
The Capulus Winkel

We were drinking coffee in my favorite coffee shop "The Capulus Winkel" or simply "The Coffee Shop". It gives a relaxing ambiance, it will give you peace of mind. It's like a library it has lots of books you can read in different genres. We were silent about five minutes until I spoke and called him.

"Yes?" while looking at me gently.

"Let's be friends first again. I-uh-m not fully healed I'm broken. And I can't accept you and your love because I know that I don't deserve you yet. I need to be fixed again in order to live a fresh life. Please wait for me I know it is too much to ask. And I know it you'll probably get tire-" I was caught mid-sentence because he interrupts me.

"Shh Ika, don't worry never in my life I imagined myself getting tired of waiting for you. If it's you I won't get exhausted. Your my energy, my light, my sunshine you silly sunflower."