

This is the story of 3 intertwining destines between The Creator,Zero and his creations Leonardo and Magnus. What happens when these characters become self aware? What happens when 1 man has all that power?!

Gregorio_porter · Urban
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10 Chs

Showtime's Legacy #10

Issue picks up where the last left off with Losefa launching a fist of light at Legacy.

Page 1


*Legacy last second charges his feets and leaps into the air in a streak of lightning.

Losefa:*Appears directly above Legacy with his hands forming a hammer first*: Too slow,boah!!!

*Losefa hits Legacy with a hammer fist sending him twirling down to his knees*

*As Losefa is about to land in front of a Legacy,he smiles*

Legacy:*Using the water around them to electrify the entire area as Losefa lands*: Gotcha!!

*Wide bottom panel close up of Losefa getting electrocuted from toe to head*

Page 2

*Legacy rushes in for a single leg takedown and puts Losefa directly on his back*

*Legacy begins raining a barrage of punches while Losefa is guarding his face*

Legacy:*Throwing punches between the gaps of Losefa's guard with an increasingly angry tone*: C'mon,tough guy. Fight back!

Lili Blaze: Stinky-

Legacy:*Stares in anger at the ghostly vision of his mom and throws 1 punch that nearly breaks guard*

*While taking the barrage of punches Losefa works from the bottom looking for an opening*

Legacy:*Pulls back with electricity coming from his fist*: You're done.

*Losefa using his legs pushes legacy in the air to create enough of a gap to catch his right arm and pull him to the side for an armbar*

Page 3

*Legacy screams out in agonizing pain as Losefa cranks down on his arm*

*Legacy desperately rolling to escape with Losefa just repositioning*

Legacy:*Looking for that vision of his mom with doubt in his eyes*: I don't know what to do,mom.

*Legacy who's in so much pain closes his eyes and begins to flashback to a sparring match with his brother, Rodney Blaze*

*Rodney has Legacy in a rear necked choke*

Rodney: What cha gonna do,crybaby?! Call for mom?

Legacy:*Trying to pull Rodney's arm from his neck*: Rod..mom..

Rodney:No one can help you but you. You're a Blaze so prove it!!

Page 4

*Legacy opens his eyes from the flashback. His god armor begins to form along his armor as Losefa tries to tighten the hold*

Legacy:*Breaks out of the hold and scrambles to his feet:* I'm the last Blaze!!!!!! *Electricity glistening off Legacy's god armor*

Losefa: Last Blaze?! You're an opala. I'm gonna put you 6 feet under. No more Blaze,bruddah! You're free smoke!

*Legacy and Losefa come into the pocket and begin exchanging body blows and head shots*

Page 5

*Giant splash page of Legacy pushing the pace getting Losefa on the cage and begins launching a myriad of body blows. Each blow is a flashback to when Legacy's family got killed*

Writer's Note: Find out what exactly happened to Legacy's family in Legacy Blaze #1 & #2

Page 6

*Close up of a pummeled and barely conscious Losefa still receiving blows from Legacy*

Henny Henry: Yo,that lil nigga,Taser is going nuts. He's about to end this man!

Chester and Hope:*Yelling*: That's enough!!

Henny Henry: Keep going,nigga!!

*From opposite sides of the cage Amiri and Showtime leap into the cage*

*From the top of the arena Leon is speaking with a mysterious figure*

Page 7

Leon: Looks like The Raid is getting a new member. Call it reparations,guy.

*Mysterious figure reveals himself to be O.T*

O.T: Him rolling with you only benefits me,nigga. You only exist 'cause of me. Remember that,chump.

Leon:*Pulls a pill out of his pocket*: Remember,I'm the one making heroes(Hiro) on these streets not you,guy.

*O.T laughs and walks away. Leon directs his attention back to the ring*

Writer's Note: Find out Who is O.T in Legacy Blaze #3

Page 8

*As Legacy relentlessly flurries the crumbling Losefa,Amiri comes from the right side and lands a hook to Legacy's temple*

*Close up panel of Legacy's eyes going white*

*Showtime catches Legacy as he falls while Amiri begins to comfort his brother,Losefa*

Showtime:*Carries Legacy to Hope and Chester on the opposite side of the cage*: Take care of him,y'all. Looks like I'm next.

Henny Henry: I'm gonna say Lil Taser won but damn,that lil nigga just knocked the fuck out!

*Losefa is carried out by unknown men*

Henny Henry: Aww shit!! We got bad blood tonight!! We gonna end the quarterfinals with a killa in Amiri!! Going against Showtime!!!!!

Page 9

Amiri*:With an aura of death and intimidation oozing from his body stares down Showtime who's walking to meet him in the middle of the ring*: I'm gonna kill you,Opala. I don't fucking care what Leon said about y'all.

Leo: You talk too much,man.

Amiri:*Looks up to Leon and pounds his chest with thunderous roars*: I'm gonna kill this,mothafucka!!!

Henny Henry: Let's get it,niggas!!!!

*Leo rushes in with an over hand left but pauses right as he was about to connect.*

Amiri:*Leo leaps back a bit*: You're not that lolo,I see. *Entire body begins to cover itself in metal*

Page 10.

Amiri: I'm rare,too. I'm a met--

Leo:*Cuts Amiri mid sentence and raises his index finger to him. Waving it*: Aht,aht,aht. We don't need the explanation captain obvious.

Leo:*Ponders to himself*: I don't think Talk no jutsu is gonna work on this dude. He's pissed but he's focused. I'm not sure what to do with my powers like this.

*Amiri rushes in throwing a combination that's keeping Leo on his toes.*

Leo:*Evades a left hook*: My turn!! It's time for a Showtime Original!!! Quadruple Kick!!

*Leo lands the Quadruple Kick with each strike sending a tremor of pain up his legs*

Leo:*Wincing in pain while thinking to himself:* Even with TK(Tactile Telekinesis) I'm not doing shit to him.

Page 11

Amiri:*Laughs*: I'm disappointed in you. Thought killing you would be fun,brotha.

*Amiri rushes again and throws a straight. Leo dodges it but Amiri shoots for a takedown*

*Amiri transitions the takedown and leaps into the air. Hitting Leo with a spine buster that rattles the entire cage*

Leo:*Struggling to get up*: Damn. That's it,Tin man?

*Amiri blitzes back in and Leo ducks his punch. He hits with an open palm telekinetic blast to the stomach*

*Close up panel of Leo's smiling face and Amiri's pained face*

Page 12

Amiri: What the fuck was that,moke?

Leo:*To himself*: I gotta put the work on him now.

*Leo launches another tk blast that launches Amiri to edge of the cage*

*Leo begins launching several TK blasts that Amiri begins to walk through with his guard up*

Leo: Uh,oh.

Amiri:*Walking through the TK blasts and pondering to himself*: Is this fool an air user?... No,this isn't like Leon's power at all.

*Amiri roars as he disperses the TK blasts*

Page 13

Amiri:*Gets into a wide bear stance and raises his hands*: I said before I'm a metal user. That includes *The cage begins to rumble*

Leo:*Looks up in weariness*: Tag me out,Zero. I'm ready.

*Amiri launches 2 pieces of the cage from the side at Leo. He narrowly jumps up to dodge*

*Amiri begins furiously launching more pieces of the cage at Leo. Who leaps on each piece getting higher and higher in the air.*

Leo:*Running along a piece of the cage while dodging incoming pieces of metal:I'm getting faster and he's getting tired.

Leo:*Dives down like a torpedo directly towards Amiri. He retaliates by directing all the pieces of cage and metal towards Leo*: Idiot!

*Leo last minute amplifies his TK and seemingly teleports within meters of Amiri.*

*Letting his fury get the best of him, Amiri didn't notice the simple plan Leo had laid and now has every piece of the cage crash on top of him*

Page 14

Leo:*Reappears in front of the pile*: I honestly didn't think you'd fall for that. Aye, Henry call--

*Leo is interrupted as the piles of metal begin to combine and coil upwards*

*The metal combines and coils to what appears to be a giant metal snake with Amiri on top of his head*

Leo:*With a comical and shocked face*: HELL NAH!! How do these user powers work? That's definitely not in your powerset,man!?

*Amiri on top of the snake launches an attack.*

*Wide bottom panel of the giant metal snake's mouth wide open*

Page 15

Leo:*Yells at the top of his lungs*: WAIT!!!!!!!! *The snake's mouth closes shut inches away from Leo's hands.*

Amiri:*Boastfully*: What is it,Kolohe? I'm gonna kill you and your lil ass friend ova there.

Leo:*Still gathering his thoughts*: Exactly. You can kill me right now with this big ass snake or kill me with your own hands. A few seconds longer and that would've happened to your brother.

*Amiri clenches his fist and begins to anger*

Leo:*To himself*: That's it. Take the bait,dumbass.

Leo:So why not end this "kolohe" with your own hands? Unless,you're worried-

Amiri: Let's end this beef,opala!

Page 16

*Amiri leaps off the snake and commands it to coil around both him and Leo so they're in a compact circle*

*Amiri begins swinging and Leo begins weaving*

Leo:Hey! Hey! No powers.

*Amiri's metal form begins to recede and he swings again. Landing a straight to the chest of Leo*

Leo:*Begins goading Amiri*: Hands down. Let's bang,Amiri!

*Bottom multi angle panel of Leo and Amiri throwing blows. With Amiri landing several hits while Leo misses each hit*

Page 17

Amiri:This is it!!!

*Amiri throws an overhand right that connects to Leo's jaw*

*Close up of the fist in Leo's jaw as he begins moving the fist with his face*

Leo:*With a fury in his eye as he's pushing this fist with his face*: Chicago...

Leo:*Counters with his own overhand right that's amplified with TK*:Smash!!!!!

*The punch sending Amiri right to the ground*

Page 18

Leo:*Falls into a sitting position next to the unconscious Amiri*: I knew you relied on that metal form too much and couldn't take a hit.

Henny Henry:*Overhead view of the same panel*: That's it,niggas!!!!! It's Showtime!!!!!!

Word Bank

Kolohe: Troublemaker