa:You know this lil nigga,brah. Fuck outta here,Moke! 

*Legacy,Hope and Leo standing behind Chester staring at the confirmation of another Leo* 

Amiri:*Hits his chest violently*:You hurd my brotha!!. You all leave. We'll get lolo without a cage,brah!!! 

Wolfgang:*The giant of a Russian calmly says while towering over everyone*: You Samoans love to get rowdy. Allow the lil one to speak. 

Chester: I just want my friend back. The neighborhood misses you,your family. 

Leon: This is my family now,guy. I'll tell you what since you came this far. Lemme make you an offer. 

Page 10

Chester: ...What? 

Leon:*With ice in his eyes*: Join my crew.No questions asked. You want your friend back,right? 

Amiri:This Haole!!?? He doesn't belong with us,Leon!!!

Hope:*Cuts Chester off before he can answer*: You damn right he doesn't. So fuck all this talking. We'll see y'all in the cage. 

Amiri:*Flirtatiously*: I LOVE spicy Wahine!! *Blows a kiss at Hope*

Leon*:Cuts off Hope before she can unleash a verbal tirade*: Wolfgang,you take them and leave. Chester,I'm the champion here. And it looks like I'll be fighting your new "friends" So I'll give you till the end of the tournament to give me an answer. Ok…friend. 

*Wide panel of Leon following behind his crew while Chester and company stare intensely but slightly intimidated*

Page 11 

Legacy:Well,Leo you were right. We all believe you. Chester,what's your plan?! 

Hope: You're not seriously considering this,are you? 

Leo: It's up to him to make this decision. 

Chester: Leo is right. I ...have to be honest. I'm kinda...thinking about it..

*Hope starts to fill with anger* 

Legacy:...I get it,bro. Maybe fighting will give us the answers we need..

Leo: Anime cliche for the win. *Laughs*

Hope: I just wanna kick that guy's ass. 

Leo: Looks like fights are starting to get rolling. 

Page 12 

*A giant splash page dedicated to Leo,Hope and Legacy casually defeating their respective opponents in 1 hit.* 

-Legacy's fight will be the top left panel 

-Hope's the top right panel 

-Leo's bottom panel 

Page 13

Leo:"Walking down to the group after easily defeating his opponent*:Too easy,y'all. 

Legacy:But now we're matched up against some real ones. Hope is fighting that dude,Wolfgang next. I'm fighting Losefa. 

Leo: I guess I'm fighting one of the other 2. Hopefully,it's my twin. 

Leo: You good,Chester? 

Chester:*Ignoring the question*: Hey,Hope...Do your best. 

Hope: I'm gonna kick his ass. Period. 

Page 14

*Hope and Wolfgang enter the cage from opposite sides.*

Henny Henry (The Announcer): Oh this is gonna be a good one y'all!! We got the Iceburg,Wolfgang!!!!! Vs Hope!! 

Wolfgang:*Creates a chair of ice. Sits down. Pulls out a comic titled Showtime!!! And begins reading.*:Oh. I need my glasses. *Puts them on and continues reading*

Hope:This behemoth is gonna fucking ignore me!!! * Hope launches a huge tidal wave at Wolfgang. 

Wolfgang:*With a casual flick of his wrist freezes the water* 

Hope:Ice is nothing but frozen water!!! Eeeer ahh!! *Hope transforms the ice to water and bending it around her 2 rings of water that form a gimbal* 

Hope:*Rushes forward with ferocity*

Page 15 

Wolfgang:*Opens his palms and launches an abounding amount of ice that sends her to the edge. Covering every part of her body but her face*

Wolfgang:If you can't change that back to water then you don't deserve to be in the same ring as me.

Hope:*Desperately tries but it's too much*

Wolfgang:*Puts away his comic and glasses*: Call the match. *Walks off and the ice instantly melts dropping Hope on her knees*

Hope:*Wearily yells*: I'll kick your ass,Wolfgang!! 

Henny Henry: The winner is the mothafuckin' Iceburg,Wolfgang!!! Let's keep this shit going. Next up we got Losefa against Lil Taser!! 

*Hope walking past Legacy and silently nods as he enters the cage opposite of Losefa*

Losefa: I've been waiting to scrap with you,Moke. There's hype about you,brah. I came to shut that shit down. 

Legacy: Man,your friend was right. Y'all don't know how to shut the fuck up. *Legacy's ghostly esque mom appears on the side of him*

Lili Blaze: Language,Stinky. Guard up and counter with your left. *Legacy gets into a fighting stance with electricity emanating off him.*

Losefa: That's rare. An Electric user. I'm rare too,moke! *Throws a singular fist of light that becomes a barrage of blows* 

Page 16 

*Focused panel of Legacy receiving the blows*

Legacy: What the fuck was that?! 

Lili Blaze: He's a Li-

Losefa: I'm a light user,brah. I'm everything you electric users wanna be! 

Losefa:*Arrogantly launches 3 firsts of light that hit Legacy from all angles.*: Dodge this. 

Legacy:*Lands on both his hands and knees in a small puddle of water:* This is...this can work. 

Lili Blaze: Rope a dope,baby!! 

Page 17 

Legacy*:Launches a stream of electricity at Losefa's feet that forces him into the air*: Here we go. 

*Losefa appears on Legacy's left and fakes a left straight and follows with a destructive right hook to the gut*

Legacy:*Swings and misses while Losefa lands more body blows*

Losefa:*With a cocky Ali esque bounce*: I don't know what they see in you,brah. You're an opala. You're fucking trash,brah! 

Page 18. 

Losefa: I'm done with this kid!!! 

Splash Page of Losefa launching a giant first of light at Legacy. Over the shoulder perspective of Legacy watching the giant fist come his way. 

Legacy: Fuck!!!

                      Word Bank

Moke- similar to being called a redneck.

Lolo- to get crazy.

Haole - Foreigner.

Wahine - Girl/Woman

Opala - Trash/Garbage