
show your fetish

A calm daily college story of a protagonist who can see a fetish

Arnnok · Fantasy
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10 Chs

<Episode 10> An unforgettable first experience (2) As

the quests including the tutorial were completed all at once , a message came to my mind . Looking at the achievements and whatnot, it seemed that there were rewards that I didn't know about .

' Damn it.'

Seo Joo-hwan swears inwardly. Compensation is not important now . What does the message mean in this situation? He put the message away right away.

level up? compensation? Of course it is important. But more important than that was this moment . I didn't want to interrupt my first experience with messages . Now lower your head and look down. "Juhwan-ah, make it harder."

Isn't that Jung So-ra talking while looking at her with wet eyes ? The heat that had cooled down for a moment because of the message jumped up. He replied with a strong nod.


Seo Joo-hwan moved his waist quickly . His thighs and buttocks collided, making a groaning sound. clap clap clap clap.

Every time I moved my waist, two peaks swayed. In response, a moan escaped Jeong So-ra's mouth.

"Hass. Aang!"

"ah. I love you, sister."

"Hah. I like it too. Joo Hwan-ah, make it harder ."

I want you to do it harder. I don't know why that word is so good . I was so excited about this situation where I was begging myself to do more .

'That Captain Jeong So-ra... !'

His direct superior is known for being cold and haughty. A woman like that was now under her feet, begging for more. Excitement is heightened by the strange sense of conquest. Seo Joo-hwan shook his waist with all his might, regardless of the excitement that was rising .

Puck puck puck!

"Ha ha! iced coffee! so good!"

"Hehehe, ah, ah… Alas!"

"iced coffee… huh? Joo, Joo Hwan-ah. Are you packing?"


"Ah. You can't wrap it inside!"

late. The sense of elation was already high .

Byurek. Wow!

Seo Joo-hwan wrapped up within a minute of inserting it .

"ah… ."

And Jeong So-ra looks at him in disappointment.

" I'm sorry."

Seo Joo-hwan apologized as if he had somehow become a sinner . Before he knew it , his alter ego returned to its mini size and slipped out of the cave. Along with him, a lot of vomited white liquid gushed out. The quantity was unnecessarily large for a cheap subject quickly. Jung So-ra let out a sigh. "ha. Fortunately, it 's a safe day."

"sorry… ."

"are you okay. I can't help it."

Jung So-ra smiled and said. But she could see it in his eyes. She was n't laughing . She didn't seem to show off , but her expression of dissatisfaction was subtly visible.

'This is how my pride as a man... .' It seemed that if he ended

his first experience like this, it would remain as a trauma . Seo Joo-hwan caught Jeong So-ra trying to get off the bed . "… why?"

"Sister, I am still fine."

"what? Oh, really."

Jung So-ra's eyes widened at those words. Her shrunken alter ego had suddenly grown again and was nodding her head . She was strong enough to think of a body that suffered from erectile dysfunction before returning . Seo Joo-hwan said in a stern voice.

" It was the first time a while ago . I'll do it right this time ." Sora noona burst out laughing at those words . Then she licks her lips and says.

" Was this really your first time?"


"Hmm. Then you can . because it's the first time Can you do well this time ?"

"Yes, no yes!"

"Ahaha. Did you get in the mood ? Alright, that's the company commander's order."

Saying so, Jung So-ra lays down on the bed again. She smiled and spread her arms to Seo Joo-hwan as if to tell him to come .

"Don't think too hard today . Because it's an unarmed training."

"Huh. And I will follow your orders." Seo Joo-hwan unknowingly replied with a alert attitude , noticing how bewitching

the figure was. At the same time , So-soo Yi, who had regained his energy , nodded his head and raised his allegiance.

Seo Joo-hwan immediately found a condom. Since it's a motel, there must be at least one condom . But Jung So-ra stopped him .

"You've already wrapped it inside , what are you looking for? Just come quickly ."

"Yes, yes."

In fact, I was looking for it out of etiquette because I was afraid what would be said if I didn't wear it. It wasn't that I didn't have a bit of anxiety, but I had already been born once, and now I don't want to wear rubber .

Seo Joo-hwan immediately climbed onto the bed and aimed the tip of the glans at the gap in the valley. And he bounced back at once.



Jung So-ra's valley was already wet. The cock moved forward unhindered and submerged all the way to the root . He shook his back. Better than before . It was the first time a while ago , so I was so excited that I couldn't even feel it properly. Wasn't there also an obstruction of the message ? But now I can fully appreciate this feeling . I could feel the vaginal wrinkles covering the root from the glans. When he was advancing, he caressed him as if he was happy, and when he was retreating , he held onto his cock tightly as if telling him not to leave . While I was shaking my waist like that, two white peaks came into my eyes. Two lumps that oscillate according to the movement of the waist . He fell on his face and buried his face in the valley . face gently

wrapped chest. Is this heaven! Seo Joo-hwan buried his face and vigorously shook his waist .

Jiggling jiggle jiggle.

"Aang! Make it harder, Juhwan-ah."

Jeong So-ra keeps moaning and shouting loudly. She seemed to like sex that was pushed hard with force .

At that, Seo Joo-hwan pulled out his cock, leaving only the glans . And repeat pushing all the way to the root at once . For him without technique, sex with force was more comfortable.

Puck, puck, puck, puck, puck!

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

Every time it hit hard, Jeong So-ra's moaning broke out like a staccato. It seemed good that his voice had gotten louder than before. The first feeling of pride rises

from the lower abdomen . Is this the satisfaction of being a man? The desire welled up in me . Seo Joo-hwan strongly bounced his back again . In the meantime, Jung So-ra's hand grabbed his face. Were you buried too deep in your chest ? Thinking so, Jung So-ra kissed her on the lips.


"I'm sorry."

At first it was a light kiss. But the kiss quickly turned into a deep kiss . Her lips covered her lips and her tongue tapped her teeth . He reflexively opened his lips and then tongue and tonguemet and became entangled .

'This is a kiss.'

First kiss and first sex today. who did it First kisses taste like lemon . Seo Joo-hwan's first kiss wasn't lemon, it was mint mixed with alcohol. As we

kissed, he realized. Kissing is harder than sex ! It's okay to shake your waist , but I couldn't figure out how to kiss. However, he left his lips and tongue in accordance with Jung So-ra's flow .

I'm sorry. Chuup. side.

Jeong So-ra was good at kissing. She tapped her teeth with her tongue , and she entwined her tongue like a snake. Goosebumps rose up as she swam as if she were exploring, and when she scanned the soft part of the roof of her mouth .


He had already been feeling a sense of ejaculation for more than three minutes since he had driven with all his might, and he put a lot of energy into the technique of sweeping the roof of his mouth . I tried to block the feeling of ejaculation by tightening his hips, but the limit was already reached. It turned out that it was not because of his first experience , but because it was just premature ejaculation . Even if he felt him, he opened his eyes wide and parted his lips . At the same time, Seo Joo-hwan pulled his cock out of the cave and discharged the semen he was holding back . A lot of white mucus was sprayed on Jung So-ra's belly.

Crying! burrrrrr.

"Sorry. Yep, Joo-hwan you again!"

Jeong So-ra frowned as if she couldn't stand it this time . " I thought I could do a little more… !"

Eyebrows rising to the sky as if announcing that they were angry. A wrinkled nose. he felt threatened. Can not be done. There is no face like this . He has to keep his pride.


Puck puck puck puck!

"Oh no?! Aaaah!"

"Huh! Suck!"

"Cheap, wasn't it cheap? Surely it was cheap?"

right. It was very cheap. However, Seo Joo-hwan's alter ego was still hard. He continued to move his hips . Rather, he even increased the tempo and pushed.

"Haha. Aang, aaaa!"

Did you like the tempo? Jeong So-ra let go of her mind again and let out a moan.

Looking at Jeong So-ra, Seo Joo-hwan expressed his gratitude inwardly . This was all thanks to one of the effects of the Blessing of the Dream Demon , 'energy welling up' .


Seo Joo-hwan finished it after wrapping a total of five times. Because of his status as a soldier , the amount accumulated was not negligible, but with the addition of the blessing of the dream demon, there was no other king of energy . No matter how much he shook him, his waist and thighs tightened from the middle, and Jung So-ra came upstairs.

'Oh, thinking about it makes me sick again.' I could still see how glamorous and sexy she was milling

from above . "Coo… ."

Jeong So-ra was sleeping soundly next to him . She wasn't pretending to sleep like before, she was really, really deeply asleep. When she got her second premature ejaculation certification, her sky-high eyes were tightly shut, and the slight smile on her lips looked quite satisfied .

Seo Joo-hwan rubbed the sleeping Jeong So-ra's chest and called out the message he had been putting off. [The tutorial quest has been completed.] [1,000LP will be paid as an additional achievement reward.] [ The desire system has risen to Lv 1 and the system has been fully activated.] [The helper function has been activated.]

[ You will receive 10,000 LP as a reward for the quest 『Violence your immediate superior』 .]

[Accomplished achievement, 『Crushing a rice cake with a boss』]

[5,000LP will be given as compensation.] [ Randomly acquire one of the top three talents

of Sora Jeong .] [Potential grade A, Baktu (搏鬪) Acquired.] [ Collect fetish, Fat Admirer (lower) to receive 3,000LP.] [Collect fetish, Olfactophilia (middle) to receive 5,000LP.]

A feast of messages that made my eyes dizzy . It feels like I got a reward from the game, so there is a great sense of achievement. Seo Joo-hwan calmly read the messages one by one. First of all, 11,000LP from the two quests . In addition to achieving unexpected achievements and collecting two fetishes, a total of 24,000LP was obtained .

' Is it a lot? I don't think it's less than that.' In

fact , he had no idea how much compensation 24,000LP was . Also, don't you know where LP is used ? On the contrary, the unexpectedly acquired Baktu talent was more sweet.

"What is the helper function ?"

[Hello, Master. I am the helper.]

"Heo Eok!"

Seo Joo-hwan gasped at the sudden voice in his head . It was fortunate that he managed to swallow the screams that were about to come out of his mouth .

The system spoke again into my head .

[ Sorry to startle you , Master.]

The appearance of apologizing is a very polite system. He calmed his mind and opened his mouth .

"it's okay. By the way, are you a helper?"

[yes. I am the one who helps the master use the desire system more smoothly .] 'In short, is it like game tips?' [Yes.] Upon hearing the answer, Seo Ju-hwan paused for a moment before repeating it to himself.

'… Did I just say something?' [ Communication is possible

without speaking .]

'That's very convenient, but what about my privacy?'

[I am a helper to the master . Even if they know about the master's secret or filthy desires, they will not do anything harmful. It would be more appropriate to say that it is not accurate .]

It wasn't such a problem, but he decided not to argue further . The helper's voice was clearly pleasant to listen to, but it felt somewhat mechanical . She seemed to be useless in discussing anything emotional .

'hmm. Then what's your name, Mr. Helper?'


'No name? Then what is he called?'

[You can call me helper. If you feel uncomfortable, you can call me 'ya' or 'you' . And I would appreciate it if you could stop being respectful.]

"Haha… ."

Seo Joo-hwan let out an awkward laugh and shook his head as if he couldn't help it .

'okay. I'll let go of the word. And speaking of names... Can I build one for you?'

[It would be an honor if the owner built it.] I'm

glad he didn't reject it. Seo Joo-hwan wondered if there would be an appropriate name for the system helper. First of all, the voice of the helper is that of a woman . Then she would be a good name for a woman. As she pondered, she came up with a suitable name .

'How about Lusy, named after 'Lu' and 'Sy' in Lust System ?'

[Lucy… ok Thanks for naming it. From now on, my name is Lucy.]

Seo Joo-hwan opened his eyes wide at Lucy's answer . It was because emotions seemed to pass through the inorganic voice . He said with a small smile .

'okay. Take care of me, Lucy.'

[Please take good care of me too, Master.]

It was a somewhat shy voice.

[Next 5 chapters will be posted after 3 review]