
Show Yourself To Me (Victuuri Story) (DISCONTINUED FN)

This is a Yuri on Ice Femboy Hooters AU. I don't know the plot yet PS: This isn't my picture

Precious_Gamegirl · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Conceal Don't Feel

😖 Sorry for the wait.

This story is brought to you by me sitting in a car line for 3 1/2 hours, in a LEO, for a 30 minute light show. And I have a competition tomorrow, but I sucked on bars. Yeah... I'm a little bit pissed rn. 😶

Phichit Pov.

I wake up a bit earlier than my friend, since I have a working alarm (I know shocking right?). I get dressed, and do all my morning deeds. After that this would usually be the time I scroll mindlessly on social media, feeling jealous looking at other people's successful relationships. But I look over to my sleeping friend. He seemed to be sweating excessively and moaning but not in a good way (perverts). He looks like he's shaking.

"Must be another nightmare," I think. I start to tap him a bit.

"Yuuuuri~" I drag out his name. "Rise and shine ursine."

He jolts up and whispers something I can barely make out.

"Stop... it... stop," he looks like he saw a ghost. I wrap my arms around the worried cutlet.

"Another nightmare?" I question.

"Oh," he seemed to snap back to reality. "Yes, but I'm fine, truly."

I hug him tighter, "I'm not letting go until you tell me the truth," I pout. I know he could probably take me off with ease; since he's a powerhouse and I'm a bit of a twink, so he could overpower me pretty easilyq, but he's still a soft boy (🥺) so he caves.

"I guess I'm a bit shaken up," he tries to say calmly.

"This dream was different. Instead of exploiting my insecurities like they usually do they brought up my parents." he paused for a bit.

"And they..." he seems scared so I try to comfort him.

"It's okay, Yuri," I pat him on the back. "You don't have to tell me everything." He hugs me back, "Thanks, Phichit."

"Anything for ya," I exit the embrace and stand up. He gets out of bed as well.

"Imma get dressed," he states as he goes to the bathroom and shuts the door.

"What am I gonna do with you?" I think as I chuckle to myself, and go back to social to social media. The first picture that pulls up is a couple kissing each other with a cake next to them.

"Just us celebrating our anniversary" was the caption plus a lot of tags: #anniversary, #hubby, #loveofmylife, and many, many others.

I smiled one of those "I wanna kill myself" smiles and threw my phone on my bed. I faceplanted onto my bed and groaned loudly.

"I need a girlfriend," I say as I sit back up and grab my phone. I decide to go on Tik Tok, and get a few laughs.

You wanna guess what the very first video was;


"Bruh, come on."

I scroll again;

A Pov. Of An Toxic Breakup

"You've gotta be joking."


A comedian comes up.

"Finally," I say with relief. It doesn't last. He proceeds to talk about his life with his wife and his children.

"Do you hate me God?" I look up to the sky frown. I give up and start blasting music with headphones on. I start to mumble some of the lyrics:

Bottoms up

Bottoms up (up) Aye, what's in your cup Got a couple bottles but a couple ain't enoughI listened to the rest of the song until Yuri came out looking ready to go.

"Lookin sexy~" I point finger guns at him. He rolls his eyes.

"I swear you're just Chris in a different font," he states.

"Hey!" I pout. He laughs as he opens the door.

"After you," he bows while opening the door. "Hamster king," he smirks.

I roll my eyes, "You bet your thighs I am," I start walking to our class.

"Stop talking about my thighs," he complains, but we both laugh and head to class.


We get to class and sit in our usual spots. We were pretty early today, so we had plenty of time to talk.

"Sooooo~" I start. "Any tea?"

"Well, another pervert tried to do stuff to me," he responds. I would be mad, but I know who my bestie is.

"But you took care of all of em,"

"Not exactly," Yuri states. I was confused. Yuri usually takes care of these guys easily. "I may or may not have played around a liiitle~ to much," he chuckles awkwardly.

"What did you do?" Now I was a bit worried. This type of stuff usually happened to Yuri, because I mean... LOOK AT HIM, but he would take care of them easily. Sometimes when he wants to take out his emotions on something. He pulled his sleeve up on his arm a bit to show the beginning of a scar. I pull him lower to our table.

"Yuri!" I practically whisper yell.




"Well, as you already know I was "attacked," he starts. I nod. "Well they backed me in a corner and started talking, and their breaths S T A N K!" he emphasizes which makes me chuckle a bit. "So I started knocking them out 1 by 1, but I wanted to do it in style instead of just punching them in the face."

"Mhm," I listen to him.

"But I didn't knock 1 out completely..." he chuckles a bit.


"So he tried to rush me with a knife from behind."


"But you know that foreign exchange student, the 1 with the silver looking hair?"

"M, hm," I space out my word, a bit confused why he brought him up.

"Well, he warned me, so I moved out of the way." "But the robber still got my arm."

"Hm?" I am now very confused. "Hol up a sec, why was Viktor even there?"

"Oh, he came to the diner yesterday," Yuri states casually. I have more questions , but decide not to ask them.

"Continue," I state.

"He tackled and disarmed the guy." "I gotta admit he looked kinda hot while taking the man down," he said while doing the Debby Ryan.

"Simp," I state plainly.

"Hey!" he blows a raspberry towards me.

"What are we in, kindergarten?" I laugh.

"Anyways, he tended to my injury, I walked him to his car, and I... k-kissed him."

I spat out my imaginary tea. "YOU WHAT!"

"As a reward, I... kissed him on the lips," he chuckled nervously.

I sigh. "Why?" I ask. "You could've given him something else like, money."

"Because he looked like he had a crush on Eros," he spoke in the, sort of, third person. "Everyone always wants Eros."

I looked at him feeling a bit guilty. "Sorry, Yuri."

"It's fine, I'm used to it," he states which hurts me a bit. The mood seemed like it was going to changed, and I, Phichit Chulanont, wasn't going to let it. I laid on Yuri's lap.

"P-P-Phichit, what are you-" he stuttered.

"You should've just given him thigh pillows," I say while patting Yuri's thighs. "These things are beautiful," I kiss 1 of his thighs which makes him move a bit.

"You've got to be kidding me right now," Yuri seemed to be in a better mood.

Viktor's Pov.

I walked to class with Yuri, panicking about what happened last night.

"I got turned on by a boy, and Eros at that."

"How could I even like a person I just met."

I continued to question myself more and more. Yuri seemed to notice.

"You okay?" he asked bluntly. I snap out of it.

"Umm, y-yeah," I stutter a bit.

"Is this about yestarday," his accent got in the way a bit.

"Maybeee~" I made the word longer.

"Just forget about him," he states. I know he just wants to protect me, but he really needs to show more emotion.

"I can't!" I retaliate.

"Why!" he yells a bit.

"I don't know," I respond truthfully. We continue to cgo back and forth between each other until we reach class.

"We'll continue this later," I hope he forgets.

"Why not now!" he responds. I just walk in class.

"HEY, DON'T-" he and I both pause at what we see. We see Phichit laying on the other Yuri's thighs with a face like he was in heaven.

"Do you have a thigh fetish or something, get off!" Yuri tried to gently push him off.

"No, your thighs are just a different breed," Phichit clings onto Yuri. Then they both look up at us. Yuri immediately blushed.

"Oh, it's Viktor and Yurio!" Phichit sits up in 1 fast swoop.

"Don't call me that!" Yura responds.

"No, can do," Phichit smiles towards the aggressive kitty. Yurio just growled and sat down.

"What were you guys even doing?" Yurio asked.

"N-Nothing," Yuri stutters.

"Oh, I was just laying on the best pillows ever!" Phichit had stars in his eyes. "Thigh pillows!"

"Huh?" Yurio and I both question. Phichit gasp dramatically.

"You don't know what thigh pillows are!" Phichit looked at us as if we committed a murder.

"Sit my children," he lead us to empty seats behind them.

"Sorry," Yuri apologizes.

"It's fine," I flash a smile in his direction. He blushes a bit.


Phichit explains to us what thigh pillows are and how "important" they are to our culture.

"Just sounds like a thigh fetish to me," Yurio says.

"Nooo, you just need to try it," Phichit started sounding like a drug dealer.

"Aren't boys usually into boobs or something?" Yuri asks semi-serious. Phichit looked offended. We all imagined him with a chalkboard next to him, a pointer, and glasses on.

"First, boobs may be round and fit your head perfectly, but they move around to much, are uncomfortable, and inconvenient." "Don't get me started with a bra," he puts his hand up. "Thighs on the other hand are firm but soft, convenient, and very comfortable." "Usually people could only have some of these attributes, but..." he pointed at Yuri who tried to cover his face with his shirt. "My friend over here has the perfect thigh pillows!" The spotlight goes on Yuri's thigh and the camera zooms in.

"They look too firm, but are actually very soft."

"Are you advertising my thi-" Yuri starts but is shushed.

"Shhh," he put his finger on Yuri's mouth. He goes up to Yurio and I looking us weird. Then he lays on Yurio's legs.

"What the fu-" Yurio is cut off.

"Too thin," Phichit switches to my lap.

"Wha!" I blush.

"Too built." The he switches back to Yuri's. He immediately changes moods. The teacher walks in at the scene, stopping the little show.

"I'm... not even gonna ask." the teacher seemed done with us even though class just started.

~During Class~

The teacher asked a question no one would answer, so I answer so no one else is called. Then I started to have a flare up.

"Stop showing off"

"I'm not trying to-"

"Just stop"

"You don't have to be so ru-"

"Says the weirdo who's talking to himself"

"You started i-"

"Shut up"

"Stop activating a conversation"

"You should choke your friend while he's on your lap, completely helpless, hehe"

"Ooo, what if you made a bomb threat"

I tried to ignore the voice, because of his stupid request. But then I spotted a piece of paper.

"Throw it at her"


"Throw it at her"




The voice kept on laughing maniacally, trying to get me to throw it. I picked up the piece of paper and was bringing it up to my desk, until Phichit got my attention.

"Hey, Yuri are you okay." I jump a bit. "You've been spaced out for a while."

"I-It's fine, I respond partially out of focus. "I just need... the bathroom." I ask the teacher and go to the bathroom. I enter a stall and break down.

"Lord, SHUT UP"

I quiet down. I think this is another panic attack, but I think I calmed down a bit. I was about to go out, but my inner voice reminded me of something.

"Idiot you're gonna get us caught"

I was confused. The voice sighs.

"What's the result of tears?"

I stood there still not knowing what he's talking about.

"Red and swollen eyes"

I looked in the mirror, and he was right, my eyes were sore and red.

"Crap," I mutter to myself grabbing some paper towels and wetting them with cold water. I put the paper towels on my eyes; I knew this wouldn't do much, but I was in a hurry to escape this cold, gross place.

"Imma just check on him real quick!" I hear a voice and footsteps coming closer. Without a second thought I step a few steps backwards, close the stall, and lock the door.

"Are you okay in here, Yuri?" Phichit ask with concern.

"Yeah, I'm just having some stomach problems," I state. Luckily my voice wasn't cracky anymore.

"You better not be sick," Phichit sounded a bit intense.

"Don't worry, I'm not," I chuckle.

"Well then, see ya later," Phichit says cheerfully then leaves.

"Bye, bye," I respond then here the door close. After a couple more minutes the bruises faded enough for no one to be suspicious, so I exited the bathroom and went to class.

~~~~~Lunch Time~~~~~

I met up with Phichit on the bench from yesterday.

"Heya, buddy," he hugs me from behind.

"Hi," I had a sandwich in my mouth. We talked about the usual jobs and other things.

"So I talked to Gundham," Phichit says excited. "He's gonna let me babysits his Four Dark Devas of Destruction!" Phichit had stars in his eyes.

"Yay," I say sarcastically. He frowns.

"How could you not like Sun-D, Maga-G, Jum-P, and Cham-P!?" he asked nearly offended.

"They like to crawl on me while I sleep," I say.

"That's so cute tho!" Phichit tries to defend the animals. In all honesty I love them, but I like messing with Phichit more.

"So do you like them more or your hamsters," I continue to tease him. He playfully punches and kicks me.

"That's not fair, I love them both!" he continues to punch me. I laugh at him.

"Don't mock me!"

Viktor's Pov.

I'm heading out of class with Yuri when we bump into Chris.

"Heya," Chris comes out of nowhere.

"Jesu- manwhore!" Yura was startled and kicked Chris.

"Chris, are you okay?" I hurry to his aid. "Yuri, what was that for!?"

"Whoops, I thought he was an attacker," Yuri says in an unapologetic tone. I roll my eyes.

"You don't have to be so rough," Chris says getting up with ease. Yuri grunts. We all chat foe a bit while walking outside of campus, until we spot familiar faces. Yuri and Thigh Fet-, I mean Phichit.

"Hello!" I greet them with a smile.

"Oh, hey guys," Phichit stops what he was doing. We sit with them and chat until for a bit.


"Sorry guys I gotta go," Yuri (thighed one) stated as he was leaving.

"See ya later!" Phichit yells out to him.

"Bye, Yuri~" I smile. He waves goodbye and starts to turn around, right before he turns around I see him frown a bit, before completely leaving our sites.

"Was he sad or was it my imagination."


I'm soooo sorry for not uploading for a bit. I was busy with homework, Osu, and yaoi 😣. This chapter took waaaaay longer than expected.

Also sorry for making this super long; I couldn't find the right time to end the chapter.

Anyways Imma be pretty busy this week, so hopefully I can get a chapter out. Peace 😎