
Show Nerves

*PLEASE NOTE* the genre is fantasy romance, but its only because there was no realistic fiction option Brynn is just a normal 17 year old girl to most people. It figures, as she rarely talks about her hobbies. She's a professional equestrian, one of the best in her state. After she gets to more top competitions, people become burtaly honest with her, telling her because shes Indian and has daker skin she won't make it into her dream, the Olympics. They tell her this is not a broke person sport, and that she can't ride properly because she doesn't look like them. Can Brynn get through the comments, the school drama, the upcoming Hampton Classic Horse show, her new horse and show nerves?

flyy_fall · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 6

Brynn knew Greyson was playing with fire, but unlike a leaf, Colton was a canister of gasoline, and spark and boom.

"Excuse me?" Colton asked, taken back.

"Simple question, shall I spell it out?" Greyson replied, a small smile on his face.

Brynn swallowed deeply.

"You punk!" Colton said, standing up fast. Colton was never good at comebacks. Greyson stood up as well, but calmly. He was a tad bit taller than Colton. Brynn knew that Colton was going to start a fight. People were looking at them whispering and taking out their phones ready to record.

Brynn stood up, and pulled Greyson near her face. In his ear she whispered,

"Don't start a fight here, baby. Play nice." Greyson obeyed.

"Good boy," Brynn pured, quietly. People sat back down, but Colton walked to the restrooms. No one followed him. They just watched.

"Well that was fun." Biana laughed.

Brynn ran her hand over her face.

"I really didn't need this today, thank you very much." She sighed, talking to Greyson.

"Sorry,-" Brynn stopped him.

"Don't apologize, don't start it again, and I'll be fine." She complained. "And if you are going to apologize, apologize to Biana, you spilled her milk on her shirt," Brynn continued, annoyed.

"Sorry Biana," Greyson apologized, giving puppy dog eyes.

'You bastard." Biana laughed. Biana never held grudges. Ever. They finished up lunch and ended up looking at pictures of Biana's dog she was going to get in a few days.

Then the bell rang.

Brynn got up and stretched, ready to walk to the other side of the building again.

"This is exhausting." She complained 8 minutes later to Greyson.

"Wait- why are you here? You have a biomechanics class." Brynn questioned.

"I can be a little late," He whispered in her ear. She blushed, but smiled. They continued to walk until they finally reached the class. Their campus was extremely big. She walked into class and saw Greyson leave. Colton was in most of her classes, because they were technically best friends, and they signed up for the classes before they got into the argument.

Her Bioengineering class was a breeze, the school didn't have a harder course for bioengineering, so Brynn took this one. She usually ended up being the teacher, helping class while her teacher was on her phone. Her class was filled with freshmen and sophomores. That was the main reason she signed up for the class. It was fun to help, and it went to her volunteer hours if she were to get a job. She talked to students until the bell rang. She got a notification on her school's app. Pa-ping! She checked it.

Due to family reasons, I will have to cancel today. You can go home. Her tutoring for E.L.A. was canceled, so she decided to go to the barn. The only problem was, she didn't have a car at the campus, and Greyson had driven her.


Good god, what do you want? ~ Greyson

Help me ~ Brynn

WHAT do you need?! ~ Greyson

Can u take me to the barn :-: ~ Brynn

… ~ Greyson

Sure, gimme a second. ~ Greyson

Hryy up ~ Brynn

No ~ Greyson

Ur a pain ~ Brynn

Maybe :) ~ Greyson

🙄 ~ Brynn

Haha ~ Greyson

Stop laughing! Im here waiting for your sorry ass to come pick me up :( ~ Brynn

Your adorable when your mad ~ Greyson


Turn around 😉 ~ Greyson

… ~ Brynn

Brynn turned around to see Greyso leaning against a lamp post, his hair still messy and his tie flipped over. Brynn shook her head and walked over to him.

"1 hour, is all, I leave you alone and you look like you wrestled a green colt." She laughed. She fluffed his hair and fixed his tie.

'Alright, let's take you to the barn, and stop touching my hair" Greyson chuckled. Brynn saw he patted his pockets for the keys.

"Shit I can't find the-" He paused as Brynn jingled the keys. "Keys." He smiled. "I'll take that." He grabbed them.

"How did you get them?" He inquired. She put them back into his pocket and presented to fix the tie. With her right hand, she carefully took the keys.

"Damn, I can't even tell." What Greyson didn't know is how hard Brynn's heart was beating extremely fast. She bushed, and THAT gave it away to Greyson. He stepped back a little, laughing. He walked over to the Ferrari. There was, well, a massive scratch on the side. Greyson just stared at it.

"Fuck." He sighed. "My parents are going to kill me." Brynn was trying not to laugh. "Don't you dare laugh you little-" Greyson exclaimed, both laughing and trying not to scream in fear of his strict parents.

"Your fancy car you love almost more than Confident just got keyed, how am I supposed to not laugh?" Brynn said, giggling.

"Get in." Greyson said, rolling his eyes. Brynn elegantly hopped in, careful not to mess up her skirt.

"We can stay till 5:00, and we can run to your house so you can change." Greyson closed the door and put the car in reverse.

Short chapter, sorry! I didn't feel like writing much!

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